Miloš Miletić ◽  
Đorđije Milanović ◽  
Vladimir Stupar ◽  
Jugoslav Brujić

Rad obrađuje šumsku vegetaciju potencijalnog Natura 2000 područja „Trešnjik” na Starčevici kodBanje Luke. Iako područje leži nadomak glavnog grada Republike Srpske, šumska vegetacija do sadanije bila istraživana. Istraživanje je ukazalo na veliki diverzitet šumskih staništa na relativno malomprostoru. Utvrđeno je ukupno sedam stanišnih tipova, klasifikovanih u dvije ekološki i florističkijasno definisane grupe: (i) Grupa stanišnih tipova bukovih šuma: (1) stanišni tip Athyrium filix-femina-Fagus sylvatica (čiste šume bukve); (2) stanišni tip Fagus sylvatica-Tilia tomentosa (šume bukvei srebrnolisne lipe); (3) stanišni tip Quercus petraea-Tilia tomentosa (degradacija prethodnog tipa,sa dominacijom lipe); (ii) Grupa stanišnih tipova kitnjakovih šuma: (4) stanišni tip Carpinus betulus-Quercus petraea (klimatogena šuma kitnjaka i graba); (5) stanišni tip Vaccinium myrtillus-Quercuspetraea (acidofilna kitnjakova šuma); (6) stanišni tip Carpinus orientalis-Quercus petraea (termofilnekitnjakove šume); (7) stanišni tip Fraxinus ornus-Carpinus orientalis (šikare bjelograbića i crnogjasena).

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-110
Tomáš Kučera ◽  
Vladimír Kunca ◽  
Jan Holec

AbstractPluteus fenzlii is a rare Eurasian lignicolous fungus, an iconic bright yellow species that attracts attention. Its habitat in the Białowieża Virgin Forest, Poland, is dominated by Carpinus betulus with admixture of Quercus robur, Tilia cordata and Picea abies, with an herb layer typical for the Carpinion betuli alliance. In Slovakia, the country hosting the highest number of localities worldwide, P. fenzlii prefers closed canopy of thermophilous forest with dominance of Quercus cerris and adjacent Quercus robur agg., Q. petraea agg., Carpinus betulus and Tilia cordata. In the Natura 2000 classification this vegetation belongs to habitat 91M0, Pannonian-Balkanic Turkey Oak-Sessile Oak forests, and priority habitat 91G0, Pannonic woods with Quercus petraea and Carpinus betulus. The Slovak localities can be assigned to the mycosociological community Boleto (aerei)–Russuletum luteotactae, typical for thermophilous oak forests of Southern Europe and extrazonal areas in Central Europe. The presence of P. fenzlii at the isolated Białowieża locality could represent either a remote site of its present occurrence or a remnant of its former distribution, connected with the relict occurrence of thermophilous vegetation in Białowieża where continental oak forests have already disappeared.

Jaroslav Urban

The paper deals with the occurrence, development and harmfulness of Deporaus betulae (L.). The majority of field studies was carried out at Training Forest Enterprise (TFE) Masaryk Forest in Křtiny (District Brno-venkov) in 2010 and 2011. In addition to this, the species was studied in detail also in a laboratory. It occurred mostly on Betula pendula and Carpinus betulus. Rarely, the species was found on Alnus glutinosa and Corylus avellana and only sporadically on Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea, Tilia cordata and T. platyphyllos. In the studied area, larvae and pupae hibernate. Beetles occur on trees from the end of April to the beginning of July, sporadically later. Females lay on average 2.5 (in the laboratory 4.4) eggs into rolls on B. pendula, on C. betulus 2.2 eggs. During two months, they damage on average 5.3 cm2 leaves creating 14 rolls and laying 35 eggs into the rolls. Larvae consume only 1.7 cm2 leaf blade. The development of the species takes three to four months from egg laying to the departure of larvae into soil. On leaves of B. pendula of an average area of 14.2 cm2, females roll up the same area (about 11.2 cm2) as on leaves of C. betulus of an area of 21.7 cm2. Into the rolls, they lay on average the same number of eggs. The average number of eggs in rolls increases with the increased area of B. pendula leaf blade. Trees partly compensate for the reduction of assimilatory area also by the growth of the area of neighbouring undamaged leaves (on average by 12.7 %).

2018 ◽  
Vol 142 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 370-370
Violeta Dimitrova

Mrtva stabla imaju važnu ulogu u funkcioniranju i produktivnosti šumskih ekosustava kroz utjecaj na biološku raznolikost, akumulaciju ugljičnog dioksida, promet hranjivih tvari i tok energije, hidrološke procese, zaštitu tla te regeneraciju šumskih vrsta. Isto tako, mrtvo drvo osigurava uvijete za očuvanje važnih staništa. Povijesno gledano, uklanjanje mrtvog drva iz sastojine provodi se već dugi niz godina kao mjera zaštite od štetnih insekata i gljiva koji se smatraju prijetnjom zdravoj šumi. Takva praksa dovodi do smanjenja količine mrtvog drveta u šumskim ekosustavima do kritično niskih razina, koje nisu dovoljne za održavanje vitalnih populacija mnogih šumskih vrsta. Tijekom zadnjih godina, nacionalno zakonodavstvo uvelo je nove postavke, posebno one koje se odnose na razvoj i upravljanje Natura 2000 područjima, a kojima se, za procjenu stanja šumskih staništa, zahtijeva informacija o količini ove komponente. U tom smislu, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti kvantitativne podatke o zalihama mrtve šumske biomase u bukovim zajednicama u zapadnom Balkanu. Količina dubećeg mrtvog drva izračunata je pomoću tablice visinskih klasa i promjer; metoda uzorkovanje na linijskim transektima korištena je za određivanje zalihe ležećeg mrtvog drva. Thomasova ljestvica korištena je za procjenu stupnja raspadanja dubeće mrtve biomase a 4-stupanjska harmonizirana ljestvica ležeće mrtvo drvo (Tablica 2) i panjeve (Tablica 3). Kao rezultat istraživanja provedenih u bukovim zajednicama,utvrđeno je da ukupna zaliha biomase mrtvog drva varira u rasponu od 14,48 do 41,8 m<sup>3</sup> ha<sup>–1</sup>. Biomasa dubećeg mrtvog drva bila je 6,7-17,5 m<sup>3</sup> ha<sup>–1</sup>, a biomasa ležećeg mrtvog drva bila je 3,4-26,5 m<sup>3</sup> ha<sup>–1</sup>, dok je biomasa panjeva bila 0,28-6,4 m<sup>3</sup> ha<sup>–1</sup> (Tablica 5). Promatrano dubeće mrtvo drvo bilo je uglavnom u četvrtom stupnju razgradnje. Pretežna stopa razgradnje za ležeću biomasu bila je B, a za panjeve C i D (Tablica 6). Prema rezultatima ovih istraživanja može se generalizirati da je postotak ukupne količine mrtvog drva u ukupnoj šumskoj zalihi nedostatan iz perspektive povoljnog stanja očuvanja.

2004 ◽  
Vol 34 (11) ◽  
pp. 2340-2350 ◽  
Gary Kerr

The effects of mixing ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) with cherry (Prunus avium L.), oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Lieb., and Quercus robur L.), and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were investigated using a balanced two-component competition experiment. In general, two patterns of growth were observed. Firstly, in the ash–cherry experiment, two rapidly growing species altered their stem form and showed a plastic response to interspecific competition, and both species maintained a position in the upper canopy. Secondly, in the ash–oak and ash–beech experiments, a two-tier canopy formed with ash in the upper canopy, and interspecific competition resulted in an early nursing effect on the ash. In both patterns of growth, competition affected stem diameter and the shape of the tree with few, and only short-lived, effects on height. The maximum relative yield totals were 1.78 for ash–cherry, 1.77 for ash–oak, and 1.44 for ash–beech, indicating that the mixtures studied may be more productive in their early phase of growth than equivalent areas of pure species.

1988 ◽  
Vol 132 (5) ◽  
pp. 638-640 ◽  
Jörg Jörgensen

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