scholarly journals Impact of historical tsunamis on a sandy coastal barrier: an example from the northern Gargano coast, southern Italy

2001 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 213-219 ◽  
F. Gianfreda ◽  
G. Mastronuzzi ◽  
P. Sansò

Abstract. The Lesina coastal barrier is characterized by the presence of three wide washover fans. They were formed by three distinct tsunamis which struck the northern coast of the Gargano Promontory (Apulia, Italy) during historical times. A model for their formation is presented. It takes into account the geomorphological data collected and some reports about the effect of recent tsunamis on coastal barriers and beaches. Washover fans were produced by tsunami waves which ran through coseismic cracks developed on dune ridges shaping a narrow, straight and relatively deep trench which constitutes the fan throat. Moreover, each tsunami event most likely caused severe erosion of the coastal barrier, shaping erosive grooves across the dune ridges, causing beach cliffs and causing the nourishment of submarine offshore bars. After the tsunami, a phase of coastal barrier recovery began, forming new dune ridges and closing washover fan throats. Morphological, archeological and radiometric data indicate a pre-Roman age for the oldest event, which was dated at 2430 years BP. The second tsunami struck the Lesina coastal barrier with similar magnitude 1550 years BP; it was caused by the strong earthquake that occurred at Gargano Promontory in the year 493 AD as reported by a medieval sacred legend. The smallest and more recent fan formed following the tsunami that hit the northern coast of Gargano on 30 July 1627.

2020 ◽  
Vol 500 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-80 ◽  
Jack Dignan ◽  
Aaron Micallef ◽  
Christof Mueller ◽  
Attilio Sulli ◽  
Elisabetta Zizzo ◽  

AbstractPalermo is a populous city situated on the northern coast of Sicily, bordered by the Tyrrhenian Sea. This central part of the Mediterranean Sea features dramatic bathymetry, numerous subaqueous landslides and is also the epicentre to many subaqueous earthquakes. As such, the region is an area prone to tsunamis. This investigation uses the Cornell Multi-Grid Coupled Tsunami (COMCOT) tsunami modelling package to simulate five near-field landslides, and five near-field earthquakes regarded as worst-case credible scenarios for Palermo. The seismic simulations produced waves on a very small scale, the largest being c. 5 cm at its maximum height, and none of the earthquake-generated tsunami waves produced any measurable inundation. The landslide simulations produced larger waves ranging from 1.9 to 12 m in maximum height, two of which resulted in inundation in areas surrounding the Port of Palermo. Sensitivity analysis identified that fault width and dislocation as well as landslide-specific gravity did have significant influence over maximum wave height, inundation and maximum run-up wave height. There are methodological issues limiting the extent to which this study forms a comprehensive tsunami hazard assessment of Palermo, such as gaps in bathymetric data, computational restrictions and lack of a probabilistic element. These issues are counteracted by the fact that this study does serve as a robust first step in identifying that landslides in the region may produce larger tsunami waves than earthquakes, and that the directionality of mass movement is critical in landslide-driven tsunami propagation in the southern Tyrrhenian region.

2021 ◽  
Raquel Felix ◽  
Judith Hubbard ◽  
Kyle Bradley ◽  
Karen Lythgoe ◽  
Linlin Li ◽  

Abstract. The tsunami hazard posed by the Flores backarc thrust, which runs along the northern coast of the islands of Bali and Lombok, Indonesia, is poorly studied compared to the Sunda megathrust, situated ~250 km to the south of the islands. However, the 2018 Lombok earthquake sequence demonstrated the seismic potential of the western Flores Thrust when a fault ramp beneath the island of Lombok ruptured in two Mw 6.9 earthquakes. Although the uplift in these events mostly occurred below land, the sequence still generated 1–2.5 m-high local tsunamis along the northern coast of Lombok (Wibowo et al., 2021). Historical records show that the Flores fault system in the Lombok and Bali region has generated at least six ≥ Ms 6.5 tsunamigenic earthquakes since 1800 CE. Hence, it is important to assess the possible tsunami hazard represented by this fault system. Here, we focus on the submarine fault segment located between the islands of Lombok and Bali (below the Lombok Strait). We assess modeled tsunami patterns generated by fault slip in six earthquake scenarios (slip of 1–5 m, representing Mw 7.2–7.9+), with a focus on impacts on the capital cities of Mataram, Lombok and Denpasar, Bali, which lie on the coasts facing the strait. We use a geologically constrained earthquake model informed by the Lombok earthquake sequence (Lythgoe et al., 2021), together with a high-resolution bathymetry dataset developed by combining direct measurements from GEBCO with sounding measurements from the official nautical charts for Indonesia. Our results show that fault rupture in this region could trigger a tsunami reaching Mataram in < 8 minutes and Denpasar in ~10–15 minutes, with multiple waves. For an earthquake with 3–5 m of coseismic slip, Mataram and Denpasar experience maximum wave heights of ~1.3–3.3 m and ~0.7 to 1.5 m, respectively. Furthermore, our earthquake models indicate that both cities would experience coseismic subsidence of 20–40 cm, exacerbating their exposure to both the tsunami and other coastal hazards. Overall, Mataram city is more exposed than Denpasar to high tsunami waves arriving quickly from the fault source. To understand how a tsunami would affect Mataram, we model the associated inundation using the 5 m slip model and show that Mataram is inundated ~55–140 m inland along the northern coast and ~230 m along the southern coast, with maximum flow depths of ~2–3 m. Our study highlights that the early tsunami arrival in Mataram, Lombok gives little time for residents to evacuate. Raising their awareness about the potential for locally generated tsunamis and the need for evacuation plans is important to help them respond immediately after experiencing strong ground shaking.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Kazuko Tatsumi ◽  
Imran Zulhamsyah ◽  
Masahiro Yamao

On December 26, 2004, the Indian Ocean earthquake, which had its epicenter off the northern coast of Sumatra, was followed by a series of huge tsunami waves, which caused considerable damage to many coastal communities in Asia. In Indonesia, Aceh and North Sumatra suffered the greatest. Many residents rapidly lost their families, homes, fishing boats, farmland, well-being, and self-confidence. Numerous donors provided considerable support, and many victims gradually recovered. Through these tremendous efforts, the victims have gradually regained their well-being; in the over fifteen years since the tsunami, reconstruction has resulted in sustainable community development. This study aimed to determine how the victims have rebuilt their livelihoods and how communities have supported them. The fieldwork comprised interviews with key members of affected local communities in Aceh Besar District in 2006–2018. Some respondents were selected for interview and focus group discussions. This study examines the recovery process, how victims developed social relations, and how they were encouraged and developed self-confidence and independence. The results showed that for the victims, the most important factors in the reconstruction were (1) a firm relationship with family and relatives and (2) a strong sense of community. This study found that women’s activities were supported by Panglima Laot Lhok (fishing communities’ leaders), Toke Bangku (financial traders), and a fish processing association. Those actors were important for the economic, financial, and social institutions in the community. Mutual support in the community and indigenous institutions played roles in strengthening social resilience. The income-generating activities in the mutual system empowered victims—especially women—and their families. The victims developed a feeling of self-confidence and independence that has gradually increased. Through community-based activities, the victims improved their livelihoods.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Hari Suroto ◽  
Erlin N. I. Djami

The sea has been instrumental in the life of coastal communities of northern Papua since prehistoric times to historical times. The sea becomes a source of food and a means of liaison with the outside through a series of voyages. It is interesting to do maritime archeological research on the northern coast of Papua. The purpose of this research is about the shape of maritime culture on the north coast of Papua as well as the maritime tradition on the northern coast of Papua. This research was conducted with data collection, data analysis and data interpretation. The forms of maritime culture on the north coast of Papua include livelihoods, traditional knowledge related to maritime, living equipment, and local wisdom in the preservation of maritime resources. The maritime tradition on the northern coast of Papua recognizes local wisdom in organizing, managing, utilizing and participating in conserving marine and coastal resources. ABSTRAK Laut sangat berperan dalam kehidupan masyarakat pesisir utara Papua sejak masa prasejarah hingga masa sejarah. Laut menjadi sumber dalam mendapatkan makanan serta menjadi sarana penghubung dengan luar melalui serangkaian pelayaran. Sangat menarik untuk melakukan penelitian arkeologi maritim di pantai utara Papua. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengenai bentuk kebudayaan maritim di pantai utara Papua serta tradisi maritim di pantai utara Papua. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data, analisis data dan interpretasi data. Bentuk kebudayaan maritim di pantai utara Papua meliputi mata pencaharian hidup, pengetahuan tradisional terkait dengan maritim, peralatan hidup, dan kearifan lokal dalam pelestarian sumberdaya maritim. Tradisi maritim di pantai utara Papua mengenal kearifan lokal dalam mengatur, mengelola, memanfaatkan serta ikut melestarikan sumber daya laut dan pesisir.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (5) ◽  
pp. VO550
Franco Foresta Martin ◽  
Stefano Furlani

   This study represents the first attempt to combine the geomorphological characteristics of the island of Ustica with the human settlements that have been established during prehistory, with the purpose of reconstructing the interactions between communities and the natural environment from the Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age (6th - 1st millennia B.C.). Ustica is a small island in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, visible but far (~55 km) from the northern coast of western Sicily. Its rugged volcanic nature, remodeled and enriched by the sea, offered to the first colonizers a wide repertoire of opportunities and challenges. This island can be treated as an ideal “laboratory” to understand how settlers, taking their first steps towards the foundation of organized communities, were able to seize opportunities or succumb to obstacles. The review of archaeological research until now carried out in Ustica, integrated with geomorphological data and other biogeographical indicators, offers a picture of the prehistory of Ustica in which human presence is continuous and distributed in various sites of the island characterized by different physiographic characteristics. There are phases dominated by the choice of naturally protected sites and phases in which settlements expands on open land, suitable for agricultural use. Where the archaeological evidence is scarce, the geomorphological peculiarities allow us to decipher the vocations and characters of a human settlement. The study leads to an open question: in the Middle Bronze Age, after about five thousand years of uninterrupted habitation of Ustica, which factors, geological, social, or other, induced the early communities to abandon the island, without returning there for about eight centuries, until the Hellenistic-Roman age? 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1354
Philippe Bagot ◽  
Nicolas Huybrechts ◽  
Philippe Sergent

The wide spatial and temporal coverage of remotely sensing images is an essential asset to analyze the morphological behaviour of fast-changing coastal environments such as estuarine systems. This paper investigates the reliability of intertidal topography mapping around the Authie Bay, a macrotidal estuarine system located on the northern coast of France. A Satellite-Derived Topography technique is developed by relating the green band reflectance of Sentinel-2 images to rapid variations in topography. This method is well suited to small sedimentary structures of the coastal zone with a 0.30 to 0.35 m height accuracy of the constructed Digital Elevation Model (DEM). For the more complex estuarine configuration, the waterline method was applied and resulted in the construction of DEMs with a height accuracy of 0.35 to 0.38 m. Video animations and records of Authie meander positions along transects are created from Sentinel-2 and Landsat satellite archives (1984–2020). These materials allow to highlight a sedimentation phase at the east side of the spit since 2015. It constrains the main channel towards the eastern bank, thus promoting coastal erosion. The monitoring of a severe erosion phase throughout 2019 shows a 130 m retreat of the coastline. Topographic map differentiation led to the detection of a sedimentation anomaly upstream of the bay, probably linked to this erosion event.

Peter Pegler ◽  
N. David Theodore ◽  
Ming Pan

High-pressure oxidation of silicon (HIPOX) is one of various techniques used for electrical-isolation of semiconductor-devices on silicon substrates. Other techniques have included local-oxidation of silicon (LOCOS), poly-buffered LOCOS, deep-trench isolation and separation of silicon by implanted oxygen (SIMOX). Reliable use of HIPOX for device-isolation requires an understanding of the behavior of the materials and structures being used and their interactions under different processing conditions. The effect of HIPOX-related stresses in the structures is of interest because structuraldefects, if formed, could electrically degrade devices.This investigation was performed to study the origin and behavior of defects in recessed HIPOX (RHIPOX) structures. The structures were exposed to a boron implant. Samples consisted of (i) RHlPOX'ed strip exposed to a boron implant, (ii) recessed strip prior to HIPOX, but exposed to a boron implant, (iii) test-pad prior to HIPOX, (iv) HIPOX'ed region away from R-HIPOX edge. Cross-section TEM specimens were prepared in the <110> substrate-geometry.

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