Global coronal and heliospheric magnetic field modelling for Solar Orbiter
<p>Computing the solar coronal magnetic field and plasma<br>environment is an important research topic on it's own right<br>and also important for space missions like Solar Orbiter to<br>guide the analysis of remote sensing and in-situ instruments.<br>In the inner solar corona plasma forces can be neglected and<br>the field is modelled under the assumption of a vanishing<br>Lorentz-force. Further outwards (above about two solar radii)<br>plasma forces and the solar wind flow has to be considered.<br>Finally in the heliosphere one has to consider that the Sun<br>is rotating and the well known Parker-spiral forms.<br>We have developed codes based on optimization principles<br>to solve nonlinear force-free, magneto-hydro-static and<br>stationary MHD-equilibria. In the present work we want to<br>extend these methods by taking the solar rotation into account.</p>