canonical correspondence analysis
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2022 ◽  
Jatishwor Singh Irungbam ◽  
Alena Bartoňová Sucháčková ◽  
Martin Konvička ◽  
Zdenek Faltýnek Fric

Abstract We retrieved shapes of elevational species richness gradients (unimodal, decreasing, increasing) from 64 publications, studying Himalayan elevation patterns. We covered both plants and animals, and tested the hypothesis that unimodal gradients, explicable by the geometric mid-domain effect, prevail in the mountains, whereas decreasing or increasing gradients result from studying only short sections of entire altitudinal ranges. Multivariate canonical correspondence analysis was used to relate gradient shapes to their altitude ranges, geography positions, and taxa studied. Across taxa, most of the Himalayan altitudinal gradient display a unimodal shape, with a peak of diversity situated at ca 2500 m a.s.l. for plants, and 2200 m a.s.l. for animals. The gradient shapes were attributable to three intercorrelated predictors: vertical range, maximum elevation, and mean elevation of the gradients. Studies covering sufficiently broad altitudinal range returned unimodal gradients. Studies from the Earth’s highest mountain range reveal that surveys covering substantial parts of the elevational range of the mountains result in unimodal elevational gradients, whereas declining or increasing species richness gradients result from incomplete elevation range sampling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-145
Luthfi Ghiffari ◽  
Nurul Gusriani ◽  
Kankan Parmikanti

Tindak kriminal merupakan segala macam bentuk tindakan yang merugikan secara ekonomis dan psikologis yang melanggar hukum, norma-norma sosial, serta agama. Terjadinya tindak kriminal di suatu wilayah dapat berhubungan dengan berbagai karakter masyarakat diantaranya pendidikan, kependudukan, dan ekonomi. Setiap wilayah di Indonesia pasti memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda, sehingga kecenderungan terjadinya tidak kriminal akan berbeda pula di setiap wilayahnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membuat pemetaan jenis tindak kriminal berdasarkan karakteristik wilayah di Indonesia. Unit pengamatan pada penelitian ini adalah 34 provinsi di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang didapat dari Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia pada tahun 2019. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah metode Canonical Correspondence Analsis (CCA). Hasil penelitian didapatkan pemetaan jenis-jenis tindak kriminal berdasarkan karakteristik wilayah di Indonesia pada peta triplot. Peta tripot yang dihasilkan dapat menjelaskan 90.6% dari total inersia yang ditangkap oleh CCA. Melalui uji permutasi Monte Carlo, ditunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara karakteristik wilayah dengan penyebaran jenis tindak kriminal.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 3368
Olena Bilous ◽  
Sergey Afanasyev ◽  
Olena Lietytska ◽  
Oksana Manturova ◽  
Oleksandr Polishchuk ◽  

The river basin of Siversky Donets is of great scientific interest since this river runs through a territory with heavy industry (in particular, coal mining, chemical processing and metal industries). Within the basin, rivers of different sizes were explored (small, medium, large and extra-large) that flow through siliceous and calcareous rocks on the same elevation (lowland—below 200 m a.s.l.). Phytoplankton, as one of the Biological Quality Element, was used to perform the assessment of ecological status of the water bodies within the Siversky Donets river basin in 2019. The state monitoring program based on the updated approaches has been implemented in the river basin for the first time. The composition of phytoplankton species in the basin comprised 167 species (168 intraspecies taxa), mainly Bacillariophyta (63%) and Chlorophyta (22%) with the presence of other species (Cyanobacteria, Charophyta, Chrysophyta, Dinophyta and Euglenophyta). High species diversity and divisions amount are a distinctive property of the smaller rivers, while the bigger rivers show lower number of divisions. The “bloom” events, which are important ecological factors, were not detected in the Siversky Donets river basin. Algal species composition in plankton samples of the basin was identified and series of ecological parameters, such as habitat preferences, temperature, pH, salinity, oxygenation and organic water pollution according to Watanabe and Sládeček’s index of saprobity (S) trophic state and nitrogen uptake metabolism were analyzed. The ecological conclusions were also verified by a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The significance of the Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) results was estimated of by a Monte-Carlo permutation test. The high concentrations of inorganic phosphorus compounds (permanganate index (CODMn)) and nitrite ions favored the diversity of Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria diversity correlated with the levels of bicarbonate and CODMn. High diversity of diatoms was facilitated by the total amount of dissolved solids and chemical oxygen demand (COD). It was found that low water quality could be associated with conditions leading to predominant growth of the mentioned groups of algae. According to the analysis, the highest water quality was characterized by balanced phytoplankton composition and optimal values of the environmental variables. The sites with reference conditions are proposed for future monitoring.

2021 ◽  
Yun-Chi Lin ◽  
Chien-Pang Chin ◽  
Jinny Wu Yang ◽  
Kuo-Ping Chiang ◽  
Chih-hao Hsieh ◽  

AbstractMArine STramenopiles (MASTs) have been recognized as parts of heterotrophic protists and contribute substantially to protist abundances in the ocean. However, little is known about their spatiotemporal variations with respect to environmental and biological factors. The objectives of this study are to use canonical correspondence analysis to investigate how MASTs communities are shaped by environmental variables, and co-occurrence networks to examine their potential interactions with prokaryotic communities. Our dataset came from the southern East China Sea (sECS) in the subtropical northwestern Pacific, and involved 14 cruises along a coastal-oceanic transect, each of which sampled surface water from 4 to 7 stations. MASTs communities were revealed by metabarcoding of 18S rDNA V4 region. Most notably, MAST-9 had a high representation in warm waters in terms of read number and diversity. Subclades of MAST-9C and -9D showed slightly different niches, with MAST-9D dominating in more coastal waters where concentrations of nitrite and Synechococcus were higher. MAST-1C was a common component of colder water during spring. Overall, canonical correspondence analysis showed that MASTs communities were significantly influenced by temperature, nitrite and Synechococcus concentrations. The co-occurrence networks showed that certain other minor prokaryotic taxa can influence MAST communities. This study provides insight into how MASTs communities varied with environmental and biological variables.

Marisol Pérez-Rangel ◽  
José Eleazar Barboza- Corona ◽  
Marcelo Navarro- Díaz ◽  
Ana Elena Escalante ◽  
Idania Valdez-Vazquez

Abstract The study aimed to identify interspecies interactions within a native microbial community present in a hydrogen-producing bioreactor fed with two wheat straw cultivars. The relationships between the microbial community members were studied building a canonical correspondence analysis and corroborated through in vitro assays. The results showed that the bioreactor reached a stable hydrogen production of ca. 86 mL/kg·d where the cultivar change did not affect the average performance. Lactobacillus and Clostridium dominated throughout the whole operation period where butyric acid was the main metabolite. A canonical correspondence analysis correlated positively Lactobacillus with hydrogen productivity and hydrogen-producing bacteria like Clostridium and Ruminococaceae. Agar diffusion testing of isolated strains confirmed that Lactobacillus inhibited the growth of Enterococcus, but not of Clostridium. We suggest that the positive interaction between Lactobacillus and Clostridium is generated by a division of labor for degrading the lignocellulosic substrate where Lactobacillus produces lactic acid from the sugar fermentation while Clostridium quickly uses this lactic acid to produce hydrogen and butyric acid. The significance of this work lies in the fact that different methodological approaches confirm a positive association in the duo Lactobacillus-Clostridium in a bioreactor with stable hydrogen production from a complex substrate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-271
Sirlei Maria Hentges ◽  
Tieli Cláudia Menzel ◽  
Cristiane Maria Loebens ◽  
Samuel Elias Siveris ◽  
David Augusto Reynalte-Tataje ◽  

The Piratinim River is located in the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul, and represents an important effluent from the Uruguay River, with streams located far from urbanized areas, in conditions similar to those of environmental integrity, but under the influence of agricultural activities. In this study, we aim at investigating the structure of the aquatic macroinvertebrate community in streams of the Piratinim river basin by observing both spatial and local scales. The sampling was carried out in six streams distributed in three regions (upper, middle and lower) of the basin, thus exploring its upstream, intermediate and downstream stretches, during spring and autumn. Macroinvertebrates were collected using aquatic dipnets and were identified at the family level; trophic-functional categories were established according to the classification adapted to the state of Paraná. The spatial and temporal variations of the groups and of the biotic attributes (density, richness, diversity and equitability) were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests and a posteriori Dunn’s tests. The abiotic variables were obtained to verify possible influence on the composition of the macroinvertebrate community, evaluated through a Canonical Correspondence Analysis. We sampled 11,564 macroinvertebrate individuals from 72 taxa, and found a predominance of the collector-filter trophic group. Abundance and richness were different between streams; the highest densities were found in the streams located in the upper region of the watershed (Chuní and Itú). The highest taxon richness was found in the lower region of the watershed (Guaracapa stream), and the lowest richness was found in the two streams for the intermediate region (Santana and Ximbocu). Diversity and equitability did not vary; temporal variations were not found. Canonical correspondence analysis explained 31.7% of the data variability. The main environmental variables that influenced macroinvertebrates distribution were temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, altitude and extension of the riparian forest. Seasonality and the longitudinal gradient along the basin represented determining factors for the structure and distribution of the macroinvertebrate community in the tributary streams of the Piratinim River.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-158
E.D. Anwana ◽  
F.O. Ogbemudia ◽  
R.E. Ita ◽  
P.E. Sunday

This study assessed the influence of hydrological variables on macrophytes in a Black Water River ecosystem of Enyong River in Itu and Ibiono Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom and Cross Rivers States, Nigeria. Four vegetation plots were chosen and in each of the plots, four belt transect were laid. In each transect, macrophyte were systematically sampled in four 10 m × 10 m quadrat at regular intervals. Macrophytes were identified to species level and their frequency and density determined. Water samples were obtained in each quadrat where the macrophytes were sampled and analyzed for their physicochemical properties using standardized methods. Altogether, 10 macrophyte species were encountered. Vossia cuspidata had the highest density (100.00±8.00 st/ha) and frequency values (100 %). Sacciolepis africana had the least density of 7.10±0.45 st/ha while Ludwigia octovalvis, Persicaria senegalensis, andSacciolepis africana had the least frequency of 25 %, respectively. The pH of the water was strongly acidic (5.54±0.03), electrical conductivity was low (20.00±5.77 µs/cm), temperature (29.00±1.10 ºC), Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (9.20±0.12 mg/l) and turbidity (7.10±0.06 NTU) values were high while Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) (2.00±0.29 mg/l) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) (10.00±0.29 mg/l) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were low (5.00±1.15 mg/l). Water Nutrients followed this decreasing order; chloride (3.55±0.02 mg/l) > nitrate (2.45±0.03 mg/l) > sulphate (2.02±0.06 mg/l) > phosphate (0.08±0.01 mg/l) and sulphide (0.03±0.02 mg/l). Heavy metals also followed this descending order; Pb (0.50±0.03 mg/l) > Zn (0.07±0.02 mg/l) > Cu (0.03±0.02 mg/l). Canonical Correspondence Analysis delineated 11 hydrological variables (temperature, pH, sulphate, turbidity, phosphate, BOD, nitrate, DO, TDS, sulphide and TSS) which exerted great influence on macrophyte distribution. V. cuspidata had affinity to pH and temperature, Sacciolepis africana had affinity to turbidity and BOD, Ludwigia octovalvis and Nymphaea lotus had affinity to sulphate and chloride, respectively, while Ipomoea aquatica and Alternanthera sessils had affinity to phosphate. On the other hand, Persicaria senegalensis, Salvinia molesta, Azolla pinnata and Ceratophyllum demersum had affinities to sulphide, DO, TSS and TDS, respectively. Since hydrological variables regulate macrophyte diversity and distribution, this study calls for consistent, monitoring and management of this ecosystem against future environmental changes. Keywords: Aquatic plants, Black water, Canonical Correspondence Analysis, Ordination

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Walter Barrella ◽  
Edineia Farraboti ◽  
Amanda Aparecida Carminatto ◽  
Fabiola Andrea Chofard Adami ◽  
Matheus Marcos Rotundo ◽  

Abstract We checked the spatial pattern of debris stranding at Praia de Santos (Brazil) in the first hour after the peak of high and low tide in summer and winter. We recorded and counted 20 types of debris (natural and anthropogenic) in 6 transects arranged in 3 zones along the beach (deposition, transport, and erosion). Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that buoyancy was an essential property in distinguishing debris stranding behaviours. The erosion zone, closer to the estuary showed that many mollusk shells, ropes and rocks, while plastics, styrofoam and fiber nylon were in the deposition zone. Throughout the estuary, we inspected the beach, identifying sections of origin and accumulation associated with the circulation system and currents. We propose the removal and recycling of debris from accumulation sites near highways and urban systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 852
Zaira-Jazmín Zárate-Santana ◽  
María-Carmen Patino-Alonso ◽  
Ana-Belén Sánchez-García ◽  
Purificación Galindo-Villardón

Learning approaches are factors that contribute to sustainability education. Academic stress negatively affects students’ performances in the context of sustainability teaching. This study analyzed how deep and surface approaches could be related to coping with academic stress and gender. An online survey was completed by 1012 university students. The relationship between gender, sources of stress and learning approaches was examined through a multivariate canonical correspondence analysis. Results showed differences in stress-coping strategies depending on the learning approach used. In both female and male students, academic stress was handled with a deep learning approach. The findings provide implications for professors and highlight the importance of variables such as deep learning and gender in the teaching and learning sustainability process.

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