scholarly journals Frigørelsesfilosofi – Interview med Enrique Dussel

2018 ◽  
pp. 131-143
Astrid Nonbo Andersen

Enrique Dussel is one of the most prominent Latin American thinkers and a founding father of the Philosophy of Liberation. Dussel is known for his long political engagement in Latin American Politics and for his harsh critique of Western hegemony on the global stage – both the political and the philosophical. In this interview with Dussel these themes are discussed as well as some of Dussel’s own notions, such as pluriversality and transmodernity.

2015 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-315 ◽  

AbstractThis article focuses on the political thought and practice of the martyred Jesuit intellectual during the late 1970s. It employs the concept of desencuentros, probing the relationship between linguistic misunderstandings and political division. The article highlights Ignacio Ellacuría's novel analyses of the relationship between the ecclesial and the popular organisations, led by the radical Left. It discusses his political thought in relationship to the author's research on the base communities of northern Morazán. The article also discusses the Jesuit scholar's critical support for the Junta Revolucionario de Gobierno (15 October 1979–2 January 1980). The concluding section discusses Ellacuría's relevance for contemporary Latin American politics.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Juan Carlos Gómez Leyton

Uno de los conflictos sociales, políticos e históricos de más larga duración y persistentes en la historia política de las sociedades de Nuestra América, aun no resuelto, lo constituye el dilema entre las tendencias políticas democráticas y las tendencias políticas autoritarias. Las cuales se han desarrollado y se manifestado de diferentes formas y en distintos momentos al interior de estas sociedades. La instalación de las democracias transitivas neoliberales en la mayoría de los países durante la década de los años ochenta del siglo XX, hizo pensar que el autoritarismo había dejado de ser una amenaza para la democracia. Sin embargo, los diversos procesos políticos que hoy se observan y se desarrollan en el continente se encuentran atravesados por este viejo, pero siempre actual conflicto. De allí el renovado interés de las ciencias sociales por analizarlo. Hoy en día ya nadie discute que la conflictividad política, social y cultural entre las tendencias democráticas y autoritarias está de regreso. La presente ponencia tiene como objetivo central analizar dicho conflicto en la actualidad. ---DEMOCRACIA vs autoritarismo na política latino-americana: Um velho dilema político atualUm dos conflitos sociais, políticos e históricos mais longo e persistente na história política das sociedades da “Nuestra América”, ainda não resolvido, é o dilema entre as tendências políticas democráticas e as autoritárias. As quais se desenvolveram e manifestaram nestas sociedades de diferentes formas e em distintos momentos. A instalação de democracias transitivas neoliberais na maioria dos países durante a década dos oitenta do século XX, transpareceu que o autoritarismo deixava de ser uma ameaça para a democracia. Entretanto, os diversos processos políticos que se observam e desenvolvem hoje no continente se encontram atravessados por este velho, mas sempre atual, conflito. Hoje em dia pouco se discute sobre o regresso dos conflitos políticos,sociais e culturais entre as tendências democráticas e autoritárias. O objetivo do texto é analisar o conflito atualmente.Palavras-chave: autoritarismo, democracia e conflito político ---Democracy vs authoritarianism in Latin American politics: An old present political dilemmaOne of the longest and most persistent social, political and historical conflicts in the political history of "Nuestra America" societies, is the still unsolved dilemma between democratic and authoritarian political tendencies, and they were developed and expressed in these societies in different ways and at different times. The installation of transitive neoliberal democracies in most countries during the eighties showed that authoritarianism was no longer a threat to democracy. However, the various political processes that are being observed and develop today in the continent are crossed by this old but ever present conflict. Nowadays, little is discussed about the return of political, social and cultural conflicts between democratic and authoritarian tendencies. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the conflict today.Keywords: authoritarianism, democracy and political conflict

1966 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 616-626 ◽  
Martin C. Needler

It is noteworthy that the recent spate of writings in the field of “political development” has shown a pronounced tendency to omit consideration of Latin America. Thus the “communications” and “bureaucracy” volumes in the SSRC political development series are totally innocent of Latin American data, as is an excellent recent treatment of—of all things!—the political behavior of the military in developing areas.The Latin Americanists, for their part, have largely stressed those key features of the area's politics which have long remained constant—executive predominance, military intervention, and the influence of the peculiarities of Hispanic culture. At the same time, it is clear that the social changes usually collectively termed “modernization”—urbanization, technological borrowing, and the development of mass communications grids—together with their political correlate, the expansion of the political community to include hitherto excluded social elements, are proceeding in Latin America too. Accordingly, it becomes desirable to reexamine the “statics” of Latin American politics in the light of the “dynamics” of the processes of political development and social mobilization.The present article attempts this reexamination with respect to the most characteristic feature of Latin American politics, the coup d'état and the establishment of a de facto military government.A priori, mutually contradictory theses about the relations of the military coup to social development can be constructed—and indeed the literature on the subject abounds in such contradictory theses, evidence to support each of which is always available.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Simone Rodrigues Pinto ◽  
Erivan Raposo

Resumo O presente artigo propõe-se apresentar o pensamento do filósofo Enrique Dussel, autor central da reflexão política em muitos países da hispano-américa, embora pouco discutido no Brasil. Sua insistência em um discurso legitimamente latino-americano faz dele um autor fundamental para entendermos os problemas e as soluções pensadas fora dos grandes Centros, como Europa e Estados Unidos. O enfoque principal será em sua filosofia da libertação e nos desafios lançados para a ciência e sociologia política.Palavras-ChaveFilosofia da libertação, América Latina, ética, política, Dussel.--- AbstractThis article intends to present the thought of the philosopher Enrique Dussel, important author of the political debate in many countries of Hispanic America, though less recognized in Brazil. He seeks a though properly Latin American to reflect on the problems and solutions to the continent, designed outside of major academic centers such as Europe and United States. The main focus will be on his philosophy of liberation and the challenges posed to social and political science.  KeywordsPhilosophy of Liberation, Latin America, Ethics, Politics, Dussel ---Resumé: Cet article présente l'oeuvre de Enrique Dussel. Ce philosophe se retrouve au coeur de la réflexion politique des pays hispanophones de l'Amérique latine, mais il est encore peu débatu au Brésil. Son insistance à travailler un discours proprement latino-américain en fait un auteur incontournable pour la compréhension des problèmes et solutions pensés hors des grands centres, tels l'Europe et les États-Unis. L'accent sera mis sur la philosophie de la libération et sur les défis rencontrés par la science et la sociologie politique.Mots-clésPhilosophie de la libération, Amérique latine, éthique, politique, Dussel.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-31
Arivaldo Sezyshta

Resumo: Este artigo tem por objeto apresentar a Filosofia Política Crítica da Libertação em Enrique Dussel, analisando sua gênese e evolução e mostrando a influência decisiva da filosofia da práxis de Karl Marx para esse pensamento, em especial a partir do conceito de exterioridade, entendida como sendo o âmbito onde o outro se revela, onde permanece livre em seu ser distinto. A exterioridade, precisamente, é tida pela Filosofia da Libertação como a categoria principal do legado marxiano e pressuposto teórico fundamental, que viabiliza o discurso de Dussel, sobretudo na opção radical pela vítima, marca de seu pensamento filosófico. Mediante isso, aqui se assume a tese de que há em Dussel uma parcialidade pela vítima: seu pensamento está construído, propositalmente, em favor da vítima. O esforço deste trabalho é o de mostrar que a opção pela vítima será o fio condutor de todo seu pensar, o que cobra da Filosofia da Libertação uma pretensão crítica de pensamento, fazendo com que o labor filosófico seja desafiado e provocado pela necessidade real de auxiliar a vítima, exigência do povo latino-americano em seu caminho de libertação. Em termos de resultado, para além da importância atual do pensamento marxiano para a compreensão da realidade e a crítica ao capitalismo, ressalta-se a relevância teórico-prática do pensamento dusseliano para a Filosofia Política como um todo, pelas suas contribuições no cenário contemporâneo, pela coragem em apontar em direção a outra sociedade, trans-moderna e transcapitalista, já em curso nas práticas coletivas de Bem Viver.Palavras-chaves: Filosofia. Libertação. Enrique Dussel. Bem Viver. Abstract: This article aims to present the Critical Political Philosophy of Liberation in Enrique Dussel, analysing its genesis and evolution and showing the decisive influence of Karl Marx’s philosophy to his thought. Especially from his concept of exteriority, understood as being the space where the other reveals itself, where it remains free in its distinct being. The Externality, precisely, is considered by the Philosophy of Liberation as the main category of the Marxian legacy. It is the fundamental theoretical presupposition, which makes Dussel's speech possible, mainly in the radical choice for the victim, the hallmark of his philosophical thought. Hereby the assumption is made that there is in Dussel a partiality for the victim: his thought is purposely constructed in favour of the victim. The effort of this work is to show that the option for the victim will be the guiding thread of all his thinking, which demands from the Philosophy of Liberation a critical pretension of thought. Thus, causing the philosophical work to be challenged and provoked by the real need to help the victim, the demand of the Latin American people in their way of liberation. In addition to the current importance of Marxian thought for the understanding of reality and the critique of capitalism, the theoreticalpractical relevance of Dusselian thought for Political Philosophy as a whole is emphasized by its contributions in the contemporary scenario, by the courage to point towards another society, trans-modern and transcapitalist, already under way in the collective practices of Well Living.Keywords: Philosophy. Release. Enrique Dussel. Well living. REFERÊNCIAS   ACOSTA, Alberto. O Bem Viver: uma oportunidade para imaginar outros mundos. São Paulo: Autonomia Literária, 2016.ARGOTE, Gérman Marquínez. Ensayo Preliminar y Bibliografia. In: DUSSEL, Enrique. Filosofia de la liberación latinoamericana. Bogotá: Nueva América, 1979.BOULAGA, Eboussi. La crise Du Muntu: authenticité africaine Et philosophie. Paris: Présence Africaine, 1977.CALDERA, Alejandro Serrano. Filosofia e crise: pela filosofia latinoamericana. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1984.CAIO, José Sotero. Manifesto-Declaração do Rio de Janeiro/1993. In: PIRES, Cecília Pinto (Org.) Vozes silenciadas: ensaios de ética e filosofia política. Ijuí: Editora Inijuí, 2003, p.263-271.CASALLA, Mario Carlos. Razón y liberación: notas para una filosofia latinoamericana. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 1973.DUSSEL, Enrique. Filosofia da libertação - na América Latina. São Paulo: Loyola, 1977._______. Filosofia de la Liberación Latinoamericana. Bogotá: Nueva América, 1979._______. Para uma ética da libertação latino-americana III: eticidade e moralidade. São Paulo: Loyola, 1982._______. Filosofía de la producción. Bogotá: Editorial Nueva América, 1984._______. Ética comunitária. Madrid, Ediciones Paulinas, 1986._______. Introdución a la filosofía de la liberación. Bogotá: Nueva América, 1988._______. 1492 – O encobrimento do Outro: a origem do mito da modernidade. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1993. _______. Filosofia da libertação: crítica à ideologia da exclusão. São Paulo: Paulus, 1995._______. Filosofía de la Liberación. Bogotá: Editorial Nueva América, 1996._______. Ética da libertação na idade da globalização e da exclusão. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2000. _______. Hacia una filosofia política crítica. Bilbao: Desclée, 2001._______. 20 teses de política. São Paulo: Expressão Popular, 2007.FANÓN, Franz. Os condenados da terra. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1979.FLORES, Alberto Vivar. Antropologia da libertação latino-americana. São Paulo: Paulinas, 1991.FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia do oprimido. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1974 GULDBERG, Horacio C. Filosofía de la liberación latinoamericana. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1983.IFIL. Livre Filosofar: Boletim Informativo do Ifil, Ano IX, No.18, 1988.LAS CASAS, Bartolomé de. O Paraíso perdido: Brevíssima relação da destruição das Índias. Trad.: Heraldo Barbuy. 6 ed. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 1996.LATOUCHE, Serge. Pequeno tratado do decrescimento sereno. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2009.LÖWY, Michael. Ecologia e Socialismo. São Paulo: Cortez, 2005.MARTI, José. Política de  nuestra América. México: Siglo XXI, 1987.SEZYSHTA, Arivaldo José e et al. Por uma terra sem males: seminário de formação para educadores e educadoras. Recife: Dom Bosco, 2003.ZEA, Leopoldo. Dependencia y liberación en la cultura Latinoamericana. México: Joaquín Mortiz, 1974.ZIMMERMANN, Roque. América Latina o não ser: uma abordagem filosófica a partir de Enrique Dussel (1962-1976). Petrópolis: Vozes: Petrópolis, 1987.

1994 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-574
Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley

Social revolutions as well as revolutionary movements have recently held great interest for both sociopolitical theorists and scholars of Latin American politics. Before we can proceed with any useful analysis, however, we must distinguish between these two related but not identical phenomena. Adapting Theda Skocpol’s approach, we can define social revolutions as “rapid, basic transformations of a society’s state and class structures; and they are accompanied and in part carried through by” mass-based revolts from below, sometimes in cross-class coalitions (Skocpol 1979: 4; Wickham-Crowley 1991:152). In the absence of such basic sociopolitical transformations, I will not speak of (social) revolution or of a revolutionary outcome, only about revolutionary movements, exertions, projects, and so forth. Studies of the failures and successes of twentieth-century Latin American revolutions have now joined the ongoing theoretical debate as to whether such outcomes occur due to society- or movement-centered processes or instead due to state- or regime-centered events (Wickham-Crowley 1992).

2002 ◽  
Michael McCaughan

Rodolfo Walsh was a writer of crime novels, a tireless investigative journalist who uncovered real political crimes, an instant historian of a turbulent and violent era in Argentinian and Latin American politics. He was in Cuba in 1960, participating in setting up the first revolutionary press service in Latin America, "Prensa Latina", when a coded telex arrived in their offices by mistake. After sleepless nights and with one cryptography manual, Walsh deciphered the plans for the US invasion of Cuba being planned in Guatemala by the CIA. Walsh was active in the Montonero guerrilla in Argentina, co-ordinating information and intelligence work. In that capacity he made public the existence of ESMA, the Naval Mechanics School which was the main military torture centre. In his own name he wrote an Open Letter to the Military Junta, a year from the coup and a day before his death, denouncing the dirty war. He was gunned down in the streets of Buenos Aires by a military death squad. This is an account of Rudolfo Walsh's life. It includes extended excerpts from his varied writings.

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