scholarly journals Study of the applicability of the curlometer technique with the four Cluster spacecraft in regions close to Earth

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 597-611 ◽  
S. Grimald ◽  
I. Dandouras ◽  
P. Robert ◽  
E. Lucek

Abstract. Knowledge of the inner magnetospheric current system (intensity, boundaries, evolution) is one of the key elements for the understanding of the whole magnetospheric current system. In particular, the calculation of the current density and the study of the changes in the ring current is an active field of research as it is a good proxy for the magnetic activity. The curlometer technique allows the current density to be calculated from the magnetic field measured at four different positions inside a given current sheet using the Maxwell-Ampere's law. In 2009, the CLUSTER perigee pass was located at about 2 RE allowing a study of the ring current deep inside the inner magnetosphere, where the pressure gradient is expected to invert direction. In this paper, we use the curlometer in such an orbit. As the method has never been used so deep inside the inner magnetosphere, this study is a test of the curlometer in a part of the magnetosphere where the magnetic field is very high (about 4000 nT) and changes over small distances (ΔB = 1nT in 1000 km). To do so, the curlometer has been applied to calculate the current density from measured and modelled magnetic fields and for different sizes of the tetrahedron. The results show that the current density cannot be calculated using the curlometer technique at low altitude perigee passes, but that the method may be accurate in a [3 RE; 5 RE] or a [6 RE; 8.3 RE] L-shell range. It also demonstrates that the parameters used to estimate the accuracy of the method are necessary, but not sufficient conditions.

2005 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 1849-1865 ◽  
C. Vallat ◽  
I. Dandouras ◽  
M. Dunlop ◽  
A. Balogh ◽  
E. Lucek ◽  

Abstract. The inner magnetosphere's current mapping is one of the key elements for current loop closure inside the entire magnetosphere. A method for directly computing the current is the multi-spacecraft curlometer technique, which is based on the application of Maxwell-Ampère's law. This requires the use of four-point magnetic field high resolution measurements. The FGM experiment on board the four Cluster spacecraft allows, for the first time, an instantaneous calculation of the magnetic field gradients and thus a measurement of the local current density. This technique requires, however, a careful study concerning all the factors that can affect the accuracy of the J estimate, such as the tetrahedral geometry of the four spacecraft, or the size and orientation of the current structure sampled. The first part of this paper is thus providing a detailed analysis of the method accuracy, and points out the limitations of this technique in the region of interest. The second part is an analysis of the ring current region, which reveals, for the first time, the large latitudinal extent of the ring current, for all magnetic activity levels, as well as the latitudinal evolution of the perpendicular (and parallel) components of the current along the diffuse auroral zone. Our analysis also points out the sharp transition between two distinct plasma regions, with the existence of high diamagnetic currents at the interface, as well as the filamentation of the current inside the inner plasma sheet. A statistical study over multiple perigee passes of Cluster (at about 4 RE from the Earth) reveals the azimuthal extent of the partial ring current. It also reveals that, at these distances and all along the evening sector, there isn't necessarily a strong dependence of the local current density value on the magnetic activity level. This is a direct consequence of the ring current morphology evolution, as well as the relative positioning of the spacecraft with respect to the bulk of the ring current. It also proves the existence of a substantial ring current at these distances, all over the evening and the post-midnight sector. Keywords. Magnetospheric physics (Current systems; Energetic particles, trapped; Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics)

2019 ◽  
Yanyan Yang ◽  
Chao Shen ◽  
Yong Ji

Abstract. It is generally believed that field aligned currents (FACs) and the ring current (RC) are two dominant parts of the inner magnetosphere. However, using the Cluster spacecraft crossing of the pre-midnight inner plasma sheet in the latitude region between 10° N and 30° N, it is found that, during large storm events, in addition to FACs and the RC, there also exist strong southward and northward currents, which cannot be FACs, because the magnetic field in these regions is mainly along the XY plane. Detailed investigation shows that both magnetic field lines (MFLs) and currents in these regions highly fluctuate. When the curvature of MFLs changes direction in the XY plane, the current also alternatively switches between southward and northward. Further analysis of the current generation mechanism indicates that the most reasonable candidate for the origin of these southward and northward currents is the curvature drift of energetic particles.

2010 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-140 ◽  
N. Yu. Ganushkina ◽  
M. W. Liemohn ◽  
M. V. Kubyshkina ◽  
R. Ilie ◽  
H. J. Singer

Abstract. Magnetic field and current system changes in Earth's inner magnetosphere during storm times are studied using two principally different modeling approaches: on one hand, the event-oriented empirical magnetic field model, and, on the other, the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) built around a global MHD simulation. Two storm events, one moderate storm on 6–7 November 1997 with Dst minimum about −120 nT and one intense storm on 21–23 October 1999 with Dst minimum about −250 nT were modeled. Both modeling approaches predicted a large ring current (first partial, later symmetric) contribution to the magnetic field perturbation for the intense storm. For the moderate storm, the tail current plays a dominant role in the event-oriented model results, while the SWMF results showed no strong tail current in the main phase, which resulted in a poorly timed storm peak relative to the observations. These results imply that the the development of a ring current depends on a strong force to inject the particles deep into the inner magnetosphere, and that the tail current is an important external source for the distortions of the inner magnetospheric magnetic field for both storms. Neither modeling approach was able to reproduce all the variations in the Bx and By components observed at geostationary orbit by GOES satellites during these two storms: the magnetopause current intensifications are inadequate, and the field-aligned currents are not sufficiently represented. While the event-oriented model reproduces rather well the Bz component at geostationary orbit, including the substorm-associated changes, the SWMF field is too dipolar at these locations. The empirical model is a useful tool for validation of the first-principle based models such as the SWMF.

2021 ◽  
Vol 87 (2) ◽  
Todd Elder ◽  
Allen H. Boozer

The prominence of nulls in reconnection theory is due to the expected singular current density and the indeterminacy of field lines at a magnetic null. Electron inertia changes the implications of both features. Magnetic field lines are distinguishable only when their distance of closest approach exceeds a distance $\varDelta _d$ . Electron inertia ensures $\varDelta _d\gtrsim c/\omega _{pe}$ . The lines that lie within a magnetic flux tube of radius $\varDelta _d$ at the place where the field strength $B$ is strongest are fundamentally indistinguishable. If the tube, somewhere along its length, encloses a point where $B=0$ vanishes, then distinguishable lines come no closer to the null than $\approx (a^2c/\omega _{pe})^{1/3}$ , where $a$ is a characteristic spatial scale of the magnetic field. The behaviour of the magnetic field lines in the presence of nulls is studied for a dipole embedded in a spatially constant magnetic field. In addition to the implications of distinguishability, a constraint on the current density at a null is obtained, and the time required for thin current sheets to arise is derived.

2018 ◽  
Vol 177 ◽  
pp. 08004
Łukasz Tomków

The model of a single Nuclotron-type cable is presented. The goal of this model is to assess the behaviour of the cable under different loads. Two meshes with different simplifications are applied. In the first case, the superconductor in the cable is modelled as single region. Second mesh considers individual strands of the cable. The significant differences between the distributions of the electric current density obtained with both models are observed. The magnetic field remains roughly similar.

1992 ◽  
Vol 170 (2) ◽  
pp. 549-562 ◽  
D. Glatzer ◽  
A. Forkl ◽  
H. Theuss ◽  
H. U. Habermeier ◽  
H. Kronmüller

2016 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Chander Bhan Mehta

Abstract The study is aimed at analysing thermal convection in a compressible couple stress fluid in a porous medium in the presence of rotation and magnetic field. After linearizing the relevant equations, the perturbation equations are analysed in terms of normal modes. A dispersion relation governing the effects of rotation, magnetic field, couple stress parameter and medium permeability have been examined. For a stationary convection, the rotation postpones the onset of convection in a couple stress fluid heated from below in a porous medium in the presence of a magnetic field. Whereas, the magnetic field and couple stress postpones and hastens the onset of convection in the presence of rotation and the medium permeability hastens and postpones the onset of convection with conditions on Taylor number. Further the oscillatory modes are introduced due to the presence of rotation and the magnetic field which were non-existent in their absence, and hence the principle of exchange stands valid. The sufficient conditions for nonexistence of over stability are also obtained.

2010 ◽  
Vol 28 (9) ◽  
pp. 1795-1805 ◽  
S. A. McLay ◽  
C. D. Beggan

Abstract. A physically-based technique for interpolating external magnetic field disturbances across large spatial areas can be achieved with the Spherical Elementary Current System (SECS) method using data from ground-based magnetic observatories. The SECS method represents complex electrical current systems as a simple set of equivalent currents placed at a specific height in the ionosphere. The magnetic field recorded at observatories can be used to invert for the electrical currents, which can subsequently be employed to interpolate or extrapolate the magnetic field across a large area. We show that, in addition to the ionospheric currents, inverting for induced subsurface current systems can result in strong improvements to the estimate of the interpolated magnetic field. We investigate the application of the SECS method at mid- to high geomagnetic latitudes using a series of observatory networks to test the performance of the external field interpolation over large distances. We demonstrate that relatively few observatories are required to produce an estimate that is better than either assuming no external field change or interpolation using latitudinal weighting of data from two other observatories.

2003 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 661-669 ◽  
E. J. Bunce ◽  
S. W. H. Cowley

Abstract. We examine the residual (measured minus internal) magnetic field vectors observed in Saturn’s magnetosphere during the Pioneer-11 fly-by in 1979, and compare them with those observed during the Voyager-1 and -2 fly-bys in 1980 and 1981. We show for the first time that a ring current system was present within the magnetosphere during the Pioneer-11 encounter, which was qualitatively similar to those present during the Voyager fly-bys. The analysis also shows, however, that the ring current was located closer to the planet during the Pioneer-11 encounter than during the comparable Voyager-1 fly-by, reflecting the more com-pressed nature of the magnetosphere at the time. The residual field vectors have been fit using an adaptation of the current system proposed for Jupiter by Connerney et al. (1981a). A model that provides a reasonably good fit to the Pioneer-11 Saturn data extends radially between 6.5 and 12.5 RS (compared with a noon-sector magnetopause distance of 17 RS), has a north-south extent of 4 RS, and carries a total current of 9.6 MA. A corresponding model that provides a qualitatively similar fit to the Voyager data, determined previously by Connerney et al. (1983), extends radially between 8 and 15.5 RS (compared with a noon-sector magnetopause distance for Voyager-1 of 23–24 RS), has a north-south extent of 6 RS, and carries a total current of 11.5 MA.Key words. Magnetospheric physics (current systems, magnetospheric configuration and dynamics, planetary magnetospheres)

2000 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 484-492 ◽  
P. A. Popovich ◽  
V. D. Shafranov

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