anthropogenic disturbances
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Alistidia Mwijage ◽  
Theresia John Lyasenga ◽  
Dativa Joseph Shilla ◽  
John Andrew Marco Mahugija ◽  
Lydia Gaspare ◽  

Diverse anthropogenic activities including alteration of hydrological regime and agricultural development in the upstream of the river catchments modify the structural components and ecological roles of the species in estuarine ecosystems. The present study compared the diet, carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic signals, trophic niches and metrics of trophic redundancy of predatory fish and their potential phytodetritivore prey-fish between two estuaries with different degrees of anthropogenic disturbances. The δ13C and δ15N signals, Bayesian mixing models and stomach content analyses were adopted. It was revealed that the diet among the predators Arius africanus, Epinephelus coioides, Sillago sihama and Pomadasys argenteus and their isotopic signals including their phytodetritivore-prey, Valamugil buchanani were significantly different between Wami and Pangani estuaries (PERMANOVA, Pseudo –F ≥ 3.1, p = 0.05). The total isotopic niche area between estuaries accounted by the comparable Bayesian standard ellipse area (SEAb) was significantly smaller in Wami than that of Pangani (t-test, t = 4.3, p < .001). The ANOVA test further confirmed significant variation in SEAb among fish populations in two estuaries (F = 27.84, p < 0.001). The Layman metric indices of trophic diversity and redundancy of Wami estuary were substantially smaller than those observed at Pangani estuary. These findings mean that despite Wami estuary being under conservation status, the extent of disturbances in the upstream is high enough to induce the ecological changes at the base of the food web, subsequently cascading its effect up to the higher-order consumers of the ecosystem. As a result, the ecological redundancy and ecosystem complexity of Wami is somewhat compromised relative to that of Pangani estuary. Therefore, the degree of anthropogenic disturbances in river catchments affect differently the trophic niches of predatory and phytodetritivore fish and hence overall food web structures, trophic redundancy and complexity of estuarine ecosystems.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2813
Alexander Pastukhov ◽  
Tatiana Marchenko-Vagapova ◽  
Sergey Loiko ◽  
Dmitry Kaverin

Based on the data of the plant macrofossil and palynological composition of the peat deposits, the evolution and current state of polygonal peatlands were analyzed at the southern limit of continuous permafrost in the Pur-Taz interfluve. Paleoreconstruction shows that peat accumulation began in the Early Holocene, about 9814 cal. year BP, in the Late Pre-Boreal (PB-2), at a rate of 1 to 1.5 mm year−1. Intensive peat accumulation continued in the Boreal and early Atlantic. The geocryological complex of polygonal peatlands has remained a stable bog system despite the predicted warming and increasing humidity. However, a rather rapid upper permafrost degradation and irreversible changes in the bog systems of polygonal peatlands occur with anthropogenic disturbances, in particular, a change in the natural hydrological regime under construction of linear objects.

2021 ◽  
Koya Hashimoto ◽  
Daisuke Hayasaka ◽  
Yuji Eguchi ◽  
Yugo Seko ◽  
Ji Cai ◽  

Recent studies have uncovered that biotic interaction strength varies over time in real ecosystems intrinsically and/or responding to anthropogenic disturbances. Little is known, however, about whether such interaction variability strengthens or weakens community resistance against disturbances. Here, we examine how the change in interaction strength after pesticide application mediates disturbance impacts on a freshwater community using outdoor mesocosms. We show that the change in interaction strength buffered the disturbance impact but amplified it once the disturbance severity exceeded a certain threshold. Importantly, we also show that interactions fluctuating more temporally under no disturbances were more changeable in response to pesticide applications. Our findings suggest that a severe disturbance may have a surprise impact on a biological community amplified by their own interaction variability, but the possibility still remains that we can predict the consequences of the disturbance by measuring the interaction variability before the disturbance occurs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
Yi Fan ◽  
Tingting Li ◽  
Wei Liu ◽  
Minjie Xu ◽  
Shuang Pang ◽  

Abstract Purpose Multiple anthropogenic disturbances, such as climate warming and nitrogen deposition are affecting terrestrial ecosystems. Different disturbances may have some consistent effects on the soil microbial community, which remains largely unexplored. Methods We mimicked 16 anthropogenic disturbances in a steppe ecosystem, and measured the absolute abundance and taxonomic composition of soil bacterial communities with qPCR and amplicon sequencing, respectively. Results We found that while the absolute abundance of each of the four dominant bacterial phyla did not show a consistent response to these disturbances, that of the five subdominant phyla showed a consistent increase. Meanwhile, these disturbances consistently stimulated the relative abundances of metabolic functions for high-growth-yield, including the transport/metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates. Stochastic processes (e.g., random birth) played more critical roles in structuring the subdominant than dominant phyla, and the disturbances promoted the stochastic processes. Conclusions Overall, the high-yield traits and stochasticity of subdominant phyla led to their positive responses to disturbances. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the intensifying human activities are likely to cause a high-yield-strategies-toward shift in soil microbial composition in the Eurasian steppe ecosystem.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 3305
Li Ji ◽  
Yuan Li ◽  
Guixiang Zhang ◽  
Yonghong Bi

The earth has been reshaped for millennia. The accelerating pace of anthropogenic activities has generated enormous impacts on the water environment. As one of the main drivers of landscape change, anthropogenic disturbance has brought many negative effects on rivers. Studying the relationship between anthropogenic disturbances and river water quality is of significance for regional conservation and ecosystem management, while the relationship remains poorly understood in the current. In this study, we quantified anthropogenic disturbances by introducing the concept of the hemeroby index and evaluated rivers’ water quality in eight sub-watersheds on the Loess Plateau. The results indicated that 37.5% of the sub-watersheds were in Eutrophic status, and 62.5% were in Marginal water quality index. The river water quality was most poor in the southwestern region near the Yellow River with high-level anthropogenic disturbance. A correlation analysis between water quality indicators and hemeroby suggested that anthropogenic disturbance contributed to a significant water quality deterioration trend (p < 0.01). The river water quality was relatively sensitive to the changes of completely disturbed land-use covers, including urban and industrial land. Our findings provide theoretical guidance for regional water resources conservation and ecosystem management in arid areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 1325-1337
André Nduwimana ◽  
Richard Habonayo ◽  
Blaise Ndayizeye ◽  
Mathias Hitimana

La réserve naturelle forestière de Vyanda subit des pressions anthropiques permanentes et risque de disparaître avant qu’elle ne soit étudiée. La présente étude a pour objectif de déterminer la composition et la diversité de la végétation de cette réserve et de motiver la prise des mesures de conservation localement adaptées. L’étude a procédé par l’inventaire de la végétation suivant la méthode du relevé phytosociologique de Braun Blanquet (1932). Des spectres bruts et pondérés des formes biologiques, des types de diaspores et des types phytogéographiques ont été établis. Les résultats de l’inventaire floristique ont fait état de 108 espèces réparties en 81 genres et 41 familles. Sur le plan des formes biologiques et des types de diaspores, les phanérophytes et les sarcochores dominent tandis que les hémicryptophytes de même que les sclérochores sont bien représentés. Sur le plan phytogéographique, l’étude a mis en évidence une forte représentativité de l’élément paléo-africain, de l’élément soudano-zambézien et de l’élément guinéo-congolais. Ces spectres attestent la spécificité de cette réserve comme forêt claire du type miombo tout en mettant en évidence l’impact des perturbations dont elle est victime. L’étude met en évidence la richesse spécifique de la réserve et démontre l’intérêt qu’il y a de prendre des mesures visant à arrêter les perturbations anthropiques et à bien gérer ce milieu naturel. Sa diversité est en effet grande comparé aux autres réserves naturelles du voisinage.   English title: Phytosociological analysis of the vegetation of the Vyanda natural forest reserve in southwestern Burundi The Vyanda natural forest reserve is under constant human pressure and is in danger of disappearing before it is studied. The objective of this study is to determine the composition and diversity of the vegetation of this reserve and to motivate the taking of locally adapted conservation measures. The study carried out a vegetation inventory using the Braun Blanquet (1932) phytosociological approach. Spectra of life forms, phytogeographical elements and diaspores morphology were established. The results of the floristic inventory revealed 108 species divided into 81 genera and 41 families. In terms of life forms and types of diaspores, phanerophytes and sarcochores dominate when hemicryptophytes as well as sclerochores are well represented. Phytogeographically, the study revealed a strong representativeness of the Paleo-African element, the Sudano-Zambezian element and the Guinean-Congolese element. These spectra attest to the specificity of Vyanda natural forest reserve as an open forest of the miombo type while highlighting the impact of the disturbances that affect it. The study highlights the specific richness of the reserve and its diversity and demonstrates an urgent need to take measures to stop anthropogenic disturbances and well managing this natural ecosystem. Its diversity is indeed great compared to other natural reserves in the region.

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