Adaptive Management: Popular but Difficult to Implement

Judith A. Layzer ◽  
Alexis Schulman

Popularized by scientists in the 1970s, adaptive management is an integrative, multi-disciplinary approach to managing landscapes and natural resources. Despite its broad appeal many critics complain that adaptive management rarely works in practice as prescribed in theory. This chapter traces the history and evolution of the concept and assess its implementation challenges. One reason adaptive management has not always delivered on its promise to make natural resource management more “rational” is that in the real world of policymaking scientists and natural resource managers must contend with advocates that have conflicting values and goals. Scientists and managers also operate in the context of institutions that create particular constraints and opportunities, and are generally inflexible and resistant to change. In recognition of these sociopolitical realities, the focus of much adaptive management practice and scholarship has shifted to governance, particularly collaboration with stakeholders, transformation of the institutions responsible for management, and the process of social learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Eric Lee Toman ◽  
Allan Lindsay Curtis ◽  
Bruce Shindler

Natural resource management (NRM) is conducted within a complex context. This is particularly true at the interface of public and private interests where policy and management actions are often closely scrutinized by stakeholders. In these settings, natural resource managers often seek to achieve multiple objectives including ecosystem restoration, biodiversity conservation, commodity production, and the provision of recreation opportunities. While some objectives may be complementary, in many cases they involve tradeoffs that are contested by stakeholders. Substantial prior work has identified concepts related to trust as critical to the success of natural resource management particularly in cases of high complexity and uncertainty with high stakes for those involved. However, although regularly identified as a central variable of influence, trust appears to be conceptualized differently or entangled with related constructs across this prior research. Moreover, much of the research in NRM considers trust as an independent variable and considers the influence of trust on other variables of interest (e.g., acceptance of a particular management practices, willingness to adopt a best management practice). In this paper, we develop a conceptualization of trust drawing on different literature areas and consider how trust is related to constructs such as trustworthiness and confidence. We then consider trust in the context of natural resource management drawing on examples from the U.S. and Australia. We then consider implications of these findings for building trust in natural resource management.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 32-49
Oscar Forero

This paper examines some of the features that have made maps into an essential and traditional tool used by all those involved in the management of natural resources. A main competency of natural resource managers and geographers is map making, along with map reading and map usage, as it allows a vision to be constructed, aiding the understanding of bio-cultural ocean, riverine and landscapes and helping to put them into perspective. I argue that the prominence of mapping in natural resource management comes from a topokinetic quality of knowledge generation and a visual character of knowledge reproduction. I also argue that mapping is a pedagogical device not exclusive to western ontological tradition, and that these features have made mapping a favorite episte-mological translation tool.

2005 ◽  
Vol 156 (8) ◽  
pp. 264-268
James J. Kennedy ◽  
Niels Elers Koch

The increasing diversity, complexity and dynamics of ecosystem values and uses over the last 50 years requires new ways for natural resource managers (foresters, wildlife biologists, etc.)to understand and relate to their professional roles and responsibilities in accommodating urban and rural ecosystem users, and managing the complimentary and conflicting interactions between them. Three stages in Western-world natural resources management are identified and analyzed, beginning with the (1) Traditional stage: natural resources first, foremost and forever, to (2) Transitional stage: natural resource management,for better or worse, involves people, to (3) Relationship stage: managing natural resources for valued people and ecosystem relationships. The impacts of these three perspectives on how natural resource managers view and respond to ecosystems,people and other life-forms is basic and can be profound.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-96
Pratyusna Patnaik

Recent decades have witnessed an increased attention towards emergence of decentralized strategies in natural resource management, as a solution to problems of over exploitation and degradation of natural resources. However, it is important to note that central to the processes of decentralisation in natural resource management is that of the concept of property rights. Successful decentralisation in natural resource management requires effective institutions be in place at local level with clearly defined property rights. In this context, the present paper analyses the process of changing property rights in decentralized natural resources management. It explores different forms of property rights and answers the question as to which type of property rights must be devolved to the user groups, if decentralized natural resource management is to be effective and sustainable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-173
Jeane Neltje Saly ◽  
Journal Manager APHA

There are two aims of this paper: first to analyze the responsibility of the government in the commitment to protect the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in natural resource management activities; secondly, to analyze the implementation of government responsibilities in mining management in relation to the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in enjoying their rights in the ecosystem, such as the environment. The method used in the research is empirical normative method, namely research that emphasizes the secondary data that is by studying and reviewing the principles of law and positive law principles derived from the existing literature materials in legislation and the provisions especially in relation to the exclusion of indigenous people's rights in the obligation of the state to create a healthy environment for the management of natural resources as a manifestation of human rights protection, and supplemented by empirical data in the form of interviews with related parties in Balaesang Tanjung Donggala District. The results show that natural resource management activities, linked to indigenous and tribal peoples' rights in environmental protection are regulated in various laws, both nationally and internationally. Implementation of government responsibility in mining management is related to the right of customary law community in enjoying the environment has not been optimally done. From the case of Balaesang Tanjung Donggala, it is envisaged that local governments ignore the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in enjoying a healthy environment.

Blasius Suprapta

Abstract: Based on geological studies, the Malang Highlands, East Java, Indonesia is a former ancient lake that dried up and turned into a wide and fertile plateau. Such natural conditions allow the growth and development of Hindhu-Buddhist civilization in 10 - 14  AD, namely the socio-cultural life of a well-ordered community. This includes the structure of natural resource management by the state and society. Around 19 old Javanese Inscription certificates were issued by the king at that time. Some of these inscriptions contain the standard rules of the kingdom in relation to the management of natural resources, but so far there has not been an in-depth study of the rules of natural resource management in this region. In connection with this problem, the need to conduct a study of natural resource management based on Old Javanese Inscription through an environmental approach: Environmental Archeology. The study was conducted by literature study, toponymy analysis, geographical spatial analysis on topographical maps, and interpretation of natural resource management, through an environmental management approach. The results showed that there were rules for felling trees in primary forest areas, state forest management for the benefit of maintaining sacred buildings and there were rules for the sale and purchase of endemic plants, namely spices. Abstrak: Berdasarkan studi geologi, Dataran Tinggi Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia merupakan bekas danau purba yang mengering dan berubah menjadi dataran tinggi yang luas dan subur. Kondisi alam yang demikian memungkinkan tumbuh dan berkembangnya peradaban Hindhu-Budha pada 10 - 14 Masehi, yaitu kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat yang tertata rapi. Ini termasuk struktur pengelolaan sumber daya alam oleh negara dan masyarakat. Sekitar 19 akte Prasasti Jawa kuno dikeluarkan oleh raja saat itu. Beberapa prasasti tersebut memuat aturan baku kerajaan dalam kaitannya dengan pengelolaan sumber daya alam, namun sejauh ini belum ada kajian yang mendalam tentang aturan pengelolaan sumber daya alam di wilayah ini. Sehubungan dengan masalah tersebut, perlu dilakukan kajian pengelolaan sumber daya alam berbasis Prasasti Jawa Kuno melalui pendekatan lingkungan: Arkeologi Lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi literatur, analisis toponimi, analisis spasial geografis pada peta topografi, dan interpretasi pengelolaan sumber daya alam, melalui pendekatan pengelolaan lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya aturan penebangan pohon di kawasan hutan primer, pengelolaan hutan negara untuk kepentingan pemeliharaan bangunan suci dan terdapat aturan jual beli tanaman endemik yaitu rempah-rempah.

Neha Singh ◽  
Neena Sareen

Natural resources are important for human beings to sustain life on earth. However, continuous use of natural resources by the human beings, had affected the earth. There is need to manage our natural resources to improve the sustainability of the natural resources. Women have always come to forward to conserve and protect natural resources because they are the primary users of natural resources traditionally as well as modern. In this paper, A scale has been developed and standardized that can be used to measure the role of farm women towards natural resource management activities. The scale was developed by using the technique of “Scale Product Method” which combines the Thurston’s technique of equal appearing interval scale for selection of the items and Likert’s technique of summated rating for ascertaining the response on the scale. A total of 78 Natural Resource Management (NRM) activities were selected. Based on Scale (median) value and Q value, 72 Natural Resource Management (NRM) was selected to measure the role of farm women towards natural resource management activities. The co-efficient of reliability was calculated by the Rulon’s formula i.e. 0.81 and the content validity was observed thoroughly. The reliability and validity of the scale indicate its consistency and precision of the results. This scale can be used to measure the role of farm women in natural resource management activities.

Elias T. Ayuk ◽  
William M. Fonta ◽  
Euphrasie B. Kouame

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)’s natural resource base constitutes the sub-continent’s greatest asset. These Natural Resources (NRs), both renewable and non-renewable, are the backbone of the continent as they play very critical functions in the livelihood strategies of the people. There are a wide range of questions and issues concerning the proper management of these NRs. One of the issues relates to the economics of resource preservation, which includes questions associated with the quantifiable benefits of resource preservation, the environmental costs and benefits of Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) strategies, the economic impact of land use changes, and valuation of ecosystem goods and services. The other issue concerns the ecosystem and economic system interaction. Particular themes of interest are the co-management of natural resources, trans-boundary natural resource management, and the management of resources to reconcile revenue generation, social development, and environmental services of natural resources. This chapter reviews the literature on quantitative approaches that have been undertaken to enhance the understanding of selected Natural Resource Management (NRM) problems on the continent. The review suggests that a wide range of quantitative approaches have been applied in the context of the African resource economics literature, but this review also identifies some specific areas that have received little attention.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Edi Setiyono

Community Based Management (CBM) makes people as the one who has a main role in the natural resource management. This management involves local people in planning, executing and also enjoying the result of that natural resource management. The basic principle of SBM is the government empowers the potency of local wisdom available in an area and make it as the principle of the coastal resource management. CBM can be seen in Awig-Awig Tradition in East Lombok and Sasi Tradition in Middle Maluku. Awig-Awig is a convention of East Lombok people. This convention becomes a written traditional law legalized by Village Regulation containing rules to regulate coastal resource management along with the sanction if it is broken. Awig-Awig is highly obeyed by East Lombok people that makes it suitable for empowering local people to manage their natural resources. Meanwhile, Sasi tradition on in Middle Maluku can be simply described as prohibition and license of catching fish in a certain period. As Awig-Awig in East Lombok, Sasi is also legalized by the traditional law and has sanction for those who break the law. These two traditions, Awig-Awig Tradition in East Lombok and Sasi Tradition di Middle Maluku, are both aimed at preserving the natural resources so that it can be the basic principle in Coastal Resources Community Based Management.

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