scholarly journals Imágenes de la “locura”, la “enfermedad mental” y la “depresión” en la ciudad de Sevilla

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 151 ◽  
Marcelino López ◽  
Francisco Javier Saavedra ◽  
Margarita Laviana ◽  
Andrés López

Resumen: El artículo presenta los resultados del estudio “Salud mental: imá- genes y realidades”, referido a las imágenes sociales asociadas a tres términos relativos a trastornos mentales: “locura”, “enfermedad mental” y “depresión”. A partir de un diseño internacional se entrevistaron en la ciudad de Sevilla 920 personas adultas, según un método de cuotas a partir de las principales variables sociodemográficas y mediante un Cuestionario Socio-antropológico, utilizado en un proyecto multinacional del Centro Colaborador de la OMS en Salud Mental de Lille (Francia). El cuestionario pide a las personas entrevistadas que relacionen determinadas afirmaciones sobre conductas, síntomas, causas y consecuencias a las tres categorías elegidas, explorando con ellos los aspectos cognitivos de las actitudes y representaciones mentales de la población. Los datos obtenidos fueron tratados con estadísticas descriptivas y posteriormente con la técnica de análisis multivariante de los Conglomerados Jerárquicos. En conjunto muestran la existencia de una diversidad de atribuciones que diferencian entre esas tres categorías, relacionando la “locura” con contenidos de violencia, extrañeza e incurabilidad, mezclando esos contenidos con una visión más medica en el caso de la “enfermedad mental” y diferenciando claramente la “depresión” Componentes similares a los encontrados en estudios internacionales y que plantean además cuestiones importantes sobre la dinámica social del estigma y su evolución, en función de la difusión de conocimientos profesionales, que deberá ser explorada en posteriores estudios. Images of “madness”, “mental illness” and “depression” in the city of Seville Abstract: The article presents the results of the study “mental health: images and realities” referred to the social images associated with three terms relating to mental disorders: “madness”, “mental illness” and “depression”. They met in the city of Seville, from an international design, 920 adults according to a quota method based on the main demographic variables and using a Socio-anthropological questionnaire, used in a multinational project of the WHO Collaborating Center the Mental Health of Lille (France). The questionnaire asks respondents to relate certain assertions about behaviors, symptoms, causes, and consequences to the three chosen categories, exploring with them the cognitive aspects of attitudes and mental representations of the population. The data obtained were treated with descriptive statistics and later with the technique of multivariate analysis of hierarchical conglomerates. Together they show the existence of a diversity of assertions that differentiate between those three categories, relating the “madness” with contents of violence, strangeness and hopeless, mixing these contents with one more medical vision of “mental disease” and clearly differentiating the “depression”. Components that are similar to those found in international studies and that posed also important issues about the social dynamics of stigma and its evolution, based on the dissemination of professional knowledge, which must be explored in subsequent studies.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1695
Karlla Kelline De Lima Barbosa ◽  
Monique Feitosa De Souza ◽  
Iracema Da Silva Frazão ◽  
Fernanda Jorge Guimarães

ABSTRACT        Objective: analyze the opinion of users assisted in the CAPS in the city of Camaragibe/Pernambuco, about the way the social reinsertion is approached in the psychiatrics hospitals and substitutive services. Method: it is a research with quantitative approach, done with 33 users in treatment in the regimen non intensive in CAPS, having among other criteria of inclusion, users, with historic of internship in psychiatric hospitals. Data were collected through questionnaire, which were tabulated in Excel and analyzed with the aid of SPSS 15.0 program. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Oswaldo Cruz (protocol number 005/08). Results: the users interviewed perceived the CAPS as a service that contributes for the reinsertion in the family and in the community. In this therapeutic set, they receive qualifications to develop financial autonomy, while in the closed hospitals does not seem to exist such worry. Conclusion:  it can be perceived that the users interviewee have clarity about the role of the CAPS, that is revealed as an efficient strategy in the treatment of people with mental disease, because besides doing the clinical attendance, it facilitates the social insertion of their users. Descriptors: mental health; mental health services; rehabilitation; deinstitutionalization; mental health assistance.RESUMOObjetivo: analisar a opinião dos usuários assistidos no CAPS do município de Camaragibe/Pernambuco, sobre a forma como a reinserção social é abordada nos hospitais psiquiátricos e serviços substitutivos. Método: pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa, realizada com 33 usuários em tratamento no regime não intensivo no CAPS, tendo como outros critérios de inclusão, usuários com histórico de internamento em hospital psiquiátrico. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário, os quais foram tabulados no Excel e analisados com o auxílio do programa SPSS 15.0. Estudo aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (número de protocolo 005/08). Resultados: os usuários entrevistados perceberam o CAPS como um serviço que contribui para a reinserção na família e na comunidade. Nesse set terapêutico, eles recebem capacitações para desenvolverem autonomia financeira, enquanto que nos hospitais fechados não lhes parece existir tal preocupação. Conclusões: percebe-se que os usuários entrevistados têm clareza sobre o papel do CAPS, que se revela como uma estratégia eficaz no tratamento de pessoas com transtorno mental, pois além de realizar o acompanhamento clínico, favorece a reinserção social dos seus usuários. Descritores: saúde mental; serviços de saúde mental; reabilitação; desinstitucionalização; assistência em saúde mental.RESUMENObjetivo: analizar la opinión de los usuarios asistidos en el CAPS del municipio de Camaragibe/Pernambuco, acerca de la forma como la reinserción social es abordada en los hospitales psiquiátricos y en los servicios substitutivos. Método: se trata de una investigación con abordaje cuantitativo, realizada con 33 usuarios en tratamiento en régimen no intensivo, teniendo entre otros criterios de inclusión, usuarios con histórico de internación en hospital psiquiátrico. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de cuestionario, que fueron tabulados en Excel y analizados con la ayuda del programa SPSS 15.0. Este estudio fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética de la Hospital Universitario Oswaldo Cruz (número de protocolo 005/08). Resultados: los usuarios entrevistados percibieron el CAPS como un servicio que contribuye para la reinserción en la familia y en la comunidad. En ese espacio terapéutico, ellos se capacitan para desarrollar autonomía, mientras que en los hospitales cerrados no les parece existir tal preocupación. Conclusiones: los usuarios tienen claridad acerca del papel del CAPS, que es visto como una estrategia eficaz en el tratamiento de personas con transtornos mentales, ya que además de realizar el acompañamiento clínico, favorece la reinserción social de sus usuarios. Descriptores: salud mental; servicios de salud mental; rehabilitación; desinstitucionalización; asistencia en salud mental.  

2009 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 760
Jacqueline De Souza ◽  
Luciane Prado Kantorski ◽  
Leandro Barbosa de Pinho

ABSTRACTObjective: to articulate the question of deprivation of liberty derived from the mandate given to the social figure of the psychiatric hospital, on behalf of the treatment and cure of the insane. Method: for this discussion, some assumptions are articulated in Hannah Arendt, as policy and citizenship concepts, with the trajectory of the Psychiatric Reform, with the Movement of the Fight Antimanicomial and proposals of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Model. Results: it presents some key milestones on the path of movement of Fraud Antimanicomial as well as the impact of these events in the reinvention of knowledge and practice in mental health. Conclusion: thus, in reference to practices of care, the Mental Illness and the model of psychosocial rehabilitation are as innovative proposals to support the attention to the phenomenon of madness, through a dialogical and participatory process involving the community, other devices of the territory and its resources. Descriptors: psychiatry; mental health; freedom; civil rights.RESUMOObjetivo: tratar neste ensaio da questão da privação de liberdade oriunda do mandato social outorgado à figura do hospital psiquiátrico, em nome do tratamento e cura do louco. Método: para esta discussão, são articulados alguns pressupostos de Hannah Arendt, como os de política e cidadania, com a trajetória da Reforma Psiquiátrica, destacando o Movimento da Luta Antimanicomial e as propostas do Modelo de Reabilitação Psicossocial. Resultados: apresentam-se alguns marcos principais sobre a trajetória do Movimento da Luta Antimanicomial, bem como a repercussão desses eventos na reinvenção dos saberes e das práticas em saúde mental. Conclusão: assim, no que se refere às práticas de cuidado, a Reforma Psiquiátrica e o modelo apresentado da Reabilitação Psicossocial surgem como propostas inovadoras para subsidiar a atenção ao fenômeno da loucura, por meio de um processo dialógico e participativo que envolva a comunidade, os demais dispositivos do território e seus recursos. Descritores: psiquiatria; saúde mental; liberdade; direitos civis.RESUMENObjetivo: tratar de la cuestión de la privación de libertad oriunda del mandato social otorgado a la figura del hospital psiquiátrico, en nombre del tratamiento y cura del loco. Método: para esta discusión, son articulados algunas presuposiciones de Hannah Arendt, como las de política y ciudadanía, con la trayectoria de la Reforma Psiquiátrica, destacando el Movimiento Antimanicomial y las propuestas del Modelo de Rehabilitación Psicosocial. Resultados: la discusión  presenta algunos marcos principales sobre la trayectoria del Movimiento Antimanicomial, así como la repercusión de esos eventos en los saberes y las prácticas en salud mental. Conclusión: así, en lo que se refiere a las prácticas de cuidado, la Reforma Psiquiátrica y el modelo presentado de la Rehabilitación Psicosocial surgen como propuestas innovadoras para subsidiar la atención al fenómeno de la locura, por medio de un proceso participativo y que envuelva diálogo con la comunidad, los demás dispositivos del territorio y sus recursos. Descriptores: psiquiatría; salud mental; libertad; derechos civiles.

Robbie Duschinsky ◽  
Sarah Foster

The theory of mentalizing and epistemic trust introduced by Peter Fonagy and colleagues at the Anna Freud Centre has been an important perspective on mental health and illness. This book is the first comprehensive account and evaluation of this perspective. The book explores 20 primary concepts that organize the contributions of Fonagy and colleagues: adaptation, aggression, the alien self, culture, disorganized attachment, epistemic trust, hypermentalizing, reflective function, the p-factor, pretend mode, the primary unconscious, psychic equivalence, mental illness, mentalizing, mentalization-based therapy, non-mentalizing, the self, sexuality, the social environment, and teleological mode. The biographical and social context of the development of these ideas is examined. The book also specifies the current strengths and limitations of the theory of mentalizing and epistemic trust, with attention to the implications for both clinicians and researchers.

Samuel Teague ◽  
Peter Robinson

This chapter reflects on the importance of the historical narrative of mental illness, arguing that Western countries have sought new ways to confine the mentally ill in the post-asylum era, namely through the effects of stigma and medicalization. The walls are invisible, when once they were physical. The chapter outlines how health and illness can be understood as socially constructed illustrating how mental health has been constructed uniquely across cultures and over time. To understand this process more fully, it is necessary to consider the history of madness, a story of numerous social flashpoints. The trajectories of two primary mental health narratives are charted in this chapter. The authors argue that these narratives have played, and continue to play, an important role in the social construction of mental illness. These narratives are “confinement” and “individual responsibility.” Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault and Roy Porter, the authors describe how Western culture has come to consider the mentally ill as a distinct, abnormal other.

Torbjörn Tännsjö

The maximin/leximin theory is applied in real medical life. The general result, in relation to any welfare state assuming its global obligations, is that more resources ought to be directed to the care and cure of people suffering from mental illness; less should be spent on marginal life extension (especially among elderly patients).The urgency of mental health, when the matter is assessed from the point of view of the maximin/leximin theory, has to do with the fact that people often suffer for very long time from mental disease rendering it plausible to assume that many people in this category garner throughout their lives a net deficit in terms of happiness. Hence they are the patients who are worst off. The problem with marginal life extension among elderly patients has to do with the fact that many among them have throughout their long lives already garnered a lot of happiness. Now these people have to stand back when there is fierce competition for available medical resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (6) ◽  
pp. 948-965
Megan Woods ◽  
Rob Macklin ◽  
Sarah Dawkins ◽  
Angela Martin

Workplace conditions and experiences powerfully influence mental health and individuals experiencing mental illness, including the extent to which people experiencing mental ill-health are ‘disabled’ by their work environments. This article explains how examination of the social suffering experienced in workplaces by people with mental illness could enhance understanding of the inter-relationships between mental health and workplace conditions, including experiences and characteristics of the overarching labour process. It examines how workplace perceptions and narratives around mental illness act as discursive resources to influence the social realities of people with mental ill-health. It applies Labour Process Theory to highlight how such discursive resources could be used by workers and employers to influence the power, agency and control in workplace environments and the labour process, and the implications such attempts might have for social suffering. It concludes with an agenda for future research exploring these issues.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-89 ◽  
Maria Liegghio

While globally advances have been made to recognize children as social actors in their own right, for psychiatrized young people their experiences of distress are often seen as a limitation and thus used as a justification for denying their meaningful participation in matters of concern to their lives. However, what would it mean if ‘mental illness’ was not seen as a ‘limitation’, but rather as an ‘epistemological position’ from which the social world is experienced, understood and acted upon? What would it mean if our theories about ‘distress’ and ‘helping’ were premised on the subjugated knowledges of psychiatrized children and youth? The consumer/survivor-led research movement has made significant gains in answering these questions for the adult, but not necessarily for the child and youth mental health field. The purpose of this article is to critically examine the significance of psychiatrized young people setting and executing their own research and, ultimately, practice agendas. Presented are the outcomes of an evaluation of a participatory action research project examining the stigma of mental illness conducted with seven psychiatrized youth, 14 to 17 years old. The outcomes suggest our roles as practitioners and researchers need to shift from being ‘agents’ working on behalf of to ‘allies’ working in solidarity with young people to change the social conditions of their marginalization. The article concludes with the limits of consumer/survivor-led research for addressing adultism and, instead, ends with a call for decolonizing children’s mental health.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Ciro José Jardim de Figueiredo ◽  
Caroline Maria de Miranda Mota

The aim of this paper is to map the most favorable locations for the occurrence of robberies in the Brazilian city through the multicriteria method Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach. Considering the city divisions with alternatives and evaluating by several spatial criteria, a decision-maker is building a preference model with based previous knowledge. Next, decision rules induced from preference information are introduced to the spatial environment to get the results. The decision rules can be seen as conditional part (represented by criteria) and decision part (assignment to decision classes). The rules classify all the alternatives according to security level. Moreover, the rules help to understand the social dynamics of the city and to assist in the proposition of strategies against violence.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (S1) ◽  
pp. s280-s281
D. Cabezas Sánchez ◽  
A. Ramírez Macías ◽  
J. Sáiz Galdós

Introduction“Viaje del Parnaso” is a volunteering project developed at the Day Center Aranjuez2 (CD2) for helping adults with SMI to get a satisfactory and responsible occupation through their implication in a volunteering work in the community, while involved in the maintenance of a green area in the city of Aranjuez.Objectives/aimsThe aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the project on the volunteers’ lives in terms of personal growth and environment conservation and compare its results with non-volunteers also attended at the CD2.MethodsThe project was carried once a week during 45 weeks. 11 volunteers participated on the project, plus 5 non-volunteers were considered as cuasi-control group. The instruments applied were an item on “environment conservation” and 2 subscale items of “Personal Growth” from the Ryff Scales of psychological well-being. Measures were applied at baseline, 6 and 12 months after.ResultsSignificant differences were found on the environment conservation item between volunteers at baseline and 6 months after (P < 0.05). Results also revealed a significant difference (P < 0.05) between volunteers and non-volunteers at both variables (“environment conservation” and “Personal Growth”) in baseline and 6 months after treatment.ConclusionsThe data from this study suggest that a volunteering program seems to be an effective intervention for bringing about improvements in well-being of people with SMI, and also for increasing their environmental awareness. These improvements may also help to change the stigma of SMI reinforcing mental health patient's contributions to society.Disclosure of interestThe authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

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