Monitoring and forecasting of marine pollution in the Mediterranean Sea: the ODYSSEA project approach

Katerina Spanoudaki ◽  
Nikolaos Kokkos ◽  
Konstantinos Zachopoulos ◽  
Georgios Sylaios ◽  
Nikolaos Kampanis ◽  

<p>The H2020 funded project ODYSSEA ( aims to make Mediterranean marine data easily accessible and operational to a broad range of users of the marine space. ODYSSEA develops an interoperable and cost-effective platform, fully integrating networks of observing and forecasting systems across the Mediterranean basin, addressing both the open sea and the coastal zone. The platform integrates marine data from existing Earth Observing Systems, such as Copernicus and EMODnet, receives and processes novel, newly produced datasets (through high-resolution models and on-line sensors such as a novel microplastics sensor) from nine prototype Observatories established across the Mediterranean basin, and applies advanced algorithms to organise, homogenise and fuse the large quantities of data in order to provide to various end-user groups and stakeholders both primary data and on-demand derived data services.</p><p>The nine ODYSSEA Observatories are established across the whole Mediterranean basin, covering also areas of marine data gaps along the North African and Middle East coastline. The Observatories comprise observing and forecasting systems and cover coastal and shelf zone environments, Marine Protected Areas and areas with increased human pressure. The operational forecasting system of the Observatories consists of a ‘chain’ of dynamically coupled, high-resolution numerical models comprised of a) the hydrodynamic model Delft3D-FLOW, b) the wave model Delft3D-WAVE (SWAN), c) the water quality model DELWAQ, d) the oil spill fate and transport model MEDSLIK-II, e) the ecosystem model ECOPATH, and f) the in-house mussel farm model developed by the Democritus University of Thrace. This operational system provides forecasts, early warnings and alerts for currents, waves, water quality parameters, oil spill pollution and ecosystem status. In this work, the ODYSSEA forecasting system (developed with the Delft-FEWS software) is implemented for simulating oil spill pollution for the Thracian Sea Observatory.  The area is biodiversity rich and an important spawning and nursery ground for small pelagic species, while in Kavala Gulf, oil exploitation takes place. The Lagrangian oil spill model MEDSLIK-II has been coupled to high-resolution oceanographic fields (currents, temperature, Stokes drift velocity), produced by Delft3D-FLOW and SWAN, and NOAA GFS atmospheric forcing. The hydrodynamic and wave models have been configured for the Thracian Sea based on dynamic downscaling of CMEMS products to a grid resolution of 1/120°. Seasonal hazard maps (surface oil slick, beached oil) are produced employing multiple oil spill scenarios using multi-year hydrodynamics. The results highlight the hazard faced by Thracian Sea Observatory coasts. </p><p><strong>Acknowledgements:</strong> This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme ODYSSEA: OPERATING A NETWORK OF INTEGRATED OBSERVATORY SYSTEMS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA, GA No 72727.</p>

2021 ◽  
Valeria Vaccher ◽  
Stefano Furlani ◽  
Sara Biolchi ◽  
Chiara Boccali ◽  
Alice Busetti ◽  

<p>The Mediterranean basin displays a variety of neotectonics scenarios leading to positive or negative vertical displacement, which change the vertical position of former coastlines. As a result, the best locations to evaluate former sea levels and validate sea-level models are tectonically stable areas. There are a number of coastal areas considered to be stable based on the elevation of paleo sea-level markers, the absence of historical seismicity, and by their position far from major Mediterranean faults. We report here the results of swim surveys carried out at such locations following the Geoswim approach described by Furlani (2020) in nine coastal sectors of the central Mediterranean Sea (Egadi Island - Marettimo, Favignana, Levanzo, Gaeta Promontory, Circeo Promontory, North Sardinia - Razzoli, Budelli, Santa Maria, NW Sardinia – Capocaccia, Maddalena Archipelago, Tavolara Island, East of Malta - Ahrax Point, Bugibba-Qawra, Delimara, Addura, Palermo, Ansedonia Promontory). All the sites are considered to be tectonically stable, as validated by the elevation of sea-level indicators. In fact, modern and MIS5.5 (last interglacial) m.s.l. altitudes fit well with accepted figures based upon field data and model projections. Starting from precise morphometric parameters such as the size of tidal notches and indicative landforms and biological structures, we have developed a procedure that integrates multiple geomorphological and biological descriptors applicable to the vast spectrum of locally diverse coastal situations occurring in the Mediterranean Sea. We took detailed measurements of features such as modern and MIS5.5 tidal notches at 146 sites in all the areas, the absence of modern tidal notch at Circeo promontory, shore platforms, and MIS5.5 marine terraces at Egadi islands, Malta, and Palermo. Biological structures were also measured. In particular, vermetid platforms at Egadi, Palermo and Malta. The morphometric characteristics of these indicators depend on 1) local geological and structural constraints, 2) local geomorphotypes, 3) climate, sea, and weather conditions that affect geomorphic and biological processes, and 4) the sea level change history.</p>

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2196 ◽  
Vinet ◽  
Bigot ◽  
Petrucci ◽  
Papagiannaki ◽  
Llasat ◽  

Recent events in Western Attica in Greece (24 deaths in November 2017), in the Balearic Islands (13 deaths in October 2018), and in southern France (15 deaths in October 2018) show that flood-related mortality remains a major concern in Mediterranean countries facing flash floods. Over the past several years, many initiatives have arisen to create databases on flood-related mortality. An international initiative started in 2011 pooling regional and national databases on flood mortality from region and/or countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The MEditerranean Flood Fatality Database (MEFF DB) brings together, in 2018, six Mediterranean regions/countries: Catalonia (Spain), Balearic Islands (Spain), Southern France, Calabria (Italy), Greece, and Turkey, and covers the period 1980–2018. MEFF DB is on progress and, every year, new data are included, but for this study, we kept only the preliminary data that were geolocated and validated on 31st of December 2018. This research introduces a new step in the analysis of flood-related mortality and follows the statistical description of the MEFF DB already published. The goals of this paper are to draw the spatial distribution of flood mortality through a geographical information system (GIS) at different spatial scales: country, NUTS 3 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics. Level 3) regions, catchment areas, and grid. A fatality rate (F: number of deaths/year/million of inhabitants) is created to help this analysis. Then, we try to relate mortality to basic (human or physical) drivers such as population density, rainfall seasonality, or rainfall frequency across the Mediterranean Basin. The mapping of F shows a negative mortality gradient between the western and the eastern parts of the Mediterranean Sea. The south of France appears to be the most affected region. The maps also highlight the seasonality of flood-related deaths with the same west–east gradient. It confirms that flood mortality follows the climatological seasonal patterns across the Mediterranean Basin. Flood-related fatalities mainly occur during the early fall season in the western part of the Mediterranean area, while the Easter Basin is affected later, in November or during the winter season. Eastern Turkey introduces another pattern, as mortality is more severe in summer. Mortality maps are then compared with factors that potentially contribute to the occurrence of flood fatalities, such as precipitation intensity (rainfall hazard), to explain geographical differences in the fatality rate. The density of a fatal event is correlated to the population density and the rainfall frequency. Conversely, the average number of deaths per event depends on other factors such as prevention or crisis management.

2005 ◽  
Vol 25 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 219-236 ◽  
M. G. Sotillo ◽  
A. W. Ratsimandresy ◽  
J. C. Carretero ◽  
A. Bentamy ◽  
F. Valero ◽  

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 647-662 ◽  
I. E. Huertas ◽  
A. F. Ríos ◽  
J. García-Lafuente ◽  
A. Makaoui ◽  
S. Rodríguez-Gálvez ◽  

Abstract. The exchange of both anthropogenic and natural inorganic carbon between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea through Strait of Gibraltar was studied for a period of two years under the frame of the CARBOOCEAN project. A comprehensive sampling program was conducted, which was design to collect samples at eight fixed stations located in the Strait in successive cruises periodically distributed through the year in order to ensure a good spatial and temporal coverage. As a result of this monitoring, a time series namely GIFT (GIbraltar Fixed Time series) has been established, allowing the generation of an extensive data set of the carbon system parameters in the area. Data acquired during the development of nine campaigns were analyzed in this work. Total inorganic carbon concentration (CT) was calculated from alkalinity-pHT pairs and appropriate thermodynamic relationships, with the concentration of anthropogenic carbon (CANT) being also computed using two methods, the ΔC* and the TrOCA approach. Applying a two-layer model of water mass exchange through the Strait and using a value of −0.85 Sv for the average transport of the outflowing Mediterranean water recorded in situ during the considered period, a net export of inorganic carbon from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic was obtained, which amounted to 25±0.6 Tg C yr−1. A net alkalinity output of 16±0.6 Tg C yr−1 was also observed to occur through the Strait. In contrast, the Atlantic water was found to contain a higher concentration of anthropogenic carbon than the Mediterranean water, resulting in a net flux of CANT towards the Mediterranean basin of 4.20±0.04 Tg C yr−1 by using the ΔC* method, which constituted the most adequate approach for this environment. A carbon balance in the Mediterranean was assessed and fluxes through the Strait are discussed in relation to the highly diverse estimates available in the literature for the area and the different approaches considered for CANT estimation. This work unequivocally confirms the relevant role of the Strait of Gibraltar as a controlling point for the biogeochemical exchanges occurring between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and emphasizes the influence of the Mediterranean basin in the carbon inventories of the North Atlantic.

2020 ◽  
Roberto Sabia ◽  
Estrella Olmedo ◽  
Giampiero Cossarini ◽  
Aida Alvera-Azcárate ◽  
Veronica Gonzalez-Gambau ◽  

<p>ESA SMOS satellite [1] has been providing first-ever Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) measurements from space for over a decade now. Until recently, inherent algorithm limitations or external interferences hampered a reliable provision of satellite SSS data in semi-enclosed basin such as the Mediterranean Sea. This has been however overcome through different strategies in the retrieval scheme and data filtering approach [2, 3]. This recent capability has been in turn used to infer the spatial and temporal distribution of Total Alkalinity (TA - a crucial parameter of the marine carbonate system) in the Mediterranean, exploiting basin-specific direct relationships existing between salinity and TA.</p><p>Preliminary results [4] focused on the differences existing in several parameterizations [e.g, 5] relating these two variables, and how they vary over a seasonal to interannual timescale.</p><p>Currently, to verify the consistency and accuracy of the derived products, these data are being validated against a proper ensemble of in-situ, climatology and model outputs within the Mediterranean basin. An error propagation exercise is also being planned to assess how uncertainties in the satellite data would translate into the final products accuracy.</p><p>The resulting preliminary estimates of Alkalinity in the Mediterranean Sea will be linked to the overall carbonate system in the broader context of Ocean Acidification assessment and marine carbon cycle.</p><p>References:</p><p>[1] J. Font et al., "SMOS: The Challenging Sea Surface Salinity Measurement From Space," in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 98, no. 5, pp. 649-665, May 2010. doi: 10.1109/JPROC.2009.2033096</p><p>[2] Olmedo, E., J. Martinez, A. Turiel, J. Ballabrera-Poy, and M. Portabella,  “Debiased non-Bayesian retrieval: A novel approach to SMOS Sea Surface Salinity”. Remote Sensing of Environment 193, 103-126 (2017).</p><p>[3] Alvera-Azcárate, A., A. Barth, G. Parard, J.-M. Beckers, Analysis of SMOS sea surface salinity data using DINEOF, In Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 180, 2016, Pages 137-145, ISSN 0034-4257,</p><p>[4] Sabia, R., E. Olmedo, G. Cossarini, A. Turiel, A. Alvera-Azcárate, J. Martinez, D. Fernández-Prieto, Satellite-driven preliminary estimates of Total Alkalinity in the Mediterranean basin, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-17605, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, April 7-12, 2019.</p><p>[5] Cossarini, G., Lazzari, P., and Solidoro, C.: Spatiotemporal variability of alkalinity in the Mediterranean Sea, Biogeosciences, 12, 1647-1658,, 2015.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Daria Sanna ◽  
Paolo Merella ◽  
Tiziana Lai ◽  
Sarra Farjallah ◽  
Paolo Francalacci ◽  

The bluespotted cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii) is an Indo-Pacific species that in the last ten years colonized a large part of the Mediterranean basin. The aim of this study was to sequence some portions of the mitochondrial DNA (D-loop II, 16S, 12S and Cyt b) of this fish from different localities of the Mediterranean Sea, in order to evaluate the level of its genetic variability in this area. The genetic analysis performed on specimens from seven localities of Sardinia, Tunisia and Libya revealed the presence of at least five mitochondrial lineages. The results obtained, compared with previous studies, indicate that the use of a sufficient number of mitochondrial regions may allow a more accurate estimate of genetic variability in lessepsian invasions.

2021 ◽  
Marc Diego-Feliu ◽  
Valentí Rodellas ◽  
Aaron Alorda-Kleinglass ◽  
Júlia Domínguez-Gabarró ◽  
Maarten Saaltink ◽  

<div><span>Fluxes of nutrients, metals, contaminants, among others dissolved compounds transported from land to oceans have a direct impact on coastal biogeochemical cycles. One of these land-ocean interaction mechanisms, recently recognized as an important source of these compounds, is the flow of groundwater from continental margins to the coastal ocean, commonly known as Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD). The Mediterranean coastline is characterized by the presence of ephemeral streams, geomorphological settings that act as preferential flow paths for both runoff and groundwater towards the sea. The Mediterranean Basin is highly influenced by strong precipitation events (>50 mm) that commonly occur during fall and spring seasons such as isolated depression at high levels events, locally named ‘gota-freda’. In such situations, runoff causes several social and environmental impacts along ephemeral streams that have been long recognized. However, when the surface water flow ceases, the subterranean part of ephemeral streams may continue supplying water and solutes to the coastal ocean via SGD. This process and its effects for coastal ecosystems have been largely overlooked. In this study, we evaluated the influence of a ‘gota-freda’ event on both the role of ephemeral streams as preferential areas for groundwater discharge and on the magnitude of SGD and SGD-derived nutrient fluxes. To do so, three seawater sampling campaigns were performed in a Mediterranean coastal region dominated by ephemeral streams (Maresme, Catalunya) after heavy rainfall events (~50 mm) and in baseflow conditions. Results of this study indicate that SGD flows are between 5 and 7 times higher after a strong precipitation event than in baseflow conditions indicating that the supply of nutrients and other dissolved compounds to the Mediterranean Sea is highly dependent on these events. This study highlights that this mechanism is a relevant process for coastal biogeochemical cycles of semi-arid regions such as the Mediterranean basin. </span></div>

2003 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 221-236 ◽  
G. Zodiatis ◽  
R. Lardner ◽  
A. Lascaratos ◽  
G. Georgiou ◽  
G. Korres ◽  

Abstract. A high resolution nested flow model for the coastal, shelf and open sea areas of the Cyprus Basin, NE Levantine, eastern Mediterranean Sea is implemented to fulfil the objectives of the Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot Project, funded by the EU. The Cyprus coastal ocean model is nested entirely within a coarse regional grid model of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, using the MODB climatology for initialisation and the ECMWF perpetual year surface forcing. The nested simulations of the Cyprus model were able to reproduce, with greater detail, flow features similar to those of the coarse grid regional model. The project results show the feasibility of the approach for the development of an operational forecasting system in the Mediterranean Sea, particularly in the Cyprus coastal/shelf sea area. Key words. Oceanography: general (descriptive and regional oceanography; numerical modelling) Oceanography: physical (general circulation)

2006 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 333-342 ◽  
Ll. Fita ◽  
R. Romero ◽  
C. Ramis

Abstract. A large number of high impact cyclones all over the Mediterranean basin have been reported on the data base of the MEDEX project ( A numerical study on the impacts and interactions of baroclinic and diabatic factors is carried out through a PV-based system of prognostic equations for 11 intense MEDEX cyclone episodes occurred in different zones of the basin (Western, Central and Eastern Mediterranean). The main aim of the study is to investigate the possible similarities and differences among the selected cases of the relative weight of the considered cyclogenetic factors on the cyclone evolutions as function of cyclone type and geographical area. A crucial role of the baroclinicity over the Mediterranean zone is obtained in most of the cases. A certain distinction can be also established in terms of the cyclogenesis areas (Africa, Mediterranean Sea, and Alpine region), and between west-central and eastern Mediterranean basins. It is generally observed that the considered baroclinic and diabatic factors cooperate most strongly for the cyclone deepening process when the disturbance reaches the Mediterranean sea.

2020 ◽  
Zohar Gvirtzman ◽  
Vinicio Manzi ◽  
Ran Calvo ◽  
Ittai Gavrieli ◽  
Rocco Gennari ◽  

<p>The Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) is an extreme event in Earth history during which a salt giant (>1×10<sup>6</sup> km<sup>3</sup>) accumulated on the Mediterranean seafloor within ~640 kyrs. The Messinian salt giant was formed about 6 million years ago when the restriction of water exchanges between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea turned the Mediterranean into an enormous saline basin. After more than 40 years of research, the timing and the depositional environments of shallow (<200 m) and intermediate (200-1000 m) water-depth Messinian basins are known quite well from onshore outcrops. But what happened in the deepest portions of the Mediterranean Sea is still unclear, because the information about offshore successions is mainly based on geophysical data with no rock samples that can be dated.</p> <p>The Levant Basin is the only deep Mediterranean basin where the entire Messinian section has been penetrated by wells tied to high resolution 3D seismic surveys. Here we present two studies challenging the desiccation paradigm dominating the MSC scientific literature for more than 40 years.</p> <p>The first study focuses on the nearly flat top erosion surface (TES) that truncates a basinward-tilted Messinian evaporitic succession. This truncation is commonly interpreted to be the result of subaerial erosion at the end of the MSC. However, based on high resolution seismic surveys and wireline logs, we show that (1) the TES is actually an intra-Messinian truncation surface (IMTS) located ~100 m below the Messinian-Zanclean boundary; (2) the topmost, post-truncation, Messinian unit is very different from the underlying salt deposits and consists mostly of shale, sand, and anhydrite showing typical <sup>87</sup>Sr/<sup>86</sup>Sr values and fauna assemblages from stage 3; and (3) the flat IMTS is a dissolution surface related to significant dilution and stratification of the water column during the transition from stage 2 to stage 3. We suggest that dissolution occurred upslope where salt rocks at the seabed were exposed to the upper diluted brine, while downslope the salt rocks were preserved because submerged in the deeper halite-saturated layer. The model, which requires a stratified water column, is inconsistent with a complete desiccation of the eastern Mediterranean Sea.</p> <p>The second study focuses on the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis in the deep Eastern Mediterranean basin. Biostratigraphy and astronomical tuning of the Messinian pre-salt succession in the Levant Basin allows for the first time the reconstruction of a detailed chronology of the MSC events in deep setting and their correlation with marginal records that supports the CIESM (2008) 3-stage model. Our main conclusions are (1) MSC events were synchronous across marginal and deep basins, (2) MSC onset in deep basins occurred at 5.97 Ma, (3) only foraminifera-barren, evaporite-free shales accumulated in deep settings between 5.97 and 5.60 Ma, (4) deep evaporites (sulfate and halite) deposition started later, at 5.60 Ma. The wide synchrony of events implies inter-sub-basin connection during the whole salinity crisis and is not compatible with large sea-level fall that would have separated the eastern and western basins producing diachronic processes.</p>

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