One Distinguishing Characteristic of AAPB from Many Other Specialized Fields Is That of Inclusion

Biofeedback ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 85-85
Gabriel Sella
2003 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 241-249

Many sequences from number theory, such as the primes, are defined by recursive procedures, often leading to complex local behavior, but also to graphical similarity on different scales — a property that can be analyzed by fractal dimension. This paper computes sample fractal dimensions from the graphs of some number-theoretic functions. It argues for the usefulness of empirical fractal dimension as a distinguishing characteristic of the graph. Also, it notes a remarkable similarity between two apparently unrelated sequences: the persistence of a number, and the memory of a prime. This similarity is quantified using fractal dimension.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Nina Spada

Abstract Task-based language teaching (TBLT) and instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) have much in common in terms of theory, research, and educational relevance. The distinguishing characteristic between the two is that TBLT adopts communicative tasks as the central unit for instruction and assessment, whereas ISLA comprises a broader range of instructional activities and assessment practices. In this presentation, I focus on two of the conference themes: Instruction and Outcomes. With respect to Instruction, I draw attention to the pedagogical timing of form-focused instruction (FFI) and corrective feedback. I discuss relevant studies within ISLA and TBLT and argue that TBLT is particularly well-suited to investigating questions about the timing of FFI. In discussing Outcomes, I consider differences in how outcomes are measured in TBLT (i.e. performance) and ISLA (i.e. development) and the different aspects of language examined within each, for example, accuracy, implicit/explicit knowledge in ISLA and complexity, accuracy and fluency in TBLT. I discuss underlying similarities between fluency and implicit knowledge, how they are measured, and propose research to investigate the pedagogical timing of FFI in relation to fluency development. I conclude with a brief discussion of the need for a balance between theoretically and pedagogically motivated research within ISLA and TBLT.

2013 ◽  
Vol 690-693 ◽  
pp. 3386-3389
Yi Jin

In this paper, the marks on the concave keys used as guide keys duplicated by machine which has the function of profile modeling was analyzed systematically by experiments. In the experiment, the research concentrated on following aspect, the distinguish between mark on the concave key duplicated by machine with the producing mark and the using mark, the regularities of distribution and emergence probability of the characteristic marks on the key duplicated. The experimental research indicates that there are distinctive marks on the keys when normally used and when used as guide keys. The marks formed on the region that profile modeling needle touches in the process of duplicating have distinguishing characteristic. Therefore, the method is put forward that the examination of concave key can reveal distinctive marks whether the key has been used as a guide to create another key, it will be very useful to estimate criminality and analyze criminal scene.

2019 ◽  
Vol 147 (1) ◽  
pp. 363-388 ◽  
Jason P. Dunion ◽  
Christopher D. Thorncroft ◽  
David S. Nolan

The diurnal cycle of tropical convection and tropical cyclones (TCs) has been previously described in observational-, satellite-, and modeling-based studies. The main objective of this work is to expand on these earlier studies by identifying signals of the TC diurnal cycle (TCDC) in a hurricane nature run, characterize their evolution in time and space, and better understand the processes that cause them. Based on previous studies that identified optimal conditions for the TCDC, a select period of the hurricane nature run is examined when the simulated storm was intense, in a low shear environment, and sufficiently far from land. When analyses are constrained by these conditions, marked radially propagating diurnal signals in radiation, thermodynamics, winds, and precipitation that affect a deep layer of the troposphere become evident in the model. These propagating diurnal signals, or TC diurnal pulses, are a distinguishing characteristic of the TCDC and manifest as a surge in upper-level outflow with underlying radially propagating tropical squall-line-like features. The results of this work support previous studies that examined the TCDC using satellite data and have implications for numerical modeling of TCs and furthering our understanding of how the TCDC forms, evolves, and possibly impacts TC structure and intensity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-159
Igor Dakskobler ◽  
Andrej Seliškar ◽  
Branko Vreš

With a phytosociological analysis of more than 200 relevés on more than 25 localities with Gladiolus palustrisand (or) G. illyricusin western and southwestern Slovenia we identified more than 15 communities of association rank that belong to at least eight vegetation alliances and five classes. We determined that these two species can grow on the same localities and sites, but Gladiolus palustrisflowers at least 14 days after G. illyricus. Another reliable distinguishing characteristic is the fibrous tunic covering the corm. Gladiolus palustris is threatened in most of the examined localities, except for the Banjšice Plateau and the Slavnik range in Čičarija, but the current nature conservation policy in Slovenia does not provide for its preservation. Key words: Gladiolus palustris, G. illyricus, phytosociology, syntaxonomy, Natura 2000, nature conservation, Slovenia   Izvleček S fitocenološko analizo več kot 200 popisov na več kot 25 nahajališčih v zahodni in jugozahodni Sloveniji, na katerih uspevata vrsti Gladiolus palustrisin (ali) G. illyricus, smo prepoznali več kot 15 združb na rangu asociacije, ki pripadajo vsaj osmim vegetacijskim zvezam in petim razredom. Ugotovili smo, da obe podobni vrsti lahko uspevata na skupnih nahajališčih in rastiščih, toda vrsta Gladiolus palustriscveti vsaj 14 dni kasneje kot vrsta Gladiolus illyricus. Zanesljiv znak za njuno razlikovanje so vlakna, ki obdajajo njun gomolj. Na večini preučenih nahajališč je močvirski meček ogrožen in mu zdajšnja naravovarstvena politika v Sloveniji ne zagotavlja ohranitve, izjema sta planoti Banjšice in pogorje Slavnika v Čičariji. Ključne besede: Gladiolus palustris, G. illyricus, fitocenologija, sintaksonomija, Natura 2000, varstvo narave, Slovenija

Gidon Eshel

This chapter provides an overview of the second part of the book. This part is the crux of the matter: how to analyze actual data. While this part builds on Part 1, especially on linear algebra fundamentals covered in Part 1, the two are not redundant. The main distinguishing characteristic of Part 2 is its nuanced grayness. In the ideal world of algebra (and thus in most of part 1), things are black or white: two vectors are either mutually orthogonal or not, real numbers are either zero or not, a vector either solves a linear system or does not. By contrast, realistic data analysis, the province of Part 2, is always gray, always involves subjective decisions.

Marcin Wodziński

This chapter examines the characteristics of the Haskalah in the Kingdom of Poland. In many ways, the Haskalah in the Kingdom of Poland was a movement similar to others in eastern Europe, but it also retained many unique features. In terms of its similarities, the programme of the Polish maskilim was fundamentally in sympathy with the ideological foundations of the entire east European Haskalah. Educational plans and the struggle with Jewish separatism occupied a particularly important place, but so too did the maintenance of Jewish identity through the cultivation of the Hebrew language, Jewish literature, and historical awareness. Meanwhile, differences in the programme were attributable to the Kingdom's specific legal, social, cultural, and even economic context. The opportunity to participate in the government project for Jewish reform and the genuine influence which many maskilim brought to bear on these projects meant that Jewish supporters of modernization in the Kingdom were particularly interested in the socio-political aspect of Haskalah ideology and in putting it into action. As a result, they paid considerable attention to the productivity programme and to changes in the socio-occupational structure of the Jewish population in Poland, while neglecting areas of theory or religion. Another distinguishing characteristic of the Polish Haskalah was the predominance of literature in the Polish language.

2020 ◽  
pp. 72-95
David Faflik

This chapter addresses how the divergent city experience of the Paris métropole accumulated contrary meanings (overtly political in the minds of some, artfully performative in the minds of others) for interested onlookers during the tumultuous middle decades of the nineteenth century. The signature rhythms of the city’s divided politics in this period constituted a form unto themselves. For some observers of Paris, the distinguishing characteristic of these forms is that they were being placed under great strain by the domestic factions coalescing in France around a number of longstanding social grievances there, which together found expression in the country’s capital city. Another group of observers might have recognized the revolutionary potential of such grievances, but they were preoccupied instead by the captivating drama that was politics in Paris. These readers monitored the city’s politics less to understand its core issues than to enjoy what was effectively a form of street theatre for a viewing public. In the Paris of 1848, readers met with an urban “text” the content of which was sometimes indistinguishable from the enormity of its historical forms.

2006 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-165 ◽  
Bryan McCullick ◽  
Paul Schempp ◽  
Shan-Hui Hsu ◽  
Jin Hong Jung ◽  
Brad Vickers ◽  

A distinguishing characteristic of expert teachers appears to be an excellent memory (Berliner, 1986; Tan, 1997). Possessing an excellent memory aids experts in building a substantial knowledge base relative to teaching and learning. Despite its importance, the memory skills of expert teachers have yet to be investigated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the working memories of expert sport instructors. Forty-three expert teachers served as subjects for this study. Each teacher was shown a series of slides depicting play and instructional situations in their respective domains. The test required that the subjects view a slide for 5 seconds and then recall as much as they could from the slide. The audio taped responses were transcribed and then analyzed inductively using Huberman and Miles’ (1995) four stage analysis framework to draw themes and commonalities from the data. The findings revealed three themes of experts’ working memories: (a) voluminous and rich, (b) a dominant order, and (c) include a thorough skill analysis. There is support for Berliner (1986) and Tan’s (1997) contention that experts have excellent memories, arrange their knowledge in a hierarchical manner, and are able to discern the important from the unimportant.

1994 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-36 ◽  
Robert E. Smith ◽  
H. Brown Cribbs

This paper suggests a simple analogy between learning classifier systems (LCSs) and neural networks (NNs). By clarifying the relationship between LCSs and NNs, the paper indicates how techniques from one can be utilized in the other. The paper points out that the primary distinguishing characteristic of the LCS is its use of a co-adaptive genetic algorithm (GA), where the end product of evolution is a diverse population of individuals that cooperate to perform useful computation. This stands in contrast to typical GA/NN schemes, where a population of networks is employed to evolve a single, optimized network. To fully illustrate the LCS/NN analogy used in this paper, an LCS-like NN is implemented and tested. The test is constructed to run parallel to a similar GA/NN study that did not employ a co-adaptive GA. The test illustrates the LCS/NN analogy and suggests an interesting new method for applying GAs in NNs. Final comments discuss extensions of this work and suggest how LCS and NN studies can further benefit each other.

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