How Can 425 Students Learn to Use 1 Microcomputer? A Success Story

1984 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 16-17
Lynn C. Hart

The K-7 public school where I am a full-time teacher of seventh-grade mathematics and science has had a microcomputer for one year. The school system had provided one computer for every elementary school in the district, with two conditions. first, one teacher from each school must participate in a graduate course in BASIC programming and computer literacy that carries. five quarter-hours of credit. second, the school must offer minicourses on the computer to Its sixth-and seventh-grade students After completing the five-hour course during the summer and receiving the title “computer teacher-in-residence,” I arranged for the delivery of the microcomputer to our school. That was one year ago.

Catherine Schifter

As with fifth and sixth grades, the seventh grade classroom depends on whether the school is an elementary school or middle school. In many Kindergarten through eighth grade schools in Philadelphia, seventh graders have two different teachers rather than only one as with sixth graders. One teacher concentrates on literacy and social studies, while the other teacher takes on mathematics and science. These students cycle between two different classrooms. In contrast, students in middle schools may have a homeroom teacher, but they cycle through a number of different classrooms and teachers for each subject. Their school experiences are much different from those of students who only travel between two classrooms.

2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (42) ◽  
pp. 90-104
Patricia Andrea Dosio

En este artículo se indagará la contribución de la materia Dibujo a la transmisión de saberes sobre el espacio en la escuela elemental finisecular argentina a partir de la enseñanza del dibujo geográfico, tópico que, en los inicios del sistema de instrucción pública, fue parte de los contenidos de esta asignatura. Palabras clave: Dibujo - enseñanza - geografía - escuela primaria - Argentina AbstractThis article discusses the contribution of Drawing to the transmission of knowledge about space in argentine elementary education through the geographic drawing, topic that, at the beginning of the public school system, was part of the school subject Drawing.Keywords: Drawing - education - Geographic - elementary school – Argentina 

1977 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-196 ◽  
J. C. Drennan ◽  
J. B. Campbell ◽  
H. Ridge

A successful method for screening pupils for scoliosis in a metropolitan public school system is outlined. The incidence of scoliosis increased to greater than 3% in the seventh-grade population. Approximately 15% of the patients with established diagnoses required active management.

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