scholarly journals Neogene kinematics of the Giudicarie Belt and eastern Southern Alpine orogenic front (northern Italy)

Solid Earth ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 1309-1334
Vincent F. Verwater ◽  
Eline Le Breton ◽  
Mark R. Handy ◽  
Vincenzo Picotti ◽  
Azam Jozi Najafabadi ◽  

Abstract. Neogene indentation of the Adriatic plate into Europe led to major modifications of the Alpine orogenic structures and style of deformation in the Eastern and Southern Alps. The Giudicarie Belt is a prime example of this, as it offsets the entire Alpine orogenic edifice; its activity has been kinematically linked to strike-slip faulting and lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. Remaining questions on the exact role of this fold-and-thrust belt in the structure of the Alpine orogen at depth necessitate a quantitative analysis of the shortening, kinematics, and depth of decoupling beneath the Giudicarie Belt and adjacent parts of the Southern Alps. Tectonic balancing of a network of seven cross sections through the Giudicarie Belt parallel to the local NNW–SSE shortening direction reveals that this belt comprises two kinematic domains that accommodated different amounts of shortening during overlapping times. These two domains are separated by the NW–SE-oriented strike-slip Trento-Cles–Schio-Vicenza fault system, which offsets the Southern Alpine orogenic front in the south and merges with the Northern Giudicarie Fault in the north. The SW kinematic domain (Val Trompia sector) accommodated at least ∼ 18 km of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene shortening. Since the Middle Miocene, this domain experienced at least ∼ 12–22 km shortening, whereas the NE kinematic domain accommodated at least ∼ 25–35 km shortening. Together, these domains contributed an estimated minimum of ∼ 40–47 km of sinistral strike-slip motion along the Northern Giudicarie Fault, implying that most offset of the Periadriatic Fault is due to Late Oligocene to Neogene indentation of the Adriatic plate into the Eastern Alps. Moreover, the faults linking the Giudicarie Belt with the Northern Giudicarie Fault reach ∼ 15–20 km depth, indicating a thick-skinned tectonic style of deformation. These fault detachments may also connect at depth with a lower crustal Adriatic wedge that protruded north of the Periadriatic Fault and are responsible for N–S shortening and eastward, orogen-parallel escape of deeply exhumed units in the Tauern Window. Finally, the E–W lateral variation of shortening across the Giudicarie Belt indicates internal deformation and lateral variation in strength of the Adriatic indenter related to Permian–Mesozoic tectonic structures and paleogeographic zones.

2021 ◽  
Vincent F. Verwater ◽  
Eline Le Breton ◽  
Mark R. Handy ◽  
Vincenzo Picotti ◽  
Azam Jozi Najafabadi ◽  

Abstract. Neogene indentation of the Adriatic plate into Europe led to major modifications of the Alpine orogenic structures and style of deformation in the Eastern Alps. Especially, the offset of the Periadriatic Fault by the Northern Giudicarie Fault marks the initiation of strike-slip faulting and lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. Questions remain on the exact role of this fault zone in changes of the Alpine orogen at depth. This necessitates quantitative analysis of the shortening, kinematics and depth of decoupling underneath the Northern Giudicarie Fault and associated fold-and thrust belt in the Southern Alps. Tectonic balancing of a network of seven cross sections through the Giudicarie Belt parallel to the local shortening direction reveals that it comprises two kinematic domains with different amounts and partly overlapping ages of shortening. These two domains are delimitated by the NW-SE oriented strike-slip Trento-Cles – Schio-Vicenza fault system, cross-cutting the Southern Alpine orogenic front in the south and merging with the Northern Giudicarie Fault in the north. The SW kinematic domain (Val Trompia sector) accommodated at least ~18 km of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene shortening. Since the Middle Miocene, the SW kinematic domain experienced a minimum of ~12–22 km shortening, whereas the NE kinematic domain underwent at least ~25–35 km shortening. Together, these domains contributed to an estimated ~53–75 km of sinistral strike-slip motion along the Northern Giudicarie Fault, implying that (most of) the offset of the Periadriatic Fault is due to Late Oligocene to Neogene indentation of the Adriatic plate into the Eastern Alps. Moreover, the faults linking the Giudicarie Belt with the Northern Giudicarie Fault reach ~15–20 km depth, indicating a thick-skinned tectonic style of deformation. These fault detachments may also connect at depth with a lower crustal Adriatic wedge that protruded north of the Periadriatic Fault and was responsible for N-S shortening and eastward escape of deeply exhumed units in the Tauern Window. Finally, the east-west lateral variation of shortening indicates internal deformation and lateral variation in strength of the Adriatic indenter, related to Permian – Mesozoic tectonic structures and paleogeographic domains.

2021 ◽  
Mark R. Handy ◽  
Stefan M. Schmid ◽  
Marcel Paffrath ◽  
Wolfgang Friederich

<p>The prevailing paradigm of mountain building in the Alps entails subduction of European continental lithosphere some 100km thick beneath the Adriatic plate. Based on recent results of AlpArray, we propose a new model that involves subduction and wholesale detachment of locally much thicker (200-240 km) European lithosphere. Our approach combines teleseismic P-wave tomography and existing Local Earthquake Tomography (LET) to image the Alpine slabs and their connections with the overlying orogenic crust at unprecedented resolution. The images call into question the simple notion that slabs comprise only seismically fast lithosphere and suggest that the mantle of the downgoing European plate is compositionally heterogeneous, containing both positive and negative seismic anomalies of up to 5%. We interpret these as compositional rather than thermal anomalies, inherited from the Paleozoic Variscan orogenic cycle and presently dipping beneath the Alpine orogenic front. In contrast to the European Plate, the lithosphere of the Adriatic Plate is thinner (100-120 km) and has a more poorly defined lower boundary approximately at the interface between positive and negative Vp anomalies.</p><p> </p><p>Horizontal and vertical tomographic slices reveal that beneath the Central and Western Alps, the downgoing European Plate dips steeply to the S and SE and is locally detached from the Alpine crust. However, in the Eastern Alps and Carpathians east of the central Tauern Window, the Alpine slab anomaly occupies the 150-400 km depth interval and dips steeply to the N-NE, having completely detached from the  Alpine orogenic crust. This along-strike change coincides with an abrupt eastward decrease in Moho depth (Kind et al., this session), the Moho being underlain by a pronounced negative Vp anomaly reaching eastward into the Pannonian Basin area. This negative Vp anomaly is interpreted to represent hot upwelling asthenosphere that was instrumental in accommodating Neogene orogen-parallel lateral extrusion of the ALCAPA tectonic unit (upper plate crustal edifice of Alps and Carpathians) to the E.  An Adriatic origin of the northward-dipping, detached slab segment beneath the Eastern Alps is unlikely since its imaged down-dip length (200-300 km) matches estimated Tertiary shortening in the Eastern Alps accommodated by south-dipping subduction of European lithosphere, whereas shortening in the south-vergent eastern Southern Alps is only ≤ 70 km.</p><p> </p><p>A slab anomaly beneath the northernmost Dinarides, laterally adjoining the Eastern Alps, is missing. The slab anomaly beneath the northern Apennines, of Adriatic origin und dipping beneath the Tyrrhenian backarc, hangs subvertically and appears to be almost detached from the Apenninic orogenic crust. Except for its westernmost segment where it meets the Alpine slab, this slab is clearly separated from the latter by a broad extent of upwelling asthenosphere located south of the Alpine slabs beneath the Po Plain, i.e., just south of the Alpine subduction zone. Considered as a whole, the slabs beneath the Alpine chain are interpreted as attenuated, largely detached sheets of continental margin and Alpine Tethyan lithosphere that locally reach down to a slab graveyard in the Mantle Transition Zone (MTZ).</p>

2021 ◽  
Duna Roda-Boluda ◽  
Taylor Schildgen ◽  
Hella Wittmann-Oelze ◽  
Stefanie Tofelde ◽  
Aaron Bufe ◽  

<p>The Southern Alps of New Zealand are the expression of the oblique convergence between the Pacific and Australian plates, which move at a relative velocity of nearly 40 mm/yr. This convergence is accommodated by the range-bounding Alpine Fault, with a strike-slip component of ~30-40 mm/yr, and a shortening component normal to the fault of ~8-10 mm/yr. While strike-slip rates seem to be fairly constant along the Alpine Fault, throw rates appear to vary considerably, and whether the locus of maximum exhumation is located near the fault, at the main drainage divide, or part-way between, is still debated. These uncertainties stem from very limited data characterizing vertical deformation rates along and across the Southern Alps. Thermochronology has constrained the Southern Alps exhumation history since the Miocene, but Quaternary exhumation is hard to resolve precisely due to the very high exhumation rates. Likewise, GPS surveys estimate a vertical uplift of ~5 mm/yr, but integrate only over ~10 yr timescales and are restricted to one transect across the range.</p><p>To obtain insights into the Quaternary distribution and rates of exhumation of the western Southern Alps, we use new <sup>10</sup>Be catchment-averaged erosion rates from 20 catchments along the western side of the range. Catchment-averaged erosion rates span an order of magnitude, between ~0.8 and >10 mm/yr, but we find that erosion rates of >10 mm/yr, a value often quoted in the literature as representative for the entire range, are very localized. Moreover, erosion rates decrease sharply north of the intersection with the Marlborough Fault System, suggesting substantial slip partitioning. These <sup>10</sup>Be catchment-averaged erosion rates integrate, on average, over the last ~300 yrs. Considering that the last earthquake on the Alpine Fault was in 1717, these rates are representative of inter-seismic erosion. Lake sedimentation rates and coseismic landslide modelling suggest that long-term (~10<sup>3</sup> yrs) erosion rates over a full seismic cycle could be ~40% greater than our inter-seismic erosion rates. If we assume steady state topography, such a scaling of our <sup>10</sup>Be erosion rate estimates can be used to estimate rock uplift rates in the Southern Alps. Finally, we find that erosion, and hence potentially exhumation, does not seem to be localized at a particular distance from the fault, as some tectonic and provenance studies have suggested. Instead, we find that superimposed on the primary tectonic control, there is an elevation/temperature control on erosion rates, which is probably transient and related to frost-cracking and glacial retreat.</p><p>Our results highlight the potential for <sup>10</sup>Be catchment-averaged erosion rates to provide insights into the magnitude and distribution of tectonic deformation rates, and the limitations that arise from transient erosion controls related to the seismic cycle and climate-modulated surface processes.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Solid Earth ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 437-467 ◽  
Emmanuelle Ricchi ◽  
Christian A. Bergemann ◽  
Edwin Gnos ◽  
Alfons Berger ◽  
Daniela Rubatto ◽  

Abstract. Thorium–lead (Th-Pb) crystallization ages of hydrothermal monazites from the western, central and eastern Tauern Window provide new insights into Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Tauern metamorphic dome. Growth domain crystallization ages range from 21.7 ± 0.4 to 10.0 ± 0.2 Ma. Three major periods of monazite growth are recorded between ∼ 22–20 (peak at 21 Ma), 19–15 (major peak at 17 Ma) and 14–10 Ma (major peak around 12 Ma), respectively, interpreted to be related to prevailing N–S shortening, in association with E–W extension, beginning strike-slip movements and reactivation of strike-slip faulting. Fissure monazite ages largely overlap with zircon and apatite fission track data. Besides tracking the thermal evolution of the Tauern dome, monazite dates reflect episodic tectonic movement along major shear zones that took place during the formation of the dome. Geochronological and structural data from the Pfitschtal area in the western Tauern Window show the existence of two cleft generations separated in time by 4 Ma and related to strike-slip to oblique-slip faulting. Moreover, these two phases overprint earlier phases of fissure formation. Highlights. In situ dating of hydrothermal monazite-(Ce). New constraints on the exhumation of the Tauern metamorphic dome. Distinct tectonic pulses recorded from east to west.

2019 ◽  
Emmanuelle Ricchi ◽  
Christian A. Bergemann ◽  
Edwin Gnos ◽  
Alfons Berger ◽  
Daniela Rubatto ◽  

Abstract. Thorium-Pb crystallization ages of hydrothermal monazites from the western, central and eastern Tauern Window provide new insights into Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Tauern metamorphic dome. Growth domain crystallization ages range from 22.3 ± 0.6 Ma to 7.7 ± 0.9 Ma. Three major periods of monazite growth are recorded between ~ 22–19 (peak at 21 Ma), 19–15 (major peak at 17 Ma) and 13–8 Ma (major peaks at 12, 10 and 8 Ma), respectively interpreted to be related to prevailing N-S shortening, in association with E-W extension, beginning strike-slip movements, and reactivation of strike-slip faulting. Fissure monazite ages largely overlap with zircon and apatite fission tracks data. Besides tracking the thermal evolution of the Tauern dome, monazite dates reflect episodic tectonic movement along major shear zones that took place during the formation of the dome. Geochronological and structural data from the Pfitschtal area in the western Tauern Window show the existence of two cleft generations separated in time by 4 Ma and related to strike-slip to oblique-slip faulting. Moreover, these two phases overprint earlier phases of fissure formation.

Tectonics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
I. E. Gelder ◽  
E. Willingshofer ◽  
P. A. M. Andriessen ◽  
R. Schuster ◽  
D. Sokoutis

2018 ◽  
Emanuela Falcucci ◽  
Maria Eliana Poli ◽  
Fabrizio Galadini ◽  
Giancarlo Scardia ◽  
Giovanni Paiero ◽  

Abstract. We investigated the eastern corner of northeastern Italy, where the NW-SE trending dextral strike-slip fault systems of western Slovenia intersects the south-verging fold and thrust belt of the eastern Southern Alps . The area suffered the largest earthquakes of the region, among which are the 1511 (Mw 6.3) event and the two major shocks of the 1976 seismic sequence, with Mw = 6.4 and 6.1 respectively. The Colle Villano thrust and the Borgo Faris-Cividale strike-slip fault have been first analyzed by interpreting industrial seismic lines and then by performing morpho-tectonic and paleoseismological analyses. These different datasets indicate that the two structures define an active, coherent transpressive fault system that activated twice in the past two millennia, with the last event occurring around the 15th–17th century. The chronological information, and the location of the investigated fault system suggest its activation during the 1511 earthquake.

2020 ◽  
Ehsan Qorbani ◽  
Dimitri Zigone ◽  
Mark R. Handy ◽  
Götz Bokelmann ◽  

Abstract. We study the crustal structure under the Eastern and Southern Alps using ambient noise tomography. We use cross-correlations of ambient seismic noise between pairs of 71 permanent stations and 19 stations of the EASI profile to derive new high-resolution 3-D shear-velocity models for the crust. Continuous records from 2014 and 2015 are cross-correlated to estimate Green's functions of Rayleigh and Love waves propagating between the station pairs. Group velocities extracted from the cross-correlations are inverted to obtain isotropic 3-D Rayleigh and Love-wave shear-wave velocity models. Our high resolution models image several velocity anomalies and contrasts and reveal details of the crustal structure. Velocity variations at short periods correlate very closely with the lithologies of tectonic units at the surface and projected to depth. Low-velocity zones, associated with the Po and Molasse sedimentary basins, are imaged well to the south and north of the Alps, respectively. We find large high-velocity zones associated with the crystalline basement that forms the core of the Tauern Window. Small-scale velocity anomalies are also aligned with geological units such as the Ötztal and the Gurktal nappes of the Austroalpine nappes. Clear velocity contrasts in the Tauern Window along vertical cross-sections of the velocity model show the depth extent of the tectonic units and their bounding faults. A mid-crustal velocity contrast is interpreted as a manifestation of intracrustal decoupling in the Eastern Alps and decoupling between the Southern and Eastern Alps.

Solid Earth ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 1967-1986
Dario Zampieri ◽  
Paola Vannoli ◽  
Pierfrancesco Burrato

Abstract. We make a thorough review of geological and seismological data on the long-lived Schio-Vicenza Fault System (SVFS) in northern Italy and present for it a geodynamic and seismotectonic interpretation. The SVFS is a major and high-angle structure transverse to the mean trend of the eastern Southern Alps fold-and-thrust belt, and the knowledge of this structure is deeply rooted in the geological literature and spans more than a century and a half. The main fault of the SVFS is the Schio-Vicenza Fault (SVF), which has a significant imprint in the landscape across the eastern Southern Alps and the Veneto-Friuli foreland. The SVF can be divided into a northern segment, extending into the chain north of Schio and mapped up to the Adige Valley, and a southern one, coinciding with the SVF proper. The latter segment borders to the east the Lessini Mountains, Berici Mountains and Euganei Hills block, separating this foreland structural high from the Veneto-Friuli foreland, and continues southeastward beneath the recent sediments of the plain via the blind Conselve–Pomposa fault. The structures forming the SVFS have been active with different tectonic phases and different styles of faulting at least since the Mesozoic, with a long-term dip-slip component of faulting well defined and, on the contrary, the horizontal component of the movement not being well constrained. The SVFS interrupts the continuity of the eastern Southern Alps thrust fronts in the Veneto sector, suggesting that it played a passive role in controlling the geometry of the active thrust belt and possibly the current distribution of seismic release. As a whole, apart from moderate seismicity along the northern segment and few geological observations along the southern one, there is little evidence to constrain the recent activity of the SVFS. In this context, the SVFS, and specifically its SVF strand, has accommodated a different amount of shortening of adjacent domains of the Adriatic (Dolomites) indenter by internal deformation produced by lateral variation in strength, related to Permian–Mesozoic tectonic structures and paleogeographic domains. The review of the historical and instrumental seismicity along the SVFS shows that it does not appear to have generated large earthquakes during the last few hundred years. The moderate seismicity points to a dextral strike-slip activity, which is also corroborated by the field analysis of antithetic Riedel structures of the fault cropping out along the northern segment. Conversely, the southern segment shows geological evidence of sinistral strike-slip activity. The apparently conflicting geological and seismological data can be reconciled considering the faulting style of the southern segment as driven by the indentation of the Adriatic plate, while the opposite style along the northern segment can be explained in a sinistral opening “zipper” model, where intersecting pairs of simultaneously active faults with a different sense of shear merge into a single fault system.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Martin Michálek ◽  
Marián Putiš ◽  
Christoph Hauzenberger

AbstractThis study focuses on metapelites of the Polinik complex in the Kreuzeck Mts. southeast of the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, where kyanite — staurolite — garnet gneisses host eclogites and high pressure (HP) amphibolites of the Austroalpine basement. The stable mineral assemblage is garnet — staurolite — biotite — kyanite — quartz. Estimated metamorphic conditions from conventional geothermobarometry are 654±30 °C and 0.9±0.08 GPa, and Average P-T values calculated by THERMOCALC, are 665±15 °C at 0.77±0.09 GPa. Formation of the present mineral association in gneisses is related to the exhumation (D2) stage of hosted eclogites/HP amphibolites within a lateral strike-slip zone.

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