Indiana during Reconstruction

2019 ◽  
pp. 54-73
Brent M. S. Campney

This chapter explores the response of whites in Indiana to the influx of blacks from the South and their concentration within the state during Reconstruction. First, it examines white efforts to subordinate blacks, especially during the surges of racist violence which marked the beginning and end of this period. Second, it explores the motivations for this violence, particularly its overtly political nature during the Exodus of 1879-1880, when a surge of southern blacks threatened, whites feared, to tip the electoral balance between Republicans and Democrats. Third, it analyzes the geographical patterns associated with this violence, including the proliferation of sundown towns. Finally, it assesses the implications of this violence for the history of Indiana and situates it in the historiography of the Midwest generally.

Robert Jackson

Chapter 1 surveys the contributions of southerners to film with an emphasis on activity within the South. Linking the early development of the medium to post-Reconstruction “New South” ideology and grounding it in the efforts of several early innovators from Virginia, this chapter covers a number of important events and movements: the Spanish-American War of 1898, the emergence of Jacksonville, Florida as a major production center in the 1910s, the diverse history of North Carolina’s early film cultures (Asheville as a production center, Karl Brown’s Stark Love, diverse filmmaking ventures throughout the state, the state’s popular education film program, the brilliant career of town documentarian H. Lee Waters), and the long career of King Vidor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-322
O. O. Thompson ◽  
A. S. Afolabi ◽  
A. Shola Abdulbaki

In 2016, the spiritual base of Boko Haram, known as ‘Camp Zero’ was captured. With such success, most had thought that the chicken has finally come home to roost. Unfortunately, it was not to be. Because aside from Boko Haram, the country seems to experience other vagaries of insecurity. This range from kidnapping, cult and ritual groups in the south—such as female pant hunters, Badoo—oil bunkering and pipeline vandalism, cattle rustling and herdsmen–farmers crises, among others. Against this backdrop, this study is an attempt to trace the history of the terror group and examine the numerous insecurity challenges across the country despite international collaborations. The study revealed among other things that the perpetuation of terror and insecurity in the land is a reflection of the nature of the state itself—a failing, weak state. The study recommends that until there is a solution to the nature of the state itself, the insecurity will continue. Some of the solutions suggested are entrenchment of good leadership, political will, rule of law, good governance, eradication of poverty and illiteracy, and inclusive policies, among others.

2018 ◽  
pp. 364-374
Irina V. Lidgieva ◽  

The article analyses public censure as a source of regulatory activity of the inorodsty (non-Russian indigenous ethnicities) local authorities in the South of Russia in the 19th – early 20th century. Integration of nomadic peoples in the all-Empire legal and economic sphere made provisions for continuation of some common law institutions. Among these were local self-government bodies. Local self-government activities in indigenous societies incorporate practices of representative democracy within the framework of customary and positive law and also interactions between state and society, all of which has much relevance to this day and age. Assembly (skhod) produced public censure that included purview with majority decision. Most sources come from the State archive of Stavropol Region and the National Archive of the Republic of Kalmykia. General and special scientific research methods assess public censure as a source on the history of the inorodsty in the South of Russia in the 19th – early 20th century. The form of sentence was not fixed by law, and yet content analysis of documentary materials from the State Archive of the Stavropol Region and the National Archive of the Republic of Kalmykia concludes that it remained unchanged throughout the 19th – early 20th century. Content of public censure allows to reconstruct the spectrum of issues put before the assembly and to classify them by topic: legal, social, and financial and economic. The author concludes that verdicts of the inorodsty societies of the period, as legal acts of local significance and great information value, are one of the main sources on socio-political and socio-economic history of the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10-4) ◽  
pp. 216-225
Leonid Yangutov ◽  
Marina Orbodoeva

The article is devoted to the history of Buddhism in China during the period of the Southern and Northern Kingdoms (Nanbeichao, 386-589). The features of the development of Buddhism in the North and South are shown. Three aspects were identified: 1) the attitude of emperors of kingdoms to Buddhism; 2) the relationship of the state apparatus and the Buddhist sangha; 3) the process of further development of Buddhism in China in the context of its adaptation to the Chinese mentality, formed on the basis of the traditional worldview. It was revealed that Buddhism in the context of its adaptation to the Chinese mentality, both in the North and in the South, developed with the traditions of Buddhism of the Eastern Jin period to the same extent.

T. A. Prokhorova ◽  
G. I. Bednarchik ◽  
T. V. Lorgina

In 1894, the French scientist Joseph de Baye (1853–1931), an archaeologist, ethnographer, historian, traveler and collector, had visited the excavations and Museum in Chersonesus for the first time. In 1905, Baron de Baye had revisited the Crimea and the Museum in Chersonesus. The memory of this remains on the pages of «Books for visitors of the Chersonesus Museum», stored in the archive of the Museum-reserve. The Baron was personally acquainted with K. K. Kosciusko-Valyuzhinich, who was the first head of the excavations and Museum in Chersonesus, also was in correspondence with him and repeatedly donated his own works to the Museum library. The scientific library of the state Museum-reserve «Tauric Chersonese» has a very representative collection of his works, characterized by a unique composition, the history of receipt, the presence of gift inscriptions and other proprietary signs. Baron de Baye popularized the historical and archaeological antiquities of the South of Russia among his colleagues in France, Chersonesus in particular, and did a lot for establishment of strong scientific and cultural ties between France and Russia, including in the field of archaeology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
Jonathan Michael Womack ◽  
Jerry Pillay

Prior to 1994, the South African Council of Churches (SACC) was a major role-player both globally and within South Africa, fulfilling a vital role in the struggle for justice in South Africa. Yet, since 1994 the SACC has all but disappeared from both the global as well as the popular South African ecumenical scene. The history of the SACC since 1994 is relatively unknown and sparsely documented. This article attempts to fill in some of that missing detail and to explore what has happened to the SACC since 1994. Working predominantly from news articles and documents from the SACC, the authors have endeavoured to piece together the state of the SACC since 1994. This article shows how the SACC emerged from the brink of closure and has once more started to function as a prophetic voice in South Africa. This movement from almost extinction to a rejuvenated function has been designated into three stages, namely survival, discernment and regeneration. However, the challenges are not over and this article concludes by highlighting two main challenges that the SACC is currently facing.

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-116
Alvaro Rego Millen Neto ◽  
Álvaro Bergamini Gusmão ◽  
Marco Antônio Santoro Salvador

El documento tiene como objetivo investigar uma versión de la historia de capoeira en la región sur del Río de Janeiro. Para ello, se realizó una encuesta que se estructura a partir de la metodología de la historia oral y las teorías acerca de la memoria. Las fuentes consultadas tienen como base los informes de ocho maestros de capoeira que trabajan en la región investigada. Los informes permiten observar la importancia de un maestro que es poco recordado por la memoria colectiva de los practicantes más nuevos. También es posible inferir que los maestros que optaron por una raíz que demarca identidad resisten las influencias culturales globalizadas, actualmente tienen menos cuotas de poder en el mercado de capoeira en la región. 

G. Seidova

The paper discusses the history of the penetration and further spread of Christianity on the territory of present-day Russia, in the medieval state of Caucasian Albania, on the historical territory of most of present-day Azerbaijan, part of the south of Dagestan and Georgia. There existed an independent, having an apostolic beginning, Albanian Church. The fact that the sermon began in Derbent determines our desire to turn to the history of Christianity in our city, which was not just a part of the Christian world of Caucasian Albania, but also a long time residence of its patriarchal throne. Today, out of the 26 tribes that once made up the Albanian Union, one nation has survived, remaining faithful to Christianity — these are the Udins. The Udins were one of the first (313) in the Caucasus to adopt Christianity as the state religion, retained their faith and ethnic identity. Today they strive for their selfdetermination in religious and canonical relations.

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