Hubungan Antara Sikap Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) Dengan Upaya Deteksi Dini Inspeksi Visual Dengan Asam Asetat (IVA) Di Desa
Background: Patients undergoing surgery are often anxious about the surgical procedure, its possible findings, postoperative limitations, changes in normal body function and prognosis. Anxiety can be reduced by nursing actions that focus on therapeutic communication for the patient and his family. Purpose: To determine the relationship between nurse therapeutic communication and the level of anxiety of preoperative patients in the Central Surgical Installation Room of BRSUD, Tabanan Regency. Methods: This study is a quantitative study with an analytic observational design with a cross sectional approach. In this study, using non-probability sampling with Consecutive Sampling technique with a total sample of 56 respondents. The analysis test used is the Spearman Rank with a significance value of 0.05. Results: Based on the results of the study, it was found that the therapeutic communication of nurses was mostly good as many as 42 respondents (75.0%) and the anxiety level of the preoperative patients was mostly moderate as many as 20 people (35.7%). The results of the correlation test using the Spearman Rank obtained a sign value of 0.000 with p <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between nurses' therapeutic communication and the preoperative patient anxiety level. Conclusion: There is a relationship between nurse therapeutic communication with the level of anxiety of preoperative patients in the Central Surgical Installation Room of BRSUD, Tabanan Regency.