placebo control
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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Ákos Bajtel ◽  
Tivadar Kiss ◽  
Barbara Tóth ◽  
Szabolcs Kiss ◽  
Péter Hegyi ◽  

Dronabinol, a natural cannabinoid, and its semi-synthetic derivative, nabilone, are marketed as medicines in several countries. The aim of our work was to systematically evaluate the frequency of adverse events related to dronabinol or nabilone treatment compared to placebo. Scientific databases were searched for placebo-controlled clinical studies of patients receiving either dronabinol or nabilone therapy with placebo control groups. This meta-analysis was reported following the PRISMA guidelines using the PICO format, and it was registered with the PROSPERO register. There were 16 trials included in the meta-analysis. In the nabilone studies, drowsiness was more than 7 times as frequent in patients treated with nabilone than in the placebo group (OR: 7.25; 95% CI: 1.64–31.95), and the risk of dizziness (OR: 21.14; 95% CI: 2.92–152.75) and dry mouth was also higher (OR: 17.23; 95% CI: 4.33–68.55). The frequency of headache was not different in the two groups. In case of dronabinol, the frequency of dry mouth (OR: 5.58; 95% CI: 3.19–9.78), dizziness (OR: 4.60 95% CI: 2.39–8.83) and headache (OR: 2.90; 95% CI: 1.07–7.85) was significantly higher in the dronabinol groups, whereas in case of nausea, drowsiness and fatigue there was no difference. The severity of adverse events was typically mild-to-moderate and transient. In a risk-benefit assessment, these adverse effects are acceptable compared to the achievable benefit. However, considering the diversity of the adverse effects, more studies are needed to provide a more accurate assessment on the side effect profiles of these two compounds.

Fathima Nafha Nizamdeen ◽  
Mohd Aleemuddin Quamri ◽  
Md Anzar Alam

Abstract Objectives Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common diabetes complication. The prevalence of neuropathy is 55% for type 1 and 66% for type 2 diabetes. In Unani medicine neuropathy is known as Khidr (numbness). It is treated with drugs possessing hypoglycemic and analgesic properties, etc. Habb-e-Asab, a polyherbal Unani formulation used for the treatment of Waja-ul-Asab (neuralgia) is routinely used for its indications in neurological pain in Unani medicine. The aim of this study to investigate the efficacy of Habb-e-Asab in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Methods Thirty patients with DPN were randomly assigned to test (n=20) and control (n=10) groups in a randomized single-blind placebo control study. For 45 days, the test group was given 250 mg Habb-e-Asab twice a day and the control group 250 mg placebo twice a day. The subjective parameters Pain in feet, burning in feet, and tingling in feet was assessed by the arbitrary scale and VAS fortnightly and objective parameters MNSI, and VPT was assessed in pre–post-treatment. Results The research drug revealed highly statistically significant with p<0.001 on VAS score and MNSI whereas VPT is significant with p<0.01 on few points. But control group exhibits no significant effect in any of the parameters. No adverse effects had been reported in either group. Conclusions Our finding indicated that the Habb-e-Asab for 45 days improved and reduced the severity of DPN in a patient with diabetes (CTRI/2018/02/011725).

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Kirsten M. Wright ◽  
Janis McFerrin ◽  
Armando Alcázar Magaña ◽  
Joanne Roberts ◽  
Maya Caruso ◽  

Botanical products are frequently sold as dietary supplements and their use by the public is increasing in popularity. However, scientific evaluation of their medicinal benefits presents unique challenges due to their chemical complexity, inherent variability, and the involvement of multiple active components and biological targets. Translation away from preclinical models, and developing an optimized, reproducible botanical product for use in clinical trials, presents particular challenges for phytotherapeutic agents compared to single chemical entities. Common deficiencies noted in clinical trials of botanical products include limited characterization of the product tested, inadequate placebo control, and lack of rationale for the type of product tested, dose used, outcome measures or even the study population. Our group has focused on the botanical Centella asiatica due to its reputation for enhancing cognition in Eastern traditional medicine systems. Our preclinical studies on a Centella asiatica water extract (CAW) and its bioactive components strongly support its potential as a phytotherapeutic agent for cognitive decline in aging and Alzheimer's disease through influences on antioxidant response, mitochondrial activity, and synaptic density. Here we describe our robust, scientific approach toward developing a rational phytotherapeutic product based on Centella asiatica for human investigation, addressing multiple factors to optimize its valid clinical evaluation. Specific aspects covered include approaches to identifying an optimal dose range for clinical assessment, design and composition of a dosage form and matching placebo, sourcing appropriate botanical raw material for product manufacture (including the evaluation of active compounds and contaminants), and up-scaling of laboratory extraction methods to available current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) certified industrial facilities. We also address the process of obtaining regulatory approvals to proceed with clinical trials. Our study highlights the complexity of translational research on botanicals and the importance of identifying active compounds and developing sound analytical and bioanalytical methods for their determination in botanical materials and biological samples. Recent Phase I pharmacokinetic studies of our Centella asiatica product in humans (NCT03929250, NCT03937908) have highlighted additional challenges associated with designing botanical bioavailability studies, including specific dietary considerations that need to be considered.

Pharmacia ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-44
L. M. Gunina ◽  
Ye. B. Shustov ◽  
I. F. Belenichev ◽  
N. L. Vysochina ◽  
R. V. Golovashchenko ◽  

The aim is to form a balanced position regarding the ergogenic characteristics of new sports food products in the modern practice of training highly qualified athletes on the basis of clinical-experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of special purpose real food additives. Materials and methods. Studies were carried out on laboratory animals (36 Wistar rats at the age of 3 months weighing 150–200 g and 16 Svetlogorsk mini-pigs) as well as on 102 high-qualified representatives of cyclic sports (all men aged 19–26) − members of national teams such as swimming (25), cross-country athletics (53), and skiing (24). As a control group, we studied 25 athletes of the same gender (all men), age and qualifications who received a placebo (starch capsules) for a long time during exercise. Placebo-controlled studies have been conducted on laboratory animals and athletes in compliance with the principles of bioethics. Results. It has been established that in the experiment the application of a new specialized food product MioActiv has a positive effect on the physical performance of animals and delays the onset of fatigue, which significantly exceeds the corresponding characteristics in the placebo group. Athletes also showed an increase in speed when passing competitive distances by 18.7–21.4% (p &lt; 0,05), as well as a significant increase in mental endurance indicators (p &lt; 0,05). The approbation of the innovative pre-workout pharmacological nutrient complex Pre-Fuse also showed the high efficacy and safety of this product with a positive effect of increasing the performance and endurance of animals, as well as the parameters of mental performance of athletes in the main groups, in contrast to the data in the placebo control groups. Conclusions. An analysis of the prescription components of new types of ergogenic sports nutrition and the presented results of preclinical and clinical studies conducted on the basis of the evidence-based medicine paradigm regarding the effectiveness of specialized products indicate the complex action of these funds on various aspects of both physical and mental performance. From the materials presented in the article, it can be seen that specialized sports nutrition products of an ergogenic orientation can provide significant assistance in increasing sports results.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Fikrettin Sahin ◽  
Mohammad Bagher Pirouzpanah ◽  
Hossein Bijanpour ◽  
Mohammad Mohammadzadeh ◽  
Reza Eghdam Zamiri ◽  

<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> Radiation dermatitis (RD) is a side effect of radiation therapy (RT) which is experienced by over 90% of patients being treated for breast cancer. The current clinical trial was conducted to measure the preventative effects of a boron-based gel on several different clinical outcomes (dermatitis, erythema, dry desquamation, and moist desquamation) after 25 radiotherapy sessions. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> This research used a double-blind parallel-group design with a placebo control (<i>n</i> = 76) and randomized group (<i>n</i> = 181), with all participants being between 18 and 75 years old. Fifteen minutes before each radiotherapy, participants in the intervention group were given a gel containing 3% sodium pentaborate pentahydrate, while those in the placebo group received a gel with no chemical substance. Dermatitis, erythema, dry desquamation, and moist desquamation were compared between the 2 groups. <b><i>Results:</i></b> At baseline, there were no significant differences between the groups (<i>p</i> &#x3e; 0.05), except for body mass index. After 14 days of treatment, dermatitis (98.7% vs. 9.9%; <i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.001), erythema (96.1% vs. 12.2%; <i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.001), dry desquamation (50% vs. 3.9%; <i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.001), and moist desquamation (18.4% vs. 0.6%; <i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.001) were much more common in the placebo group than the intervention group. To prevent dermatitis, erythema, dry desquamation, and moist desquamation in 1 patient, on average, 1.1 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.1–1.2), 1.2 (95% CI: 1.1–1.3), 2.2 (95% CI: 1.7–2.9), and 5.6 (95% CI: 3.8–11.0) patients need to be treated, respectively. <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> The boron-based gel has a significant preventive effect on several categories of RD which might be used by clinicians in breast cancer.

2022 ◽  
Angelo Andriulli ◽  
Antonio Bevilacqua ◽  
Orazio Palmieri ◽  
Anna Latiano ◽  
Rosanna Fontana ◽  

Gluten Friendly™ (GF) is a new gluten achieved through a physicochemical process applied to wheat kernels. The goal of this research was to assess the in vivo effects of Gluten Friendly™ bread on celiac gut mucosa and microbiota.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Hang Yu ◽  
Hui Dong ◽  
Binjia Ruan ◽  
Xiaohang Xu ◽  
Yongxiang Wang

Purpose. The anterior cervical approach is commonly used clinically for cervical spondylosis, but it also results in frequent postoperative dysphagia, which can increase the risk of complications and poor treatment satisfaction in severe cases. Intraoperative local application of retropharyngeal steroids has an impact on reducing the occurrence and severity of dysphagia; however, the results of current studies vary. The meta-analysis of this randomized trial was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of intraoperative topical retropharyngeal steroids for the control of dysphagia after anterior cervical spine surgery. Methods. Two authors searched electronic databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar, respectively. The search terms were “Dysphagia,” “Steroids,” “Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion,” etc. A random effects model was used to conduct a meta-analysis based on deviance information criteria. Results. A total of 8 studies were included in this meta-analysis after screening of 792 studies. Bazaz scores were not significantly different in the steroid group at one day postoperatively ( P = 0.38 ), and dysphagia was significantly improved at 14 days postoperatively (95% CI: 0.15 to 0.64; P = 0.002 ). PSTSI was significantly improved one day ( P = 0.03 ) and 14 days after surgery ( P < 0.0001 ). VAS scores were all lower versus controls ( P < 0.001 ). Conclusion. Perioperative local retropharyngeal steroid administration as an adjunct to anterior cervical spine surgery reduces the incidence and severity of dysphagia compared with placebo control. However, future high-quality randomized controlled studies could incorporate nonsubjective dysphagia measures and long-term follow-up on the occurrence of associated complications or other side effects.

2021 ◽  
Pankaj Bhardwaja ◽  
Kalaiselvan Ganapathy ◽  
Monika Pathania ◽  
K H Naveen ◽  
Jaykaran Charan ◽  

Abstract BackgroundTraditional medicine systems such as Ayurveda contain a vast repository of naturally occurring herbs with strong antimicrobial potency. A multitude of complementary therapies have been explored for their therapeutic role to treat COVID-19 during the pandemic. There have been promising results reported from in silico, in vitro and in vivo studies that need to be further explored in humans.ObjectiveThe present randomized placebo control trial evaluates the clinical efficacy of an integrated approach including Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation, NOQ19 in the improvement of mild to moderate category of COVID-19 infected patients.Patients and methodsA multicentric, randomized, placebo control design was adopted for the study. A total of 76 patients with positive COVID-19 RT-PCR test were enrolled in the study; 39 in the NOQ19 arm and 37 in the placebo arm. Patients were randomized and blinded to their respective intervention, which was provided along with the standard of care treatment. Rate of recovery assessment was done on Day 3, 5 and 7 via RT-PCR test to measure the rate of recovery. Blood markers were analysed on Day 0 and Day 7.OutcomesThe patients were assessed for rate of recovery via RT-PCR and improvement in blood biomarkers. They were also monitored for any adverse events or side effects of the drug.ResultsThe present study demonstrated a significant early recovery in the patients who took the NOQ19 formulation. Patients who received NOQ19 with the standard care of treatment showed clinical improvement in terms of oxygen requirement, breathlessness and SpO2, though the difference was not statistically significant. Moreover, no side effects were observed with the use of NOQ19.ConclusionAn overall integrated approach of standard of care treatment with Ayurvedic formulation (NOQ19) results in early clinical outcome in the management of mild to moderate cases of COVID-19.

Francisco Rafael Martins Soto ◽  
Erlete Rosalina Vuaden ◽  
Cideli de Paula Coelho ◽  
Leoni Villano Bonamin ◽  
Sérgio Santos De Azevedo ◽  

Aims: this study sought to assess the reproductive performance of sows inseminated with sperm treated with homeopathic medicines. Materials and methods: the semen of 2 sexually mature boars age 18 months Pietrain and Duroc cross-bred with similar genetic and reproductive performance were chosen, as well as 125 sows. Sixteen samples of semen were collected and standardized through semen evaluation. Three homeopathic preparations and a placebo (control) were tested on the sperm (n=31/32 per group): Avena sativa 6cH, Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH and Avena sativa 6cH + Pulsatilla nigricans 6cH. Sows were inseminated 3 times with the same estrous diagnostic procedures. Results: there was significant difference (p

Planta Medica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Sabine Selbach ◽  
Astrid Klocke ◽  
Ulrike Peters ◽  
Sabine Beckert ◽  
Munro Rory Watt ◽  

Rumex acetosa significantly inhibits the adhesion of Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.g.) to eukaryotic host cells in vitro. The objective of this randomized placebo-controlled pilot-trial was to analyze effects of a mouth rinse containing 0.8 % (w/w) of a quantified proanthocyanidin-enriched extract from Rumex acetosa (RA1) on microbiological, clinical, and cytological parameters in systemically healthy individuals without history of periodontitis, harboring P.g. intraorally. 35 subjects received a supragingival debridement (SD) followed by mouth rinsing (3 times daily) with either RA1 mouth rinse solution (test) or placebo (control) for 7 days as adjunct to routine oral hygiene. Supragingival biofilm samples were taken at screening visit, baseline (BL), 2, 4, 7 and 14 days after SD. P.g. and 11 other oral microorganisms were detected and quantified by rtPCR. Changes in the oral microbiota composition of one test and one control subject were assessed via high throughput 16S rRNS gene amplicon sequencing. Approximal Plaque Index (API) and the modified Sulcular Bleeding Index (SBI) were assessed at BL, 7- and 14-days following SD. Brush biopsies were taken at BL and 14 d following SD. Intergroup comparisons revealed no significant microbiological, cytological, and clinical differences at any timepoint. However, a significant reduction in SBI at day 14 (p=0.003) and API at day 7 (p=0.02) and day 14 (p=0.009) was found in the test group by intragroup comparison. No severe adverse events were observed. The results indicate that RA1 mouth rinse is safe but does not seem to inhibit colonization of P.g. or improve periodontal health following SD.

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