p system
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Felix Reiter ◽  
Markus Pielmeier ◽  
Anna Vogel ◽  
Christian Jandl ◽  
Milivoj Plodinec ◽  

2022 ◽  

<b>Die Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion (WWU)</b> ist einer der Grundpfeiler der europäischen Integration. Seit dem 1. November 1999 nimmt die EU gegenüber den am Euroraum teilnehmenden Mitgliedstaaten die ausschließliche Zuständigkeit für die Währungspolitik wahr. Vorrangiges Ziel der Europäischen Zentralbank ist die Sicherung von hoher Preisniveaustabilität. Zugleich bestehen umfassende Verpflichtungen der Mitgliedstaaten im haushaltspolitischen Bereich, die in prozeduralen Vorgaben und inhaltlichen Beschränkungen der Staatsverschuldung zum Ausdruck kommen. Das bestehende System erfuhr durch die Finanz- und Schuldenkrise erhebliche Umgestaltungen, nicht zuletzt in Gestalt des Europäischen Stabilitätsmechanismus und der Europäischen Bankenunion. Die Corona Pandemie führte zu weiteren Neuerungen und ermöglichte der Union, sich erstmals umfassend selbst zu verschulden. <b>Das neue Handbuch</b> analysiert alle wichtigen <b>rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen </b>der WWU vor dem Hintergrund der Krisen und Reformen der letzten Jahre. Breiten Raum nehmen Darstellungen des aktuellen Rechtsrahmens zur Sicherung und Stabilisierung des Systems (<b>Autonomie der Haushaltspolitik, Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt, Fiskalvertrag, Europäischer Stabilitätsmechanismus</b>), der rechtlichen Anforderungen an die Geldpolitik der <b>EZB </b>und der <b>Bankenunion </b>ein. Es vereint Beiträge nicht von rechtswissenschaftlicher Seite, sondern auch aus Sicht des ökonomischen Schrifttums. <b>Schwerpunkte</b> Entwicklungsgeschichte der WWU System der WWU Gemeinwohlfunktionen der WWU, Marktwirtschaft und Systementscheidungen, Solidarität in der Eurozone Das Recht der Wirtschaftsunion: wirtschaftspolitische Koordinierung, Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt, Fiskalvertrag Staatsfinanzierung und Notfallmechanismen: Autonomieprinzip, Haushaltskontrolle und Europäischer Stabilitätsmechanismus, Emergency Liqudity Assistance Das Recht der Bankenunion: Europäische Bankenaufsicht, Bankenabwicklung und Einlagensicherung Das Recht der Währungsunion: ESZB, Mandat der EZB, Geldpolitik, Währungsrecht, Rechtsschutz <b>Die Autoren</b> Prof. Dr. Roland Broemel, M.Sc.; Prof. em. Dr. Thomas Eger; Dr. Ulrich Forsthoff; Dr. Alexander Friedrich; Prof. Dr. Ulrich Häde; Dr. Christian Heidfeld; Prof. Dr. Peter Hilpold; Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hufeld; Prof. Dr. Lars Hummel, LL.M.; Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Otmar Issing; Dr. Karen Kaiser; Prof. Dr. Ann-Katrin Kaufhold; Prof. Dr. Marcus Klamert, M.A.; Dr. Julian Langner; Prof. Dr. Florian Meinel; Dr. Christian Neumeier, LL.M. (Yale); Prof. Dr. Christoph Ohler, LL.M. (Brügge); Dr. Hannes Rathke, LL.M.; Prof. Dr. René Repasi; Prof. Dr. Heiko Sauer; Prof. Dr. Christian Seiler; Prof. Dr. Dr. Armin Steinbach, LL.M. (Brüssel); Prof. Dr. Henning Tappe; Prof. Dr. Alexander Thiele; Prof. Dr. Tobias Tröger, LL.M. (Harvard); Prof. em. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Wagener und Dr. Karl-Philipp Wojcik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Zhaoyang Guo ◽  
Xiaolin Wu ◽  
Shuai Yang ◽  
Chang Liu ◽  
Youfu Zhu ◽  

Objective. The current study aimed to explore the efficacy of Zero profile intervertebral fusion system (Zero-P) and traditional anterior plate cage system (PC) in the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM). Further, the present study evaluated effects of the treatments on medical security, height of intervertebral disc, adjacent-level ossification development (ALOD), and adjacent segmentation disease (ASD) through a systematic retrospective analysis. Methods. Studies on Zero-P system and traditional anterior plate cage system for ACDF in the treatment of CSM were searched in PubMed, Web of Science, Ovid, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases. Two independent researchers screened articles, extracted data, and evaluated the quality of the articles based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the current study. RevMan5.3 software was used for meta-analysis following the guidelines of Cochrane collaboration network. Cervical curvature, interbody fusion rate, preoperative and postoperative disc height index (DHI), fusion cage sinking rate, postoperative dysphagia, ASD, ALOD, and loosening of screw were compared between the two groups. Results. A total of 17 literatures were included in the present study, including 6 randomized controlled trials and 11 observational studies. The studies comprised a total of 1204 patients with CSM, including 605 patients in the Zero-P system group (Zero-P group) and 599 patients in the traditional animal plate cage group (PC group). Results of this meta-analysis showed that postoperative dysphagia [OR = 0.40, CI (0.28, 95% 0.58), P  < 0.00001], ALOD [OR = 0.09, CI (0.02, 95% 0.39), P  = 0.001], ASD [OR = 0.42, CI (0.20, 95% 0.86), P  = 0.02], and screw loosening [OR = 0.20, CI (0.08, 95% 0.52), P  = 0.0009] of the Zero-P group were significantly lower compared with the PC group. On the other hand, preoperative cervical curvature [WMD = −0.23, CI (−1.38, 95% 0.92), P  = 0.69], postoperative cervical curvature [WMD = −0.38, CI (−1.77, 95% 1.01), P  = 0.59], cage sinking rate [OR = 1.41, CI [0.52, 95% 3.82], P  = 0.50], intervertebral fusion rate [OR = 0.76, CI (0.27, 95% 2.48), P  = 0.38], preoperative DHI [WMD = −0.04, CI (−0.14, 95% 0.22), P  = 0.65], and postoperative DHI [WMD = 0.06, CI (−0.22, 95% 0.34), P  = 0.675] were not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusion. It was evident that the Zero-P system used in ACDF is superior compared with the traditional anterior plate cage system in postoperative dysphagia, avoiding ALOD, ASD, and screw loosening.

2021 ◽  
Vol 153 ◽  
pp. 111495
Yasir Akbar ◽  
Haleem Afsar ◽  
Fahad S Al-Mubaddel ◽  
Nidal H. Abu-Hamdeh ◽  
Abdullah M. Abusorrah

Artiom Alhazov ◽  
Rudolf Freund ◽  
Sergiu Ivanov ◽  
Sergey Verlan

AbstractCatalytic P systems are among the first variants of membrane systems ever considered in this area. This variant of systems also features some prominent computational complexity questions, and in particular the problem of using only one catalyst: is one catalyst enough to allow for generating all recursively enumerable sets of multisets? Several additional ingredients have been shown to be sufficient for obtaining even computational completeness with only one catalyst. Last year we could show that the derivation mode $$max_{objects}$$ m a x objects , where we only take those multisets of rules which affect the maximal number of objects in the underlying configuration one catalyst is sufficient for obtaining computational completeness without any other ingredients. In this paper we follow this way of research and show that one catalyst is also sufficient for obtaining computational completeness when using specific variants of derivation modes based on non-extendable multisets of rules: we only take those non-extendable multisets whose application yields the maximal number of generated objects or else those non-extendable multisets whose application yields the maximal difference in the number of objects between the newly generated configuration and the current configuration. A similar computational completeness result can even be obtained when omitting the condition of non-extendability of the applied multisets when taking the maximal difference of objects or the maximal number of generated objects. Moreover, we reconsider simple P system with energy control—both symbol and rule energy-controlled P systems equipped with these new variants of derivation modes yield computational completeness.

Fatemeh Farzaneh ◽  
Mahshid Mohammadi-Bassir ◽  
Mohammad Bagher Rezvani ◽  
Fahimeh Dehestani Ardakani

Objective: Finishing and polishing (F/P) of composites is a fundamental step influencing the clinical service of restorations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different F/P systems on surface roughness, gloss, and polish retention of composite resins. Materials and Methods: One-hundred and five disc-shaped specimens (4×4 mm) were made from nanofilled, microhybrid, and microfilled composites (n=35). The specimens were divided into five subgroups (n=7) for F/P with Sof-Lex (4-step), Shofu (4-step), Cosmedent (3-step), Diacomp Composite-Pro (2-step), and Opti1Step systems. The surface roughness values (Ra and Rz) were measured before and after pH-cycling and simulated toothbrushing. Surface topography was assessed by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at three magnifications. For assessment of surface gloss, 45 rectangular specimens (10×8×2 mm) were fabricated from three composites (n=15) and randomly allocated to five subgroups (n=3). Surface gloss was measured before and after aging. The mean values were calculated and analyzed by two-way ANOVA, Tukey, and t-test. Level of significance was set at 0.05.  Results:  The composite type had no significant effect on surface roughness (P>0.05); however, the type of F/P system significantly affected it (P<0.05). The pH-cycling and simulated toothbrushing had no significant effect on gloss or polish retention of the three composites (P>0.05). Conclusion: Type of F/P system had a greater effect on surface roughness and gloss of composite resins than the type of composite.

2021 ◽  
Peter Pyle

Two broad nomenclatures have emerged to describe moult strategies in birds, the "life-cycle" system which describes moults relative to present-day breeding and other life-history events and the Humphrey-Parkes (H-P) system which reflects the evolution of moults along ancestral lineages. Using either system, challenges have arisen defining strategies in migratory species with more than one moult per year. When all or part of two moults occur in non-breeding areas they may fail to be recognized as two moults or have been discriminated temporally, whether feathers are replaced in fall, winter, or spring. But in some cases feather replacement can span the non-breeding period, and this has resulted in an inability to identify inserted moults and to compare moult strategies between species. Furthermore, recent analyses on factors influencing the extent of the postjuvenile or preformative moults have either confined this moult to the summer grounds or presumed that it can be suspended and resumed on winter grounds, which has lead to quite divergent results. Evolutionarily, the timing, extent, and location of moults are very plastic whereas the sequence in which feathers are replaced is comparatively fixed. As, such, I propose taking an evolutionary approach to define moults on the basis of feather-replacement sequences as opposed to timing or location of replacement, including strategies in which moults can overlap temporally. I provide examples illustrating the functionality of a sequence-based definition in three migratory North American passerines that can undergo feather replacement twice in non breeding areas, and I demonstrate how this system can effectively apply to moults in many other passerine and non-passerine species. I recommend that authors studying the evolutionary drivers of moult strategies in migratory birds adopt a sequence-based approach or carefully consider replacement strategies both prior to and following autumn migration.

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