Social reinsertion: comparative study between the hospital assistance and in the caps under the point of view of the user

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1695
Karlla Kelline De Lima Barbosa ◽  
Monique Feitosa De Souza ◽  
Iracema Da Silva Frazão ◽  
Fernanda Jorge Guimarães

ABSTRACT        Objective: analyze the opinion of users assisted in the CAPS in the city of Camaragibe/Pernambuco, about the way the social reinsertion is approached in the psychiatrics hospitals and substitutive services. Method: it is a research with quantitative approach, done with 33 users in treatment in the regimen non intensive in CAPS, having among other criteria of inclusion, users, with historic of internship in psychiatric hospitals. Data were collected through questionnaire, which were tabulated in Excel and analyzed with the aid of SPSS 15.0 program. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Oswaldo Cruz (protocol number 005/08). Results: the users interviewed perceived the CAPS as a service that contributes for the reinsertion in the family and in the community. In this therapeutic set, they receive qualifications to develop financial autonomy, while in the closed hospitals does not seem to exist such worry. Conclusion:  it can be perceived that the users interviewee have clarity about the role of the CAPS, that is revealed as an efficient strategy in the treatment of people with mental disease, because besides doing the clinical attendance, it facilitates the social insertion of their users. Descriptors: mental health; mental health services; rehabilitation; deinstitutionalization; mental health assistance.RESUMOObjetivo: analisar a opinião dos usuários assistidos no CAPS do município de Camaragibe/Pernambuco, sobre a forma como a reinserção social é abordada nos hospitais psiquiátricos e serviços substitutivos. Método: pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa, realizada com 33 usuários em tratamento no regime não intensivo no CAPS, tendo como outros critérios de inclusão, usuários com histórico de internamento em hospital psiquiátrico. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário, os quais foram tabulados no Excel e analisados com o auxílio do programa SPSS 15.0. Estudo aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (número de protocolo 005/08). Resultados: os usuários entrevistados perceberam o CAPS como um serviço que contribui para a reinserção na família e na comunidade. Nesse set terapêutico, eles recebem capacitações para desenvolverem autonomia financeira, enquanto que nos hospitais fechados não lhes parece existir tal preocupação. Conclusões: percebe-se que os usuários entrevistados têm clareza sobre o papel do CAPS, que se revela como uma estratégia eficaz no tratamento de pessoas com transtorno mental, pois além de realizar o acompanhamento clínico, favorece a reinserção social dos seus usuários. Descritores: saúde mental; serviços de saúde mental; reabilitação; desinstitucionalização; assistência em saúde mental.RESUMENObjetivo: analizar la opinión de los usuarios asistidos en el CAPS del municipio de Camaragibe/Pernambuco, acerca de la forma como la reinserción social es abordada en los hospitales psiquiátricos y en los servicios substitutivos. Método: se trata de una investigación con abordaje cuantitativo, realizada con 33 usuarios en tratamiento en régimen no intensivo, teniendo entre otros criterios de inclusión, usuarios con histórico de internación en hospital psiquiátrico. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de cuestionario, que fueron tabulados en Excel y analizados con la ayuda del programa SPSS 15.0. Este estudio fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética de la Hospital Universitario Oswaldo Cruz (número de protocolo 005/08). Resultados: los usuarios entrevistados percibieron el CAPS como un servicio que contribuye para la reinserción en la familia y en la comunidad. En ese espacio terapéutico, ellos se capacitan para desarrollar autonomía, mientras que en los hospitales cerrados no les parece existir tal preocupación. Conclusiones: los usuarios tienen claridad acerca del papel del CAPS, que es visto como una estrategia eficaz en el tratamiento de personas con transtornos mentales, ya que además de realizar el acompañamiento clínico, favorece la reinserción social de sus usuarios. Descriptores: salud mental; servicios de salud mental; rehabilitación; desinstitucionalización; asistencia en salud mental.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 151 ◽  
Marcelino López ◽  
Francisco Javier Saavedra ◽  
Margarita Laviana ◽  
Andrés López

Resumen: El artículo presenta los resultados del estudio “Salud mental: imá- genes y realidades”, referido a las imágenes sociales asociadas a tres términos relativos a trastornos mentales: “locura”, “enfermedad mental” y “depresión”. A partir de un diseño internacional se entrevistaron en la ciudad de Sevilla 920 personas adultas, según un método de cuotas a partir de las principales variables sociodemográficas y mediante un Cuestionario Socio-antropológico, utilizado en un proyecto multinacional del Centro Colaborador de la OMS en Salud Mental de Lille (Francia). El cuestionario pide a las personas entrevistadas que relacionen determinadas afirmaciones sobre conductas, síntomas, causas y consecuencias a las tres categorías elegidas, explorando con ellos los aspectos cognitivos de las actitudes y representaciones mentales de la población. Los datos obtenidos fueron tratados con estadísticas descriptivas y posteriormente con la técnica de análisis multivariante de los Conglomerados Jerárquicos. En conjunto muestran la existencia de una diversidad de atribuciones que diferencian entre esas tres categorías, relacionando la “locura” con contenidos de violencia, extrañeza e incurabilidad, mezclando esos contenidos con una visión más medica en el caso de la “enfermedad mental” y diferenciando claramente la “depresión” Componentes similares a los encontrados en estudios internacionales y que plantean además cuestiones importantes sobre la dinámica social del estigma y su evolución, en función de la difusión de conocimientos profesionales, que deberá ser explorada en posteriores estudios. Images of “madness”, “mental illness” and “depression” in the city of Seville Abstract: The article presents the results of the study “mental health: images and realities” referred to the social images associated with three terms relating to mental disorders: “madness”, “mental illness” and “depression”. They met in the city of Seville, from an international design, 920 adults according to a quota method based on the main demographic variables and using a Socio-anthropological questionnaire, used in a multinational project of the WHO Collaborating Center the Mental Health of Lille (France). The questionnaire asks respondents to relate certain assertions about behaviors, symptoms, causes, and consequences to the three chosen categories, exploring with them the cognitive aspects of attitudes and mental representations of the population. The data obtained were treated with descriptive statistics and later with the technique of multivariate analysis of hierarchical conglomerates. Together they show the existence of a diversity of assertions that differentiate between those three categories, relating the “madness” with contents of violence, strangeness and hopeless, mixing these contents with one more medical vision of “mental disease” and clearly differentiating the “depression”. Components that are similar to those found in international studies and that posed also important issues about the social dynamics of stigma and its evolution, based on the dissemination of professional knowledge, which must be explored in subsequent studies.

Esra'a Jassim Hamad Al-Ghunaim,  Ahmed Suleiman Mohammed Ban

  This study aims to uncover the role of academic leaders in activating the social participation in the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University and is conducted from the student's point of view and to identify the significance of differences according to varying criteria (gender, academic track, and the level of study.(To achieve this, the researcher used the descriptive, analytical approach and constructed the questionnaire as a data collection tool. The questionnaire was composed of (50) items covering five domains: (Partnerships with families, Community service, Community resource development, Volunteering, Public relations and communication within communities). The study involved the entire student population consisting of both male and female students attending the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University. Of approximately (36,820) students, a random sample of (1841) students was generated and represent 5%, and the data was processed statistically by SPSS. The study reached several results, the most significant of which are: • Members of the sample study rated the role of academic leaders in activating community participation with a low level in all fields of study. 2.There are statistically significant differences between the views of the sample study in all areas due to gender variables favoring females. There are also differences according to the academic track which favors the scientific colleges. In light of the results, the researcher advises the following recommendations: - Initiate organizing field visits by students to schools, companies, associations and medical centers. Arranging tours to the directors of some companies and institutions of the university may play a vital role in supporting different disciplines respective to their nature. - Issue regulations for voluntary community work at the university supported by a list of cooperating and related authorities, incentives, violations, and penalties.    

Wadad Abdullah Sharabi

The study aimed to identify the role of Prince Sattam University as a model in the development of the social mobility of Saudi women and to reveal the effect of some variables (the scientific specialization of the residence class) for the role of Prince Sattam University as a model in the social mobility of female students. (48) divided into four main dimensions of social mobility, and was selected a random sample consisting of (200) students from the University of Prince Sattam. The study found that the University of Prince Sattam as a role model in achieving social mobility with a mean average of 4.30, a standard deviation of 0.98, a verbal assessment (strongly agree), economic mobility with an average of 4.43, a standard deviation of 0.89, ), Cultural mobility at an average of 3.75, a standard deviation of 0.83, a verbal estimate of (I agree), political mobility at an average of 3.93, a standard deviation of 0.90, a verbal assessment of students The study showed that there is no difference in the responses of female students due to the variable (specialization of the academic class in residence) in all the social mobility. The study also presented a model from the point of view of the students to activate the role of the university in helping students develop their social mobility. The role of the university in developing the social mobility of its students, and urging students to participate in political, cultural, economic and social, and the importance of the role of the university in introducing students to the importance of social mobility  

Belén Pascual-Vera

Resumen: Aunque la dimensión de salud está mediada por el contexto social, los modelos de atención hegemónicos priorizan la profesionalización e individualización de los cuidados, y la atención desde el entorno social permanece invisibilizada. En este trabajo se presenta un análisis sobre la centralización de los cuidados en salud mental, partiendo de la dicotomía entre cuidados profesionales e informales; y se proponen algunas consideraciones respecto a cómo descentralizar los cuidados. Se plantea la necesidad de revalorizar el papel del entorno social, y generar herramientas de gestión colectiva de la salud-enfermedad. Palabras clave: cuidados, salud mental, cuidadores, apoyo mutuo, revisión crítica. Abstract: Although of health dimension is mediated by the social context, hegemonic models prioritize the professionalization and individualization of cares, and the role of social environment remains invisible. This paper presents a reflection on the centralization of cares in mental health, starting from the dichotomy between professionalized and informal cares. Some reflections on how mental health care could be decentralized were also consider. Revaluating the role of the social environment, and generate tools of collective management of health-disease are suggested. Keywords: cares, mental health, mutual support, caregiver, critical review.

2020 ◽  
Vol 198 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 180-195
Cristian Emanuel Adorean ◽  
Jordi Nofre ◽  
Oana-Ramona Ilovan ◽  
Viorel Gligor

The university city of Cluj-Napoca in Romania is one of the clearest examples where ‘the night’ (including restaurants, bars, discotheques, clubs, and also museums, exhibitions, and theatres) has been essential for the vitality of the city. Despite the importance of ‘the night’ for the everyday life of the city, the role of the night-time leisure economy in the social and urban change of European post-socialist cities remains underexplored. Based on mixed research methods, this paper aims to examine the recent development of the night-time leisure economy of Cluj-Napoca. After a theoretical approach in which we highlight the long underexplored path that still exists in relation to the study on the political, social, cultural and economic factors of ’the night’ in post-socialist cities from South-Eastern Europe, the paper shows a quantitative approach about a range of variables that define the different (and unequal) forms of consuming the night in the city centre of Cluj-Napoca. The second part of the paper shows the results derived from the quantitative study about the different perceptions and visions that employees, residents, venue owners, and municipals have about nightlife in Cluj-Napoca. The paper concludes by suggesting that a greater institutional attention should be provided to the development of the night-time leisure economy in the city centre of Cluj-Napoca in order to avoid the reproduction of 'segmented nightscapes' that highly feature the night in Central and Western Europe.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Besin Gaspar

This research deals with the development of  self concept of Hiroko as the main character in Namaku Hiroko by Nh. Dini and tries to identify how Hiroko is portrayed in the story, how she interacts with other characters and whether she is portrayed as a character dominated by ”I” element or  ”Me”  element seen  from sociological and cultural point of view. As a qualitative research in nature, the source of data in this research is the novel Namaku Hiroko (1967) and the data ara analyzed and presented deductively. The result of this analysis shows that in the novel, Hiroko as a fictional character is  portrayed as a girl whose personality  develops and changes drastically from ”Me”  to ”I”. When she was still in the village  l iving with her parents, she was portrayed as a obedient girl who was loyal to the parents, polite and acted in accordance with the social customs. In short, her personality was dominated by ”Me”  self concept. On the other hand, when she moved to the city (Kyoto), she was portrayed as a wild girl  no longer controlled by the social customs. She was  firm and determined totake decisions of  her won  for her future without considering what other people would say about her. She did not want to be treated as object. To put it in another way, her personality is more dominated by the ”I” self concept.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Sina Saeedy ◽  
Mojtaba Amiri ◽  
Mohammad Mahdi Zolfagharzadeh ◽  
Mohammad Rahim Eyvazi

Quality of life and satisfaction with life as tightly interconnected concepts have become of much importance in the urbanism era. No doubt, it is one of the most important goals of every human society to enhance a citizen’s quality of life and to increase their satisfaction with life. However, there are many signs which demonstrate the low level of life satisfaction of Iranian citizens especially among the youth. Thus, considering the temporal concept of life satisfaction, this research aims to make a futures study in this field. Therefore, using a mixed model and employing research methods from futures studies, life satisfaction among the students of the University of Tehran were measured and their views on this subject investigated. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analysed together in order to test the hypotheses and to address the research questions on the youth discontentment with quality of life. Findings showed that the level of life satisfaction among students is relatively low and their image of the future is not positive and not optimistic. These views were elicited and discussed in the social, economic, political, environmental and technological perspectives. Keywords:  futures studies, quality of life, satisfaction with life, youth

Oksana Galchuk

The theme of illegitimacy Guy de Maupassant evolved in his works this article perceives as one of the factors of the author’s concept of a person and the plane of intersection of the most typical motifs of his short stories. The study of the author’s concept of a person through the prism of polivariability of the motif of a bastard is relevant in today’s revision of traditional values, transformation of the usual social institutions and search for identities, etc. The purpose of the study is to give a definition to the existence specifics of the bastard motif in the Maupassant’s short stories by using historical and literary, comparative, structural methods of analysis as dominant. To do this, I analyze the content, variability and the role of this motive in the formation of the Maupassant’s concept of a person, the author’s innovations in its interpretation from the point of view of literary diachrony. Maupassant interprets the bastard motif in the social, psychological and metaphorical-symbolic sense. For the short stories with the presentation of this motif, I suggest the typology based on the role of it in the structure of the work and the ideological and thematic content: the short stories with a motif-fragment, the ones with the bastard’s leitmotif and the group where the bastard motif becomes a central theme. The Maupassant’s interpretation of the bastard motif combines the general tendencies of its existence in the world’s literary tradition and individual reading. The latter is the result of the author’s understanding of the relevant for the era issues: the transformation of the family model, the interest in the theory of heredity, the strengthening of atheistic sentiments, the growth of frustration in the system of traditional social and moral values etc. This study sets the ground for a prospective analysis of the evolution the bastard motif in the short-story collections of different years or a comparative study of the motif in short stories and novels by Maupassant.

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