construction of knowledge
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2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (suppl 1) ◽  
Luiza Mara Correia ◽  
Ricardo de Mattos Russo Rafael ◽  
Mercedes Neto ◽  
Juliana Amaral Prata ◽  
Magda Guimarães de Araujo Faria

ABSTRACT Objective: to report the virtualization experience of the 81st Brazilian Nursing Week of a public university in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Methods: an experience report with descriptive approach on the planning and virtual operationalization of a traditional nursing event, which took place in May 2020. Results: the event had 543 entries and 39 activities were offered, 3 panels with the presence of international guests, 1 national conference, 3 thematic roundtable discussions, 9 roundtable discussions involving projects and extension leagues, 5 cultural activities and 17 activities in social networks (lives and videos). Final considerations: the virtualization of the 81st Brazilian Nursing Week brought the learning and appropriation of new ways of debating nursing in times of physical isolation, which will contribute to an immediate future in social and work relations as well as to the collaborative construction of knowledge.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Terra Gargano ◽  
Edward E. Timke

This article explores how to successfully adapt simulations developed for traditional classrooms for synchronous platforms. Acknowledging the importance of the co-construction of knowledge and the impact of active learning in classrooms, this article explores instructional design approaches, logistical issues, and pedagogical considerations for translating successful in-person simulations to online synchronous learning environments. An example from a graduate level intercultural communication course is described as a platform for addressing lessons learned and sharing best practices. By reimagining five areas of adaptation, including materials, technology, grouping students, communication, and the role of the facilitator, faculty can examine critical junctures at the intersection of content knowledge, technology know-how, training pedagogy, and instructional design to conduct successful synchronous simulations.

Comunicar ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (70) ◽  
Jesús Valverde-Berrocoso ◽  
Alberto González-Fernández ◽  
Jesús Acevedo-Borrega

Disinformation is a serious problem for democratic systems in open societies. It is a global phenomenon that must be studied from different approaches and the educational dimension is one of the most relevant. It is necessary to know what educational models have been developed to empower citizens against disinformation. A systematic review of the literature (2011-2020), following the PRISMA protocol, was carried out by analyzing articles (n=76) extracted from three databases (Wos, Scopus and ERIC). Reference management and text mining software was used to data analyse. Eight research questions were answered on the conceptual framework, bibliometrics characteristics and pedagogical dimension. From the results of the content analysis emerges a vision of the role of multiliteracies in educational research and the problem of disinformation: media and information literacies are the most relevant and news and data literacies are incorporated. The need to adopt interdisciplinary approaches is confirmed. From the results of the educational dimension, three pedagogical approaches are identified: strategies for competencies development; focused on content and education for citizenship. Workshops and lesson plans are the most common teaching practices. The development of critical thinking, experiences in the co-construction of knowledge, and the values of civic education are fundamental against disinformation. El problema de la desinformación es una amenaza para los sistemas democráticos. Es un fenómeno global que debe ser abordado desde múltiples perspectivas, siendo la pedagógica una de las más relevantes y, por ello, es necesario conocer qué modelos didácticos se han desarrollado para empoderar a la ciudadanía ante la desinformación. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura (2011-2020) bajo el protocolo PRISMA y se analizaron artículos de investigación (n=76) extraídos de tres bases de datos (Wos, Scopus y ERIC). El análisis fue realizado con apoyo de gestores bibliográficos y de minería de textos. Se da respuesta a ocho preguntas de investigación sobre el marco conceptual, las características documentales y la dimensión pedagógica. El análisis documental ofrece una visión del papel de las alfabetizaciones múltiples en la investigación educativa sobre el fenómeno de la desinformación, destacando la relevancia de la «alfabetización mediática» y la «informacional», así como la emergencia de la «alfabetización en noticias» y en «datos». Se evidencia la necesidad de adoptar enfoques interdisciplinares. Con relación a los resultados educativos, se identifican tres enfoques pedagógicos: estrategias competenciales, centrado en contenidos y educación para la ciudadanía. Las prácticas de enseñanza más frecuentes son la realización de talleres y el diseño de programaciones didácticas. El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico, las experiencias en co-construcción de conocimientos y los valores de la educación cívica son fundamentales contra la desinformación.

2022 ◽  
pp. 782-806
Ioannis Kyriazopoulos ◽  
George Koutromanos ◽  
Aggeliki Voudouri ◽  
Apostolia Galani

The purpose of this chapter is to review the literature referring to the utilization of educational robotics (ER) in primary education. Keyword-based search in particular bibliographic databases returned 21 journal papers for the eight-year period of 2012-2019. The factors that were studied in each of them are as follows: learning environment, area of knowledge/course subjects, pedagogical framework, learning activities, robotic equipment, research methodology, and main findings. The outcomes, among other things, showed that the majority of ER activities took place in a formal learning environment and that ER is appropriate for teaching subjects of STEM education. Though many researches took into account various learning theories that support collaboration, problem-solving, discovery, and construction of knowledge, there were some researches that lacked any pedagogical framework. In spite of the positive cognitive and affective outcomes of ER in learning, there are aspects that require further investigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 304-312
Michele Vivia Da Silva Nascimento ◽  
Verônica Teixeira

Resumo: Esse trabalho irá mencionar assuntos bastante relevante, e que faz parte do nosso dia a dia em quando profissional da educação, como também formadores de cidadãos, falar de inclusão não é fácil, e principalmente colocá-la em prática. Mas é de suma importância, pois a educação é um direito de todos, e dever do Estado assegurar esse direito as crianças, jovens e adolescentes. Incluir ou inserir crianças diagnosticadas com Paralisia Cerebral no ambiente educacional é uma tarefa, um pouco complicada, pois requer um olhar diferenciado. Com isso, a escola precisa da ajuda da família nesse processo, como também da contribuição da comunidade em geral, pra trazer essas crianças pra esse ambiente, e assim desperta o conhecimento e as habilidades delas em questão cognitivo, emocional e afetivo, como também, o social. A visão que esse trabalho trará em seus pontos fundamentais e essenciais, na construção do saber e do fazer, uma educação inclusiva e acessiva de todos para todos; cabe os órgãos garantir formações específicas aos profissionais de educação, como os de apoios de sala de aula, sendo que, essas formações têm que abordar temas ligados a realidade do aluno que foram diagnosticados com tal deficiência.Palavras-Chave: Inclusão, Habilidades, Família, Direitos Deficiência Paralisia Cerebral. Abstract: This work will mention very relevant issues, which are part of our daily lives as education professionals, as well as citizen educators, talking about inclusion is not easy, and especially putting it into practice. But it is of paramount importance, as education is a right for all, and the State’s duty to ensure this right for children, young people and adolescents. Including or inserting children diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy in the educational environment is a task, a little complicated, as it requires a different look. With this, the school needs the help of the family in this process, as well as the contribution of the community in general, to bring these children to this environment, and thus awaken their knowledge and skills in cognitive, emotional and affective matters, as well as, the social. The vision that this work will bring in its fundamental and essential points, in the construction of knowledge and action, na inclusive and accessible education from all to all; it is up to the bodies to guarantee specific training for education professionals, such as classroom support, and these trainings have to address issues related to the reality of the student who has been diagnosed with such a disability.Keywords: Inclusion, Skills, Family, Rights Disability Cerebral Palsy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (28) ◽  
pp. 179
Diuliane Valéria Prado dos Santos ◽  
Tiago Costa Martins ◽  
Maria Eduarda Fagundes dos Santos

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor um processo de planejamento estratégico a partir de uma articulação da metodologia Lean Inception com a área de Relações Públicas. Seguindo as diretrizes da Design Science Research, metodologia de pesquisa que operacionaliza a construção do conhecimento com o objetivo de viabilizar a construção de artefatos que sejam solução para um problema, o estudo resultou em um método que apresenta um passo a passo de como a implementação da Lean Inception pode contribuir com o processo de planejamento estratégico, de forma que ele seja desenvolvido de maneira efetiva dentro de um ambiente organizacional que exige agilidade em seus processos.Process innovation: the implementation of lean inception as a working methodology in public relationsAbstractThis paper aims to propose a strategic planning process based on an articulation of the Lean Inception methodology for Public Relations’ area. Following the guidelines of Design Science Research, a research methodology that operationalizes the construction of knowledge in order to enable the construction of artifacts that are a solution to a problem, the study resulted in a method that presents a step by step approach to how the implementation of Lean Inception can contribute to the strategic planning process, so that it is developed effectively within an organizational environment that requires agility in its processes.Keywords: Strategic planning; user-centered design; lean inception; public relations; communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 7

Conceptual appropriation is central to the teaching-learning and development processes. The intellectual stage is expressed by writing, verbalization and the use of the object under construction, among other means of expression. This paper discusses the conceptual appropriation by means of the creation of collaborative situations in which the argumentative language mediates the construction of knowledge. Supported by Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory, Discussion Circle is an activity that consists of presenting some conceptual questions for the class to discuss in small groups initially, and then in a larger group, as a general meeting. Hence, we present the central ideas and theoretical support for the development of this activity and comment on a practice that took place during a course of Basic Statistics, part of the Teaching Program in Mathematics. Results indicate the conceptual development of students, which allows for the improvement of elementary school mathematics’ teacher education in terms of statistics studies, which is a strategic matter of importance for the broadening of society’s knowledge about this area. Abstract: Portuguese No processo de ensino-aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, a apropriação conceitual é central. O estágio intelectual se expressa, entre outras formas, pela escrita, verbalização e uso do objeto em construção. Este artigo discute a apropriação conceitual por meio da criação de situações colaborativas em que a linguagem da argumentação medeia a construção do conhecimento. A atividade Roda de Conversa, apoiada na teoria Histórico-Cultural de Vygotsky, consiste em propor algumas questões conceituais para a classe discutir, inicialmente em pequenos grupos e, a seguir, em uma reunião geral. Apresentamos as ideias centrais e os suportes teóricos para o desenvolvimento dessa atividade e comentamos sobre uma realização prática ocorrida em uma disciplina de Estatística Básica do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática. Os resultados encontrados indicam o desenvolvimento conceitual dos estudantes, colaborando com a melhoria da formação estatística do professor de Matemática da Educação Básica, questão estratégica na ampliação do conhecimento da sociedade sobre a área.

Charlene Tan ◽  
Connie S.L. Ng

In light of the broad, multidimensional, and contestable nature of constructivism, a central debate concerns the object of construction. What do we mean when we say that a learner is constructing something? Three general categories, with overlaps in between, are: the construction of meaning, the construction of knowledge, and the construction of knowledge claims. To construct meaning is to make sense of something by understanding both its parts and overall message. To construct knowledge is to obtain what philosophers traditionally call “justified true belief.” There are three conditions in this formulation of knowledge: belief, truth, and justification. Beliefs are intentional, meaningful, and representational, directing a person to attain truth and avoid error with respect to the very thing that person accepts. As for the notions of truth and justification, there are three major theories of truth, namely the correspondence theory, coherence theory, and pragmatic theory; and seven main types of justification, namely perception, reason, memory, testimony, faith, introspection, and intuition. Finally, to construct a knowledge claim is to indicate that one thinks that one knows something. The crucial difference between knowledge and a knowledge claim is that the latter has not acquired the status of knowledge. There are two main implications for teaching and learning that arise from an epistemological exploration of the concept of constructivism: First, educators need to be clear about what they want their students to construct, and how the latter should go about doing it. Informed by learner profiles and other contingent factors, educators should encourage their students to construct meanings, knowledge, and knowledge claims, individually and collaboratively, throughout their schooling years. Second, educators need to guard against some common misconceptions on constructivism in the schooling context. Constructivism, contrary to popular belief, is compatible with direct instruction, teacher guidance, structured learning, content learning, traditional assessment, and standardized testing. In sum, there are no pedagogical approaches and assessment modes that are necessarily constructivist or anticonstructivist. A variety of teaching methods, resources, and learning environments should therefore be employed to support students in their constructing process.

Carlos Renato Zacharias

Collective construction of scientific knowledge is doubtless a major accomplishment of humankind. Sharing of information is a manner of inviting the interested community to participate at each step of such construction. Thus, publication of scientific articles must be regarded as an essential activity or means, because it communicates the results of the work of one or more researchers, in turn based on previous shared knowledge. In this regard, scientific journals play an important role as one of the means of communication. However, they are not merely passive vehicles, but one of the steps of the construction of knowledge itself. ... Inconsequent, irresponsible and unstructured freedom of expression and rigid censorship refractory to anything new are both noxious to any community. Although reaching a balance between extremes is a universal goal, we discover how much we missed the point only when we act and assess the consequences of our actions. In this regard, science is no different from any other field of human action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-34
C Virga ◽  
V Ricco ◽  
A DeLeonardi ◽  
C Escudero ◽  

Introduction: The teaching of pharmacology has traditionally been characterized by the transmission of information where pedagogical strategies have focused on the teacher, privileging theoretical knowledge, master classes and memory tests. It isessentialto introduce new elements to increase the student's active participation in the construction of knowledge and in the evaluation of the achievement of their competences; the development of creativity and teamwork. This methodology seeks to break the notionof traditional teaching, change the idea of an evaluation by the note to an evaluation with a motivation of its own (of the student), to internalize the knowledge and make it part of its structure of thought. Objective: Develop a teaching and evaluation strategy that allows students to actively participate. Materials and methods: 172 students participated in the subject of Pharmacology and Therapeutics "B", between March and September 2017. Four individual and complementary activities were developed related to the prescription of drugs, for the evaluation of the process and performance of the students Standardized rubrics were used, a perception survey was applied to the students about the usefulness of the strategy in theirtraining. Results: The results show a good performance of the students in the prescription activities of medications, a significant improvement in the performance when comparing the results. The students consider that the strategy is useful for the development of their professional competences, it allows them to have an active role in the learning process and the evaluation methodology allows them to recognize the elements that they must reinforce in order to reach an optimal development of their competence

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