phase velocity
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Jiahong Hou ◽  
Zhijun Zhang ◽  
Dong Li

Abstract This paper proposed a two-dimensional lattice structure with a nested core. The bandgap distribution and the anisotropy of phase velocity and group velocity were studied based on Bloch’s theorem and finite element method. The effects of eccentric ratio (e) and rotation angle (θ) of dual-phase structure on the bandgap distribution were investigated, and the anisotropy was studied via phase velocity and group velocity. The structure of (e) = 0.3 displayed the maximum total bandgap width. With (θ) increasing, the total bandgap widths of structures of different (e) all increased apparently and the low-frequency bandgap properties were improved. The phase velocity and group velocity of (e) = 0 displayed strong anisotropy, and the anisotropy was tuned by tuning (θ). Furthermore, the group velocity of the eighth mode displayed high directional wave propagation. For practical application, a single-phase structure was proposed and analyzed. Through additive manufacturing technology, the single-phase structure was prepared and tested by a low amplitude test setup. The experimental results displayed a good agreement with numerical results which demonstrated high directional propagation. This finding may pave the way for the practical application of the proposed lattice metamaterial in terms of wave filtering.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Reza Bahaadini ◽  
Ali Reza Saidi

Abstract According to the nonlocal strain gradient theory, wave propagation in magnetic nanotubes conveying magnetic nanoflow under longitudinal magnetic field is inspected. The nonlocal strain gradient Timoshenko beam model is coupled with magnetic nanoflow considering slip boundary condition to model fluid structure interaction. By applying Hamilton’s principle, the size-dependent governing equations of motion have been obtained. Calculation of the wave frequency as well as phase velocity has been carried out based on the harmonic solution. The influences of strain gradient length scale, nonlocal parameter, Knudsen number, longitudinal magnetic field and magnetic nanoflow on nanotubes’ wave propagation behavior have been examined. According to analytical results, the magnetic intensity related to the longitudinal magnetic field contributes significantly to increasing nanotubes’ wave frequency as well as phase velocity. Besides, the magnetic nanotubes conveying magnetic nanoflow predict the highest phase velocity and wave frequency. Also, the wave frequency decrease when the nonlocal parameter increases or the strain gradient length scale decreases. Moreover, an increase in fluid velocity reduces the wave frequency and phase velocity. Article highlights The nonlocal strain gradient Timoshenko beam model is considered. Wave propagation in magnetic nanotubes conveying magnetic nanoflow is studied. Longitudinal magnetic field and magnetic nanoflow with considering slip boundary condition is inspected. Wave frequency decrease when the nonlocal parameter increases or the strain gradient length scale decreases. Increase in fluid velocity reduces the wave frequency and phase velocity.

Geophysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-74
Bowen Li ◽  
Alexey Stovas

Characterizing the kinematics of seismic waves in elastic orthorhombic media involves nine independent parameters. All wave modes, P-, S1-, and S2-waves, are intrinsically coupled. Since the P-wave propagation in orthorhombic media is weakly dependent on the three S-wave velocity parameters, they are set to zero under the acoustic assumption. The number of parameters required for the corresponding acoustic wave equation is thus reduced from nine to six, which is very practical for the inversion algorithm. However, the acoustic wavefields generated by the finite-difference scheme suffer from two types of S-wave artifacts, which may result in noticeable numerical dispersion and even instability issues. Avoiding such artifacts requires a class of spectral methods based on the low-rank decomposition. To implement a six-parameter pure P-wave approximation in orthorhombic media, we develop a novel phase velocity approximation approach from the perspective of decoupling P- and S-waves. In the exact P-wave phase velocity expression, we find that the two algebraic expressions related to the S1- and S2-wave phase velocities play a negligible role. After replacing these two algebraic expressions with the designed constant and variable respectively, the exact P-wave phase velocity expression is greatly simplified and naturally decoupled from the characteristic equation. Similarly, the number of required parameters is reduced from nine to six. We also derive an approximate S-wave phase velocity equation, which supports the coupled S1- and S2-waves and involves nine independent parameters. Error analyses based on several orthorhombic models confirm the reasonable and stable accuracy performance of the proposed phase velocity approximation. We further derive the approximate dispersion relations for the P-wave and the S-wave system in orthorhombic media. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the corresponding P- and S-wavefields are free of artifacts and exhibit good accuracy and stability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 110
Xiaoming Xu ◽  
Dazhou Zhang ◽  
Xiang Huang ◽  
Xiaoman Cao

The North China Craton (NCC) has experienced strong tectonic deformation and lithospheric thinning since the Cenozoic. To better constrain the geodynamic processes and mechanisms of the lithospheric deformation, we used a linear damped least squares method to invert simultaneously Rayleigh wave phase velocity and azimuthal anisotropy at periods of 10–80 s with teleseismic data recorded by 388 permanent stations in the NCC and its adjacent areas. The results reveal that the anomalies of Rayleigh wave phase velocity and azimuthal anisotropy are in good agreement with the tectonic domains in the study area. Low-phase velocities appear in the rift grabens and sedimentary basins at short periods. A rotation pattern of the fast axis direction of the Rayleigh wave together with a distinct low-velocity anomaly occurs around the Datong volcano. A NW–SE trending azimuthal anisotropy and a low-velocity anomaly at periods of 60–80 s are observed subparallel to the Zhangbo fault zone. The whole lithosphere domain of the Ordos block shows a high-phase velocity and counterclockwise rotated fast axis. The northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau is dominated by a low-velocity and coherent NW–SE fast axis direction. We infer that the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate and eastward material escape of the Tibetan plateau mainly contribute to the deformation of the crust and upper mantle in the NCC.

Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Duoxing Yang ◽  
Lianzhong Zhang

Propagation of pore pressure and stress in water-saturated elastic porous media is theoretically investigated when considering the Darcy-Brinkman law. The wave mode, phase velocity, phase lag, damping factor, and characteristic frequency are found from the updated mathematic model. The Brinkman term describes the fluid viscous shear effects and importantly contributes to the dispersion relation and wave damping. The coincidence of the properties of Biot waves of the first and second kinds occurs at a characteristic frequency, which is remarkably influenced by the Brinkman term. A key finding is that, compared to the Darcy-Brinkman law, Darcy’s law overestimates the phase velocity, damping, and phase lag of the first wave, while underestimates the phase velocity, damping, and phase difference of the second wave. The introduction of the Darcy-Brinkman law yields an improved description of the damping of the compressional wave modes in saturated porous media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 137 (1) ◽  
Basant K. Jha ◽  
Dauda Gambo

AbstractThis research work inspects mass transport phenomenon of Saffman’s dusty fluid model for transient magnetohydrodynamics fluid flow of a binary mixture passing through an annular duct. Particularly, effort has been devoted to theoretically explore the role of velocity of applied magnetic field. Here, our treatment of the governing momentum equations accountable for the flow is done using the classical Laplace transform technique and Riemann-Sum Approximation. The effects of the physical parameters such as time, relaxation time parameter, radii ratio, Hartmann number, variable mass parameter and velocity of applied magnetic field on the fluid phase velocity, dust phase velocity and skin friction have been illustrated pictorially. It is concluded that contrary to the known classical effect of boosting Hartmann number on velocity, both components of flow (fluid and dust phase) and skin friction are seen to be heightened with an overwhelming presence of velocity of applied magnetic field. For large time, it is anticipated that higher profiles for velocity and skin friction are seen with fluid phase and an accelerated moving wall.

Agostiny Marrios Lontsi ◽  
Anastasiia Shynkarenko ◽  
Katrina Kremer ◽  
Manuel Hobiger ◽  
Paolo Bergamo ◽  

AbstractThe phase-velocity dispersion curve (DC) is an important characteristic of the propagation of surface waves in sedimentary environments. Although the procedure for DC estimation in onshore environments using ambient vibration recordings is well established, the DC estimation in offshore environments using Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) array recordings of ambient vibrations presents three additional challenges: (1) the localization of sensors, (2) the orientation of the OBS horizontal components, and (3) the clock error. Here, we address these challenges in an inherent preprocessing workflow to ultimately extract the Love and Scholte wave DC from small aperture OBS array measurements performed between 2018 and 2020 in Lake Lucerne (Switzerland). The arrays have a maximum aperture of 679 m and a maximum deployment water depth of 81 m. The challenges related to the OBS location on the lake floor are addressed by combining the multibeam bathymetry map and the backscatter image for the investigated site with the differential GPS coordinates of the OBS at recovery. The OBS measurements are complemented by airgun surveys. Airgun data are first used to estimate the misorientation of the horizontal components of the OBS and second to estimate the clock error. To assess the robustness of the preprocessing workflow, we use two array processing methods, namely the three-component high-resolution frequency-wavenumber and the interferometric multichannel analysis of surface waves, to estimate the dispersion characteristics of the propagating Scholte and Love waves for one of the OBS array sites. The results show the effectiveness of the preprocessing workflow. We observe the phase-velocity dispersion curve branches in the frequency range between 1.2 and 3.2 Hz for both array processing techniques.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (24) ◽  
pp. 3243
Ambreen Afsar Khan ◽  
Anum Dilshad ◽  
Mohammad Rahimi-Gorji ◽  
Mohammad Mahtab Alam

Considering the propagation of an SH wave at a corrugated interface between a monoclinic layer and heterogeneous half-space in the presence of initial stress. The inhomogeneity in the half-space is the causation of an exponential function of depth. Whittaker’s function is employed to find the half-space solution. The dispersion relation has been established in closed form. The special cases are discussed, and the classical Love wave equation is one of the special cases. The influence of nonhomogeneity parameter, coupling parameter, and depth of irregularity on the phase velocity was studied.

2021 ◽  
pp. 72-74
V.V. Ognivenko

Acceleration of electrons in the field of two electromagnetic waves propagating in a slowing down medium in the direction of motion of electrons is considered under conditions when one of the waves propagates with a phase velocity greater than the velocity of electrons, and the other with a phase velocity less than the velocity of electrons. Taking into account deceleration by radiation, we determine dependence of the electron energy on the coordinate along the direction of acceleration. Thus, we obtain the expression for the maximum electron energy and effective acceleration length.

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