Periodic alterations of the hydrological exchange in hyporheic sediments: colmation, hyporheic fauna and abiotic parameters in a second order stream during one year 

Heide Stein ◽  
Hans Jürgen Hahn

<p>In this study, the temporal variability of the hydrological exchange between stream water (SW) and groundwater (GW), colmation, hyporheic invertebrate fauna, organic matter (OM) and physicochemical parameters were examined for the period of one year. Sampling and measuring were conducted monthly from May 2019 to April 2020 at the Guldenbach river, a second order stream in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. All hyporheic samples were extracted from a depth of 15 cm below stream bottom. Colmation was measured quantitatively in the same depth.</p><p>Following the biotic and abiotic patterns found, three temporal stages of different hydrological conditions can be described:</p><ul><li>1) Strong floods, in February and March 2020 caused hydromorphological alterations of the river bed, leading to a decolmation of the hyporheic zone, a wash out of OM and hyporheic fauna. Due to high GW tables the vertical hydrological gradient (VHG) was positive indicating upwelling GW.</li> <li>2) In the months of Mai to August 2019 and April 2020, precipitation and stream discharge were lowest. Predominantly exfiltrating conditions were observed, while the amount of fine sediments (clay and silt) increased as well as colmation. High densities of hyporheic fauna, dominated by fine sediment dwelling taxa, were assessed.</li> <li>3) From September 2019 to January 2020 stream discharge was low. The VHG became increasingly negative, indicating downwelling SW. In accordance, colmation increased continuously, while densities of hyporheic invertebrates decreased and sediment dwellers became more dominant.</li> </ul><p>Precipitation, discharge events and GW table were found to be the driving factors for the annual dynamics of the hydrological exchange as well as for colmation, fauna and hydrochemistry. Electric conductivity seems a suitable indicator for the origin of water with high values in months of low precipitation and lower values after extensive precipitation events, respectively. Hyporheic fauna displayed a significant seasonality and the community structure was correlated with colmation and changes in the VHG.</p><p>This pronounced seasonality seems to be typical of many streams and should be considered for the monitoring of sediments and hyporheic habitats: Seasons with lower stream discharge are probably the most critical periods for sediment conditions.</p><p>We assume that the basic patterns of the dynamics observed basically reflect the natural situation in the catchment. However, the strength of surface run-off and the amount of fine sediments are mainly the result of anthropogenic activities and land use in the catchment.</p><p>These findings underline the significance of dynamical processes for the assessment and implementation of the Water Framework Directive.</p>

2009 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 1728-1742 ◽  
M. D. Bryant ◽  
M. D. Lukey ◽  
J. P. McDonell ◽  
R. A. Gubernick ◽  
R. S. Aho

2021 ◽  
David Piatka ◽  
Romy Wild ◽  
Jürgen Geist ◽  
Robin Kaule ◽  
Ben Gilfedder ◽  

<p>Dissolved oxygen (DO) in the hyporheic zone (HZ) is a crucial parameter for the survival of many stream organisms and is involved in a multitude of aerobic chemical reactions. However, HZ DO budgets are easily perturbed by climate change and anthropogenic processes that have caused increased deposition of fine sediments (< 2 mm) in many stream beds. The fine sediment fraction hampers exchange of DO-rich stream water with the HZ. In this study we performed a raster sampling approach (0.90 cm length x 1.50 cm width; 30 cm distance between sampling points) at sediment depths of 10 and 25 cm with a focus on DO and its stable isotopes (δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>DO</sub>). The aim was to analyze small-scale turnover patterns in a forested (site 1) and an anthropogenically influenced stream section (site 2) in a 3<sup>rd</sup> order stream in southern Germany. Grain size analyses showed similar average fine sediment fractions at site 1 (42.5 ±13.7 %) and site 2 (46.3 ±10.8 %). They increased with depth at both sites (38.5 ± 6.3 %, 0-15 cm; 46.5 ± 17.4 %, 15-30 cm at site 1 and 40.6 ±4.5 %, 0-15 cm; 52.0 ±12.2 %, 15-30 cm at site 2). DO concentrations in the HZ ranged from 1.4 to 4.5 mg L<sup>-1</sup> (2.0 ±0.7 mg L<sup>-1</sup>) and 1.5 to 1.8 mg L<sup>-1</sup> (1.7 ±0.1 mg L<sup>-1</sup>) at site 1 and from 1.2 to 2.9 mg L<sup>-1</sup> (1.6 ±0.5) and 1.0 to 2.4 mg L<sup>-1</sup> (1.6 ±0.4) at site 2 at 10 and 25 cm depth, respectively. The low DO concentrations in the HZ suggest high DO consumption rates and reduced exchange with stream water. This is possibly a result of increased fine sediment proportions. However, other factors such as organic carbon contents and increased respiration rates may also influence DO gradients. In contrast, the stream water had an average DO concentration of 9.8 ±0.2 mg L<sup>-1</sup>. Associated δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>DO</sub> values of the open water (23.4 ±0.1 ‰) differed from those of sediment waters that showed averages of +22.5 ±0.5 ‰ and +22.4 ±0.3 ‰ at site 1 and +22.5 ±0.4 ‰ and +22.3 ±0.2 ‰ at site 2 at 10 and 25 cm depth, respectively. These sedimentary values indicated dominant photosynthesis, even though due to absence of light in the subsurface this process seems unlikely. Therefore, kinetically-driven processes such as diffusion, interactions with Fe or unknown DO sources within the HZ might have caused such <sup>16</sup>O-enriched values. Our findings suggest that the analyses of DO, δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>DO</sub> and fine sediment gradients in the HZ should be combined with stable carbon isotope measurements to further our understanding of hyporheic processes relevant for stream biota.</p><p> </p>

2017 ◽  
William Howcroft ◽  
Ian Cartwright ◽  
Uwe Morgenstern

Abstract. Understanding the timescales of water flow through catchments and the origins of stream water at different flow conditions is critical for understanding catchment behaviour and managing water resources. Here, tritium (3H) activities, major ion geochemistry and discharge data were used in conjunction with Lumped Parameter Models (LPMs) to investigate mean transit times (MTTs) and the stores of water in six headwater catchments of the Otway Ranges in southeast Australia. 3H activities of stream water ranged from 0.20 to 2.14 TU, which are far lower than those of modern local rainfall (2.4 to 3.2 TU). The 3H activities of the stream water are lowest during the low summer flows and increase with stream discharge. Calculated MTTs vary from approximately 7 to 234 years which, in many cases, exceed those reported for river systems globally. The MTT estimates, however, are subject to a number of uncertainties, including, uncertainties in the most appropriate LPM to use, aggregation errors, and uncertainty in the modern and bomb-pulse 3H activity of rainfall. These uncertainties locally result in uncertainties in MTTs of several years; however, they do not change the overall conclusions that the water in these streams has MTTs of several years to decades. There is discharge threshold of approximately 104 m3 day−1 in all catchments above which 3H activities do not increase appreciably above ~ 2.0 TU. The MTT of this 3H activity is approximately ten years, which implies that changes within the catchments, including drought, deforestation, land use and/or bush fire, would not be realised within the streams for at least a decade. A positive correlation exists between 3H activities and nitrate and sulphate concentrations within several of the catchments, which suggests that anthropogenic activities have increasingly impacted water quality at these locations over time.

2006 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-133 ◽  
Tamao Kasahara ◽  
Alan R Hill

Stream restoration projects that aim to rehabilitate ecosystem health have not considered surface–subsurface linkages, although stream water and groundwater interaction has an important role in sustaining stream ecosystem functions. The present study examined the effect of constructed riffles and a step on hyporheic exchange flow and chemistry in restored reaches of several N-rich agricultural and urban streams in southern Ontario. Hydrometric data collected from a network of piezometers and conservative tracer releases indicated that the constructed riffles and steps were effective in inducing hyporheic exchange. However, despite the use of cobbles and boulders in the riffle construction, high stream dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations were depleted rapidly with depth into the hyporheic zones. Differences between observed and predicted nitrate concentrations based on conservative ion concentration patterns indicated that these hyporheic zones were also nitrate sinks. Zones of low hydraulic conductivity and the occurrence of interstitial fines in the restored cobble-boulder layers suggest that siltation and clogging of the streambed may reduce the downwelling of oxygen- and nitrate-rich stream water. Increases in streambed DO levels and enhancement of habitat for hyporheic fauna that result from riffle–step construction projects may only be temporary in streams that receive increased sediment and nutrient inputs from urban areas and croplands.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (15) ◽  
pp. 3743-3762 ◽  
Allison A. Oliver ◽  
Suzanne E. Tank ◽  
Ian Giesbrecht ◽  
Maartje C. Korver ◽  
William C. Floyd ◽  

Abstract. The perhumid region of the coastal temperate rainforest (CTR) of Pacific North America is one of the wettest places on Earth and contains numerous small catchments that discharge freshwater and high concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) directly to the coastal ocean. However, empirical data on the flux and composition of DOC exported from these watersheds are scarce. We established monitoring stations at the outlets of seven catchments on Calvert and Hecate islands, British Columbia, which represent the rain-dominated hypermaritime region of the perhumid CTR. Over several years, we measured stream discharge, stream water DOC concentration, and stream water dissolved organic-matter (DOM) composition. Discharge and DOC concentrations were used to calculate DOC fluxes and yields, and DOM composition was characterized using absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). The areal estimate of annual DOC yield in water year 2015 was 33.3 Mg C km−2 yr−1, with individual watersheds ranging from an average of 24.1 to 37.7 Mg C km−2 yr−1. This represents some of the highest DOC yields to be measured at the coastal margin. We observed seasonality in the quantity and composition of exports, with the majority of DOC export occurring during the extended wet period (September–April). Stream flow from catchments reacted quickly to rain inputs, resulting in rapid export of relatively fresh, highly terrestrial-like DOM. DOC concentration and measures of DOM composition were related to stream discharge and stream temperature and correlated with watershed attributes, including the extent of lakes and wetlands, and the thickness of organic and mineral soil horizons. Our discovery of high DOC yields from these small catchments in the CTR is especially compelling as they deliver relatively fresh, highly terrestrial organic matter directly to the coastal ocean. Hypermaritime landscapes are common on the British Columbia coast, suggesting that this coastal margin may play an important role in the regional processing of carbon and in linking terrestrial carbon to marine ecosystems.

Michael Gooseff

Stream sediments are important locations of biogeochemical transformations upon which many stream ecosystem functions depend. Stream water is often exchanged between the stream channel and surrounding subsurface locations - this process is known as hyporheic exchange. While stream water is moving through the hyporheic zone, solutes and nutrients may undergo important chemical reactions that are not possible in the main stream channel. Further, because the hyporheic zone is composed of porous media (sand, sediment, alluvium, etc.), flow inherently slows down and the exchanging water has ample opportunity to interact with mineral grain surfaces and biofilms.

2016 ◽  
Joseph Graly ◽  
Joel Harrington ◽  
Neil Humphrey

Abstract. In order to examine daily cycles in meltwater routing and storage in the Isunnuguata Sermia outlet of the Greenland Ice Sheet, variation in outlet stream discharge and in major element hydrochemistry were assessed over a six day period in July, 2013. Discharge was assessed from hourly photography of the outlet from multiple vantages, including where mid-stream naled ice provided a natural gauge. pH, electrical conductivity, suspended sediment, and alkalinity were measured in samples of stream water collected every three hours. Element and ion concentrations were subsequently measured in a laboratory setting. Photography and stream observations reveal that although river width and stage have only slight diurnal variation, there are large changes in discharge shown in the portion of the width characterized by standing waves and fast flow. Width of this active channel approximately doubles over a diurnal cycle. Together with changes in flow over the naled, these features allow an observationally based relative record of stream discharge in this unconstrained alluvial setting. Peaks in discharge were offset by 3–7 hours from peak melt of the interior ice surface. Concentration of dissolved solutes follows a sinusoidal diurnal cycle, except for large and variable increases in dissolved solutes during the stream’s waning flow. Diurnal changes in solute concentration average 31 % of the base value. Diurnal solute concentration minima and maxima lag peak and minimum stream discharge by 3–6 hours. This phase shift between discharge and solute concentration suggests that during high flow, water is either encountering more rock material or is stored in longer contact with rock material. We suggest that expansion of a distributed subglacial hydrologic network into seldom accessed regions during high flow could account for these phenomena, and for a spike of partial silicate reaction products during waning flow, which itself suggests a pressure threshold-triggered release of stored water.

1987 ◽  
Vol 44 (11) ◽  
pp. 1812-1819 ◽  
Robert Stottlemyer

The objective of this study was to relate winter precipitation ionic inputs, snowpack retention, and change in first-order stream chemistry with spring snowpack melt. During winter 1982–83, measurement of precipitation inputs, snowpack concentration and loading, and streamwater concentration and discharge of Ca2+, K+, H+, NO3−, and SO42− from a 176-ha watershed reveals that only H+ might be lost from the snowpack before first thaw. Above-freezing soil temperature beneath the snowpack may be a factor in H+ loss. An initial 1-d thaw resulted in loss of over one third (6 eq∙ha−1) of the snowpack Ca2+. Over one half the snowpack load of K+, H+, NO3−, and SO42−, was lost in a subsequent midwinter freeze–thaw period. Snowpack loading of ionic species was reduced by 70–90% before peak spring melting and stream discharge. Ecosystem H+ retention and biological uptake of NO3− further mitigate ionic "pulses" in streamwater. Sulfate discharge exceeds bulk inputs, which suggests significant dry deposition input and little forest soil retention of this anion. The snowpack was relatively small, which limits wider application of these results to the region.

2002 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 515-526 ◽  
A. Butturini ◽  
S. Bernal ◽  
S. Sabater ◽  
F. Sabater

Abstract. Stream and riparian groundwater hydrology has been studied in a small intermittent stream draining a forested catchment for a system representative of a Mediterranean climate. The relationship between precipitation and stream runoff and the interactions between stream water and the surrounding riparian groundwater have been analysed under a wide spectrum of meteorological conditions. The hypothesis that the hydrological condition of the near-stream groundwater compartment can regulate the runoff generation during precipitation events was tested. Stream runoff is characterised by a summer dry period, and precipitation input explained only 25% of runoff variability over the study period (r2 =0.25, d.f.=51, p<0.001). The variability of precipitation v. stream runoff is explained partly by the hydrogeological properties of the riparian near-stream zone. This zone is characterised by high hydrological conductivity values and abrupt changes in groundwater level in summer. The summer dry period begins with a rapid decrease in near-stream groundwater level, and ends just after the first autumnal rain when the original groundwater level recovers suddenly. Within this period, storms do not cause major stream runoff since water infiltrates rapidly into the riparian compartment until it is refilled during the subsequent winter and spring; then the precipitation explains the 80% of the stream runoff variability (r2=0.80, d.f.=34, p<0.001). These results suggest that the hydrological interaction between the riparian groundwater compartment and the stream channel is important in elucidating the hydrological responses during drought periods in small Mediterranean streams. Keywords: riparian zone, groundwater hydrology, runoff, intermittent stream, Mediterranean climate

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