cutoff score
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2022 ◽  
pp. 016502542110643
Tina Zhai ◽  
Phoebe E. Bailey ◽  
Kris D. Rogers ◽  
Ian I. Kneebone

This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI) in younger adults. Participants were 212 younger adults age M = 22 (range = 17–53) years. They completed a demographic information questionnaire and self-report measures: the GAI, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS), the Generalized Anxiety Disorder–7 (GAD-7), the Patient Health Questionnaire–9 (PHQ-9), the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), and the Worry Behaviors Inventory (WBI). Data from the GAI were collected at two time points, one week apart, and data from other self-report measures were collected once via Qualtrics, an online survey platform. The internal consistency and test–retest score reliability of the GAI were excellent. It had good congruent validity with other anxiety measures, limited divergent validity with depression measures, and sound convergent validity with worry measures. The GAI showed good discrimination between probable cases and noncases of generalized anxiety disorder (participants who scored ⩾8 on the GAD-7) and its optimal cutoff score for probable cases of GAD was ⩾12. A unidimensional component structure of the GAI best fit this study’s data. This study has provided preliminary evidence that the GAI is reliable and valid for use in an Australian sample of younger adults.

Psych ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-48
Li Yun Ng ◽  
Chen Joo Chin ◽  
Monica Danial ◽  
Stephenie Ann Albart ◽  
Purnima Devi Suppiah ◽  

As Malaysia undergoes a demographic transformation of population aging, the prevalence of dementia is expected to rise, posing a major public health threat issue. Early screening to detect cognitive impairment is important to implement appropriate clinical interventions. The Visual Cognitive Assessment Test (VCAT) is a language-neutral cognitive assessment screening tool suitable for multilingual populations. This study was aimed to validate the VCAT screening tool for the detection of cognitive impairment amongst the population of Malaysia. A total of 184 participants were recruited, comprising 79 cognitively healthy participants (CHP), 46 mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients, and 59 mild dementia (Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular Dementia) patients from five hospitals between May 2018 and December 2019 to determine the usefulness of VCAT. Diagnostic performance was assessed using area under the curve (AUC), and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysies was performed to determine the recommended cutoff scores. ROC analyses for the VCAT was comparable with that of MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) in differentiating between CHP, MCI, and mild dementia (AD and VaD) participants. The findings of this study suggest the following optimal cutoff score for VCAT: Dementia 0–19, MCI 20–23, Normal 24–30. The mean ± SD time to complete the VCAT was 10.0 ± 2.75 min in the CHP group and 15.4 ± 4.52 min in the CI group. Results showed that 76.0% of subjects thought that the instructions in VCAT were similar or easier to understand compared with MoCA. This study showed that the VCAT is a valid and useful screening tool for patients with cognitive impairment in Malaysia and is feasible to be used in the clinical settings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
N. Shivaramakrishna Babji ◽  
Cheruku Rajesh ◽  
Aparajitha Mekala ◽  
Bharathi Rani Siddani

Background: India contributes to 25% of the neonatal deaths worldwide each year. Neonatal disease severity scoring systems are needed to make standardized comparison between performances of different units and also give prognostic information. Existing scoring systems are unsuitable for resource-limited settings which lack investigations like pH, pO2/FiO2 ratio and base excess. Modified sick neonatal score (MSNS) is based on eight routinely measured clinical variables in NICUs namely respiratory effort, heart rate, axillary temperature, capillary refill time, random blood sugar, pulse oximeter saturation, gestational age and birth weight found to be useful in resource poor settings. The aim of the study was to validate MSNS score for its clinical utility in predicting mortality.Methods: This was a cross sectional study done at NICU of Mamata Medical College Hospital. The parameters required for the score were recorded immediately at admission in NICU from 1 January 2020 to 1 January 2021 and scored using Modified sick neonatal score (MSNS). The total score was calculated and outcome was noted. The data collected were coded and analzed using SPSS Statistics for Windows, v21.0 Chi square test, Mann-Whitney U test and ROC analysis.Results: Total of 355 neonates got discharged, while 45 neonates expired. For a cutoff score of ≤10, sensitivity and specificity were 85.9% and 51.1%, respectively. Positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 93.3% and 31.5%, respectively. The Area under the curve (AUC) was 0.811 (95%CI: 0.788-0.835), which indicates the accuracy of 81.1%.Conclusions: MSNS is a better suited neonatal disease severity score for resource poor settings.

Kate Baird ◽  
Sarah Baillon ◽  
Lilian Suh Lih Lau ◽  
Mathew Storey ◽  
James Lindesay ◽  

<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> There is little research on factors predicting conversion to dementia in early-onset mild cognitive impairment (eoMCI), a transitional stage between healthy ageing and dementia in individuals below the age of 65. We aimed to examine whether sociodemographic and clinical factors at initial presentation predicted dementia progression in a cohort of eoMCI patients attending a memory service, at a university teaching hospital in the UK. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> This is a retrospective case note study of individuals diagnosed with eoMCI between 2000 and 2013 at the Younger Person’s Memory Service (YPMS) in Leicestershire, England. Data collected at assessment included social factors, demographic characteristics, and medical and psychiatric history, as well as standardized cognitive assessment scores. Variables were analysed using χ<sup>2</sup> or independent sample <i>t</i> tests to identify associations. A Cox regression survival analysis was done to identify predictive factors for dementia conversion. An ROC analysis for total CAMCOG was used to investigate sensitivity and specificity for dementia converters versus non-converters. <b><i>Results:</i></b> Out of 531 subjects who attended YPMS, 65 patients were given a diagnosis of eoMCI (47.7% female; mean age 56.4 ± 7.54 years). Of these, 21 (32.3%) converted to dementia during their course within the service. Comparison between subgroups revealed a significant association between dementia conversion and higher years of education and lower MMSE and CAMCOG (total and subscale) scores at baseline. Smoking history, alcohol use, or medical history such as diabetes or heart disease were not associated with conversion. Cox regression survival analysis showed higher education in years and lower total CAMCOG scores were significant predictors for conversion. Lower scores on the recent memory, remote memory, learning memory, and executive function subscales of the CAMCOG were also significant predictors for conversion. ROC curve analysis for total CAMCOG demonstrated that the best detection of dementia converters can be achieved with a cutoff score of 90.5/107 (sensitivity of 76.2% and specificity of 68.2%). Area under the curve was 0.808 (95% CI: 0.697–0.920). <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> More years in education and lower cognitive scores on CAMCOG at initial assessment are associated with progression to dementia from eoMCI. Further research is required to explore these predictive factors more.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mahnoor Mahmood Bhatti ◽  
Kanwar Hamza Shuja ◽  
Muhammad Aqeel ◽  
Zainab Bokhari ◽  
Syeda Nasreen Gulzar ◽  

Purpose Gaslighting a form of abusive manipulation both emotional and psychological is a growing phenomenon in recent times. However, as of yet, there is a scarcity of a valid and reliable instrument which can measure the severity of gaslighting in victims of interpersonal relationships abuse. The purpose of this study is the development of an instrument which can effectively measure gaslighting in victims and is psychometrically reliable and valid. Design/methodology/approach Since the aim of the study was the development of a scale first a sample of eight women who were victims of domestic abuse was taken for the focus group. Afterwards using purposive sampling a sample of 20 women for the pilot study and a sample of 150 women for the main study was taken with age range 18–40 (M = 23.38, S.D = 4.03). For the development of scale theoretical basis along with a focus group was conducted to establish an item pool. Afterwards, subject matter experts helped in establishing contend validity followed by Velicer’s minimum average partial (MAP) method and maximum likelihood factor analysis (FA) was performed for the establishment of the factorial structure of the instrument. Findings Velicer’s MAP method and Maximum Likelihood FA suggested two factor structures including peer disagreement and loss of self-trust. Instrument displayed high alpha reliability of α = 0.934, with α = 0.927 and α = 0.854, for the subscale, respectively. Research limitations/implications Though all necessary steps were taken to minimize the limitations of the present study, however, some limitations do exist which needs to be addressed. The foremost limitation of the present scale is that it is being developed with only a female sample, however, the inclusion of a male sample in future studies can help in identifying whether men also are victims of gaslighting from peers and other family members or not. The second limitation is of validity though necessary validities have been established future studies should study on establishing further validities to further refine the instrument. Additionally, the scale has only been validated and tested on female samples future studies should be conducted on other specific groups or samples to develop norms. Moreover, testing the scale on other cultures could also help in establishing cross cultural validation of the instrument. Finally, though the scale assumes a higher level of scores suggests a higher level of victimization, a proper cutoff score can help in further identifying proper victims from the normal level of gaslighting. Practical implications The present instrument has its applicability in several domains the most important being in the criminal justice system as gaslighting comes under gaslighting and even in the UK is considered as a criminal offense. This instrument can help in determining the severity of gaslighting in victims. Likewise, it can be used in clinical settings for psychologists to identify possible cases of gaslighting victims which can enable them to provide specific help and treatment for them. Moreover, researchers can also benefit from the instrument as it can enable them to explore gaslighting with other possible variables which can help them explore the concept of gaslighting even further. Originality/value This paper is a novel study and has been completed with the purpose of evaluating the effects of gaslighting in victims of interpersonal relationships abuse as the earlier measures are either not psychometrically valid or cannot be generalized to a wider population. The present established scale is an effort to construct an instrument that can be used worldwide.

Tzong-Hann Yang ◽  
Yuan-Chia Chu ◽  
Yu-Fu Chen ◽  
Meng-Yu Chen ◽  
Yen-Fu Cheng ◽  

Key Points: Question: Can the traditional Chinese version of the hearing handicap inventory for elderly screening (HHIE-S) checklist screen for age-related hearing loss (ARHL) in elderly individuals? Findings: In this cross-sectional study of 1696 Taiwanese patients who underwent annual government-funded geriatric health checkups, the Chinese version of the HHIE-S had a sensitivity of 76.9% and a specificity of 79.8% with a cutoff score greater than 6 for identifying patients with disabled hearing loss (defined as a PTA > 40 dB). Meaning: The traditional Chinese version of the HHIE-S is an effective test to detect ARHL and can improve the feasibility of large-scale hearing screening among elderly individuals. Purpose: The traditional Chinese version of the hearing handicap inventory for elderly screening (TC-HHIE-S) was translated from English and is intended for use with people whose native language is traditional Chinese, but its effectiveness and diagnostic performance are still unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the traditional Chinese version of the HHIE-S for screening for age-related hearing loss (ARHL). Methods: A total of 1696 elderly people underwent the government’s annual geriatric medical examination at community hospitals. In this cross-sectional study, we recorded average conducted pure-tone averages (PTA) (0.5 kHz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz), age, sex, and HHIE-S data. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to identify the best critical point for detecting hearing impairment, and the validity of the structure was verified by the agreement between the TC-HHIE-S and PTA results. Results: The HHIE-S scores were correlated with the better-ear pure-tone threshold averages (PTAs) at 0.5–4 kHz (correlation coefficient r = 0.45). The internal consistency of the total HHIE-S score was excellent (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.901), and the test-retest reliability was also excellent (Spearman’s correlation coefficient = 0.60, intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.75). In detecting disabled hearing loss (i.e., PTA at 0.5–4 kHz > 40 dB), the HHIE-S cutoff score of > 6 had a sensitivity of 76.9% and a specificity of 79.8%. Conclusions: The traditional Chinese version of the HHIE-S is a valid, reliable, and efficient tool for large-scale screening for ARHL.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
David Macias ◽  
Brittany N. Hand ◽  
Patrik Pipkorn ◽  
Amy M. Williams ◽  
Steven S. Chang ◽  

Objective: The Inventory to Measure and Assess imaGe disturbance – Head and Neck (IMAGE-HN) is a validated patient-reported outcome measure of head and neck cancer-related body image-related distress (BID). However, the IMAGE-HN score corresponding to clinically relevant BID is unknown. The study objective is to determine the IMAGE-HN cutoff score that identifies head and neck cancer patients with clinically relevant BID.Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study at six academic medical centers. Individuals ≥18 years old with a history of head and neck cancer treated with definitive intent were included. The primary outcome measure was the IMAGE-HN. A Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analysis was performed to identify the IMAGE-HN score that maximized sensitivity and specificity relative to a Body Image Scale score of ≥10 (which indicates clinically relevant BID in a general oncology population). To confirm the validity of the IMAGE-HN cutoff score, we compared the severity of depressive [Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)] and anxiety symptoms [Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7)], and quality of life [University of Washington-QOL (UW-QOL)] in patients with IMAGE-HN scores above and below the cutoff.Results: Of the 250 patients, 70.4% were male and the mean age was 62.3 years. An IMAGE-HN score of ≥22 was the optimal cutoff score relative to a Body Image Scale score of ≥10 and represents a clinically relevant level of head and neck cancer-related BID. Relative to those with an IMAGE-HN score of &lt;22, patients with IMAGE-HN scores of ≥22 had a clinically meaningful increase in symptoms of depression (mean PHQ-9 score difference = 5.8) and anxiety (mean GAD-7 score difference = 4.1) as well as worse physical (mean UW-QOL score difference = 18.9) and social-emotional QOL (mean UW-QOL score difference = 21.5). Using an IMAGE-HN cutoff score ≥22, 28% of patients had clinically relevant BID.Conclusion: An IMAGE-HN score of ≥22 identifies patients with clinically relevant head and neck cancer-related BID. This score may be used to detect patients who could benefit from strategies to manage their distress, select patients for studies evaluating interventions to manage head and neck cancer-related BID, and improve our understanding of the underlying epidemiology of the disorder.

10.2196/30919 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. e30919
Mingli Yan ◽  
Huiru Yin ◽  
Qiuyan Meng ◽  
Shuo Wang ◽  
Yiwen Ding ◽  

Background Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is often a precursor of dementia, and patients with MCI develop dementia at a higher rate than healthy older adults. Early detection of cognitive decline at the MCI stage supports better planning of care and interventions. At present, the use of virtual reality (VR) in screening for MCI in older adults is promising, but there is little evidence regarding the use of virtual supermarkets to screen for MCI. Objective The objectives of this study are to validate a VR game–based test, namely, the Virtual Supermarket Program (VSP), for differentiating patients with MCI and healthy controls and to identify cutoff scores for different age levels. Methods Subjects were recruited from several nursing homes and communities in Changchun, China. They were divided into a healthy control group (n=64) and an MCI group (n=62). All subjects were administered the VSP and a series of neuropsychological examinations. The study determined the optimal cutoff, discriminating validity, concurrent validity, and retest reliability of the VSP. We used the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) to evaluate the discriminating validity and obtain the optimal cutoff values. Pearson correlation analysis and the intraclass correlation coefficient were used to evaluate the concurrent validity and retest reliability, respectively. Results A cutoff score of 46.4 was optimal for the entire sample, yielding a sensitivity of 85.9% and specificity of 79.0% for differentiating individuals with MCI and healthy controls, and the AUC was 0.870 (95% CI 0.799-0.924). The median index of VSP score was 51.1 (range 42.6-60.0). There was a moderate positive correlation between the VSP total score and Mini-Mental State Examination score (r=0.429, P<.001). There was a strong positive correlation between VSP total score and Montreal Cognitive Assessment score (r=0.645, P<.001). The retest reliability of the VSP was feasible (r=0.588, P=.048). Conclusions The VSP is interesting and feasible for subjects. It shows high sensitivity and specificity for the identification of MCI in older adults, which makes it a promising screening method. The VSP may be generalized to older adults in other countries, although some cultural adaptation may be necessary. Trial Registration Chinese Clinical Trial Registry ChiCTR2000040074;

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 417-424
Nasim Sadeghi Mahall ◽  
Mohammad-Ali Hoseini ◽  
Mehdi Rahgozar ◽  
Kian Norouzi Tabrizi ◽  

Objectives: Locomotive syndrome refers to reduced mobility due to impairment of locomotive organs. Because of the importance of screening locomotive syndrome among older people, this article is focused on psychometric characteristics of Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale (GLFS)-5 and comparing it with GLFS-25 in Iranian older adults Methods: This research was conducted on 320 older Iranian people. Validity and reliability of the GLFS-5 were examined and confirmed using Content Validity Index (CVI), factor analysis, correlation coefficient with the European Quality of Life Scale-5 Dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire, the Cronbach α value for internal consistency, and intraclass correlation and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) technique to determine the cutoff score for the locomotive syndrome. Results: In phase 1 of the study, 250 Iranian older people ≥60 years were analyzed. The factor analysis showed that the GLFS-25 is a multi-dimensional scale (Activities of Daily Livings [ADLs] and Quality of Life [QoL], pain, social relationship, and psychological status), and GLFS-5 is a one-dimensional scale (the ability to perform daily activities). The Cronbach α values for GLFS-25 and GLFS-5 were 0.93 and 0.84, respectively. As for association between the GLFS-25 and GLFS-5 with EQ-5D and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) (health self-perceived), the Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.85 and -0.72 for GLFS-25 (P=0.01) and 0.82 and -0.67 for GLFS-5 (P=0.01), respectively. The cutoff scores to identify locomotive syndrome for the GLFS-25 and GLFS-5 were 16 and 4, respectively. Discussion: Considering the good validity and reliability properties of the GLFS-5 compared to GLFS-25 and the more convenient use of this short version of the GLFS, its application is highly recommended for community-based screening of locomotive syndrome in Iranian older people.

2021 ◽  
Mariam Ayed ◽  
Alia Embaireeg ◽  
Mais Kartam ◽  
Kiran More ◽  
Mafaza Alqallaf ◽  

Background An increasing proportion of women are being infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) during pregnancy. Intrauterine viral infections induce an increase in the levels of proinflammatory cytokines, which inhibit the proliferation of neuronal precursor cells and stimulate oligodendrocyte cell death, leading to abnormal neurodevelopment. Whether a maternal cytokine storm can affect neonatal brain development is unclear. The objective of the present study is to assess neurodevelopmental outcomes in neonates born to mothers with SARS-CoV-2 infections during pregnancy. Methods In this prospective cohort study, the neurodevelopment status of infants (N=298) born to women with SARS-CoV-2 infections during pregnancy was assessed at 10-12 months post-discharge using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, 3rd edition (ASQ-3). The ASQ-3 scores were classified into developmental delays (cutoff score: ≤2 standard deviations (SDs) below the population mean) and no delay (score >2 SDs above the population mean). Results Approximately 10% of infants born to mothers with SARS-CoV-2 infections during pregnancy showed developmental delays. Two of 298 infants tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, and both had normal ASQ-3 scores. The majority of the pregnant women had SARS-CoV-2 infection during their third trimester. The risk of developmental delays among infants was higher in those whose mothers had SARS-CoV-2 infections during the first (P=0.039) and second trimesters (P=0.001) than in those whose mothers had SARS-CoV-2 infections during the third trimester. Infants born at <31 weeks gestation were more prone to developmental delays than those born at >31 weeks gestation (10% versus 0.8%; P=0.002). Conclusion The findings of the study highlight the need for long-term neurodevelopmental assessment of infants born to mothers with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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