
1988 ◽  
Vol 35 (8) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Alan Barson ◽  
Lois Barson

Ideas for this month is a set of activities based in geometry. Through geometry students can practice area measure, work with whole-number and fractional computation, and develop problem-solving skills in spatial relationships. The activities that follow will offer such experiences.

2016 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-60 ◽  
Katarina Krkovic ◽  
Sascha Wüstenberg ◽  
Samuel Greiff

Abstract. Skilful collaborative problem-solving is becoming increasingly important in various life areas. However, researchers are still seeking ways to assess and foster this skill in individuals. In this study, we developed a computer-assisted assessment for collaborative behavior (COLBAS) following the experiment-based assessment of behavior approach (objective personality tests; Cattell, 1958 ). The instrument captures participants’ collaborative behavior in problem-solving tasks using the MicroDYN approach while participants work collaboratively with a computer-agent. COLBAS can thereby assess problem-solving and collaborative behavior expressed through communication acts. To investigate its validity, we administered COLBAS to 483 German seventh graders along with MicroDYN as a measure of individual problem-solving skills and questions regarding the motivation to collaborate. A latent confirmatory factor analysis suggested a five-dimensional construct with two problem-solving dimensions (knowledge acquisition and knowledge application) and three collaboration dimensions (questioning, asserting, and requesting). The results showed that extending MicroDYN to include collaborative aspects did not considerably change the measurement of problem-solving. Finally, students who were more motivated to collaborate interacted more with the computer-agent but also obtained worse problem-solving results.

1999 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-45 ◽  
Sherryl H. Goodman ◽  
Bill Barfoot ◽  
Alice A. Frye ◽  
Andrea M. Belli

2013 ◽  
William S. Shaw ◽  
Michael Feuerstein ◽  
Virginia I. Miller ◽  
Patricia M. Wood

2009 ◽  
Esra Omeroglu ◽  
Sener Buyukozturk ◽  
Yasemin Aydogan ◽  
Arzu Ozyurek

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-69
Amina Alobaidi

Background: PBL appears to answer many concerns regarding educational methods, encourages students to look for new solutions to relevant problems using available knowledge and resources. The process expands students' critical thinking and problem solving skills while enhancing their creative capabilities Objective: To develop a PBL modules for teaching of organic chemistry. Methods: This module was developed for implementation in the curriculum of Chemistry Departments in Colleges of Sciences and Education. This is an innovations to be developed for increasing the wide-ranging abilities of students. A series of strategies which are involved in PBL, concept mapping and online communications, are suggested and discussed in terms of encouraging student-centered learning.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-80
Sri Ayu Harani Tanjung ◽  
Yuli Amalia

Bahan ajar dikembangkan berdasarkan karakteristik siswa, sehingga kompetensi yang ditetapkan dapat dicapai. Secara umum kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa masih sangat rendah, siswa belum bisa memahami soal, sehingga terkendala dalam menentukan model penyelesaian soal matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kevalidan, keefektifan, dan respon siswa terhadap bahan ajar berbasis Problem Based Learning berkemampuan pemecahan masalah yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Subjek Penelitan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA Negeri 1 Meureubo kelas X Mia2 sebanyak 23 siswa. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi, angket respon siswa, dan tes. Dari hasil uji coba, pada uji coba I dan II diperoleh bahan ajar berbasis Problem Based Learning yang dikembangkan efektif ditinjau dari 70% siswa yang mengikuti tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah memperoleh nilai minimal 75 dan tercapainya ketuntasan belajar tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah  75% dan respon positif siswa terhadap bahan ajar berbasis Problem Based Learning untuk kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang dikembangkan. Teaching materials are developed based on the characteristics of students, so that the specified competencies can be achieved. In general, students' problem solving abilities are still very low, students have not been able to understand the problem, so it is constrained in determining the mathematical problem solving model. This study aims to describe the validity, effectiveness, and response of students to Problem Based Learning-based teaching materials that are problem-solving skills developed. This research is a development research using ADDIE models namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The research subjects in this study were 23 students of Meureubo High School 1 in class Mia2 as many as 23 students. The research instruments were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and tests. From the results of the trials, in the first and second trials obtained teaching materials based on Problem Based Learning that were developed effectively in terms of 70% of students taking the test of problem solving skills obtained a minimum score of 75 and achievement of learning completeness 75% problem solving ability tests and positive responses for Problem Based Learning based teaching materials for problem solving abilities developed.

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