Recent and active deformation in the North Evia domain, a diffuse plate boundary between Eurasia and Aegean plates in the Western termination of the North Anatolian Fault. 

Fabien Caroir ◽  
Frank Chanier ◽  
Virginie Gaullier ◽  
Julien Bailleul ◽  
Agnès Maillard-Lenoir ◽  

<p>The Anatolia-Aegean microplate is currently extruding toward the South and the South-West. This extrusion is classically attributed to the southward retreat of the Aegean subduction zone together with the northward displacement of the Arabian plate. The displacement of Aegean-Anatolian block relative to Eurasia is accommodated by dextral motion along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), with current slip rates of about 20 mm/yr. The NAF is propagating westward within the North Aegean domain where it gets separated into two main branches, one of them bordering the North Aegean Trough (NAT). This particular context is responsible for dextral and normal stress regimes between the Aegean plate and the Eurasian plate. South-West of the NAT, there is no identified major faults in the continuity of the NAF major branch and the plate boundary deformation is apparently distributed within a wide domain. This area is characterised by slip rates of 20 to 25 mm/yr relative to Eurasian plate but also by clockwise rotation of about 10° since ca 4 Myr. It constitutes a major extensional area involving three large rift basins: the Corinth Gulf, the Almiros Basin and the Sperchios-North Evia Gulf. The latter develops in the axis of the western termination of the NAT, and is therefore a key area to understand the present-day dynamics and the evolution of deformation within this diffuse plate boundary area.</p><p>Our study is mainly based on new structural data from field analysis and from very high resolution seismic reflexion profiles (Sparker 50-300 Joules) acquired during the WATER survey in July-August 2017 onboard the R/V “Téthys II”, but also on existing data on recent to active tectonics (i.e. earthquakes distribution, focal mechanisms, GPS data, etc.). The results from our new marine data emphasize the structural organisation and the evolution of the deformation within the North Evia region, SW of the NAT.</p><p>The combination of our structural analysis (offshore and onshore data) with available data on active/recent deformation led us to define several structural domains within the North Evia region, at the western termination of the North Anatolian Fault. The North Evia Gulf shows four main fault zones, among them the Central Basin Fault Zone (CBFZ) which is obliquely cross-cutting the rift basin and represents the continuity of the onshore Kamena Vourla - Arkitsa Fault System (KVAFS). Other major fault zones, such as the Aedipsos Politika Fault System (APFS) and the Melouna Fault Zone (MFZ) played an important role in the rift initiation but evolved recently with a left-lateral strike-slip motion. Moreover, our seismic dataset allowed to identify several faults in the Skopelos Basin including a large NW-dipping fault which affects the bathymetry and shows an important total vertical offset (>300m). Finally, we propose an update of the deformation pattern in the North Evia region including two lineaments with dextral motion that extend southwestward the North Anatolian Fault system into the Oreoi Channel and the Skopelos Basin. Moreover, the North Evia Gulf domain is dominated by active N-S extension and sinistral reactivation of former large normal faults.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (12) ◽  
pp. 1297-1308 ◽  
Jeffrey A. Karson ◽  
Bryndís Brandsdóttir ◽  
Páll Einarsson ◽  
Kristján Sæmundsson ◽  
James A. Farrell ◽  

Major transform fault zones link extensional segments of the North American – Eurasian plate boundary as it transects the Iceland Hotspot. Changes in plate boundary geometry, involving ridge jumps, rift propagation, and related transform fault zone migration, have occurred as the boundary has moved relative to the hotspot. Reconfiguration of transform fault zones occurred at about 6 Ma in northern Iceland and began about 3 Ma in southern Iceland. These systems show a range of different types of transform fault zones, ranging from diffuse, oblique rift zones to narrower, well-defined, transform faults oriented parallel to current plate motions. Crustal deformation structures correlate with the inferred duration and magnitude of strike-slip displacements. Collectively, the different expressions of transform zones may represent different stages of development in an evolutionary sequence that may be relevant for understanding the tectonic history of plate boundaries in Iceland as well as the structure of transform fault zones on more typical parts of the mid-ocean ridge system.

2020 ◽  
Basil Tikoff ◽  
Vasili Chatzaras ◽  
Timothy Chapman ◽  
Naomi Barshi ◽  
Ercan Aldanmaz ◽  

<p>The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) is a 1200-km-long, dextral intracontinental transform fault zone, and initiated ca. 13–11 Ma ago.  The NAFZ formed in response to the N-S convergence of the Eurasian and Arabian plates, accommodated by the westward motion of the Anatolia plate relative to Eurasia plate.  Mantle xenoliths were sampled in late Miocene (11.68±0.25 to 6.47±0.47 Ma) alkali basalts and basanites, immediately N of the trace of the North Anatolian fault, and were previously interpreted to sample the mantle portion of the North Anatolian fault/shear zone at depth.  The studied xenoliths are mainly spinel lherzolites and harzburgites.  Equilibration temperatures estimated from two-pyroxene geothermometers range from 775 to 975 °C, while pressures estimated from the Cr in clinopyroxene geobarometer and pseudosection modelling range from 12 to 22 kbar, which correspond to depths of 40–80 km.  We used high‐resolution X-ray computed tomography to quantify the xenolith fabric defined by the 3D shape preferred orientation of spinel grains.  Spinel displays dominantly oblate fabric ellispoids, consistent with flattening strain.  Olivine has two main crystallographic preferred orientation patterns, the axial-[010] and the A-type, determined with electron backscatter diffraction.  The axial-[010] pattern is consistent with the spinel fabric and other microstructures that show flattening strains.  To further constrain the strain path, we analyze the crystallographic vorticity axes in olivine, which show a complex pattern.  Our results are consistent with an interpretation of transpressional deformation in the upper mantle below the NAFZ, during the early stages of the development of the transform system.  Transpressional deformation is consistent with collision-induced, strike-slip extrusion of Anatolia.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 53 (11) ◽  
pp. 1416-1439 ◽  
Xavier Le Pichon ◽  
A.M. Celâl Şengör ◽  
Julia Kende ◽  
Caner İmren ◽  
Pierre Henry ◽  

We document the establishment of the Aegea–Anatolia/Eurasia plate boundary in Pliocene–Pleistocene time. Before 2 Ma, no localized plate boundary existed north of the Aegean portion of the Anatolia plate and the shear produced by the motion of Anatolia–Aegea with respect to Eurasia was distributed over the whole width of the Aegean – West Anatolian western portion. In 4.5 Ma, a shear zone comparable to the Gulf of Corinth was formed in the present Sea of Marmara. The initial extensional basins were cut by the strike-slip Main Marmara Fault system after 2.5 Ma. Shortly after, the plate boundary migrated west of the Sea of Marmara along the northern border of Aegea from the North Aegean Trough, to the Gulf of Corinth area and to the Kefalonia Fault. There, it finally linked with the northern tip of the Aegean subduction zone, completing the system of plate boundaries delimiting the Anatolia–Aegea plate. We have related the change in the distribution of shear from Miocene to Pliocene to the formation of a relatively undeforming Aegea block in Pliocene that forced the shear to be distributed over a narrow plate boundary to the north of it. We attribute the formation of this block to the northeastward progression of the oceanic Ionian slab. We propose that the slab cuts the overlying lithosphere from asthenospheric sources and induces a shortening environment over it.

2018 ◽  
George Taylor ◽  
Sebastian Rost ◽  
Gregory Houseman ◽  
Gregor Hillers

Abstract. We use observations of surface waves in the ambient noise field recorded at a dense seismic array to image the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) in the region of the 1999 magnitude 7.6 Izmit earthquake in western Turkey. The NAFZ is a major strike slip fault system extending ~ 1200 km across northern Turkey and poses a high level of seismic hazard, particularly to the city of Istanbul. Assuming isotropy, we obtain maps of phase velocity variation using surface wave tomography applied to Rayleigh and Love waves and construct high resolution images of S-wave velocity in the upper 10 km of a 70 km by 30 km region around Lake Sapanca. We observe low S-wave velocities (< 2.5 km s−1) associated with the Adapazari and Pamukova sedimentary basins, as well as the northern branch of the NAFZ. In the Armutlu Block, between the two major branches of the NAFZ, we detect higher velocities (> 3.2 km s−1) associated with a shallow crystalline basement. We measure azimuthal anisotropy in our phase velocity observations, with the fast direction seeming to align with the direction of maximum extension for the region (~ 45°). The signatures of both the northern and southern branches of the NAFZ are clearly associated with strong gradients in seismic velocity that also denote the boundaries of major tectonic units. Our results suggest that the development of the NAFZ has exploited this pre-existing contrast in physical properties.

C. Berk Biryol ◽  
George Zandt ◽  
Susan L. Beck ◽  
A. Arda Ozacar ◽  
Hande E. Adiyaman ◽  

Solid Earth ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 363-378 ◽  
George Taylor ◽  
Sebastian Rost ◽  
Gregory A. Houseman ◽  
Gregor Hillers

Abstract. We use observations of surface waves in the ambient noise field recorded at a dense seismic array to image the North Anatolian Fault zone (NAFZ) in the region of the 1999 magnitude 7.6 Izmit earthquake in western Turkey. The NAFZ is a major strike-slip fault system extending ∼1200 km across northern Turkey that poses a high level of seismic hazard, particularly to the city of Istanbul. We obtain maps of phase velocity variation using surface wave tomography applied to Rayleigh and Love waves and construct high-resolution images of S-wave velocity in the upper 10 km of a 70 × 30 km region around Lake Sapanca. We observe low S-wave velocities (<2.5 km s−1) associated with the Adapazari and Pamukova sedimentary basins, as well as the northern branch of the NAFZ. In the Armutlu Block, between the two major branches of the NAFZ, we image higher velocities (>3.2 km s−1) associated with a shallow crystalline basement. We measure azimuthal anisotropy in our phase velocity observations, with the fast direction seeming to align with the strike of the fault at periods shorter than 4 s. At longer periods up to 10 s, the fast direction aligns with the direction of maximum extension for the region (∼45∘). The signatures of both the northern and southern branches of the NAFZ are clearly associated with strong gradients in seismic velocity that also denote the boundaries of major tectonic units. Our results support the conclusion that the development of the NAFZ has exploited this pre-existing contrast in physical properties.

2017 ◽  
Vol 122 (6) ◽  
pp. 4208-4236 ◽  
Maor Kaduri ◽  
Jean-Pierre Gratier ◽  
François Renard ◽  
Ziyadin Çakir ◽  
Cécile Lasserre

2013 ◽  
Vol 193 (2) ◽  
pp. 664-677 ◽  
T. Kaya ◽  
T. Kasaya ◽  
S. B. Tank ◽  
Y. Ogawa ◽  
M. K. Tuncer ◽  

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