valve train
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2021 ◽  
pp. 146808742110593
Erick Garcia ◽  
Vassilis Triantopoulos ◽  
Joseph Trzaska ◽  
Maxwell Taylor ◽  
Jian Li ◽  

This study experimentally investigates the impact of extreme Miller cycle strategies paired with high intake manifold pressures on the combustion process, emissions, and thermal efficiency of heavy-duty diesel engines. Well-controlled experiments isolating the effect of Miller cycle strategies on the combustion process were conducted at constant engine speed and load (1160 rpm, 1.76 MPa net IMEP) on a single cylinder research engine equipped with a fully-flexible hydraulic valve train system. Late intake valve closing (LIVC) timing strategies were compared to a conventional intake valve profile under either constant cylinder composition, constant engine-out NOx emission, or constant overall turbocharger efficiency ([Formula: see text]) to investigate the operating constraints that favor Miller cycle operation over the baseline strategy. Utilizing high boost with conventional intake valve closing timing resulted in improved fuel consumption at the expense of sharp increases in peak cylinder pressures, engine-out NOx emissions, and reduced exhaust temperatures. Miller cycle without EGR at constant [Formula: see text] demonstrated LIVC strategies effectively reduce engine-out NOx emissions by up to 35%. However, Miller cycle associated with very aggressive LIVC timings led to fuel consumption penalties due to increased pumping work and exhaust enthalpy. LIVC strategies allowed for increased charge dilution at the baseline NOx constraint of 3.2 g/kWh, resulting in significant fuel consumption benefits over the baseline case without compromising exhaust temperatures or peak cylinder pressures. As Miller cycle implementation was shown to affect the boundary conditions dictating [Formula: see text], the LIVC and conventional IVC cases were studied at an equivalent [Formula: see text] point representative of high boost operation. With high boost, LIVC yielded reduced NOx emissions, reduced peak cylinder pressures, and elevated exhaust temperatures compared to the conventional IVC case without compromising fuel consumption.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 8151
Andyn Omanovic ◽  
Norbert Zsiga ◽  
Patrik Soltic ◽  
Christopher Onder

The electric hybridization of vehicles with an internal combustion engine is an effective measure to reduce CO2 emissions. However, the identification of the dimension and the sufficient complexity of the powertrain parts such as the engine, electric machine, and battery is not trivial. This paper investigates the influence of the technological advancement of an internal combustion engine and the sizing of all propulsion components on the optimal degree of hybridization and the corresponding fuel consumption reduction. Thus, a turbocharged and a naturally aspirated engine are both modeled with the additional option of either a fixed camshaft or a fully variable valve train. All models are based on data obtained from measurements on engine test benches. We apply dynamic programming to find the globally optimal operating strategy for the driving cycle chosen. Depending on the engine type, a reduction in fuel consumption by up to 32% is achieved with a degree of hybridization of 45%. Depending on the degree of hybridization, a fully variable valve train reduces the fuel consumption additionally by up to 9% and advances the optimal degree of hybridization to 50%. Furthermore, a sufficiently high degree of hybridization renders the gearbox obsolete, which permits simpler vehicle concepts to be derived. A degree of hybridization of 65% is found to be fuel optimal for a vehicle with a fixed transmission ratio. Its fuel economy diverges less than 4% from the optimal fuel economy of a hybrid electric vehicle equipped with a gearbox.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (19) ◽  
pp. 6328
Bo Hu ◽  
Yunzhe Li ◽  
Lairong Yin

The valve train is one of the main sources of engine vibration, and its dynamic performance is crucial for output power and fuel consumption. The flexibilities of slender bars and beams should be emphasised in the design of valve trains to develop high-power and high-speed engines with industrial applications. A flexible dynamic model of a valve train system is proposed. In the proposed model, the components, except the cam and gear bodies, are modelled as flexible bodies with multidirectional deformations. The gyroscopic effects of the camshaft, cams and gear discs are also considered to predict dynamic responses at high speeds accurately. Gear meshing, the friction of the cam–tappet pair, the centrifugal force of the cams and valve clearance are also considered. Experiments on housing vibration and pushrod stress are conducted to validate the proposed model. Results show that the proposed model can predict the dynamic stress of the flexible components well and predict the trend shown by the housing vibration. The proposed model shows that excessive cam rotation speed and valve clearance will cause intense bounce and jump phenomena. The proposed model can be an important reference for designing engine work speed, adjusting valve clearance and improving component durability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 45-51
Abdul Hadi ◽  
B G Tentua

Abstrak Penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengetahui getaran vertical direct inline dari suatu mekanisme ekivalen cam follower dengan profil cam harmonik pada suatu manifold -valve train motor diesel. Masalahnya dimulai dengan penentuan koefisien redaman viscous dan koefisien kekakuan pegas ekivalen sistem yang mana sulit ditentukan secara langsung. Oleh karena secara praktis dapat dipandang bahwa sinyal sistem adalah bersifat deterministick random process maka untuk mengatasi kesulitan ini dilakukan suatu analisa gabungan deduksi dan induksi yaitu dalam model estimasi ordinary least square (OLS) dan simulasi numerik Newton-Rhapson dengan mengacu pada data record hasil pengukuran eksperimental respon getaran yang ditunjukkan oleh sensor accelerometer. Sinyal getaran respon sistem dengan model mekanik single degree of freedom (1-dof) ini kenudian diolah baik dalam domain waktu atau domain frekuensi dengan menerapkanLaplace Transform dan Fast Furrior Transform (FFT). Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa komputasi numerik itu dapat dibuat untuk mengetahui harga-harga koefisien redaman viscous ekivalen,  koefisien kekakuan pegas ekivalen dan initial tensiom clearance ekivalen sedemikian hingga selanjutnya respon dinamik sinyal getaran sistem dapat diestimasi dengan menerapkan metode simulasi numerik Runge-Kutta order ke-empat. Algoritma hasil formulasinya dengan demikian dapat menjadi lebih general untuk menjawab berbagai persoalan amplitude getaran pada level data percepatan eksitasi ekivalen multi input multi output (MIMO) dalam berbagai variasi sistem cam-follower yang diberikan sebagaimana dimaksud. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1941 (1) ◽  
pp. 012080
Qiang Li ◽  
Yunkai Wang

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 2750
Andyn Omanovic ◽  
Norbert Zsiga ◽  
Patrik Soltic ◽  
Christopher Onder

Spark-ignited internal combustion engines are known to exhibit a decreased brake efficiency in part-load operation. Similarly to cylinder deactivation, the x-stroke operation presented in this paper is an adjustable form of skip-cycle operation. It is an effective measure to increase the efficiency of an internal combustion engine, which has to be equipped with a variable valve train to enable this feature. This paper presents an optimization procedure for the exhaust valve timings applicable to any valid stroke operation number greater than four. In the first part, the gas spring operation, during which all gas exchange valves are closed, is explained, as well as how it affects the indicated efficiency and the blow-by mass flow. In the second part, a simulation model with variable valve timings, parameterized with measurement data obtained on the engine test, is used to find the optimal valve timings. We show that in 12-stroke operation and with a cylinder load of 5 Nm, an indicated efficiency of 34.3% is achieved. Preloading the gas spring with residual gas prevents oil suction and thus helps to reduce hydrocarbon emissions. Measurements of load variations in 4-, 8-, and 12-stroke operations show that by applying an x-stroke operation, the indicated efficiency remains high and the center of combustion remains optimal in the range of significantly lower torque outputs.

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