education psychology
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2022 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Antonio José Cardona Linares ◽  
Julio Ángel Herrador Sánchez ◽  
África Calvo Lluch

  Los inicios de la Expresión Corporal (EC) han sido y están siendo analizados desde diferentes perspectivas. Este trabajo ha pretendido profundizar en los comienzos acaecidos a lo largo del siglo XX, en donde esta disciplina emergente se nutrió de múltiples fuentes: de lo social, las artes, la educación, la psicología, etc. Patricia Stokoe (1919-1996), dedicó su vida al estudio de la Expresión Corporal-Danza (ECy D). Considerada como una de las iniciadoras en este campo (Kalmar, 2005; Cardona, 2009; Ruano & Sánchez, 2009). Su obra sigue siendo referente en la actualidad y está presente en gran parte de la producción científica que se genera en esta disciplina. Es la investigación de Cardona (2009), en donde se ha profundizado en el estudio de la vida y la obra de la autora. Exponemos aquí cómo se llevó a cabo dicha investigación cualitativa. Se hizo un tratamiento descriptivo transversal, utilizando el análisis de documentos y las entrevistas. Realizamos más de treinta entrevistas entre Buenos Aires y España. Estableciéndose 4 dimensiones/campos que aportaron estructura y claridad al estudio: análisis de la vida; análisis de las influencias en la vida y la obra; análisis de la obra; ensayo bibliográfico de la obra. Se obtuvieron unos resultados y conclusiones que convierte a Patricia Stokoe en una de las pioneras en la construcción y génesis de la Expresión Corporal.  Abstract: The beginnings of corporal expression have been and are being analyzed from different perspectives. This work has attempted to delve into the beginnings that occurred throughout the 20th century, when this emerging discipline was nourished by multiple sources: society, arts, education, psychology, etc. Patricia Stokoe (1919-1996), devoted her life to the study of body language-dance. Considered one of the initiators in this field (Kalmar, 2005; Cardona, 2009; Ruano & Sánchez, 2009), her work continues to be a reference nowadays and it is present in a large part of the scientific production generated in this discipline. It is in the research by Cardona (2009), who carried out a doctoral thesis, where the study of the life and work of the author has been deepened. We present here how this qualitative research was carried out. A cross-sectional descriptive treatment was carried out, using the analysis of documents and interviews. We conducted more than thirty interviews between Buenos Aires and Spain, establishing 4 dimensions / fields that provided structure and clarity to the study: life analysis; analysis of the influences on life and work; analysis of the work; bibliographic essay of the work. We obtained results that make the life and work of Patricia Stokoe one of the pioneers in the construction and genesis of corporal expression.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Teng Guo ◽  
Xiaomei Bai ◽  
Xue Tian ◽  
Selena Firmin ◽  
Feng Xia

Anomalies in education affect the personal careers of students and universities' retention rates. Understanding the laws behind educational anomalies promotes the development of individual students and improves the overall quality of education. However, the inaccessibility of educational data hinders the development of the field. Previous research in this field used questionnaires, which are time- and cost-consuming and hardly applicable to large-scale student cohorts. With the popularity of educational management systems and the rise of online education during the prevalence of COVID-19, a large amount of educational data is available online and offline, providing an unprecedented opportunity to explore educational anomalies from a data-driven perspective. As an emerging field, educational anomaly analytics rapidly attracts scholars from a variety of fields, including education, psychology, sociology, and computer science. This paper intends to provide a comprehensive review of data-driven analytics of educational anomalies from a methodological standpoint. We focus on the following five types of research that received the most attention: course failure prediction, dropout prediction, mental health problems detection, prediction of difficulty in graduation, and prediction of difficulty in employment. Then, we discuss the challenges of current related research. This study aims to provide references for educational policymaking while promoting the development of educational anomaly analytics as a growing field.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-30
Charlotte W. Fontenot ◽  
John T. Spoede ◽  
Tara L. Conley ◽  
Kisha Walker

This chapter is a collection of case studies, discussion questions, and enrichment activities addressing each of the 13 disabilities covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), in addition to the disability categories of dyslexia and developmental delay. These case studies, questions, and enrichment activities address services that occur in a wide variety of public school settings. The purpose of this chapter is to serve as a supplemental text to courses in special education, psychology, counseling, nursing, and social work. Currently, there are scarce supplemental application resources available to instructors who are conducting teacher preparation courses and other disability-related courses.

2021 ◽  
Ray Chapman-Taylor

PEOPLE who have themselves suffered from a particular disease are, not infrequently, sufficiently interested in the problem presented by the disease to study it and try to eliminate it. In other directions the same sort of thing may happen. This thesis provides a case in point, for when I was myself at Training College I felt that the work we did in Education, Psychology, and Method, was not adequate. It aroused in students<br>little enthusiasm, gave them little light in their professional task, and left them without direction or purpose. Our course was severely practical on the one side and remotely theoretical on the other.<br>Two years after leaving Training College, when writing to one of my lecturers, I suggested that we should have discussed the general purpose of education before we began to study teaching method in any subject, and that as we began to study the teaching of each subject we should consider the particular contributions made by that subject to the general purpose of education. I still incline to that opinion.

2021 ◽  
Ray Chapman-Taylor

PEOPLE who have themselves suffered from a particular disease are, not infrequently, sufficiently interested in the problem presented by the disease to study it and try to eliminate it. In other directions the same sort of thing may happen. This thesis provides a case in point, for when I was myself at Training College I felt that the work we did in Education, Psychology, and Method, was not adequate. It aroused in students<br>little enthusiasm, gave them little light in their professional task, and left them without direction or purpose. Our course was severely practical on the one side and remotely theoretical on the other.<br>Two years after leaving Training College, when writing to one of my lecturers, I suggested that we should have discussed the general purpose of education before we began to study teaching method in any subject, and that as we began to study the teaching of each subject we should consider the particular contributions made by that subject to the general purpose of education. I still incline to that opinion.

2021 ◽  
Dita Nīmante ◽  

The study explores the difficulties experienced by second-year students of the professional bachelor’s study program “Teacher” at the Faculty of Education, Psychology, and Art of the University of Latvia during the remote learning in three courses in the first and second COVID-19 wave, in 2020, spring and autumn. The research provides students’, future teachers’ perspectives on both – experienced difficulties during remote learning in COVID-19 circumstances and possible solutions to overcome challenges. Data were obtained from students’ self-reflections which were filled in at the end of the spring semester in June 2020 at the end of autumn semester in January 2021. Totally 230 students completed self-reflection, 223 statements (97 in June and 126 in December) were selected and analyzed using inductive thematic analysis, as result 9 themes emerged: technology related, physical, cognitive, social-emotional, motivation related, mental health-related, lack of recourses, insufficient learning skills, difficulties to apply professional knowledge and skills in educational praxis. In the first COVID-19 wave, there were identified two themes (extra additional workload and insufficient digital skills) that were not present in the second. However, the second added another theme – health problems due to COVID-19. There were students both in the first and second COVID-19 wave who did not consider this time and remote learning as a difficult one.

James M. Mancinelli ◽  
Meredith Kneavel

Purpose The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe and interpret the experiences of graduate students in communication sciences and disorders who experienced forms of incivility in the clinical practicum setting. There is precedent for identifying and handling incivility, such as bullying, harassment, and intimidation, in the nursing education, psychology education, medical education, and physical therapy literature. A literature search for incivilities such as bullying, harassment, and intimidation in graduate student education in communication sciences and disorders did not yield any systematic studies. Method Nineteen participants who were interested in participating contacted the researcher; of those, nine participants were ultimately interviewed. A thematic analysis of videotaped semistructured interviews was used to measure outcomes based on the five questions posed to the participants. The participants responded to the five questions designed to understand the lived experience of incivility for graduate students in speech-language pathology practicum settings. Conclusions This study fills a gap in the clinical education literature in speech-language pathology. It was a qualitative study using a phenomenological approach that described and interpreted speech-language pathology graduate students' experiences of bullying, harassment, and/or intimidation during clinical practicums across practice settings. Data analysis yielded five themes based on the participants' responses during the interview. The themes were communication, physical and/or psychological effects, interpersonal dynamics, clinical instruction, and lingering physical and psychological effects of the experience. The authors make recommendations to reduce the probability that incivility, bullying, and/or intimidation will occur during a student's clinical practicum experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Jessica Stamp ◽  
Dionne Clemons

The research reported in the present paper focuses on the application of the public relations function of messaging to the higher education sector. The study draws on relevant perspectives from marketing, education, psychology, and the study of Generation Z. The Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1988) serves as the conceptual framework for this research. The homepages of the top twenty small colleges and universities, identified by College Consensus, are scrutinized using Content Analyzes. The results suggest that the values and behavior of Generation Z are not fully covered on each homepage analyzed; however, there is an understanding that such messaging is needed. This review calls for further theoretical work on the implementation of the Theory of Planned Behavior and reveals considerations for the virtual future of marketing for higher education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Yan Liu

Abstract Widely studied in fields like education, psychology, and linguistics, readability can be defined as (a) reader’s understanding of a reading text, (b) features of a text, or (c) the matching of a text to its reader. The existing research has been focused on the formulaic and multilevel discourse approaches, relatively neglecting others such as systemic functional linguistics oriented one. Moreover, contemporary reading materials pose as a challenge for average children in many ways. This study examines readability and adaptation of children’s literary works from the perspective of ideational grammatical metaphor inspired by systemic functional linguistics. Through case studies of metaphorical transferences involving zero, one, two, and three ideational grammatical metaphors used in the parallel excerpts in the original version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and its eight adapted ones published in China, it is concluded that addition, maintenance, revision, unpacking, and demetaphorization are five major strategies which are found to decrease, maintain, or increase readability of some parts in the adapted versions.

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