scholarly journals What Should be basis of Human Life? –Engineering, Economics or Ecology?

2018 ◽  
Vol 30-31 (1) ◽  
Prakash Gole

This article is based on the Dubhashi Memorial Lecture titled “Significance of 3 Es”, delivered by Prof. Gole in2007 at Pune University. It is being published here due to its relevance to present modern life which is relyingmore and more on engineering, technology and economics (crony capitalism) while completely neglectingEcology.

1992 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-206
J. Wesley Robbins

The classical pragmatists were as concerned as any of their modern philosophical predecessors that the moral and religious aspects of human life not be swamped by the successes of the physical sciences. It was John Dewey, after all, who said thatThe problem of restoring integration and cooperation between man's beliefs about the world in which he lives and his beliefs about the values and purposes that should direct his conduct is the deepest problem of modern life. It is the problem of any philosophy that is not isolated from that life.

Lori K. Pearson

This chapter explores gendered dimensions of theological categories in nineteenth-century Christian thought, primarily in Germany. By defining religion as feeling, symbolized in feminine terms, theologians in this period embraced relationality and dependence as ideals for human life. By viewing the family as a model of religious community and a site for the adjudication and cultivation of political values, intellectuals sought alternatives to modern ‘fragmentation’ and processes of alienation and rationalization. Among feminist thinkers, debates over marriage and women’s emancipation raised new questions about the promises and failures of modernization and secularization. Paying attention to these gendered inflections in nineteenth-century Christian thought helps produce a more complicated story about its central features and concerns—one that highlights the value placed not simply on individualism, autonomy, and relativism (as the dominant scholarly paradigm often suggests), but also on relationality, dependence, and the authority and value of religious tradition for modern life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-216
Muchtar Muchtar ◽  
Dede Setiawan ◽  
Saiful Bahri

Research aims to understand role, and the concept of education and dakwah in perspective Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA. This research departs from looking at the phenomenon of human life is increasingly complex, entered the modern life and globalization present and the future, wich is characterized by technical and professional paced lives, is forecast to many people ignore the moral and religious in individual and social life. The concept of moral education in the perspective of Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA that establishes the character of the learners, provide good role models, develop the moral high level, and then apply the knowledge of good character and exemplary in real life so it can become an ingrained habit. The concept of dakwah in perspective Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA at least two steps that need to be understood by a preacher, first that of bringing the wisdom, it means explaining the wisdoms contained in worship and other Islamic activities without patronizing impression, meaning a preacher should put the words and appropriate sentence appropriate to the circumstances . The second is to mau'idlah hasanah , means giving advice that touch the heart so that the message can be embedded in the memories of audience. Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA is one of the Nahdlatul Ulama cleric who spend their time preaching, either through a lecture or through scientific papers, scientific papers written contains a lot of moral education that can be used as a reference.  Keywords: Concept of Education and Dakwah, Zakky Mubarak, Nahdlatul Ulama Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran, serta konsep pendidikan akhlak dan dakwah dalam perspektif Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa Konsep pendidikan akhlak dalam perspektif Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA yaitu menanamkan pemahaman tentang akhlak terhadap peserta didik, memberikan keteladanan yang baik, mengembangkan pada akhlak tingkat tinggi, dan kemudian mengaplikasikan pengetahuan tentang akhlak dan keteladanan tersebut dalam kehidupan nyata sehingga dapat mengakar menjadi suatu kebiasaan. Sedangkan konsep dakwah dalam perspektif Dr. KH. Zakky Mubarak, MA paling sedikit ada dua langkah yang perlu dipahami oleh seorang pendakwah, pertama yaitu menyampaikan dengan hikmah, kedua adalah dengan mau’idlah hasanah, artinya memberikan nasehat-nasehat yang menyentuh kalbu sehingga pesan yang disampaikan dapat melekat dalam ingatan objek dakwah (mad’u).  Kata Kunci: Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak, Dakwah, Zakky Mubarak  

2019 ◽  
pp. 97-104
Tetiana Haievska

Recently, most researchers of modern festive culture point to the loss of the true nature of the holiday in the current global world. Today, holidays have become more «casual», «routine». Festive intonations remain in everyday life. The gradual disintegration of a single celebratory culture manifested in the natural coexistence of religious and state holidays, old and new, one’s own and others’, characterizes the 21st century primarily and certainly relates to the processes of globalization and the dominance of multicultural trends. Modern culture places the holiday in a completely different context. The traditional holiday was “built-in” in the production life cycle, and the place of today's holiday is the process of consumption. Firstly, the modern life of society is based on fundamentally different foundations with the semantic dominative shifts from the producing material goods to consuming, the essence of which consists not in satisfying the material needs of a person, but in the manipulation of signs. Secondly, the opposition of work and rest is significantly transformed, shifting towards free time as the main value of human life. Thirdly, the mythological principle underlies the modeling of the world of a consumer society. The "miraculous status of consumption" and the mythology of the "golden age," understood as abundance, expresses this.

Hongwen LI

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.現代生物科技的廣泛應用引發了一系列社會、法律和倫理問題,它帶來的負面效應正如它的正面效果一樣多。現代生物科技的基本邏輯體現在:它採取還原論的思維模式,秉承改善生命的宗旨,以及持有技術樂觀主義的態度。作者運用莊子的哲學思想對現代生物科技展開一般性批評。作者指出,現代生物科技首先表現出強烈的反自然性,它向自然提出過分要求,干擾、阻止事物順其自然、按其本性來展示自己。現代生物科技還表現出異化特徵,主要體現在物質化和資本化兩個方面。物質化將人的活動限制在物的層面,片面追求物的有用性;資本化則導致生物資本主義的發展。用莊子道家的語言,技術的非自然性和異化的直接原因是“道”“技”分離。因此,為了走出現代生物技術的陷阱,應該採取莊子“道技合一”的方式,實現“技不離道”、“以道馭技”、“道法自然”之完美結合。Biotechnology is a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses such as engineering, technology, and medical research. This paper highlights the social, legal, and moral issues brought about by modern biotechnology. It is particularly concerned with materialism, capitalism, and commercialism where biotechnological means are explored and exploited without ethical boundaries. The result of biotechnological abuse is that we human beings will become increasingly alienated from our authentic nature and being.Daoism was one of the major philosophical traditions of ancient China, based on the teaching of Laozi and Zhuangzi. This paper focuses on the Daoist view of human life and its relation to the natural world from Zhuangzi’s perspective. It will be contended that we must put “human flourishing” – the Dao – first, before we care about the utility of science and technology – the Ji. According to Daoism, true human self-realization depends on the unity between the Dao and the Ji.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 138 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 397-413
Anton Jamnik

The roots of ethical relativism in philosophy of liberalism is in the growing radicalness of anthropocentrism being characteristic of modern thinking. The scientific intellect applying itself to external objective phenomena and based on a very narrow empiricist-analytical conception of science contains man’s desire for emancipation. The central question of liberalism is the fundamental emphasis on individualism and liberty.  In such society is much more urgent to create the code of ethics in modern society in very differente level of society and modern life.  Philosophical foundation of code of ethics in local Self-Government and management at all levels of social and personal life is  more urgent and necessary than ever, if we want to preserve the basic dignity of human life, the fact that man respects himself, keeps his word, does not manipulate others nor allows being manipulated, keeps his personal freedom and self-confidence, self-respect and integrity. In Slovenia, management is responsible for preparation and fair presentation of financial statements in accordance with accounting standards, and within the requirements of the Slovenian Companies Act and in accordance with the code of ethics.

1980 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Donald M. MacKinnon

In choosing a subject for this lecture, my mind turned to two books: both published during the war years, the first in 1941, Aldous Huxley's Grey Eminencel: the second at its very end, Arthur Koestler's The Yogi and the Commissar The titles of both have been incorporated into the language. The former was not its author's invention; but his use of it as the title of his study of Father Joseph won it a near universality of currency. So Lindemann is still spoken of as Churchill's scientific éminence grise. But the title of Koestler's essay, though less heard to-day, advertises dramatically a very important bifurcation of approach to the problems of human life and society, the one typified by the devotee in his ashram, the other by the commissar, the dedicated ‘social surgeon’ serving the cause of the total transformation of a given human society in the light of the directives of the party to which he belongs. But of course there is an important sense in which in Father Joseph, the subject of Huxley's book (which was incidentally a very well researched piece of work), the two life-styles are to a considerable extent conjoined. Father Joseph is at one and the same time the devoted fanatical Capuchin, the father-founder of the Calvarian order of nuns and the skilled, ruthless agent of Richelieu's purposes. He was no yogi, still less a commissar, but a man whose spiritual teachings rate an admittedly short and critical reference in Bremond's famous history of 17th century French spirituality, and one who played an unquestionably important part in the diplomatic history of a period, wherein diplomacy might well be characterized as war carried on by other means.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-222
Jasminka Matić

Dostoevsky’s spirit is broken by a difficult childhood, years of imprisonment and forced military service in the difficult conditions of remote Russia, and the shackles of married life with the “sick, hysterical widow ”. Wandering through dreamy Europe made him aware of the attachment to the Russian homeland and revealed love and allusion of peace; he falls in love with Ana by dictating the text of the “Gambler ”, which will provide them with bread and shelter in the days of losing the gambling luck and questionable existence. In his wandering through Europe as the “land of holy wonders”, Dostoevsky informs us through the confessions of the gambler Alexei about the temptations of the “world” addicted to the gambling table. The significance of divisive passions is questioned: those towards women, love and even more, gambling, destructive, demonic. In 27 days while he was presenting Ana with the thoughts of the main character of the “Gambler ”, and she was recording them in a transcript, the writer was going through his own agony. The novel will see the light of day, but unlike Alexei, a character waiting for a new tomorrow to decide on ending a life driven by an unhealthy addictive habit, Dostoevsky, after the novel ends, experiences catharsis and sails into economic security by taking royalties for this and subsequent novels. As when after a stormy night at sea, a sunny morning dawns, a hint of love, happiness and the desired family peace is prayed to the author. Ana will focus the writer, a gambler, on family life and caring for children, and abduct him from addiction by sailing with him to the next “storm”. The basic theme of the novel – the obsession with gambling – is the experience of Dostoevsky, a writer with “a heart in which God and Satan fight, and the pledge is human life.” In the days when in the hustle and bustle of modern life, COVID-19, complete human alienation and escalation of violence we turn to the spiritual, looking for a way out in the metaphysical, surreal, healing and nurturing, andrational and explainable does not offer a final answer, someone seeks a way out of addiction and someone in a classic, something familiar and valuable. Or in metaphysics that goes beyond the physical and the knowable, in an attempt to reach the higher, the spiritual. The return to the great connoisseur of the human psyche, Dostoevsky, in a return to the interest in man, the inspiration of the human and the humane, but also the space behind knowable and the “metaphysical drama”. The idea of the French writer Albarez that for Dostoevsky, “in contrast to most other novelists, man is primarily not a biological, social, economic, psychological, but a metaphysical being”, becomes understandable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (s1) ◽  
pp. 241-248
Edmund E. Phelps

Economics at its core is about human life in human economies. The difficulty is that economies have continued to evolve and economics has lagged behind. Modern life invaded societies in the 19th century: first in Britain and America, later in Germany and France. Increasing numbers were driven not just by a work ethic or a desire to accumulate: They were dreamers, tinkerers, and adventurers on a journey, exercising their imagination, creativity, and curiosity. This indigenous innovation, coming from the grassroots up, was the foundation of modern life which brought people satisfactions that went beyond material rewards. It is time economics has caught up to restore the dynamism and vitality necessary for people to enjoy not only a Good Life but also a Good Economy.

Aaron Ben-Ze’ev

Human life concerns not only—or even mainly—the present, but rather, and to a significant extent, the realm of imagined possibilities that include cyberspace. The fundamental human capacity to imagine the possible not only reveals reality, but often disregards it as well. Although the realm of potential romantic possibilities is promising, it is also risky. To guide our path through this unknown territory, humans have created boundaries that eliminate the options that seem immoral or dangerous. Internetbased social interaction technologies have considerably increased the boundaries of the realm of the romantically possible and its accessibility. Hence, the challenge of coping with this realm has become central to modern life and has far reaching implications for human relationships. This chapter theorizes the role of technology in creating potential possibilities for romantic relationships and focuses on the imagination, interactivity, reciprocity, and anonymity of cyberspace.

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