scholarly journals Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Maternal and Fetal Outcomes at the Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH), Port Harcourt, Nigeria

D. H. John ◽  
P. A. Awoyesuku ◽  
D. A. MacPepple ◽  
N. J. Kwosah

Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common cause of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy accounting for about 90% of all diabetic pregnancies. Women with GDM are at increased risk of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality which are preventable through early diagnosis and treatment. Objective: The aim was to determine the prevalence of GDM, compare the maternal and neonatal complications among GDM and non-GDM pregnant women, and the risk factors associated with GDM. Methodology: A prospective cohort study was carried out among 105 pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic of RSUTH between February and August 2017. They were interviewed using a pre-structured questionnaire that covered variables related to socio-demographic factors and family, medical, and social history. Fasting blood sugar (FBS) was done after an overnight fast. Women who had FBS less than 7 mmol/L had 75 g Oral Glucose Tolerant Test (OGTT) done. Those diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus were the exposed group while those negative for GDM were the non-exposed group. Both groups were followed up to delivery, and maternal and fetal outcomes were noted. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS version 20 and significance set at p < 0.05. Results: The prevalence of GDM was 10.5%. Positive history of GDM in previous pregnancy was the only independent risk factor (p=0.04, Adj OR: 26.89, 95% CI 2.86 to 252.61). GDM mothers had a significantly higher risk of developing pre-eclampsia (RR=7.48; 95% CI =3.36 to 16.63). Neonates of GDM mothers were at increased risk of fetal macrosomia (RR =9.00; 95% CI=1.36 to 59.4) and neonatal admissions (RR=8.00; C.I =1.19 to 53.67). Conclusion: The study revealed that the prevalence of GDM was high and that those with GDM were at increased risk of developing fetal and maternal complications. A history of GDM in previous pregnancy was an essential risk factor for subsequent GDM.

Nasloon Ali ◽  
Aysha S. Aldhaheri ◽  
Hessa H. Alneyadi ◽  
Maha H. Alazeezi ◽  
Sara S. Al Dhaheri ◽  

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) increases the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in any pregnancy and recurrence rates are high in future pregnancies. This study aims to investigate the effect of self-reported history of previous GDM on behaviors in a future pregnancy. This is an interim cross-sectional analysis of the pregnant women who participated in the Mutaba’ah Study between May 2017 and March 2020 in the United Arab Emirates. Participants completed a baseline self-administered questionnaire on sociodemographic and pregnancy-related information about the current pregnancy and previous pregnancies. Regression models assessed the relationships between self-reported history of GDM and pre-pregnancy and pregnancy behaviors in the current pregnancy. Out of 5738 pregnant parous women included in this analysis, nearly 30% (n = 1684) reported a history of GDM in a previous pregnancy. Women with a history of previous GDM were less likely to plan their current pregnancies (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 0.84, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.74–0.96) and more likely to be worried about childbirth (aOR: 1.18, 95% CI 1.03–1.36). They had shorter interpregnancy intervals between their previous child and current pregnancy (aOR: 0.88, 95% CI 0.82–0.94, per SD increase). There were no significant differences between women with and without a history of GDM in supplement use, sedentary behavior, or physical activity before and during this current pregnancy. Nearly a third of parous pregnant women in this population had a history of GDM in a previous pregnancy. Pregnant women with a previous history of GDM were similar to their counterparts with no history of GDM in the adopted pre-pregnancy and prenatal health behaviors. More intensive and long-term lifestyle counseling, possibly supported by e-health and social media materials, might be required to empower pregnant women with a history of GDM. This may assist in adopting and maintaining healthy prenatal behaviors early during the pregnancy or the preconception phase to minimize the risk of GDM recurrence and the consequential adverse maternal and infant health outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Vivek Sinha ◽  
Poonam Kachhawa

Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common medical condition that complicates pregnancies..Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a diabetic metabolic disorder that occurs in 4% of all pregnant women and 14% of ethnic groups with more prevalence of type II diabetes. It can be defined as increased or abnormal insulin resistance, decreased insulin sensitivity or glucose intolerance with first diagnosis during pregnancy. Aims and Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic screening value of the HbA1c, prevalence of GDM and associated risk factors. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the metabolic clinic; in the department of Biochemistry located at SIMS, Hapur. A semi-structured pretested questionnaire was used for data collection. Following the DIPSI guidelines, patients with plasma glucose values >140 mg/dl were labeled as GDM. Statistical methods used were OR (CI95%), percentage, Chi square. Results: Out of 500, 6.72% had GDM. Among all GDM patients, 64.71% had age more than 30 years, 70.59% had BMI more than 25, 41.18% had gravida more than 3 and p- value was significant with regard to age and BMI. P value was found to be significant for risk factors namely positive family history of Diabetes Mellitus, history of big baby and presence of more than one risk factor. Conclusion: GDM is associated with high BMI, early pregnancy loss, family history of DM and previous history of big baby and there could be more than one risk factor. Thus universal screening followed by close monitoring of the pregnant women for early detection of GDM may help improving maternal and fetal outcomes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Godwell Nhidza ◽  
Kudzaishe Mutsaka ◽  
Garikai Malunga ◽  
Danai Tavonga Zhou

Introduction:According to the WHO, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) means glucose intolerance with onset during pregnancy. Unfortunately, women affected by GDM could suffer from Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) later while babies born to mothers with GDM are at increased risk of being too large for gestational age. This cross-sectional study screened GDM in women attending Parirenyatwa Antenatal Clinic in urban Harare, Zimbabwe using 2006 WHO diagnostic criteria.Methodology:Urine samples were collected from all consenting pregnant women. If urinalysis indicated glycosuria and if a woman reported clinical symptoms of GDM, random blood sugar analysis was subsequently carried out. Those suspected of having GDM due to elevated glucose (n=17) were screened with glucose load challenge the following day, after collecting the sample for fasting blood sugar. Family history of diabetes was self-reported.Results:Women (N=150), between 24 – 28 weeks of gestation who consented were recruited. Participants had mean age 27.2(3.5) years and about half were gradiva 1. All participants reported no maternal history of T2DM, but reported other family history of T2DM. Out of the 150 recruited and 17 tested by OGTT, 10 (6.7%) tested positive for GDM.Conclusion:Prevalence of GDM is lower than two similar African studies but similar to one Indian study. Of note is the fact that variations in reported prevalence, in populations from different studies could be due to different diagnostic criteria used. Results need further enquiry on larger group of pregnant women using latest 2013 WHO criteria.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 120-124 ◽  
Margaret Bublitz ◽  
Suzanne De La Monte ◽  
Susan Martin ◽  
Lucia Larson ◽  
Ghada Bourjeily

Background Women with childhood maltreatment histories are at increased risk for adverse birth outcomes. Mechanisms explaining this link are poorly understood. Past research is limited by sampling pregnant women at low risk for adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. Methods This pilot study was a secondary data analysis of 24 women with gestational diabetes mellitus; 17% of the sample also reported a maltreatment history. Women provided a blood sample to measure inflammatory cytokines and insulin resistance, and saliva samples to measure diurnal cortisol. Birth outcomes for past and current pregnancies were recorded. Results Histories of maltreatment were associated with elevated interleukin-15 and a marginally greater incidence of preterm delivery in current and past pregnancies. Conclusions This pilot study was the first to demonstrate an association between childhood maltreatment history and inflammatory cytokine levels in pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Wendy N. Phoswa

Purpose of the Review: The main objective of this study is to investigate mechanisms associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) in HIV infected pregnant women by looking how placental hormones such as (progesterone and prolactin) and basic haemostatic parameters are regulated in HIV infected pregnancies.Recent Findings: HIV/AIDS are a major global obstetric health burden that lead to increased rate of morbidity and mortality. HIV/AIDS has been associated with the pathophysiology of GDM and HDP. Increased risk of GDM due to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) usage has been reported in HIV infected pregnancies, which causes insulin resistance in both pregnant and non-pregnant individuals. HAART is a medication used for lowering maternal antepartum viral load and pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxis of the infant. In pregnant women, HAART induces diabetogenic effect by causing dysregulation of placental hormones such as (progesterone and prolactin) and predispose HIV infected women to GDM. In addition to HIV/AIDS and GDM, Studies have indicated that HIV infection causes haemostatic abnormalities such as hematological disorder, deregulated haematopoiesis process and the coagulation process which results in HDP.Summary: This study will help on improving therapeutic management and understanding of the pathophysiology of GDM and HDP in the absence as well as in the presence of HIV infection by reviewing studies reporting on these mechanism.

2020 ◽  
Adnette Fagninou ◽  
Magloire Pandoua Nekoua ◽  
Salomon Ezéchiel Mahougnon Fiogbe ◽  
Kabirou Moutairou ◽  

Abstract Background : Immunological and biochemical parameters are gaining more and more importance in the prognosis of diabetes and its complications. Here we assessed the predictive power of immunological parameters correlated with biochemical ones in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Material and Methods : 217 pregnant women were screened for GDM between the 2 nd and the 3 rd trimester of gestation, based on IAGDP methods in this cross-sectional descriptive study. Immunological and biochemical parameters were determined using appropriate methods. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analyses were conducted to assess the optimal cutoff and value of immunological to biochemical parameter ratios for predicting GDM. Results : 11.90% of pregnant women were diagnosed GDM positive. Serum glucose levels, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and total proteins were significantly increased while HDL-cholesterol decreased in women with GDM compared to controls. The levels of glycosylated hemoglobin and creatinine, as well as transaminase (AST and ALT) activities did not significantly differ between GDM and pregnant controls. Total leucocytes (white blood cell), lymphocyte and platelet numbers were significantly higher in women with GDM than in pregnant controls. We also found that the lymphocyte:HDL-C, monocyte:HDL-C and granulocyte:HDL-C ratios were significantly higher in women with GDM than in pregnant controls ( p = 0.001; p = 0.009 and p = 0.004 respectively). Women with a lymphocyte:HDL-C ratio greater than 3.66 had a 4-fold increased risk of developing GDM than those with lower ratios (odds ratio 4.00; 95% CI: 1.094 – 14.630; p =0.041). Conclusion : The lymphocyte:HDL-C, monocyte:HDL-C and granulocyte:HDL-C ratios may represent valuable makers, and the lymphocyte:HDL-C ratio in particular may have strong predictive power for GDM. This ratio can be easily assessed in patients.

Poojita Tummala ◽  
Munikrishna M. ◽  
Kiranmayee P.

Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is carbohydrate intolerance at the onset of pregnancy which induces pathological short term or long term outcomes for both mother and baby. The aim of the present study was to know the prevalence of GDM in pregnant women who were attending the antenatal care (ANC) center at a tertiary care hospital in Kolar, Karnataka, India.Methods: This prospective study was conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, a constituent of Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, Kolar, Karnataka, India. The duration of the study was two months. In this study, 108 pregnant women above 24 weeks of gestation were screened for GDM by oral glucose tolerance test. Fasting 2 milli liter blood was collected and were given 75 grams of glucose in 200 milli liters of water and asked to drink within 5 minutes. Again 2 milli liters venous blood was collected after 1 hour and 2 hours from all participants. Plasma sample was used for the estimation of glucose by glucose oxidase and peroxidase (GOD-POD) method.Results: Out of 108, 12 women (11.1%) were diagnosed with GDM. The prevalence rate was higher in the age group of 26-30 years (41.6%).  Among 12 diabetic women, five (47.2%) exercised regularly and seven (58.3%) did not doing exercise. Out of 12 GDM subjects, eight of them had family history of diabetes in first degree relatives; among which one was hypertensive and five were suffering from thyroid problems.Conclusions: In the present study, the prevalence of GDM was found to be 11.1%. Prevalence of GDM might be influenced by increasing age, pre pregnancy weight, family history of diabetes, past history of pregnancy complications, status of literacy and exercise.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 491 ◽  
Viswanathan Mohan ◽  
ManniMohanraj Mahalakshmi ◽  
Balaji Bhavadharini ◽  
Kumar Maheswari ◽  
Gunasekaran Kalaiyarasi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-63
Aasia Kanwal ◽  
Asma Salam ◽  
Aisha Bashir

Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus leads to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Objectives: The objective of the study was to explore the relationship of spontaneous abortions with gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant women from rural and urban Lahore. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at University of Health Sciences, Lahore in 2019. Among 60 pregnant women sampled, 30 had gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and 30 were normal pregnant controls. Pregnant women were sampled from different hospitals of rural and urban areas of Lahore. Independent sample t-test was applied for analyzing the data. Chi- square test was used to analyze the categorical variables. Association of fasting blood glucose (FBG) and abortions was checked. Odd ratio and relative risk were calculated. Results: Mean fasting blood sugar levels were significantly higher in GDM group (105 mg/dL) as compared to non-GDM group (80.50 mg/dL) at p<0.001. The proportions of the women with increased number of abortions had significantly higher blood glucose levels (OR 5.091, 95% CI, RR 1.27). Conclusions: Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortions.

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