2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Fabiana De Almeida Barros ◽  
Diego Vinícius Curvo Santiago Silva ◽  
Rafael Pedrollo de Paes

RESUMO: O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo fazer o levantamento das condições dos sistemas prediais hidráulicos e sanitários de escolas públicas da regional norte do município de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso. Para isso, foram realizados estudos de diagnóstico desses sistemas em três diferentes edificações de tipologia educacional. O diagnóstico foi realizado por meio de inspeção visual e registros fotográficos dos ambientes sanitários, além da aplicação de questionário aos usuários das edificações. Como os dados coletados foram observados que os aspectos de maior insatisfação relacionam-se com manifestações patológicas de fácil intervenção e correção, como a falta de higiene, mau cheiro dos ambientes, vazamentos visíveis, entupimentos, mau posicionamento dos bebedouros e empoçamento de água. Nesse contexto, recomenda-se que a administração pública mantenha um programa contínuo de manutenção das escolas, a fim de prevenir ou diminuir essas manifestações. Dessa forma, seriam evitados grandes gastos com problemas de proporções majoradas por descuido e falta de manutenção, além disto, seriam mantidas condições apropriadas de saúde e o bom estado do ambiente educacional dos alunos. A maior contribuição deste trabalho é mostrar a situação em que se encontram os sistemas prediais hidráulicos sanitários das escolas públicas e, também, a identificação de que o bom estado das escolas públicas depende dos cuidados advindos desde a sua concepção até sua utilização pós-ocupação, contando suporte proveniente do governo e gestores, bem como, recursos financeiros que sejam adequados e suficientes para as necessidades de operação e manutenção e ao funcionamento adequado das atividades educacionais no Brasil. ABSTRACT: This study aims to survey the condition of water supply and drainage facilities of public schools in the northern regional city of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso - Brazil. For this, it was made a plumbing system diagnosis of facilities by visual inspection and photographic records data and a questionnaire to the users of the buildings. In the results, the aspects of greatest dissatisfaction are related to pathological manifestations of easy intervention, such as poor hygiene, bad smell, leaks, clogs, wrong positioning of troughs and puddling of water. In this context, it is recommended that the government keep a maintenance program of the schools in order to prevent or lessen these manifestations. Thus would be avoided more expenses with greater problems through carelessness and especially the health and good condition of the educational environment of students would be preserved. The major contribution of this work is to show the situation of building facilities of public schools and the identification that the good condition of public schools depend on care arising from its projection to the end user, with care from the government, with financial resources that are appropriate and sufficient to the needs of the correct functioning of educational activities in Brazil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-134
Juliana Stascovian ◽  
Laura Isabel Marques Vasconcelos de Almeida

O artigo é resultado da pesquisa de Mestrado intitulada Revista Educação em Mato Grosso: orientações pedagógicas sobre a disciplina de Matemática para o Ensino Primário nas escolas públicas mato-grossenses (1978-1986). O estudo retrata o ensino de Matemática sob o olhar da Revista Educação em Mato Grosso - REMT elaborada e socializada pela Secretaria de Estado de Educação de Mato Grosso - SEDUC/MT com o objetivo de formar os professores primários e aproximar o órgão governamental dos profissionais da educação. Ancorado na abordagem metodológica histórico-cultural, a pesquisa fundamentou-se em autores renomados que discutem com propriedade os conceitos de apropriação, cultura escolar, imprensa pedagógica e formação de professores contribuindo para a historiografia da educação matemática. Os dados revelam que além de vasta informação, a Revista oferecia sugestões de trabalho e partilha de experiências bem-sucedidas realizadas pelas unidades escolares, contribuindo com o processo de ensino aprendizagem nas escolas públicas primárias mato-grossenses.   Palavras-chave: Ensino de Matemática. Impresso Pedagógico. Formação de Professores.   Abstract The article is the result of a Master's research entitled Revista Educação em Mato Grosso: pedagogical guidelines on the subject of Mathematics for Primary Education in public schools in Mato Grosso (1978-1986). The study portrays the Mathematics Teaching from the perspective of “Revista Educação em Mato Grosso (REMT),” which was thought, elaborated and socialized by the Mato Grosso State Secretariat of Education (SEDUC / MT) with the objective of training primary teachers and bring the government agency closer to education professionals. Anchored in the historical-cultural methodological approach, the research was based on renowned authors who discuss appropriately the concepts of appropriation, school culture, pedagogical press and teacher education, contributing to the  mathematics education historiography. The data reveal that in addition to extensive information, the magazine offered work suggestions and shared successful experiences carried out by the school units, contributing to the teaching-learning process in public primary schools in Mato Grosso.   Keywords: Mathematics Teaching. Pedagogical Form. Teacher Training.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 385-400 ◽  
Raj Mestry

The National Norms and Standards for School Funding policy was adopted by the government to address equity in South African public schools. This pro-poor funding policy compels the state to progressively fund schools based on a quintile ranking system. Schools lacking in infrastructure, physical and financial resources and usually located within poor socio-economic environments are ranked quintiles 1 and 2. These schools are referred to as no-fee schools and are provided with far more state funding than well-resourced schools, ranked quintiles 4 and 5. More recently, quintile 3 schools, serving middle-of-the-range communities, have also been declared no-fee schools. Most of the school governing bodies and principals serving no-fee schools experience numerous challenges in effectively managing their schools’ funds. Using a quantitative research approach, the study aimed to determine the views of teachers and school management team members of how no-fee schools manage the funds received from the state and other fundraising initiatives. The findings revealed that governing bodies of no-fee schools lacked the necessary financial and entrepreneurial skills and, therefore, experienced great difficulty in preparing budgets and cash flow projection statements that could enable them to effectively manage the schools’ funds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 5874
Marcos García-López ◽  
Joaquín Melgarejo ◽  
Borja Montano

Pollution from wastewater discharges requires the treatment of all wastewater to maintain water bodies in good condition, as well as the possibility of reusing this water. Thus, wastewater treatment is an activity that has developed significantly in the Region of Valencia and has significant costs, including energy, which represents the main economic cost and an important environmental cost. In this way, efficiency and adequate financing of this activity are essential to minimise our environmental impact. However, the main funding tool currently does not allow us to address this issue, so we have a wastewater treatment with a high environmental cost in the form of greenhouse gas emissions. This tool is part of the revenues of water services, so it is not entirely independent, but it also seeks to prevent households from paying too high a total price. This leads to a situation where changes are needed to improve the financing of the different water services, as the financial resources obtained are insufficient and do not allow the current environmental problems to be solved. The analysis shows the importance of an appropriate tariff structure, as well as the need to include aspects such as water pollution and energy costs in the wastewater treatment tariff.

2021 ◽  
Vol 120 (825) ◽  
pp. 133-139
Faisal Bari

The Pakistani Constitution promises “free and compulsory” education for all, but 20 million children are not in school. Many who are enrolled receive poor-quality education: surveys show Pakistani students ranking among the lowest achievers in the world. This has led families in all but the lowest income groups to seek private alternatives for their children, weakening the constituency for improved public schools. Under Prime Minister Imran Khan, the government has pushed for a Single National Curriculum. Critics contend that it will not address lack of access or the poor quality of education, but that it could lead to restrictions on school choice, provincial autonomy, and linguistic diversity, while imposing a narrow vision of national identity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-184
Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg

With national electricity systems, ‘transition’ may involve decentralising production and ownership, and digitalising the system. These processes are facilitated by smart metering, ‘prosuming,’ and changes in consumer behaviour. Driving factors may be national steering, or the process can be left to the market. In Norway, the government has opted for tightly steered national coordination of three key areas: national smart-meter implementation (since 2011), prosumer regulation (since 2016), and a national end-user demand flexibility regulation (expected to be adopted in 2020). These regulations influence production patterns, energy flows and grid activities. Drawing on organisational fields theory, this article asks: Why was it decided to adopt these policies centrally? Which actors have had greatest influence on policy outputs? And, finally, what of the possible implications? The regulations, developed in a sector in a state of field crisis, have generally been supported by the relevant actors. The Norwegian case can help to explain incumbent roles and field crisis, as well as nuanced drivers in complex transitions, beyond decarbonisation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Hanti Anti

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan layanan bimbingan psiko-edukatif dalam membantu tugas perkembangan peserta didik SD di Kota Kediri dan untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung, faktor penghambat, serta upaya yang diterapkan dalam mengatasi hambatan dalam proses implementasinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif sekolah dasar di kota Kediri, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan layanan bimbingan psiko-edukatif dilaksanakan oleh guru kelas sebagai tugas tambahan yang diberikan oleh kepala sekolah. Hal tersebut didukung dengan guru kelas yang dinilai mampu mengondisikan kelas yang diampunya. Beberapa kendala yang dialami antara lain tidak adanya tenaga guru BK/konselor sekolah, pemberian layanan tidak terprogram dengan baik oleh guru kelas, pemerintah tidak menempatkan guru BK pada sekolah negeri dan bila mengadakan sendiri terkendala dengan dana, dan tidak adanya ruang konseling di sekolah. Sedangkan solusi yang diterapkan yaitu menempatkan guru senior sebagai guru kelas tinggi (kelas 4,5,6), mengadakan kerja sama dengan instansi yang terkait (KPAI, BNN, Kepolisian), dan kepala sekolah juga ikut terjun langsung membantu guru kelas dalam membantu menyelesaikan permasalahn peserta didik.Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Layanan Bimbingan Psiko-Edukatif, Tugas PerlembanganAbstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of psycho-educational guidance service policies in assisting the task of developing elementary school students in the City of Kediri and to find out supporting factors, inhibiting factors, as well as the efforts implemented in overcoming obstacles in the implementation process. This research is a qualitative descriptive study of elementary schools in the city of Kediri, with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the psycho-educational guidance service policy is carried out by the class teacher as an additional task given by the principal. This is supported by the class teacher who is considered able to condition the class he is in. Some constraints experienced include the absence of BK counselors/school counselors, the provision of services not well programmed by class teachers, the government does not place BK teachers in public schools and if it is self-constrained with funds, and there is no counseling room in schools. While the solution applied in placing senior teachers as high-class teachers (grades 4,5,6), collaborating with related institutions (KPAI, BNN, Police), and school principals also directly involved in helping class teachers in helping solve problems learners.Keywords: Policy, Psycho-Educational Guidance Services, Development Tasks

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Tiasa Adimagistra ◽  
Bitta Pigawati

Community needs for settlement area, especially in the city of Semarang increase rapidly, so the government in 2005 make a program called 100,000 RSS (Simple Healthy House) to meet those needs. RSS is a settlement with facilities and infrastructure that are inadequate. The construction of facilities and infrastructure of the settlement should refer to the SNI 03-1733-2004 on Procedures for Environmental Planning in Urban Housing. The research objective is to evaluate the facilities and infrastructure based on ISO and user perception in Puri Dinar Mas Semarang. The method which used to analyze are the quantitative descriptive and comparative methods. The descriptive quantitative method is used to identify the availability and existing condition with the user's perception of the infrastructure Puri Dinar Mas, while the comparative descriptive method is used to compare the existing condition with SNI and comparing the user's perception of the condition of housing infrastructure based on the observation. There is a 61% infrastructure is available based on SNI and 70% in good condition. Based on the results of the comparison with SNI only 32% meet the standard. The results of the perception of users 80% are stated that the condition of facilities and infrastructure that exist in this housing is good, meanwhile the comparison of existing condition with the perception of users found that 84% is good, 8% is bad, and the remaining 8% is moderate.

Ivo de Jesus Ramos ◽  
Luiz Henrique Amaral

ABSTRACTThis research, exploratory nature, aims to identify the current scenario of degrees in Science and Mathematics in Brazil, its weaknesses and offer. The number of vacancies in the IES Degree courses in Science and Mathematics is insufficient to meet demand in teacher training in this area? That was the question that guided the investigation. In this sense, we try to see if there are no vacancies, if there was a reduction in enrollment, evaluate evasion, estimate the annual public spending on vacancies unoccupied in 2011, these degrees. In response to the question presented in this study, the results corroborate the analysis of Tardif and Lessard (2009), with the prospect of an increase in the deficit of teachers. On the other hand, the survey indicated that the financial resources expended by the Government, especially in public institutions, little impact due to the high percentage of evasion, considering the offered vacancies and loss of students during the process. About 920 million reais annually, only in public HEIs, the resources made available for training of science and mathematics teachers do not produce effective results.RESUMOEsta investigação, de natureza exploratória, tem como objetivo identificar o atual cenário das licenciaturas de Ciências e Matemática no Brasil, suas fragilidades e oferta. A oferta de vagas pelas IES nos cursos de Licenciatura em Ciências e Matemática é insuficiente para atender a demanda na formação de professores nessa área? Essa foi a questão que norteou a investigação. Nesse sentido, procuramos verificar se há falta de vagas, se houve redução das matrículas, avaliar a evasão, estimar o gasto público anual com as vagas não ocupadas, em 2011, nessas licenciaturas. Em resposta ao questionamento apresentado nesta pesquisa, os resultados corroboram com a análise de Tardif e Lessard (2009), com a perspectiva de um agravamento no déficit de professores. Por outro lado, a pesquisa apontou que os recursos financeiros despendidos pelo Governo, em especial nas Instituições Públicas, pouco efeito produzem devido ao alto percentual de evasão, considerando-se as vagas ofertadas e perda de alunos durante o processo. Cerca de 920 milhões de reais anuais, apenas nas IES Públicas, dos recursos colocados à disposição para formação de professores de Ciências e Matemática não geram resultado efetivo. Contacto principal: [email protected]

Oksana RUDA

The activity of the Jewish party «Mizrachi» in the 20s and the 30s of the 20th century, aimed at developing private Jewish schooling with Hebrew as the medium of instruction, is analyzed. In interwar Poland, Jewish students were deprived of the opportunity to receive primary education in public schools in the mother tongue as the medium of instruction, as government officials only partially implemented the Little Treaty of Versailles of 1919. The development of Jewish schooling was also complicated by the Polonization policy, the cultural and linguistic heterogeneity of Poland's Jews. Polish-speaking «szabasówka», who implemented a nationwide program of educating Jewish students in the spirit of loyalty to the government, facilitated their assimilation. That part of the Jewish community, which perceived these schools as an assimilation factor, actively participated in expanding the network of private Jewish schools with Yiddish or Hebrew mediums of instruction. An important part in the development of such religious and national educational institutions took the Mizrachi party, whose program principles combined the Jewish religious tradition with activities aimed at forming a Jewish state in Palestine. The author examines the activities of the Jewish cultural and educational societies «Jabne» and «Micyjon tejce Tora», which were cared for by «Mizrachi». The societies took part in establishing preschools, primary and secondary schools, teachers' seminaries, evening courses, public universities, reading clubs, libraries, and more. Both Judaic and secular subjects were taught in these educational institutions. Paying due attention to the teaching of Hebrew, Jewish literature, and Jewish history in schools helped preserve Jewish students' national identity. Keywords «Mizrachi» political party, Poland, cultural and educational societies, religious and national schools, Hebrew, Yiddish.

Media Iuris ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 251 ◽  
Galih Arya Prathama

The increase of regional capacity in managing the needs of Regional Development accompanied by the Delegation of Authority from Central Government to Regional Government, has implications in increasing the need for Development Funds, while the Regions can’t continue to rely on the fulfillment of these needs to the Central Government. In response to this, in implementing Autonomy, the Regions are given additional Authority of Financial Management. Such authority, creates demands for the Regions to be creative and focused in achieving the Government Goals that have been established.,As an effort to execute duties and functions of Regional Government in the form of Regional Financial Management, then a region must be able to recognize the potential and explore all the resources it has. Local Government is expected to dig deeper related to the potential derived from its own financial resources, especially in order to meet the needs of government financing and development in the region, one of them through Local Own Revenue as one of the main sources of Regional Financial Reception. Independence of Local Own Revenue for a Regional Government, giving positive support to the ability of the region in meeting the needs to build the region. Thus, the greater source of income derived from the potential owned by a region, the more freely the area can accommodate the needs of community without the interest of Central Government which is not in accordance with the needs of people in the region.

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