complete medium
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2022 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-34
P. Khare ◽  
V.K. Singh ◽  
L. Bala ◽  

Aim: The current study explores the toxic consequences of ethanol on human lung carcinoma cell, A549 in serum-deprived condition. Methodology: Human lung carcinoma cells, A549, were cultured in complete and serum-deprived medium for 6 hr. Subsequently, they were exposed to 50 mM and 100 mM concentrations of ethanol. Cytotoxicity studies linked with cell viability, oxidative stress, cell cycle arrest and micronuclei formation were performed using various toxicological parameters, namely MTT assay, DCFDA based ROS generation, cell cycle analysis and micronuclei formation assay. The cytotoxicity of ethanol in complete and serum deprived medium were compared at similar doses and time duration. Results: The metabolic viability assay demonstrated that 50 mM and 100 mM concentration of ethanol did not induce significant levels of cytotoxic alteration in A549 lung carcinoma cells in complete medium. However, in serum-deprived conditions, 50 mM and 100 mM ethanol concentration significantly altered cell viability. Further, exposure of 50 mM and 100 mM concentration of ethanol enhanced reactive oxygen species levels in A549 cells more significantly in serum-deprived conditions than in complete medium. In addition to cytotoxicity and oxidative stress, 50 mM and 100 mM ethanol also arrested the cells at G0 phase more significantly in serum deprived conditions compared to complete medium. Interpretation: Both 50 mM and 100 mM ethanol concentration enhanced the cell cytotoxicity and reactive oxygen species, cell cycle arrest and micronuclei formation more severely in serum-deprived medium than in complete medium (containing 10% FBS) under similar treatment conditions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. E82-E87
Kenji Ikezawa ◽  
Tomoya Ekawa ◽  
Shinichiro Hasegawa ◽  
Yugo Kai ◽  
Ryoji Takada ◽  

Abstract Background and study aims In patients with pancreatic cancer (PC), patient-derived organoid cultures can be useful tools for personalized drug selection and preclinical evaluation of novel therapies. To establish a less invasive method of creating organoids from a patient’s tumor, we examined whether PC organoids can be established using residual samples from saline flushes (RSSFs) during endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA). Methods Five patients with PC who underwent EUS-FNA were enrolled in a prospective study conducted at our institution. RSSFs obtained during EUS-FNA procedures were collected. An organoid culture was considered as established when ≥ 5 passages were successful. Organoid-derived xenografts were created using established organoids. Results EUS-FNA was performed using a 22- or 25-gauge lancet needle without complications. Patient-derived organoids were successfully established in four patients (80.0 %) with the complete medium and medium for the selection of KRAS mutants. Organoid-derived xenografts were successfully created and histologically similar to EUS-FNA samples. Conclusions Patient-derived PC organoids were successfully established using EUS-FNA RSSFs, which are produced as a byproduct of standard manipulations, but are usually not used for diagnosis. This method can be applied to all patients with PC, without additional invasive procedures, and can contribute to the development of personalized medicine and molecular research.

Zygote ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Michael Urich ◽  
Muhammet Rasit Ugur ◽  
Fang Li ◽  
F. Nicholas Shamma ◽  
Ahmad Hammoud ◽  

Summary To investigate the effects of culture media with different lactate concentrations on early embryonic development, data collected from our patients undergoing preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) were assessed using the EmbryoScope™ time-lapse culturing system. After intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), sibling oocytes were cultured in the same EmbryoScope (Vitrolife) slides including two different commercially available media. The patients with fewer than five mature oocytes were not included in the analyses. All embryos were hatched on day 3, and trophectoderm biopsies (n = 212) were performed accordingly. PGT for aneuploidy (PGT-A) on biopsied materials was carried out using next generation sequencing. Morphokinetic parameters, fertilization, irregular division, degeneration, blastulation, euploidy, and pregnancy rates of embryos cultured in LifeGlobal Global Total medium (LGGT) and Continuous Single Culture-NX Complete medium (CSCM-NXC) were compared. There were no differences observed in time to pronuclear fade, or in time spent as 2-cell (cc2) and 3-cell (s2), to 4-cell, 5-cell, morula and blastocyst stages (P > 0.05). Embryos reached the 2-cell (t2) and 3-cell (t3) stages significantly faster in LGGT (P < 0.05), whereas embryos grown in CSCM-NXC with lower lactate reached starting blastulation significantly sooner (P = 0.026). However, there were no statistical differences observed in fertilization, blastulation, degeneration, irregular division euploidy, and pregnancy rates between the two groups (P > 0.05). Even though pregnancy and fertilization rates did not indicate statistical differences, results are significant to provide better insight on potential roles of lactate in embryo development. These finding will advance the fundamental knowledge of human embryo development and assisted reproductive technologies.

Fermentation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 282
Timothy Granata ◽  
Cindy Follonier ◽  
Chiara Burkhardt ◽  
Bernd Rattenbacher

Maintaining steady-state, aerobic cultures of yeast in a bioreactor depends on the configuration of the bioreactor system as well as the growth medium used. In this paper, we compare several conventional aeration methods with newer filter methods using a novel optical sensor array to monitor dissolved oxygen, pH, and biomass. With conventional methods, only a continuously stirred tank reactor configuration gave high aeration rates for cultures in yeast extract peptone dextrose (YPD) medium. For filters technologies, only a polydimethylsiloxan filter provided sufficient aeration of yeast cultures. Further, using the polydimethylsiloxan filter, the YPD medium gave inferior oxygenation rates of yeast compared to superior results with Synthetic Complete medium. It was found that the YPD medium itself, not the yeast cells, interfered with the filter giving the low oxygen transfer rates based on the volumetric transfer coefficient (KLa). The results are discussed for implications of miniaturized bioreactors in low-gravity environments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 641-646
S. A. Zamorina ◽  
V. P. Timganova ◽  
M. S. Bochkova ◽  
K. Yu. Shardina ◽  
S. V. Uzhviyuk ◽  

Glycodelin (PP14, PAEP, alpha-2-microglobulin, dimeric glycoprotein with molecular weight of 42 to 56 kDa) is considered as a reproductive tissue receptivity marker. Despite that glycodelin immunosuppressive effects are well-known there still remains uncovered its role in myeloid suppressor cell (MDSC) regulation. MDSC represent the heterogeneous population of immature myeloid cells that acquire suppressor phenotype while inhibiting the immune response under the pathological states. MDSC are known to play an essential role in supporting the immune tolerance in pregnancy and at transplantation. Our hypothesis suggests that glycodelin is capable of inducing the MDSC formation as the level of these cells is elevated during the successful pregnancy, whereas the spontaneous abortion and progression of eclampsia are associated with low circulating glycodelin. Therefore, the aim of the work was to analyze the role of recombinant glycodelin in physiological concentrations in regulation of MDSC differentiation. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of donor volunteers were separated via centrifugation on density gradient of 1,077 g/cm3 (Ficoll-Hypaque, Sigma-Aldrich) to obtain MDSC generation in vitro. Then cells obtained were cultured in 24-well plate at a concentration of 1 × 106 cell/ml in complete medium with cytokines IL-6 (20 ng/ml), GM-CSF (40 ng/ml) therein for 14 days at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Medium replacement was made by 7th day in culture followed by cytokine re-introduction, and on the 11th day recombinant glycodelin in physiological concentrations (0,2; 2 mkg/ml) was applied while the pharmacological concentration was 50 mkg/ml. The M-MDSC (LinHLA-DRCD33+CD11b+CD14+CD66b- ) and PMN-MDSC (LinHLA-DRCD33+CD11b+CD14- CD66b+) level was evaluated in cultures using flow cytometry (СytoFlexS (Beckman Coulter)) and “R&D Systems” antibodies according to standard protocol. Statistical data processing was realized with GraphPad Prizm software using Friedman test. It was found that glycodelin did not significantly affect cell viability being assessed with flow cytometry (PI). It was revealed that high GdA concentration (50 mkg/ml) being pharmacological did not render significant effect on MDSC differentiation. Meanwhile, glycodelin in concentrations correspanding the healthy pregnancy (0,2; 2 mkg/ml) was stated to increase the MDSC percentage in induced cultures of human mononuclear cells. When analyzing the subsets it was disclosed that this effect was conditioned by the increase in PMN-MDSC level while the M-MDSC level remained significantly unchanged. This result could be interpreted as glycodelin fetoprotective effect as the increase of the PMN-MDSC level is associated with the suppression of the immune response to paternal antigens. The PMN-MDSC level is known to be elevated in peripheral blood of healthy pregnant women at all the stages of pregnancy as compared to nonpregnant subjects whereas the M-MDSC amount remains unaltered. Meanwhile, patients with miscarriage demonstrated more that by 30% lowering in the MDSC amount in blood and endometrium and in I trimester, in particular. During the physiological pregnancy PMN-MDSC accumulate in placenta, but at spontaneous abortion their number is found to be declined. Placental PMN-MDSC efficiently suppress the T-cell response while concurrently polarizing the CD4+ lymphocytes in Th2 phenotype. PMN-MDSC are suggested to play an essential role in inducing and supporting the tolerance to fetal antigens that allows considering these as promising target of therapeutical manipulation in pregnancy complications. As a whole, we have originally demonstrated the GdA effect on MDSC differentiation. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (10) ◽  
pp. 5352-5362
Hui Sun ◽  
Jiaxin Zhang ◽  
Jianglong Kong ◽  
Hui Yuan ◽  
Yuelan Liang ◽  

Fullerenol nanoparticles were found to significantly modulate the gut microbiota and selectively enrich the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) production by adjusting the gut microbacteria in mice models. In this research, we screened the C. butyricum from seven strains and investigated the interactions and mechanism between the C. butyricum and fullerenol NPs in vitro fermentation. The results shows that fullerenol NPs increased the amounts of acetate and butyrate of C. butyricum without significant bacteria growth in the complete medium. The activities of the butyryl-CoA: acetate CoA transferase (BUT), which are the main pathway to produce butyrate, were reduced while the activities of the butyrate kinase (BUK) were enhanced simultaneously. Surprisingly, fullerenol NPs promoted the growth of C. butyricum and L. lactis in low glucose medium, but they could not be direct carbon source in the culture. Moreover, when cocultured with C. butyricum and the bifidobacterial strains in fullerenols, the biomass and acetate production of C. butyricum were markedly increased while butyrate was decreased significantly.

L.P. Vogman ◽  

The statistics of fires and explosions of ammonia in the sphere of its circulation (production, storage, use) indicate the relevance of studies aimed at preventing emergency situations, localization, and elimination of accidents consequences. Equally important are studies on the development of assessments of accidents consequences associated with the release and spillage of ammonia from the equipment in various aggregate state. When ammonia is released, the resulting mixture of the product with air can vary in density from the formation of gas-air clouds with a density below the air density to buoyancy and excess air density, depending on the release conditions (pressure and temperature in the equipment; the sizes of the hole through which ammonia enters the surrounding space; the location of the hole in the equipment (gas or liquid phase). When the liquid ammonia leaks out, the spills are formed, from the surface of which the product evaporates especially rapidly in the first moments after the spill. Based on the computational and analytical studies, the design schemes and formulas were proposed for determining the parameters of the explosion: excess pressure and impulse of the undisturbed (incident) and reflected from the obstacles of the blast wave, as well as the nature of the destruction depending on the distance from the epicenter of the explosion, caused by the depressurization of equipment with ammonia. An accident scenario is considered, according to which the ammonia with a mass of 100 kg, when depressurizing, breaks out from the equipment of an industrial refrigerator. Ammonia vapors mix with the air to form a cloud that ignites and explodes. As an example, the overpressure and impulse during explosion of ammonia at a distance of 30 m from the epicenter of the explosion were determined. According to the empirical formula for estimating the distances from the epicenter of the explosion to a given place, the levels of the consequences of building destruction (complete, medium, small, moderate damage) can be established.

Nina N. Golodnova

The Library Bibliographic Classification (LBC) is the national classification sistem of the Russian Federation. Its support is one of the priority areas of activity of the Russian State Library. The LBC is used in most libraries of the country, fully covering the most numerous groups — public and school libraries, all central libraries of the entities of the Russian Federation, libraries for children and youth, special libraries for the blind and visually impaired persons, libraries of higher educational institutions, libraries of the armed forces of the Russian Federation as well as part of the libraries of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), other systems and authorities.The work with the LBC involves its development as a system of versions and publications (maintaining the standard of the LBC schedules in machine-readable form; timely updating the content and structure of the LBC; preparation, publishing, and distribution of the Abridged, Medium and Complete LBC schedules in printed and machine-readable forms, immediate changes and corrections to the schedules). There is a need for methods to systematise documents on the basis of the LBC, provision of consulting work to the library network of the country (conducting training seminars, publishing recommendations and practical guide-books, conducting operational consulting, using available communication channels); maintaining the system of training and professional development of personnel, etc.Since the 2000s, all areas of scientific and practical activity on the management of the LBC have focused on the task of modernising the national classification system. The paper analyses the system of versions of the LBC which was implemented in the form of various versions of the classification schedules. The identifying features are the title and the year of publication. The main schedules are Complete, Medium, and Abridged schedules which are supplemented with Special ones. The article presents the historical evolution of the system of BC versions depending on the conditions of its functioning. The theoretical justification is given and the problems of practical implementation of the modernisation of the schedules are considered.

Xiaonan Liang ◽  
Mingwei He ◽  
Bo Zhu ◽  
Yongjia Zhu ◽  
Xixi He ◽  

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) has been revealed to implicate in facilitating osteoblast differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) and inhibiting osteoporosis (OP). However, the underlying molecular mechanism remains largely unknown. Here, we induced osteogenic differentiation of hBMSCs derived from elders using an osteogenic induction medium with or without DHEA. The results showed that osteogenic induction medium (OIM) with DHEA could significantly promote the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of hBMSCs than OIM alone. By using a Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) labeling and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) technology, we screened out 604 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) with at least one unique peptide were identified [524: OIM vs. complete medium (CM), and 547: OIM+DHEA vs. CM], among these proteins, 467 DEPs were shared in these two different comparative groups. Bioinformatic analysis revealed these DEPs are mainly enriched in metabolic pathways. Interestingly, the expression levels of the DEPs in the metabolic pathways showed a more noticeable change in the OIM+DHEA vs. CM group than OIM vs. CM group. Moreover, the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis revealed that three potential proteins, ATP5B, MT-CYB, and MT-ATP6, involved in energy metabolism, might play a key role in osteogenic differentiation induced by OIM+DHEA. These findings offer a valuable clue for us to better understand the underlying mechanisms involved in osteoblast differentiation of hBMSCs caused by DHEA and assist in applying DHEA in hBMSCs-based therapy for osteogenic regeneration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
Achmad Arifiyanto ◽  
Endah Setyaningrum ◽  
Nismah Nukmal ◽  
Titik Nur Aeny

Abstract. Arifiyanto A, Setyaningrum E, Nukmal N, Aeny TN. 2021. Short Communication: In vitro antimicrobial and antimalarial screening of a crude extract of Streptomyces sp. AB8 isolated from Lapindo Mud Volcano Area, Sidoarjo, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 2817-2823. Streptomyces is a potential bacterial genus that has been investigated extensively as a source of natural microbial compounds. Its potential metabolites have been widely developed for pharmaceutical, pathogen control, and other applications in agriculture. This study aimed to determine the ability of the Streptomyces sp AB8 crude extract in inhibiting Plasmodium and pathogenic microbes.  Streptomyces was cultured on Gause synthetic media for 10 days. The fermented broth culture media has dissolved in a 1:1 mixture of ethyl acetate and methanol. Biochemical characterization of this isolate has carried out using the standard methods. In-vitro antimalarial activity assay was performed using a chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium falciparum strain 3D7. Fresh type O-positive human erythrocytes were suspended at 4 percent hematocrit in a complete medium to maintain culture. The inhibitory concentration (IC50) was determined using probit analysis. The results showed the extract of Streptomyces sp. AB8 contains phenolic and alkaloids. Streptomyces sp. AB8 extract can inhibit Dickeya zeae N-Unila 5, Dickeya zeae N-Unila 10, Aspergillus sp IK3, and Escherichia coli growth. The results also showed that the ICs0 value of extract against P. falciparum 3D7 was 17.56 ug/mL. Further research was needed to determine the types of purified bioactive compounds and their bioactivity.

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