covariant formulation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 100893
Llorenç Espinosa-Portalés ◽  
Juan García-Bellido

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
Jácome Armas ◽  
Akash Jain

We formulate the Schwinger-Keldysh effective field theory of hydrodynamics without boost symmetry. This includes a spacetime covariant formulation of classical hydrodynamics without boosts with an additional conserved particle/charge current coupled to Aristotelian background sources. We find that, up to first order in derivatives, the theory is characterised by the thermodynamic equation of state and a total of 29 independent transport coefficients, in particular, 3 hydrostatic, 9 non-hydrostatic non-dissipative, and 17 dissipative. Furthermore, we study the spectrum of linearised fluctuations around anisotropic equilibrium states with non-vanishing fluid velocity. This analysis reveals a pair of sound modes that propagate at different speeds along and opposite to the fluid flow, one charge diffusion mode, and two distinct shear modes along and perpendicular to the fluid velocity. We present these results in a new hydrodynamic frame that is linearly stable irrespective of the boost symmetry in place. This provides a unified covariant stable approach for simultaneously treating Lorentzian, Galilean, and Lifshitz fluids within an effective field theory framework and sets the stage for future studies of non-relativistic intertwined patterns of symmetry breaking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Aditya Mehra ◽  
Yaman Sanghavi

Abstract In this paper, we construct a single Lagrangian for both limits of Galilean electrodynamics. The framework relies on a covariant formalism used in describing Galilean geometry. We write down the Galilean conformal algebra and its representation in this formalism. We also show that the Lagrangian is invariant under the Galilean conformal algebra in d = 4 and calculate the energy-momentum tensor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis

Abstract We construct a class of topological field theories with Wess-Zumino term in spacetime dimensions ≥ 2 whose target space has a geometrical structure that suitably generalizes Poisson or twisted Poisson manifolds. Assuming a field content comprising a set of scalar fields accompanied by gauge fields of degree (1, p − 1, p) we determine a generic Wess-Zumino topological field theory in p + 1 dimensions with background data consisting of a Poisson 2-vector, a (p + 1)-vector R and a (p + 2)-form H satisfying a specific geometrical condition that defines a H-twisted R-Poisson structure of order p + 1. For this class of theories we demonstrate how a target space covariant formulation can be found by means of an auxiliary connection without torsion. Furthermore, we study admissible deformations of the generic class in special spacetime dimensions and find that they exist in dimensions 2, 3 and 4. The two-dimensional deformed field theory includes the twisted Poisson sigma model, whereas in three dimensions we find a more general structure that we call bi-twisted R-Poisson. This extends the twisted R-Poisson structure of order 3 by a non-closed 3-form and gives rise to a topological field theory whose covariant formulation requires a connection with torsion and includes a twisted Poisson sigma model in three dimensions as a special case. The relation of the corresponding structures to differential graded Q-manifolds based on the degree shifted cotangent bundle T*[p]T*[1]M is discussed, as well as the obstruction to them being QP-manifolds due to the Wess-Zumino term.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (4) ◽  
Nolene F. Naidu ◽  
Sante Carloni ◽  
Peter Dunsby

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (8) ◽  
E. D. Emtsova ◽  
M. Krššák ◽  
A. N. Petrov ◽  
A. V. Toporensky

AbstractWe examine various methods of constructing conserved quantities in the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity (TEGR). We demonstrate that in the covariant formulation the preferred method are the Noether charges that are true invariant quantities. The Noether charges depend on the vector field $$\xi $$ ξ and we consider two different options where $$\xi $$ ξ is chosen as either a Killing vector or a four-velocity of the observer. We discuss the physical meaning of each choice on the example of the Schwarzschild solution in different frames: static, freely falling Lemaitre frame, and a newly obtained generalised freely falling frame with an arbitrary initial velocity. We also demonstrate how to determine an inertial spin connection for various tetrads used in our calculations, and find a certain ambiguity in the “switching-off” gravity method where different tetrads can share the same inertial spin connection.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 227
Tiberiu Harko ◽  
Francisco S. N. Lobo ◽  
Emmanuel N. Saridakis

We investigate the possibility of gravitationally generated particle production via the mechanism of nonminimal torsion–matter coupling. An intriguing feature of this theory is that the divergence of the matter energy–momentum tensor does not vanish identically. We explore the physical and cosmological implications of the nonconservation of the energy–momentum tensor by using the formalism of irreversible thermodynamics of open systems in the presence of matter creation/annihilation. The particle creation rates, pressure, and the expression of the comoving entropy are obtained in a covariant formulation and discussed in detail. Applied together with the gravitational field equations, the thermodynamics of open systems lead to a generalization of the standard ΛCDM cosmological paradigm, in which the particle creation rates and pressures are effectively considered as components of the cosmological fluid energy–momentum tensor. We consider specific models, and we show that cosmology with a torsion–matter coupling can almost perfectly reproduce the ΛCDM scenario, while it additionally gives rise to particle creation rates, creation pressures, and entropy generation through gravitational matter production in both low and high redshift limits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (6) ◽  
M. Cvitan ◽  
P. Dominis Prester ◽  
S. Giaccari ◽  
M. Paulišić ◽  
I. Vuković

Abstract We analyze a novel approach to gauging rigid higher derivative (higher spin) symmetries of free relativistic actions defined on flat spacetime, building on the formalism originally developed by Bonora et al. and Bekaert et al. in their studies of linear coupling of matter fields to an infinite tower of higher spin fields. The off-shell definition is based on fields defined on a 2d-dimensional master space equipped with a symplectic structure, where the infinite dimensional Lie algebra of gauge transformations is given by the Moyal commutator. Using this algebra we construct well-defined weakly non-local actions, both in the gauge and the matter sector, by mimicking the Yang-Mills procedure. The theory allows for a description in terms of an infinite tower of higher spin spacetime fields only on-shell. Interestingly, Euclidean theory allows for such a description also off-shell. Owing to its formal similarity to non-commutative field theories, the formalism allows for the introduction of a covariant potential which plays the role of the generalised vielbein. This covariant formulation uncovers the existence of other phases and shows that the theory can be written in a matrix model form. The symmetries of the theory are analyzed and conserved currents are explicitly constructed. By studying the spin-2 sector we show that the emergent geometry is closely related to teleparallel geometry, in the sense that the induced linear connection is opposite to Weitzenböck’s.

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