scholarly journals Predictors of Likelihood of Adoption of Green Practices in Hotels: The Case of Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Ladi Muazu ◽  
Basri Rashid ◽  
Noor Azimin Zainol

Despite the high level of awareness of sustainable practices around the globe, and literatures on its adoption in businesses, studies showed very few studies are conducted in less advanced countries like Nigeria. Given the rising consumption of resources, apprehension for the environs and sudden realization among people for practices that are friendlier, the trend is gradually picking up in the Nigerian hotel industry. The hotel is facing challenges accepting green practices due to little information on green practice and its perceived benefits, government inability to enforce regulations on environmental sanitation, and absence of enlightenment promotion of green practice. This study strives to determine factors likely to motivate hotels to adopt innovative ways of operating in Nigeria. Based on Rogers’ theory of innovation diffusion, this study decided to establish perceived innovation characteristics, perceived environmental characteristics, organizational characteristics and stakeholders’ influence as determinants for likely adoption. Data was collected from General Managers of hotels (363 in number) in Abuja and Lagos. Using Partial Least Squares (PLS) path modelling, the findings indicate all perceived predictors positively correlated to likelihood of adoption.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-190 ◽  
Sajad Rezaei ◽  
Milad Kalantari Shahijan ◽  
Naser Valaei ◽  
Roya Rahimi ◽  
Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail

Few researchers have examined travellers’ experience with destinations despite the importance of their attitudes, behaviour and perception in selecting destinations. Current study aims to examine the relationship between risk perceptions, motivation, information source, travel experience and destination image among experienced international business travellers in Iran. The total number of 234 valid questionnaires was collected from international business travellers and structural equation modelling was employed using partial least squares path-modelling analysis to assess measurement and structural model for reflective constructs. Our empirical results support the negative relationship between destination image and risk perception, travel experience and risk perception while information sources were found to be unrelated to travellers risk perceptions. The results further shown that information sources and destination image, information sources and motivation, motivation and travel experience and destination image are related. However, the partial least squares-multigroup analysis results reveal that the significance of path coefficients differs across various demographic subgroups. Moreover, our results support experience and risk perception as a second-order reflective construct. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed along with a discussion on research limitations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-84
Jan Hendrik Schreier ◽  
Niels Biethahn ◽  
Frank Drewes

1979 ◽  
Vol 112 (4) ◽  
pp. 417-421 ◽  
Robert W. Gerlach ◽  
Bruce R. Kowalski ◽  
Herman O.A. Wold

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 201 ◽  
Alexis L. Waldron ◽  
Vicki Ebbeck

A quantitative approach was adopted to explore facets of mindfulness and self-compassion in relation to their ability to predict crewmembers’ perceptions of their supervisors’ leadership capabilities. The sample comprised 43 wildland fire crews consisting of their primary supervisors (n = 43) and crewmembers (n = 246). A partial least-squares path modelling approach was employed to test hypotheses regarding the relationships among mindfulness, self-compassion and leadership. Findings revealed that supervisor scores on mindfulness were significant predictors of crewmember-rated scores of supervisor leadership. Although not as strong, aspects of self-compassion were also significant predictors of perceived supervisor leadership. Unlike mindfulness, the aspects of self-compassion that predicted supervisor leadership were more varied between desirable self-compassion scores and undesirable self-compassion scores. Overall, the results indicate that mindfulness and self-compassion were predictors of desired wildland fire leadership by crewmembers; these results suggest potential functions that mindfulness and self-compassion could serve in the development of leaders in wildland firefighting.

Public Health ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 129 (9) ◽  
pp. 1187-1193
N. Yao ◽  
Q. Zeng ◽  
N.X. Zhong ◽  
D.X. Li ◽  
L.A. Huang ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. 1850008 ◽  
José Roberto Frega ◽  
Alex Antonio Ferraresi ◽  
Carlos Olavo Quandt ◽  
Claudimar Pereira da Veiga

The relationships among effective knowledge management (KM), organisational innovativeness (OI), market orientation (MO) and organisational performance (OP) have been explored in the literature. These constructs are generally analysed in pairs, such as the influence of KM on OI, or KM on OP, and other combinations, but the relationships among the full set of constructs in question are not fully understood yet. In the extant literature, the relationships among them are analysed for the most part with covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM). Partial least-squares (PLS) path modelling is a component-based approach to SEM that is not as widely used as CB-SEM, but it has the potential to allow increased flexibility in handling various modelling problems in comparison with CB models, particularly for predictive and exploratory purposes. This paper aims to verify whether the PLS method could confirm or reject the results of the more restrictive covariance-based method in modelling the relationships among KM, OI, MO and OP. The results indicate that both methods yielded convergent and discriminant validity for the constructs, displaying stability across model analysis and depuration. The PLS model revealed the influence of KM on MO, OI and OP. It also shows that OI is the main driving factor for OP. KM seems to have a direct effect on OP, which is greatly magnified when mediated by OI. The sample size, although borderline adequate for the CB method, was more than adequate for PLS, yielding excellent model stability.

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