titanium dioxides
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Gang Feng ◽  
Gang Feng ◽  
Nan Xu ◽  
Zuling Li ◽  
Zuling Li ◽  

We studied Zeta potentials of nanoparticles titanium dioxides (nTiO2) in different concentration of NaNO3 and phosphate (P) solutions. In addition, the effect of flow rate on the transport of nTiO2 in P was investigated at pH=6.5. Experimental results show that the Zeta potential of nTiO2 is compressed with the increasing ion concentration (IC) of NaNO3 at pH=6.5. The negative charge increases with the augment of P. Therefore, the high P and low NaNO3 induce the stabilization of nTiO2 aggregates. The transport experiments suggest that the rapid flow rate is favorable for the transportability of nTiO2 and soluble phosphate. The breakthrough transport curves (BTCs) of nTiO2 in sand columns can be fitted well with two-site kinetic attachment model. The modeling results suggest that the values of first-order attachment rate coefficients (k2) and detachment rate coefficients (k2d) on site 2 and first-order attachment rate coefficients (k1) on site 1 are responsible to the attaching efficiency of nTiO2 on sands and their transportability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Frédéric Cosnier ◽  
Carole Seidel ◽  
Sarah Valentino ◽  
Otmar Schmid ◽  
Sébastien Bau ◽  

Abstract Background An important aspect of nanomaterial (NM) risk assessment is establishing relationships between physicochemical properties and key events governing the toxicological pathway leading to adverse outcomes. The difficulty of NM grouping can be simplified if the most toxicologically relevant dose metric is used to assess the toxicological dose-response. Here, we thoroughly investigated the relationship between acute and chronic inflammation (based on polymorphonuclear neutrophil influx (% PMN) in lung bronchoalveolar lavage) and the retained surface area in the lung. Inhalation studies were performed in rats with three classes of NMs: titanium dioxides (TiO2) and carbon blacks (CB) as poorly soluble particles of low toxicity (PSLT), and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). We compared our results to published data from nearly 30 rigorously selected articles. Results This analysis combined data specially generated for this work on three benchmark materials - TiO2 P25, the CB Printex-90 and the MWCNT MWNT-7 - following subacute (4-week) inhalation with published data relating to acute (1-week) to subchronic (13-week) inhalation exposure to the classes of NMs considered. Short and long post-exposure recovery times (immediately after exposure up to more than 6 months) allowed us to examine both acute and chronic inflammation. A dose-response relationship across short-term and long-term studies was revealed linking pulmonary retained surface area dose (measured or estimated) and % PMN. This relationship takes the form of sigmoid curves, and is independent of the post-exposure time. Curve fitting equations depended on the class of NM considered, and sometimes on the duration of exposure. Based on retained surface area, long and thick MWCNTs (few hundred nm long with an aspect ratio greater than 25) had a higher inflammatory potency with 5 cm2/g lung sufficient to trigger an inflammatory response (at 6% PMN), whereas retained surfaces greater than 150 cm2/g lung were required for PSLT. Conclusions Retained surface area is a useful metric for hazard grouping purposes. This metric would apply to both micrometric and nanometric materials, and could obviate the need for direct measurement in the lung. Indeed, it could alternatively be estimated from dosimetry models using the aerosol parameters (rigorously determined following a well-defined aerosol characterization strategy).

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
pp. 4635
Taisuke Tomonaga ◽  
Hiroto Izumi ◽  
Yukiko Yoshiura ◽  
Chinatsu Nishida ◽  
Kazuhiro Yatera ◽  

This work studies the relationship between lung inflammation caused by nanomaterials and surfactant protein D (SP-D) kinetics and investigates whether SP-D can be a biomarker of the pulmonary toxicity of nanomaterials. Nanomaterials of nickel oxide and cerium dioxide were classified as having high toxicity, nanomaterials of two types of titanium dioxides and zinc oxide were classified as having low toxicity, and rat biological samples obtained from 3 days to 6 months after intratracheal instillation of those nanomaterials and micron-particles of crystalline silica were used. There were different tendencies of increase between the high- and low-toxicity materials in the concentration of SP-D in bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid (BALF) and serum and in the expression of the SP-D gene in the lung tissue. An analysis of the receiver operating characteristics for the toxicity of the nanomaterials by SP-D in BALF and serum showed a high accuracy of discrimination from 1 week to 3 or 6 months after exposure. These data suggest that the differences in the expression of SP-D in BALF and serum depended on the level of lung inflammation caused by the nanomaterials and that SP-D can be biomarkers for evaluating the pulmonary toxicity of nanomaterials.

RSC Advances ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (47) ◽  
pp. 29196-29206
Siripit Songtawee ◽  
Bunyarat Rungtaweevoranit ◽  
Chalida Klaysom ◽  
Kajornsak Faungnawakij

Tunable Lewis and Brønsted acid sites on P–TiO2 tandem catalysts for glucose-to-HMF conversion providing high HMF yield (72%) and selectivity (83%).

Membranes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Yeit Haan Teow ◽  
Boon Seng Ooi ◽  
Abdul Latif Ahmad ◽  
Jit Kang Lim

Natural organic matters (NOMs) have been found to be the major foulant in the application of ultrafiltration (UF) for treating surface water. Against this background, although hydrophilicity has been demonstrated to aid fouling mitigation, other parameters such as membrane surface morphology may contribute equally to improved fouling resistance. In this work, with humic acid solution as the model substance, the effects of titanium dioxides (TiO2) types (PC-20, P25, and X500) on membrane anti-fouling and defouling properties were comparatively analysed. The aims are (1) to determine the correlation between membrane surface morphology and membrane fouling and (2) to investigate the anti-fouling and UV-cleaning abilities of PVDF/TiO2 mixed-matrix membranes with different membrane topographies and surface energy conditions. The mixed-matrix membrane with P25 TiO2 exhibited the most significant UV-defouling ability, with a high irreversible flux recovery ratio (IFRR(UV)) of 16.56 after 6 h of UV irradiation, whereas that with X500 TiO2 exhibited both superior anti-fouling and defouling properties due to its smoother surface and its highly reactive surface layer.

Chemija ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
Tatjana Charkova ◽  
Agnė Zdaniauskienė

The synthesized gold nanoparticles (50–60 nm) were coated with thin (1.5–8 nm) layers of silicon, manganese and titanium dioxides. The obtained three species of nanospheres were applied for the analysis of self-assembled monolayer of thiophenol by shell-isolated nanoparticleenhanced Raman spectroscopy method. Detailed synthesis and comparison of the particle properties are provided in this report.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 1563
Taisuke Tomonaga ◽  
Hiroto Izumi ◽  
Takako Oyabu ◽  
Byeong-Woo Lee ◽  
Masaru Kubo ◽  

This work determines whether cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractants (CINC)-1, CINC-2 and CINC-3 can be markers for predicting high or low pulmonary toxicity of nanomaterials (NMs). We classified NMs of nickel oxide (NiO) and cerium dioxide (CeO2) into high toxicity and NMs of two types of titanium dioxides (TiO2 (P90 and rutile)) and zinc oxide (ZnO) into low toxicity, and we analyzed previous data of CINCs in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of rats from three days to six months after intratracheal instillation (0.2 and 1.0 mg) and inhalation exposure (0.32–10.4 mg/m3) of materials (NiO, CeO2, TiO2 (P90 and rutile), ZnO NMs and micron-particles of crystalline silica (SiO2)). The concentration of CINC-1 and CINC-2 in BALF had different increase tendency between high and low pulmonary toxicity of NMs and correlated with the other inflammatory markers in BALF. However, CINC-3 increased only slightly in a dose-dependent manner compared with CINC-1 and CINC-2. Analysis of receiver operating characteristics for the toxicity of NMs by CINC-1 and CINC-2 showed the most accuracy of discrimination of the toxicity at one week or one month after exposure and CINC-1 and CINC-2 in BALF following intratracheal instillation of SiO2 as a high toxicity could accurately predict the toxicity at more than one month after exposure. These data suggest that CINC-1 and CINC-2 may be useful biomarkers for the prediction of pulmonary toxicity of NMs relatively early in both intratracheal instillation and inhalation exposure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (15) ◽  
pp. 6112 ◽  
Jung Eun Lee ◽  
Young-Kwon Park

The biochar treated through several processes can be modified and utilized as catalyst or catalyst support due to specific properties with various available functional groups on the surface. The functional groups attached to the biochar surface can initiate active radical species to play an important role, which lead to the destruction of contaminants as a catalyst and the removal of adsorbent by involving electron transfer or redox processes. Centering on the high potential to be developed in field applications, this paper reviews more feasible and sustainable biochar-based materials resulting in efficient removals of environmental pollutants as catalyst or support rather than describing them according to the technology category. This review addresses biochar-based materials for utilization as catalysts, metal catalyst supports of iron/iron oxides, and titanium dioxide because the advanced oxidation process using iron/iron oxides or titanium dioxides is more effective for the removal of contaminants. Biochar-based materials can be used for the removal of inorganic contaminants such as heavy meals and nitrate or phosphate to cause eutrophication of water. The biochar-based materials available for the remediation of eutrophic water by the release of N- or P-containing compounds is also reviewed.

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