scholarly journals Development and validation of educational videos addressing indwelling catheterization

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 109
Marina B. Rossi ◽  
Rui Carlos N. Baptista ◽  
Rosali Isabel B. Ohl ◽  
Tania A.M. Domingues ◽  
Alba Lucia B.L. de Barros ◽  

Objective: Developed and validate educational videos addressing the female and male indwelling catheterization techniques in adult patients.Methods: Methodological study divided into two stages: development and validation of a script and the filming, editing and validation of videos. The script was written in the storyboard format, which was validated by eight nurse experts using the Delphi technique. The educational videos were filmed according to this validated script and were validated by 71 undergraduate nursing students using a five-point Likert scale.Results: The final script was composed of eight items: concept, reasons, material, instructions, male and female indwelling catheterization, indwelling catheter care, and complications. Five rounds were needed for the script to be validated by experts, a process that lasted nine months. The scenes were filmed, edited and inserted in the animated texts. The final versions were watched by 71 first-year undergraduate nursing students from a public university located in São Paulo. The mean scores assigned by the students to the eight items were greater than four. The item that obtained the highest mean was “complications related to indwelling catheterization”, with a mean score of 4.80. The item with the lowest score was “reasons” with a mean of 4.38. Assessment of the set of items (“did you understand this video?”) also obtained a mean score of 4.38. Agreement among students was also significant (p < .001).Conclusions: The script was developed and validated by experts, while the educational videos that resulted from this script were validated by first-year undergraduate nursing students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1/4) ◽  
pp. 24-30 ◽  
Cristiane Maia Lopes ◽  
Elaine Maria Leite Rangel Andrade ◽  
Maria Helena Barros Araújo Luz

Pesquisa descritiva que teve como objetivos caracterizar o perfil demográfico de graduandos de enfermagem do últimosemestre de uma Universidade Pública do Paiuí e identificar o conhecimento deles sobre úlcera por pressão (UPP). Amostra de23 graduandos cujos dados foram coletados após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP). A maioria 14 (60,9%) era dosexo feminino e tinha idade média de 23 anos. O conhecimento sobre UPP foi insuficiente. Para avançar o conhecimento sobreUPP, é necessária a difusão das diretrizes para prevenção e tratamento.Descritores: Úlcera por pressão, Conhecimento, Diretrizes para a prática clinica, Enfermagem.KNOWLEDGE OF UNDERGRADUATE NURSING STUDENTS ON PRESSURE ULCERThis descriptive study aimed to characterize the demographic profile of last semester undergraduate nursing students ata public university in the state of Piaui, Brazil, and to identify their knowledge on pressure ulcer (PU). Participants were 23undergraduate students whose data were collected after approval by the Research Ethics Board (REB). Most students, 14(63.6%), were female and the mean age was 23 years. The knowledge on PU was insufficient. To improve knowledge on PU thereis need to disseminate the guidelines for prevention and treatment.Descriptors: Pressure ulcer, Knowledge, Practice guidelines as topic, Nursing.EL CONOCIMIENTO DE ESTUDIANTES DE PREGRADO EN ENFERMERÍA ACERCA DE ÚLCERA POR PRESIÓNEste estudio descriptivo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el perfil demográfico de estudiantes de pregrado en enfermería delúltimo semestre de una universidad pública de Piauí, Brasil, e identificar el conocimiento de las úlceras por presión (UPP).Participaron 23 estudiantes universitarios cuyos datos fueron recolectados después de aprobación por el Comité de Éticaen Investigación (CEI). La mayoría, 14 (63,6%), eran mujeres y la media de edad de 23 años. El conocimiento acerca de la UPPfue insuficiente. Para mejorar el conocimiento sobre las UPP es necesaria la difusión de las directrices para la prevención y eltratamiento.Descriptores: Úlcera por presión, Conocimientos, Guías de práctica clínica como asunto, Enfermería.

D. Ravivarman ◽  
K. Kamala

Introduction: Early initiation of Basic life support (BLS) with Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an important contributory factor in the survival of Cardiac arrest. Effective and timely CPR reduces the likelihood of death following sudden cardiac arrest. Adequate knowledge and skills regarding BLS and appropriate application of the same is an essential requisite for nursing students. Aim: To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding Basic life support among first year undergraduate Nursing students. Materials and Methods: Quantitative pre experimental research design was adopted for this present study. First year 59 undergraduate Nursing students were chosen by Purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by using demographic proforma and self structured knowledge questionnaire. Results: Pre-test and post- test knowledge scores revealed that during pre-test, the mean score 8.6±3.07 (SD) which is 43% of the total mean score, whereas in post-test, the mean score was 15.13 ± 2.26(SD) which is 75.65% of the total mean score depicting difference of 32.65% increase in mean percentage of score. The calculated‘t’ value 24.89 which is higher than the P<0.05, stated that highly significant difference between the pre-test and post-test. It proved that the structured teaching programme was highly effective to improve the student’s knowledge.

2019 ◽  
Maryam Sedaghati Kesbakhi ◽  
Camelia Rohani

Abstract Background: A review of previous studies on nursing students’ empathy showed contradictory results with reducing or increasing empathy in nursing students and other students in the healthcare field during academic years of education at the university. Methods: The descriptive study with comparative design was conducted to determine the level of empathy and its changes in 122 undergraduate nursing students from the first to the fourth year of study. The data were collected using Jefferson Scale ofPhysician Empathy Nursing Student Version-R (JSE- NS version R) . Data were analyzed with descriptive and analytical tests by SPSS version 20. Results: Results showed that the mean score of empathy in all nursing students was 91.8 ± 28.7 (range: 20-140). Changes of empathy across the academic education years indicated that it was significantly declined in the fourth year of education, compared to the first year (p<0.001). The mean score of empathy in more than 76% of nursing students in the fourth academic education year was set at less than 50 th percentile. Conclusions: Based on this significant reduction, it is recommended that the reasons are explored by qualitative studies. Also, empathy is introduced to the nursing students, as one of the standards of clinical competency using strategies, such as education for empathic communication with the patient in training programs, and in the core courses of the nursing profession.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-195 ◽  
Aline Marcelino Ramos ◽  
Jamila Geri Tomaschewski Barlem ◽  
Valéria Lerch Lunardi ◽  
Edison Luiz Devos Barlem ◽  
Rosemary Silva da Silveira ◽  

To analyze satisfaction with the academic experience and its relationship with sociodemographic variables among undergraduate nursing students from a public university in southern Brazil. Quantitative study, conducted with 170 students with the application of the Academic Experience Satisfaction Scale. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and linear regression analysis were used for data analysis. Students were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the course or with the institution and the opportunity of development. The aspect "satisfaction with the course" obtained the highest mean; younger students who carried out leisure activities had greater satisfaction with the course and with the opportunity of development. It is expected that learning the possible satisfaction or dissatisfaction of students can contribute to the development of strategies aimed at qualifying students' learning.

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 731-738 ◽  
Isabel Silva de Jesus ◽  
Edite Lago da Silva Sena ◽  
Luana Machado Andrade

OBJECTIVE: to describe the perception of lecturers and undergraduate nursing students regarding the dialogic experience in the informal spaces and its relationship with training in health.METHOD: experiential descriptions were collected in the context of a public university in the non-metropolitan region of the state of Bahia, Brazil, using open interviews. These descriptions were analyzed according to the principles of the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.RESULTS: it was revealed that the informal spaces contribute significantly to the construction of knowledge and professional training strengthening teaching and promoting the re-signification of the subjects' experience.CONCLUSION: it is evidenced that the dialogic experience has relevancy for rethinking the teaching-learning process in the university, such that the informal spaces should be included and valued as producers of meanings for the personal and academic life of lecturers and students, with the ability to re-signify existence.

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 934-941 ◽  
Jamila Geri Tomaschewski-Barlem ◽  
Valéria Lerch Lunardi ◽  
Guilherme Lerch Lunardi ◽  
Edison Luiz Devos Barlem ◽  
Rosemary Silva da Silveira ◽  

OBJECTIVE: to investigate the burnout syndrome and its relationship with demographic and academic variables among undergraduate nursing students at a public university in Southern Brazil.METHOD: a quantitative study with 168 students, by applying an adaptation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey, validated for this study. We used descriptive and variance analysis of the data analysis.RESULTS: we found that students do not have the burnout syndrome, manifesting high average scores in Emotional Exhaustion, low in Disbelief and high in Professional Effectiveness; that younger students who perform leisure activities have greater Professional Effectiveness, unlike students in early grades with no extracurricular activities; combining work and studies negatively influenced only the Professional Effectiveness factor, while the intention of giving up influenced negatively Disbelief and Professional Effectiveness factors.CONCLUSION: the situations that lead students to Emotional Exhaustion need to be recognized, considering the specificity of their study environments.

2021 ◽  
Salima Farooq ◽  
Yasmin Parpio ◽  
Saadia Sattar ◽  
Zahra Ali ◽  
Shirin Rahim ◽  

Abstract Background Globally, the prevalence of mental illness amongst university students is a major concern; same is the case with nursing students. Unaddressed mental illness stigma contributes towards hiding of symptoms hampers timely identification of the disease, and leads to reluctance in attitude towards seeking help. This study determined personal and perceived depression stigma and attitude towards help-seeking behaviors and its associated factors, among undergraduate nursing students at a private nursing institution in Karachi, Pakistan. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study by recruiting 246 first and second-Year undergraduate nursing students using consecutive sampling. Data were collected using the Depression Stigma Scale (DSS) and the Attitude toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale (ATSPPHS), along with a demographic questionnaire. Chi-square test, Fischer’s exact test and student T test were used to determine significance of difference of each response between first and second year students. Multiple linear regression was employed to determine predictors of DSS and ATSPPHS. Approval was obtained from the university’s Ethics Review Committee. Results The study findings revealed that the mean scores of the personal and perceived stigma scales were 29.7 ± 4.9 and 24.3 ± 6.1, respectively. The mean score of ATSPPHS was 16.5 ± 3.8. The participants reported a mean openness score of7.8 ± 2.6 and a value scale score of 8.7 ± 3.0. A history of psychiatric illness, current living arrangements, and personal depression stigma were found to be significant predictors of ATSPHHS. The year of study was a significant predictor of personal depression stigma whereas both years of study and the current living arrangements were significantly associated with perceived depression stigma. Conclusion Attitude towards seeking help for mental illness was significantly influenced by personal and perceived stigma. Moreover, previous history of psychiatric illness and living arrangements also predicted attitudes towards seeking help. In order to encourage positive attitudes towards seeking help for students’ well-being, it is essential to destigmatize mental health issues by adapting context-based, individualized, and group mental health interventions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 564-572 ◽  
Angela Rosa Moritz ◽  
Evani Marques Pereira ◽  
Kátia Pereira de Borba ◽  
Maria José Clapis ◽  

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