scholarly journals Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Statistika Berbasis Multimedia

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Devi Silvia Panjaitan

In this era of rapid technological development, the use of technology in various aspects is greatly enhanced. It is also inseparable in the world of education which must adapt itself to technology and bridge the technology and education world by implementing technology-based systems. Among them can be applied using multimedia-based learning media. The role of instructional media in the teaching and learning process is very important to be carried out by educators today, because the role of instructional media can be used to channel the sender's message to the recipient and through learning media and can also help students to explain something conveyed by the educator. Therefore, educators must be able to present good learning media for students in the current era.

2019 ◽  
Rika ramadani ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

Progress in information technology that is so fast is expected to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. In the world of information technology education can help and support the learning process. Especially now all the learning process activities can be done online. Progress in information technology must also be supported by quality human resources. In this case the teacher is very instrumental in the utilization of information technology in the world of education. Because the teacher is one of the education supervisors who will encourage the advancement of the quality of education in Indonesia. But in reality the quality of teachers in Indonesia is inadequate. There are still many teachers who cannot use information technology in learning especially for teachers who are senior or old. As teacher supervisors, they must improve the quality of their performance in using technology. To improve the ability of teachers to use technology, ongoing training is needed to use technology. The role of the head of the school as a supervisor is also needed, namely the principal is obliged to supervise, control, and approach the teacher in terms of the use of technology in the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 93-100
Fetri Sukisworo ◽  
Marsono Marsono ◽  
Widiyanti Widiyanti

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a fundamental impact on various aspects of humanity. Starting from attacking health, this pandemic has hit the education sector which is quite influential on human life. Enforcement of regulations while maintaining a distance of about one meter has implications for the education process in Indonesia. Therefore, the educational element must encourage the distance learning process. The term arises because it sees distance learning as an alternative to face-to-face methods so that education can always be held without controversy under any circumstances. This activity raises the use of technology that is used as teaching material for distance education. Distance learning techniques allow users to take advantage of technologies such as online learning. Teachers will be required to abandon using traditional techniques whose methods are somewhat indifferent. Online learning creates internet connectivity and the use of information technology in helping the teaching and learning process that can be applied in Google Classroom. In this article, researchers focus on using Google Classroom in the context of implementing distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Vidya Karya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
Muhdi Harto ◽  
Misbah Misbah

The world of education is again disturbed by the massive spread of the COVID-19 virus or coronavirus disease. The use of technology is considered to facilitate and be a solution and innovation in the learning process that can be a way out so that the teaching and learning process during the COVID-19 period becomes more effective. One of the innovations that teachers can do as educators in delivering learning materials is using models in collaboration with technological advances in the learning process, especially in science learning. This research is descriptive in the form of a literature study. Data sources come from 15 scientific articles from national journals and accredited national journals. Based on the literature review that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the use of online learning models in collaboration with technology such as the Zoom platform, google classroom, WhatsApp, and others can be used in the science learning process at all levels of education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because this learning model is centred on students so that they are not dependent on the teacher, which is in line with the basis of online learning, which requires students to think critically, be active in exploring or understanding the subject matter presented. Students are required to establish communication between fellow students and the teacher who acts as a moderator.Keywords: Covid-19; Inovations; Online Learning; Science Dunia pendidikan kembali terusik dengan adanya penyebaran virus COVID-19 atau coronavirus disease secara masif. Penggunaan teknologi dianggap bisa mempermudah dan menjadi solusi serta inovasi dalam proses pembelajaran yang bisa menjadi jalan keluar sehingga proses belajar mengajar di masa COVID-19 menjadi lebih efektif. Salah satu inovasi yang bisa dilakukan guru sebagai tenaga pendidik dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran yaitu penggunaan model yang dikolaborasikan dengan kemajuan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran khususnya pada pembelajaran sains. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif berupa studi kepustakaan. Sumber data berasal dari 15 artikel ilmiah dari jurnal nasional maupun jurnal nasional terakreditasi. Berdasarkan kajian literatur yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran online leaning yang dikolaborasikan dengan teknologi seperti platform Zoom, google classroom, whatsapp, dan lainnya dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran sains pada semua jenjang pendidikan di masa pandemi COVID-19. Hal ini karena model pembelajaran ini berpusat kepada peserta didik sehingga mereka tidak ketergatungan kepada guru, yang sejalan dengan dasar dari pembelajaran secara daring yaitu menuntut peserta didik untuk berpikir kritis, aktif dalam menjelajahi atau memahami materi pelajaran yang disampaikan serta peserta didik dituntut agar dapat menjalin komunikasi yang baik antara sesama peserta didik dan juga guru yang berperan sebagai moderator.Kata kunci: Covid-19; Inovasi; Online Learning; Sains

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 228
Fhesti Mayang Sari

Curriculum, syllabus and technology are the educational terms with their certain components and importance. They are also could be said as the guidelines for gaining educational goals. The use of mobile phone has become an essential part of nowadays students’ lives in the world. That is why the role of technology is also could not be separated with the content of the syllabus. This article aims to discuss the use of technology−in the form of Telegram as one of the mobile phone application−by inserting it in the syllabus related to the teaching and learning English especially for teaching reading. At the end of the discussion, it is found that those variables are influencing each other. Curriculum is as the reference of syllabus whereas syllabus is as the implementation of curriculum and technology supports them. A teacher could use Telegram by setting up a certain group discussion in a single classroom to maximize the learning process. When the teachers provided a Telegram group discussion with its interesting and appropriate context for students, it is possible to make students curious. When the students’ curiosity occured, the habitual process of reading begins. This could be one of a problem solving of students’ laziness of going to the school library. By the time the students have read several books or articles or another media that they like, the teachers could encourage them to share it with their classmates in some ways by maximizing their Telegram group.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Belinda Mau ◽  
Areyne Christi

Abstract: In this era of globalization, teachers are very dominant in self-actualizing to educate the nation in facing the challenges and competition in the world, so that they are required to improve their professionalism in dealing with any existing problems. Solutions to answer the problems faced by teachers arise in the following questions: Who is the teacher? What is the role of the teacher both as a teacher and in relation to their students? How to manage the quality of the teaching and learning process on children's self-development in the context of interest in learning? The answers are: (1) a teacher is a professional educator who educates, teaches a science, guides, trains, provides assessments, and evaluates students. (2) the role of the teacher to work holistically. The teacher not only carries out his duties as a teacher, but becomes an example and a companion to his students. (3) the teacher must be able to manage the class very well so that in every learning process, children can be interested and respond when a teacher delivers a material. Abstrak: Dalam era globalisasi ini guru sangatlah dominan di dalam mengaktualisasi diri untuk mencerdaskan bangsa dalam menghadapi tantangan dan persaingan dunia, sehingga dituntut untuk meningkatkan profesionalnya dalam menangani setiap masalah yang ada. Solusi untuk menjawab persoalan-persoalan yang di hadapi oleh guru muncul dalam pertanyaan sebagai berikut: Siapakah guru itu? Apakah peranan guru baik sebagai guru dan berhubungan dengan anak didiknya? Bagaimanakah mengelola kualitas proses belajar mengajar terhadap pengembangan diri anak dalam konteks minat belajar?  Jawabnya adalah: (1) guru adalah seorang tenaga pendidik profesional yang mendidik, mengajarkan suatu ilmu, membimbing, melatih, memberikan penilaian, serta melakukan evaluasi kepada peserta didik.  (2) peranan guru bekerja secara holistik. Guru tidak saja menjalankan tugasnya sebagai seorang pengajar, tetapi menjadi teladan dan teman bergaul bagi para muridnya. (3) guru harus dapat mengelola kelas dengan sangat baik sehingga dalam setiap proses pembelajaran, anak dapat tertarik dan meresponi ketika seorang guru menyampaikan sebuah materi.

2019 ◽  
Rika ramadani ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

Progress in information technology that is so fast is expected to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. In the world of information technology education can help and support the learning process. Especially now all the learning process activities can be done online. Progress in information technology must also be supported by quality human resources. In this case the teacher is very instrumental in the utilization of information technology in the world of education. Because the teacher is one of the education supervisors who will encourage the advancement of the quality of education in Indonesia. But in reality the quality of teachers in Indonesia isinadequate. There are still many teachers who cannot use information technology in learning especially for teachers who are senior or old. As teacher supervisors, they must improve the quality of their performance in using technology. To improve the ability of teachers to use technology, ongoing training is needed to use technology. The role of the head of the school as a supervisor is also needed, namely the principal is obliged to supervise, control, and approach the teacher in terms of the use of technology in the learning process.

2019 ◽  
Fadhil Naufan

This article describe about Financial administration. The financial administration in school is very important to be accountable for the teaching and learning process. Accountability, reporting and inspection, and the role of teachers in the financial administration shall be liable in accordance with the prevailing rules. Finance also needs to be managed as well as possible so that there are no mistakes in using it and the money is used correctly, because in reality this money is very sensitive because if something goes wrong it will have a bad impact. Financial management activities are carried out through a process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling or controlling. this is important, especially in the context of the implementation of School-Based Management, which gives schools the authority to find and utilize various funding sources according to school needs. This article explains how the role of finance is important in the world of education which starts from planning to later supervising the funds used in educational activities where the use must be careful so that there is no financial loss or misuse.

Mira Mira ◽  
Syihabudin Syihabudin ◽  
Yayan Nurbayan

This study aims to measure the extent of the benefits of technological development as a means of academic evaluation. On this occasion, the researcher chose the Kahoot program as a model, a game-based smartphone learning program used as a school and educational stream designed by two scientists from the University of Norway. Researchers use the program of using the Kahoot program in the implementation process for students participating in Arabic language training courses at the Language Center of the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, the results of the study show that this program is of great use to teachers when they show tables that are more effective and efficient, because of the program. It is easy to use question setting by teachersand teachers. It is reliable and can predict the results of decisions after students have answered questions. Apart from that, this program also provides students with fun games such as game programs and can also be accessed easily via smartphones. Researchers hope that this study's results can provide additional information and input for teachers to increase the use of technology in the online teaching and learning process, especially during the Covid-19 epidemic, so that the teaching and learning process is more exciting effective.

Muqorobin Muqorobin ◽  
Nendy Akbar Rozaq Rais

Abstract— At this time the spread of the Corona Covid-19 Virus was sweeping the world, Indonesia was also affected, especially in the world of education where the teaching and learning process was usually carried out face-to-face in the classroom. So as a result of this pendemi the teaching and learning process must be done online. The role of information systems technology is very meaningful in lecture learning. This study aims to analyze a model of campus learning conditions and the role of information system technology in college learning amid the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic at STMIK Sinar Nusantara Surakarta. The research method is to make observations and literature studies to obtain data and information used in research. The results of this study indicate the use of information technology has a very important role in the implementation of online distance learning in the midst of the corona covid 19 virus pandemic, among online online media such as: google classroom, whatsapp, zoom. Of the online learning media, it is proven that Google Classroom: 55.9% is widely used as media for sharing materials and assignments, while video conferences lectures are the most users of Google Meet as much as: 70.6%. The results of the analysi s of the online learning value are: 44.1%. Based on this data, it shows that the role of information system technology plays an important role and helps in the teaching and learning process amid the Covid-19 corona virus pandemic.

SinkrOn ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 212
Nofri Wandi Al Hafiz ◽  
Helpi Nopriandi

The progress of technological development in the current era is very fast and fast, it is seen from how people use the technology, even now technology has entered the world of education in terms of the teaching and learning process, with the process of learning and teaching that is still focusing teachers as a material giver, it will make the learning and teaching experience monotonous and less attractive so that students become bored and lack enthusiasm especially with math lessons that use a lot of thoughts, unless the teacher can bring the class atmosphere to be interesting it will make the classroom atmosphere become enthusiasm, to help teachers in the teaching process, it is necessary to make an application that can help teachers to make students interested in learning mathematics.

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