S. Emamgholian ◽  
J. Pouliot ◽  
D. Shojaei

Abstract. The applications and understanding of Land-use Regulations (LuR) are more communicable when they are linked to the digital representation of the physical world. In order to support issuing a planning permit and move towards the establishment of automated planning permit checks, this paper investigates how LuRs related to a planning permit process can be modelled in 3D called 3D CityLuR. 3D CityLuR serves as a 3D model for representing LuRs’ legal extents on a city scale. It is formed based on multiple geometric modelling approaches representing LuRs, which can provide a better cognitive understanding of LuRs and subsequently facilitate LuR automatic checks. To this purpose, according to LuRs’ descriptions and characteristics explained in related planning documents, key parameters representing LuRs’ extent are identified (e.g. maximum distance in overlooking or maximum allowed height in building height regulations). Accordingly, to automatically model each LuR, a geometric modelling approach (e.g. Boundary Representation (B-Rep), CSG, and extrusion) that best fits with the identified key parameters is proposed. In addition, to combine 3D CityLuR with an integrated BIM-GIS environment, the level of information need in terms of geometries and semantics is specified. Finally, the paper results in a showcase for five LuRs including building height, energy efficiency protection, overshadowing open space, overlooking, and noise impacts regulations. The showcase is a proof of concept for determining how these LuRs can be modelled in 3D and combined with 3D city models based on the selected geometric modelling approaches, identified parameters, and level of information need.

2003 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-176
John McDonald ◽  
Daniel McMillen

2021 ◽  
pp. 089124242110061
Robert W. Wassmer

The price of a new home is greater if the land to put it on costs more. In many U.S. metropolitan areas, this generates the widely acknowledged equity concern that low- to moderate-income households spend disproportionately on housing. But high residential land prices translating into high single-family home prices may also generate the efficiency concern of discouraging new workers’ entry into such areas or encouraging existing workers’ exit. The result could be a decrease in economic activity. This research offers panel-data regression evidence in support of the existence of this adverse outcome. Perhaps these findings can raise the saliency of the needed state or federal government intervention to curtail the stringency of local residential land-use regulations. NIMBYs see these land-use regulations as in their jurisdiction’s best interest, but as demonstrated here, such restrictions impose additional metro-wide economic concerns.

2017 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 663-677 ◽  
Jan K. Brueckner ◽  
Shihe Fu ◽  
Yizhen Gu ◽  
Junfu Zhang

2021 ◽  
pp. 089124242110435
John Landis ◽  
Vincent J. Reina

This study makes three contributions to the debate over the effect of local land use regulations on housing prices and affordability. First, it is more geographically extensive than previous studies, encompassing 336 of the nation's 384 metropolitan areas. Second, it looks at multiple measures of regulatory stringency, not just one. Most prior studies have focused either on a single regulatory measure or index across multiple metropolitan areas, or multiple regulatory measures in a single region. Third, this paper considers the connection between regulatory stringency and housing values as a function of employment growth and per-worker payroll levels. We find that restrictive land use regulations do indeed have a pervasive effect on local home values and rents, and that these effects are magnified in faster-growing and more prosperous economies. We also find more restrictive land use regulations are not associated with faster rates of recent home value or rent growth, and that their effects on housing construction levels—that is, the degree to which they constrain supply—is uneven among different housing markets.

Novalentina Novalentina ◽  
Doddy Yuono

Dwelling (also a residence, a residence) is a self-contained accommodation unit used by one or more households as a home; such as a house, apartment, mobile home, household, vehicle, other "substantial" structure. The concept of residence has significance in relation to search and seizure, transport of real property, theft, offenses, and land use planning. In a city like Jakarta, with dense infrastructure, wide economic disparities and a tense social composition, increasing green space should be a top priority. However, residents of the capital Jakarta can reiterate that this is not the case. That in fact lacks a conspicuous park, playground and public park in the capital. The urban design concept deals with the integration of land use, movement and traffic management and the form of the built environment.Its aim is to provide urban high-quality places that are efficient, functional and attractive, and can respond to changing societal, environmental and economic needs over time. In designing it also contributes to, and bridges between planning and design. It deals with the surrounding environment by paying attention to the context of the building and space rather than the object itself. Then it requires access to green infrastructure, open space areas and green spaces, which will contribute to a greener, healthier, smarter, safer, livelier, richer and fairer. This guide will assist in assessing and demonstrating progress in improving green infrastructure to create a place that is useful, sustainable and well used. It creates a wider community, natural environment and supports a healthy economy. Keywords:  Dwelling; Green space; Private space; Public space ; Sustainable. AbstrakDwelling (juga tempat tinggal) adalah sebuah unit akomodasi mandiri yang digunakan oleh satu atau lebih dari satu rumah tangga sebagai; rumah, apartemen, rumah bergerak, rumah tangga, kendaraan, atau struktur "substansial" lainnya. Konsep tempat tinggal memiliki signifikansi dalam kaitannya dengan pencarian, pengangkutan properti nyata, dan perencanaan penggunaan lahan. Di kota seperti Jakarta, dengan infrastruktur yang sangat padat, kesenjangan ekonomi yang luas dan kehidupan sosial yang tegang, peningkatan ruang hijau seharusnya menjadi prioritas utama. Namun, penduduk ibukota Jakarta dapat menegaskan kembali bahwa hal ini tidak terjadi. Bahwa pada nyatanya kekurangan Taman, tempat Bermain dan taman umum yang mencolok di ibukota. Konsep desain perkotaan berkaitan dengan integrasi penggunaan lahan, pergerakan dan lalu lintas manajemen dan bentuk lingkungan binaan. Tujuannya adalah untuk menyediakan perkotaan berkualitas tinggi tempat-tempat yang efisien, fungsional dan menarik, dan dapat menanggapi kebutuhan perubahan masyarakat, lingkungan dan ekonomi dari waktu ke waktu. Dalam mendisain juga berkontribusi, dan menjembatani antara perencanaan dan perancangan. Ini berhubungan dengan lingkungan sekitar dengan memperhatikan konteks bangunan dan ruang daripada objeknya sendiri. Maka diperlukan akses ke infrastruktur hijau, area ruang terbuka dan ruang hijau, yang akan berkontribusi lebih hijau, lebih sehat, lebih cerdas, lebih aman, lebih hidup, lebih kaya dan lebih adil. Panduan ini akan membantu dalam menilai dan mendemonstrasikan perkembangan dalam meningkatkan infrastruktur hijau untuk menciptakan tempat yang berguna, berkelanjutan dan digunakan dengan baik. Ini membuat masyarakat yang lebih luas, lingkungan alam dan mendukung perekonomian yang sehat.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-126 ◽  
Kala Seetharam Sridhar

This article understands, from an empirical perspective, the determinants of carbon emissions, using internationally comparable data, and cross-national regressions for India and China. Next, it explores the relationship between urban land use regulations and carbon emissions in India’s cities. Urbanization has no impact on carbon emissions per capita or per unit of geographical area. Electricity consumption in China and electricity produced from coal in India have a positive effect on carbon emissions. GDP per capita has a positive effect in India and not so in China, but per capita GDP squared has a negative impact on emissions in both the countries. Does this imply that urbanization should be ignored in the two countries? The answer is no, because a city’s urban form, to which policy contributes, is correlated with carbon emissions. More suburbanized cities which sprawl more also emit more carbon. India’s land use regulations relating to building height restrictions are conservative, hence Indian cities sprawl, which lead to carbon emissions. Hence, the focus of urban policy has to be on the development of compact cities. The article concludes with caveats of the data.

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