scanning tunneling spectroscopy
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Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Kalyan Biswas ◽  
Lin Yang ◽  
Ji Ma ◽  
Ana Sánchez-Grande ◽  
Qifan Chen ◽  

The synthesis of nanographenes (NGs) with open-shell ground states have recently attained increasing attention in view of their interesting physicochemical properties and great prospects in manifold applications as suitable materials within the rising field of carbon-based magnetism. A potential route to induce magnetism in NGs is the introduction of structural defects, for instance non-benzenoid rings, in their honeycomb lattice. Here, we report the on-surface synthesis of three open-shell non-benzenoid NGs (A1, A2 and A3) on the Au(111) surface. A1 and A2 contain two five- and one seven-membered rings within their benzenoid backbone, while A3 incorporates one five-membered ring. Their structures and electronic properties have been investigated by means of scanning tunneling microscopy, noncontact atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling spectroscopy complemented with theoretical calculations. Our results provide access to open-shell NGs with a combination of non-benzenoid topologies previously precluded by conventional synthetic procedures.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3323
Natalia Andreeva ◽  
Anatoliy Petukhov ◽  
Oleg Vilkov ◽  
Adrian Petraru ◽  
Victor Luchinin

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy in ultrahigh vacuum conditions and conductive atomic-force microscopy in ambient conditions were used to study local electroresistive properties of ferroelectric tunnel junctions SrTiO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/BaTiO3. Interestingly, experimental current-voltage characteristics appear to strongly depend on the measurement technique applied. It was found that screening conditions of the polarization charges at the interface with a top electrode differ for two scanning probe techniques. As a result, asymmetry of the tunnel barrier height for the opposite ferroelectric polarization orientations may be influenced by the method applied to study the local tunnel electroresistance. Our observations are well described by the theory of electroresistance in ferroelectric tunnel junctions. Based on this, we reveal the main factors that influence the polarization-driven local resistive properties of the device under study. Additionally, we propose an approach to enhance asymmetry of ferroelectric tunnel junctions during measurement. While keeping the high locality of scanning probe techniques, it helps to increase the difference in the value of tunnel electroresistance for the opposite polarization orientations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
Si-Yu Li ◽  
Lin He

AbstractGraphene quantum dots (GQDs) not only have potential applications on spin qubit, but also serve as essential platforms to study the fundamental properties of Dirac fermions, such as Klein tunneling and Berry phase. By now, the study of quantum confinement in GQDs still attract much attention in condensed matter physics. In this article, we review the experimental progresses on quantum confinement in GQDs mainly by using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS). Here, the GQDs are divided into Klein GQDs, bound-state GQDs and edge-terminated GQDs according to their different confinement strength. Based on the realization of quasi-bound states in Klein GQDs, external perpendicular magnetic field is utilized as a manipulation approach to trigger and control the novel properties by tuning Berry phase and electron-electron (e-e) interaction. The tip-induced edge-free GQDs can serve as an intuitive mean to explore the broken symmetry states at nanoscale and single-electron accuracy, which are expected to be used in studying physical properties of different two-dimensional materials. Moreover, high-spin magnetic ground states are successfully introduced in edge-terminated GQDs by designing and synthesizing triangulene zigzag nanographenes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Felix Küster ◽  
Sascha Brinker ◽  
Samir Lounis ◽  
Stuart S. P. Parkin ◽  
Paolo Sessi

AbstractInterfacing magnetism with superconducting condensates is rapidly emerging as a viable route for the development of innovative quantum technologies. In this context, the development of rational design strategies to controllably tune the interaction between magnetic moments is crucial. Here we address this problem demonstrating the possibility of tuning the interaction between local spins coupled through a superconducting condensate with atomic scale precision. By using Cr atoms coupled to superconducting Nb, we use atomic manipulation techniques to precisely control the relative distance between local spins along distinct crystallographic directions while simultaneously sensing their coupling by scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Our results reveal the existence of highly anisotropic interactions, lasting up to very long distances, demonstrating the possibility of crossing a quantum phase transition by acting on the direction and interatomic distance between spins. The high tunability provides novel opportunities for the realization of topological superconductivity and the rational design of magneto-superconducting interfaces.

Thomas Kotzott ◽  
Mohammed Bouhassoune ◽  
Henning Prüser ◽  
Alexander Weismann ◽  
Samir Lounis ◽  

2021 ◽  
Mahmut Sami Kavrik ◽  
Jordan Hachtel ◽  
Wonhee Ko ◽  
Caroline Qian ◽  
Alex Abelson ◽  

Abstract Quantum coupling in arrayed nanostructures may induce novel mesoscale properties such as electronic minibands that may lead to applications including high efficiency solar cells. Colloidal PbSe quantum dots (QDs) can self-assemble into epitaxially-fused superlattices (epi-SLs), making them a promising material system to study collective phenomena. In the present study, the presence of distinct local electronic states induced by crystalline necks connecting individual PbSe QDs is documented by several techniques that leads to modulation of the band gap energy across the epi-SL. The energy band gap measured by multi-probe scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) shows variation from 0.7 eV at the center of the QDs to 1.1 eV at their necks. Complementary monochromated electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) measurements reveal the presence of distinct electronic states from necks in the epi-SL, confirming the STS measurements and demonstrating band gap modulation in spectral mapping. It is hypothesized that these new electronic states are induced by quantum confinement of carriers in the necks between the QDs, redefining the energy landscape of the PbSe QD epi-SL.

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