scholarly journals Changing Histopathological Pattern of Paediatric Malignant Tumours Seen at the Jos University Teaching Hospital, North-Central, Nigeria

Daniel Yakubu ◽  
Innocent Emmanuel ◽  
Jagshak Barnabas Mandong ◽  
Mandong Barnabas Mafala

Background: Childhood cancer is attracting public health attention in Sub-Saharan Africa because of its’ increasing contribution to morbidity and mortality, and the changing pattern in relative frequency and diagnostic challenges in resources poor settings. The objective of the study was to determine the pattern of malignant childhood tumours in Jos, North-central Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Records of childhood malignancies diagnosed over a 10 year period was obtained from the hospital cancer registry. Archival paraffin embedded, formalin fixed tissue blocks were retrieved and fresh sections cut and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin. The slides were reviewed and the histopathological pattern, age, sex and anatomical site of distribution of the tumours were analyzed. Results: There were 210 cases of childhood malignancies during the period of the study. The male: female ratio was 1.5:1. Mesenchymal tumours predominated (66%), followed by epithelial tumours (32%) and germ cell tumors which accounted for 2% of cases. Soft tissue sarcomas, lymphomas, nephroblastoma and retinoblastoma were the four most common tumours.              Together they accounted for 88% of all cases. Soft tissue sarcoma was the most common tumour group with 77 cases (37%). Rhabdomyosarcoma was the most common of them accounting for 88% of the soft tissue sarcomas. The second most common group of tumours was lymphoma 52(25%) cases: out of which Burkitt’s lymphoma accounted for 64%, non Burkitts non Hodkins lymphomas 31% while Hodgkins Lymphoma had 6%. Retinoblastoma and nephroblastoma occurred among the very young children while STS and lymphomas predominated in the older children. Conclusion: There is a change in the histopathological pattern of childhood solid malignancies in our environment. Sarcomas are diagnosed more often, a departure from the past where lymphomas were commoner. However Burkitt’s lymphoma is still an important and common childhood cancer.

Kunhi Mohammed K. P. ◽  
Snehasis Pradhan ◽  
Supratim Bhattacharyya ◽  
Prafulla Kumar Das ◽  
Muhammed Navas N. K.

Background: Soft tissue sarcomas are a rare and heterogeneous group of malignant tumors of mesenchymal origin that comprise less than 1 percent of all adult malignancies. Although they occur anywhere in the body, they involve most commonly in extremities, trunk, retroperitoneum and head and neck. The aim of the study was to analyze clinical and histopathological features of various soft tissue sarcomas.Methods: This was a retrospective study, conducted in tertiary cancer centre in Odisha during the period 2015 to 2018. We collected clinical parameters like age, sex, site of swelling, any associated pain and biopsy reports and these variables were correlated with final histopathology reports.Results: A total of 107 patients were included in the study, with male to female ratio of 2:1(71 and 36) and average age of 43.45 years. All of them presented with a swelling. The lower extremities were the most common sites i.e. 44.62%. Pleomorphic sarcoma was the most frequent histologic variety comprising 43% and less frequent variety were angiosarcoma, and myxoid sarcoma.Conclusions: Soft tissue sarcoma are predominant in males and middle aged population are frequently affected. Most common affected site is lower extremity and pleomorphic sarcoma is the prominent histologic type.

2007 ◽  
Vol 97 (5) ◽  
pp. 695-699 ◽  
H C Jenkinson ◽  
D L Winter ◽  
H B Marsden ◽  
M A Stovall ◽  
M C G Stevens ◽  

2001 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. S333
H.C. Jenkinson ◽  
M.M. Hawkins ◽  
D.L. Winter ◽  
M.C.G. Stevens ◽  
C.A. Stiller ◽  

2003 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 722-727 ◽  
Andre M. Oliveira ◽  
Scott H. Okuno ◽  
Antonio G. Nascimento ◽  
Ricardo V. Lloyd

Background: p45 S phase kinase-associated protein-2 (p45skp2), a member of the F-box family of proteins, is an important component of the Skp1-Cullin-F-box protein (SCF) ubiquitin-ligase complex (SCFskp2). The latter has been implicated in the ubiquitination and degradation of p27kip1 (p27) and G1-S cell cycle progression. The expression and prognostic role of Skp2 in a large series of soft tissue sarcomas has not been previously investigated. Methods: Clinicopathologic features and immunohistochemical expression of Skp2, p27, and Ki-67 proteins were studied in 182 cases of soft tissue sarcomas (American Joint Committee on Cancer stages II and III). Survival analyses were performed using the Kaplan-Meier method and the Cox regression model. Results: The male to female ratio was 1.2:1, and the median age at the diagnosis was 53 years. The tumors were predominantly located in the lower extremities (n = 163; 90%) and had a median size of 9 cm. High Skp2 expression (≥ 10% of the cells) was identified in 68 tumors (37%), and was correlated with high grade histology (P = .002) and Ki-67 proliferative index (r = 0.44; P < .0001), but not with p27 expression (r = −0.02; P = .80). By univariate analysis, high Skp2 expression was associated with decreased metastasis-free, disease-free, and overall survival. In a multivariate model, high Skp2 expression was an independent predictor for decreased local recurrence-free, disease-free, and overall survival. Conclusion: These results indicate that Skp2 expression is associated with cell proliferation and a worse prognosis in soft tissue sarcomas. The lack of an inverse correlation between Skp2 and p27 suggests that additional molecular events associated with either Skp2 expression or p27 proteolysis may be operating in these tumors.

2016 ◽  
Vol 98 (03) ◽  
pp. 208-211 ◽  
HG Smith ◽  
JAF Hannay ◽  
K Thway ◽  
C Messiou ◽  
MJF Smith ◽  

Introduction Elastofibromas are rare, pseudo-tumours arising at the inferior pole of the scapula that have a characteristic presentation. Due to their tissue of origin and size, they may often be mistaken for soft tissue sarcomas. We present the management of patients diagnosed with elastofibroma at a single institution. Methods Patients diagnosed with elastofibroma between January 1995 and January 2015 were identified from a prospectively maintained histopathology database. Electronic patient records, imaging and pathology reports were retrieved and reviewed. Results Thirty seven patients were identified, with a median age of 66 years and a male-to-female ratio of 1:1.6. All tumours occurred in the characteristic subscapular location. The median maximum tumour diameter was 8.2cm. A synchronous contralateral lesion (15.8%) was found in six patients. Cross-sectional imaging was performed in 29 patients, with magnetic resonance imaging the most common modality (59.5%). Diagnosis was confirmed with percutaneous biopsy in all but one patient, who proceeded directly to surgery. Eighteen patients were managed non-operatively; 19 opted for surgical excision due to significant symptoms. Excision was performed in a marginal fashion and, at a median follow-up of 5 months, no functional impairment or local recurrences were observed. Conclusions Soft tissue masses greater than 5cm in diameter should prompt the clinician to exclude soft tissue sarcoma. The diagnosis of elastofibroma may be alluded to by its typical presentation and can be confirmed by percutaneous biopsy. After excluding malignancy, these lesions can be safely managed non-operatively, with surgery reserved for symptomatic patients.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 2522
Monali Madhukar Patole

Background: Pediatric solid tumors include a heterogeneous group of tumors, and the burden of these tumors, especially from resource-challenged countries, is not well described. The aim of this study was to describe the distribution of solid tumors in children in an Indian tertiary cancer center.Methods: All patients under 12 years of age with histologically confirmed tumors presenting at a tertiary cancer center from January 2014 to January 2019 were identified from the hospital database. Patients with lymphomas, bone, and central nervous tumors were excluded. The demographic profile including age, sex distribution, and the treatment received were recorded for all patients. Results: The mean age of the eligible 153 patients was 5.7 years with majority (57.3%) in the 0-5 years age group. The male-to-female ratio was 1.6:1 with a male predominance in all tumors except germ cell tumors. Renal tumors were the most common tumors followed by neuroblastoma and soft tissue sarcoma, whereas germ cell and gonadal tumors formed only 8.49% of all tumors.Conclusions: Extracranial and extraosseous pediatric solid tumors include a wide range of tumors with a predilection for male sex and children below 4 years of age. Wilms tumors, neuroblastoma, and soft tissue sarcomas tumors are the most common tumors.

Ahliman Amiraslanov Ahliman Amiraslanov ◽  
Sevinj Abdiyeva Sevinj Abdiyeva ◽  
Azer Amiraslanov Azer Amiraslanov

Sarcomas are relatively rare, accounting for only 1% of all adult malignancies and 15% of childhood malignancies [2]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the group of soft tissue sarcomas includes more than 100 different histological subtypes [3]. According to the recommmendations of the WHO to improve the accuracy of diagnosis in soft tissue sarcoma, the traditional histopathological examination should be supplemented with immunohistochemical and molecular methods [1]. It was carried out immunohistochemical research of CD31 receptor of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in 129 patients with STS. The age range of patients is on average 14-77 years with a peak in the age of 50-59 years. The most common reason for initial visit to a medical institution was palpable tumor (100%). It was studied the following correlative interdependences: It was determined that histodifferentiation of tumour is in inverse correlation with expression CD31 receptor. Distinctions of expression level of CD31 are shown, depending on the degree of tumor differentiation, presence or absence of its spontaneous necrotization, limphoid infiltration of pathological nidus and amount of vessels in tumor tissue. That is as high the degree of histological differentiation of tumour as low the level of expression CD31 receptor (χ2=35,4; p<0,001; р=-0,322). In FHTof ST is exposed inverse dependence between expression CD31 endotelial cells with spontaneous necrosis and lymphoid infiltration. As more the size and foci of spontaneous necrosis (χ2=67,1; p<0,001; р=-0,473) and lymphoid infiltration (χ2=46,1; p<0,001; р=-0,346), as low the level of expression CD31 receptor. It was found that the high level of espression CD31 receptor is in direct correlation with metastasis (χ2=18,6; р=0,42; p<0,001) and recurrence (χ2=9,43; р=0,30; p<0,01) of the process. Studied modern approaches to the diaqnostics and treatment of malignancies. One such approach is ”Oncology Control”, which means minimizing the risk of recurrence at the local and systemic level. Following treatment, follow-up should include history and physical examination accompanied by imaging (Ultrasound or MRI) every 3 to 6 month for 2 to 3 years, and then every 6 to 12 months thereafter to asses for recurrence. So in high positivity of CD31 receptor is exposed unfavourable prognosis in patients with STS. Summarizing before said we have come to the conclusion that immune-histo-chemical investigation of CD31 receptor of VEGF has important prognostical meaning in patients STS.

2006 ◽  
Vol 24 (18_suppl) ◽  
pp. 9034-9034
T. Z. Mohran ◽  
E. N. Ebeed

9034 Background and Purpose: Various treatment regimens have been implemented in an attempt to improveDFS of children with B cell lymphoma. We evaluates the treatment results of children with stage I, II III Burkitt’s lymphoma at 2 centers in Egypt. Patients and Methods: Patient recruitment in this open non-randomized study occurred from July 1998 to Dec 2002 . 97 patients with pathologically proven Burkitt’s lymphoma stage I to III were diagnosed . All patients were subjected to history, clinical examination, CSF, bone marrow and radiological evaluation. Patients with stage IV were excluded from. Patients with stage I and II received 4 cycles of (A→B→A→B), while patients with stage III received 8 cycles of (A→B→A→B→A→B→A→B). Intrathecals were given during the first 4 cycles. Cycle A was formed of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine, cytosine arabinoside, plus intrathecal MTX and cytosine arabinoside. Cycle B was formed of ifosfamide, vepeside, methotrexate, vincristine and intrathecal cytosine arabinoside and mtx. Results: Patients was 97, their age ranged between 2 and 18, theirmean age was 8.6 and median was 8 years.The male to female ratio was 3.8:1. The primary site was the abdomen in 49 patients (50%), peripheral lymph node enlargement was encountered in 38 patients (39.1%). Jaw involvement occurred in 7 patients (7.2%). Two patients (2%) presented with Tonsilar mass and only one patient presented with mass at inner canthus (1%). Patients were staged according to St. Jude staging system. Patient distribution was as follows: Stage I, 18 (18.6%); stage II, 31 (32%); stage III, 48 (49.5%). In August 2003, 90 patients were in continuous complete remission with a follow up period ranged between 8 months and 53 months and a median 39 months. The projected 3 years DFS for the whole group was 93.8%±2.5%. Correlation between DFS and LDH was significant (P=0.01) while correlation with age, sex and stage was insignificant. Conclusions: Treatment result with the prescribed protocol is extremely good. The outcome of non advanced Burkitt’s lymphoma in rural areas of Egypt is comparable to all studies in developed countries. High dose methotrexate is not a must to improve survival of stage I-III Burkitt’s lymphoma. Initial serum LDH level is an important prognostic factor. Key words: Childhood, Burkitt’s lymph. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

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