scholarly journals Enlightenment of American Legal Theory and Practice of "Piercing the Corporate Veil" to China

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 80
Minghao Li

Observing the current legal system and theory of America, "piercing the corporate veil" is in a state of "chaos" in both of them. How can China learn from the rule of law and the theory of "piercing the corporate veil"? How to avoid its harm and gain its benefits? Due to different national conditions and judicial systems, also differences between civil law system and common law system, and at the same time, the world is in the era of globalization, the exchange of legal culture of Chinese legal system is expanding and deepening day by day. Therefore, it is necessary to study the rule and theory of "piercing the corporate veil". This paper systematically summarizes the current situation of the rule and theory of "piercing the corporate veil" in America, explores the causes of the confusion, and puts forward some suggestions to prevent the occurrence of problems in China after transplanting this rule, which is very necessary and timely.

Nur Sodiq

Legal establishment of a joint legislative task of the executive. Law concretely manifest in a legislation. The times are always accompanied by a society is demands, which is in line with the progress of the development of science and technology globally. Functions of the state in charge of all the rules to organize and meet the needs of its citizens is done throught legal political policy. The law requires the develoment of a progressive politics that is always dynamic. Resonsibility society must be accomodated in e lagislation. Shades of the Indonesian legal system of formal legalistif formal positiviestic character is not aspirational again in the resolution of lawsuits that are very dynamic and responsive at this time, for the next legislators and executive branches in the establishment of the rule of law it is time to shift the mindset forwards the type of legal realistic, practical and progressive. Guidelines used by the legislators it was time to adopt, replicate and wear character types law the families of law outside continental Europe, one of which types and styles of breath common law system. All toward political reform law is realized through the establishment of policies that must be taken for the ralization of the type of welfare state. Pembentukan hukum merupakan tugas legislatif bersama eksekutif. Hukum secara konkrit dirumuskan dalam suatu perundang-undangan. Perkembangan hukum selalu diiringi oleh berbagai tuntutan kebutuhan masyarakat, yang seiring dan sejalan dengan kemajuan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi baik secara nasional maupun global. Fungsi negara dalam mengisi segala aturan untuk menyelenggarakan dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup warganya dilakukan melalui kebijakan politik hukumnya. Pembangunan politik hukum memerlukan progresivitas yang dinamis. Responsivitas kebutuhan masyarakat mesti dapat tertampung dan diakomodir dalam suatu peraturan perundang-undangan. Corak sistem hukum Indonesia yang berwatak positivistik legalistik formal sudah tidak aspiratif lagi dalam penyelesaian tuntutan hukum yang sangat dinamis dan responsif saat ini. Dengan demikian ke depan diharapkan para legislatif dan eksekutif dalam pembentukan norma hukum sudah saatnya menggeser pola pikir ke arah tipe hukum realistis, praktis dan progresif. Pedoman yang dipakai dalam membentuk undang-undang sudah saatnya mengadopsi, maupun meniru dan memakai tipe-tipe karakter hukum keluarga diluar hukum Eropa kontinental, salah satunya tipe dan corak nafas hukum common law system. Semua arah pembangunan pembentukan hukum diwujudkan melalui kebijakan yang mesti diambil demi terwujudnya tipe negara kesejahteraan.

Legal Theory ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-152
Alex Silk

ABSTRACTIt is common to think that what theory of linguistic vagueness is correct has implications for debates in philosophy of law. I disagree. I argue that the implications of particular theories of vagueness on substantive issues of legal theory and practice are less far-reaching than often thought. I focus on four putative implications discussed in the literature concerning (i) the value of vagueness in the law, (ii) the possibility and value of legal indeterminacy, (iii) the possibility of the rule of law, and (iv) strong discretion. I conclude with some methodological remarks. Delineating questions about conventional meaning, legal content determination, and norms of legal interpretation and judicial practice can motivate clearer answers and a more refined understanding of the space of overall theories of vagueness, interpretation, and law.

2003 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 595-611 ◽  
Charles F. Abernathy

Most European and American attorneys and judges think the U.S.A. has its legal roots in English common law, and that is probably true for the many areas of U.S. law that are still controlled by the traditional common-law process of simultaneously making and applying law. Yet, with respect to constitutional law – America's greatest legal contribution to modern respect for the rule of law, the roots of the U.S. legal system are firmly planted in Europe, not England. The U.S. Constitution was inspired by French revolutionary ideas of rationalism in law; it was intended as an integrated document just like codes; and it has been interpreted by American judges to be not just a political document but binding law – law that is binding on all three branches of government, legislative, executive, and judiciary. In fact that was the holding in Marbury v. Madison, the case decided exactly two hundred years ago.

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Margaret Jane Radin

Mass-market standardized fine print (boilerplate) altering the rights of consumers is greatly expanding in today’s digital environment  Mass-market boilerplate impacts access to justice when it deletes rights to redress of grievances. Such deletion of rights leads to normative degradation because it undermines agreement, which is the basis of justifiable contractual enforcement, and leads to democratic degradation because it undermines the basis of civil society and the rule of law. A brief comparison of US and Canadian common law suggests that Canada’s legal system is less willing to allow these inroads into access to justice. Dans le monde numérique d’aujourd’hui, l’insertion dans les conventions, ententes et contrats les plus communs de clauses standardisées en petits caractères, qui dénaturent les droits des consommateurs, est de plus en plus fréquente. Ces clauses passe-partout ont des répercussions sur l’accès à la justice lorsqu’elles suppriment le droit à la réparation d’un préjudice. Une telle suppression de droits mène à la dégradation normative parce qu’elle mine le consentement, qui est la base de l’exécution justifiable d’une obligation contractuelle, et à la dégradation de la démocratie parce qu’elle gruge la base de la société civile et la primauté du droit. Une brève comparaison de la common law des États-Unis et de celle du Canada laisse voir que le système juridique canadien est moins porté à permettre de tels empiètements sur l’accès à la justice.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Hari Purwadi ◽  
Adi Sulistiyono ◽  
Adriana Grahani Firdausy

<div class="WordSection1"><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Legal transplants in the form of ideas, concepts, solutions or structures, institutions, and methods, from one country to another has been a tendency in the development of the law in various parts of the world. Including Indonesia, has conducted legal transplants from various foreign legal system or any other country in the formation of various laws. Legal transplants in the perspective of comparative law and culture has potential mismatch between law and society, considering foreign law (the model) has material base differ with the recipient, such as Indonesia, the material and social base reflected in the values  of Pancasila or local law. Therefore, studies on this subject is very important, and in this study aims to analyze: (1) the form of transplantation of foreign law into the legal system of Indonesia (national law); (2) inevitability of legal convergence in the development of national law in the future. Theoretically, this study relates to theories of legal transplant or diffusion of law, in particular mixing legal system and harmonization or convergence. This study confirmed the legal transplant theories are constructed from practices in Western countries. For that purpose, this study methodologically used socio-legal research types (nondoctrinal / socio-legal research). Based on the  category of Esin Örücü, found that legal transplants in Indonesia occurred in various combinations of the most complex forms to simpler. Constitution as an example, transplant in the form of structures, institutions, and methods, in addition to the form of ideas, concepts, and solusion from Western law, both civil law system and common law systems. Legal transplants in Indonesia generally more formal process (formal diffusion) rather than substantive and make Western law have a dominant position. Local law and Pancasila under pressure of Western law. Therefore, the development of the law in the future must be built on a foundation of Jurisprudence as activity of theorizing, so that ideas, concepts, and solutions, as well as structures, institutions, and methods that can be characterized Pancasila as Western law competitor.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>legal transplants, harmonization, foreign laws, local laws, and Pancasila</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Transplantasi hukum dalam bentuk ide, konsep, solusi atau struktur, institusi, dan metode, dari satu negara ke negara lain telah menjadi kecenderungan dalam pembangunan hukum di berbagai belahan dunia. Tidak terkecuali Indonesia, telah melakukan transplantasi hukum dari berbagai sistem hukum asing atau negara lain dalam pembentukan berbagai undang-undang. Transplantasi hukum dalam perspektif perbandingan hukum dan budaya (<em>comparative law and culture</em>) potensial melahirkan ketidaksepadanan antara hukum dan masyarakat (<em>mismatch between law and society</em>), mengingat hukum asing (model) memiliki basis materiil hukum dan sosial berbeda dengan tempat dipindahkan atau penerima (<em>recipient</em>), seperti Indonesia, yang basis materiil dan sosialnya tercermin dalam Pancasila atau hukum lokal. Untuk itu, studi mengenai hal ini sangat penting dilakukan, dan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: (1) bentuk transplantasi hukum asing ke dalam tata hukum Indonesia (hukum Nasional); (2) keniscayaan kovergensi hukum dalam pembangunan hukum Nasional di masa datang. Secara teoritis, penelitian ini berhubungan dengan teori-teori transplantasi atau difusi hukum, khususnya pencampuran sistem hukum (<em>mixin</em><em>g legal system</em>) dan harmonisasi atau konvergensi hukum. Penelitian ini mengonfirmasi (<em>confirming</em>) teori-teori transplantasi hukum yang dibangun dari praktik-praktik di negara-negara Barat. Untuk tujuan itu, penelitian ini secara metodologis menggunakan jenis penelitian sosio-legal (nondoktrinal/<em>socio-legal research</em>), Dengan menggunakan kategori dari Esin Örücü, ditemukan bahwa transplantasi hukum di Indonesia terjadi dalam berbagai kombinasi bentuk dari yang paling kompleks sampai sederhana.</p></div><p>Konstitusi sebagai misal, mentransplantasi dalam bentuk struktur, institusi, dan metode, di samping bentuk ide, konsep, dan solusi hukum Barat, baik <em>civil law system </em>maupun <em>common law system</em>. Transplanatsi itu secara umum lebih banyak dilakukan secara formal (difusi formal) daripada substantif dan menempatkan posisi dominan hukum Barat. Hukum lokal dan Pancasila mengalami tekanan dari Hukum Barat . Oleh karena itu, pembangunan hukum di masa datang harus dibangun di atas pondasi <em>jurisprudence as activity of theorizing</em>, sehingga ide, konsep, dan solusi, maupun struktur, institusi, dan metode yang berkarakter Pancasila dapat menjadi pesaing hukum Barat yang dominan.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>transplantasi hukum, harmonisasi, hukum Asing, hukum lokal, dan nilai-nilai Pancasila</p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Ahmad Torabi

This paper focuses on the situation of doctrine of &ldquo;piercing the corporate veil&rdquo; in the current Iranian legal system especially in the Iranian Commercial Code and in the Iranian Civil Code. The author discusses the ambiguities and legal challenges which arise, directly or indirectly, from implementation of these challenges. There is also a comparative study of the doctrine with the common law system. The paper aims to highlight the defects of this doctrine in the Iranian law system and provides suggestions to improve it.

2000 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-142
Ruth Levush

The Israeli legal system belongs to the Western legal culture which is based on the rule of law and takes secular, liberal and rational approach that puts the individual at the center. The Israeli legal system has been classified as a “mixed jurisdiction” in that it has traits of both common law as well as civil law systems.

Kim Economides

This paper questions some basic assumptions of legal theory, education and practice from the perspective of rural, remote and regional (RRR) legal communities beyond the metropolis. Legal ideologies and values fundamental to the legitimacy of the modern state, such as the Rule of Law, are embedded in most law curricula and reinforced at every stage of the educational continuum, and commonly assert that law, legal rights and access to courts of law apply equally regardless of physical location or social status. Despite this, indigenous and other excluded groups living in peripheral communities frequently experience law differently from their urban counterparts, as do legal professionals living and working outside the city. The key issue examined concerns how centre-periphery tension should best be managed in the future regulation of law and lawyers. What kind of policies and strategies may genuinely assist social inclusion and to what extent should law and legal practice accommodate diversity? How and to what extent should lawyers and para-legals represent the interests of communities rather than private individuals in RRR areas of Australia? What kind of training and technological support do they require? The paper aims to set out some choices that confront policymakers while drawing upon international experience that may offer some guidance.

Никита Тарасов ◽  
Nikita Tarasov

The questions relating to the interpretation of the Russian lawyers of the late XIX – early XX century of the role of state compulsion in ensuring the rule of law are considered in article. The interrelation between the state of legality and qualitative characteristics of state coercion is emphasized. The author draws attention to the problem of state coercion in the legal and doctrinal aspects. His attention focuses on the development of the idea of the nature, purpose and limits of state coercion in the domestic police-legal theory of the late XIX – early XX century. The author considers that legal scholars thought of state coercion as an exclusive, extreme means, the use and application of which is permissible only on the basis of legal norms in order to ensure the security and stability of its socio-political and political-legal system, in compliance with the rule of law.

Вадим Павлов ◽  
Vadim Pavlov

the article deals with the development of the modern theory of law-making process. The main changes that took place in the sphere of law-making in the post-Soviet period are analyzed. The importance of the use of such a modern law-making tool as regulatory impact assessment is considered. The analysis of the process of lawmaking from the perspective of anthropology of law is offered. The rule of law and its normativity in the anthropological approach do not precisely express the essence of law, but are only its substantive basis. The essence of law is necessarily expressed with the participation of a person in law, a subject involved in legal interaction. In addition to the rule of law and human rights in law, the third element of legal reality is significant – the fact of legal life, which reveals both the normative properties of the legal system, and reveals the legal properties of a person in law. Thus, in the anthropological approach, the rule of law and the normativity of law in comparison with the classical theory of law-making acquire a new meaning, characterized by the fact that in a General sense it can be called anthropologization of law, the acquisition of its human dimension. On this basis, the theory and practice of lawmaking should focus on the development of the doctrine of the interpretation of law, as well as on the practice of its implementation.

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