assimilation theory
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 875-876
Minzhi Ye ◽  
Di Mei

Abstract Previous research has shown that women who immigrate to the United States tend to partner with much older spouses. However, most studies have focused on young people and first-generations. Spousal age differences among older Asian Americans with different generations have not been well studied. Using data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement survey (2013-2019), we employed the segmented assimilation theory to test 7,064 married middle-aged and older (50+) Asian Americans. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to understand the association between spousal age differences and individual background, including gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, generation, and marriage types. Of the 3,342 men, 20% were married to wives at least 6 years younger and 2% were married to wives at least 6 years older. Men who were Japanese or had inter-ethnical marriages were more likely to marry women at least 6 years older. Men who were Indian, Vietnamese, or having an interracial marriage were more likely to marry women at least 6 years younger. Of the 3,722 women, 3% were married to husbands at least six years younger and 19% were married to husbands at least six years older. Women who were Indian or Vietnamese were more likely to marry men at least six years older. Women who had a high school diploma or were third-plus generation were more likely to marry men at least 6 years younger. The findings reflect the complexity of Asian senior marriage and provide insight for policymakers to design new or improved social integration programs for senior immigrants.

2021 ◽  
pp. 019791832110148
Arnfinn H. Midtbøen ◽  
Marjan Nadim

A large body of work has demonstrated the substantial intergenerational mobility experienced by children of immigrants, yet the institutional determinants of incorporation are poorly understood. Building on insights from neo-classical assimilation theory, this article analyzes in-depth interviews with 62 high-achieving children of labor immigrants from Pakistan, Turkey, India, and Morocco and investigates how they maneuvered through Norway’s educational system and reached their current positions as medical doctors, lawyers, and business professionals. We show that these children of immigrants from low-income households capitalized on a series of institutional opportunity structures provided by Norway’s egalitarian welfare state, such as a school system with high standardization and low stratification, free higher education, and a cultural and institutional context that supports women’s employment. In line with neo-classical assimilation theory, we argue that the specific institutional structures and cultural beliefs in the Norwegian context shape the strategies and forms of adaptation chosen by ethnic minority groups. However, our analyses suggest the need for careful consideration of how such strategies and adaptations vary across national contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 3849
Koji Murayama ◽  
Jun Nagayasu

We investigate the validity of spatial assimilation theory (SAT), which predicts geographical dispersion of immigrants from ethnically concentrated areas to non-concentrated areas as time elapses. This can be tested by analyzing the concentration tendency among immigrants who arrive in Japan from overseas and relocate within the country. Using spatial models, we find that immigrants from overseas tend to move to ethnically concentrated regions in Japan, which is in line with SAT. By contrast, this trend substantially weakens with their subsequent domestic relocation, and it differs by national group. The results reveal slow assimilation among nationals from countries characterized as being low-income or culturally dissimilar from Japan. Based on these findings, we discuss potential deficiencies in a new immigration policy (2018), which has been designed to increase the number of immigrants and compensate for a labor shortage in Japan.

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 165
Jessica Gunawan ◽  
Suzy Azeharie

This research discusses of rituals for Dewi Kwan Im celebration that is the day Dewi Kwan Im leaving the world. Dewi Kwan Im is the Goddess who was highly respected by Khonghucu people’s because Dewi Kwan Im trusted can be helps Khonghucu people’s who need helps. Therefore Khonghucu people’s always celebrate the biggest day of Dewi Kwan Im. Dewi Kwan Im Temple where located at KM 12 Palembang also held a celebration ceremony in welcoming the great day of Dewi Kwan Im with has its own rituals tradition in carrying out the celebration ceremony of Dewi Kwan Im. Every rituals procession which help held in Dewi Kwan Im Palembang Temple has a meaning in it. The purpose of this research is to know the meaning of rituals celebration for Dewi Kwan Im at Dewi Kwan Im Temple Palembang and to know the tradition which did by the Khonghucu people’s at Dewi Kwan Im Temple Palembang in celebrating the rituals of Dewi Kwan Im. The theories which used in this research are semiotics theory, transcendental communication theory and assimilation theory. The research methods that used is qualitative research methods with a case study approach. The data results were obtained through direct observation to Dewi Kwan Im Palembang Temple, interviews with five sources, and literature studies. The conclusion of this research is the celebration rituals of Dewi Kwan Im at Dewi Kwan Im Palembang Temple is a form of respect and gratitude of Khonghucu people’s to Dewi Kwan Im for the blessings and help which recieved by the Khonghucu people’s during this time. Other than that the tradition which there at Dewi Kwan Im Palembang Temple is a combination of Hokkien culture society.Penelitian ini membahas upacara perayaan Dewi Kwan Im yaitu hari Dewi Kwan Im meninggalkan dunia. Dewi Kwan Im merupakan dewi yang sangat dihormati oleh umat Khonghucu sebab Dewi Kwan Im dipercaya dapat membantu umat Khonghucu yang membutuhkan pertolongan. Oleh karena itu umat Khonghucu selalu merayakan hari besar Dewi Kwan Im. Kelenteng Dewi Kwan Im yang berada di KM 12 Palembang turut mengadakan upacara perayaan dalam menyambut hari besar Dewi Kwan Im dengan  memiliki tradisi upacara sendiri dalam melaksanakan upacara perayaan Dewi Kwan Im. Setiap prosesi upacara yang dilaksanakan di Kelenteng Dewi Kwan Im Palembang mempunyai makna di dalamnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna upacara perayaan Dewi Kwan Im yang dilaksanakan di Kelenteng Dewi Kwan Im Palembang dan untuk mengetahui tradisi yang dilakukan oleh umat Khonghucu di Kelenteng Dewi Kwan Im Palembang dalam merayakan upacara Dewi Kwan Im. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori semiotika, teori komunikasi transendental dan teori asimilasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil data diperoleh melalui observasi langsung ke Kelenteng Dewi Kwan Im Palembang, wawancara dengan lima narasumber, dan studi kepustakaan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah upacara perayaan Dewi Kwan Im yang dilaksanakan di Kelenteng Dewi Kwan Im Palembang merupakan bentuk rasa hormat dan terima kasih umat Khonghucu kepada Dewi Kwan Im atas berkat dan pertolongan yang diterima oleh umat Khonghucu selama ini. Selain itu tradisi yang ada di Kelenteng Dewi Kwan Im Palembang merupakan gabungan dari budaya masyarakat Hokkien.

Wesley S. McCann ◽  
Saijun Zhang ◽  
Francis D. Boateng

The immigrant-crime relationship is often misunderstood and highly complex. To date, criminological research has largely ignored theory testing of this relationship. This paper examines the extant literature on intergenerational offending amongst immigrant youth and subsequently tests whether the segmented assimilation theory- a theory borrowed from the interdisciplinary social sciences- adequately explains immigrant offending. The study uses data ( N = 1,267) from the Pathways to Desistance Study (PTD) to examine intergenerational differences in changes to offending between immigrant youth and the native-born. The analyses largely reveal that the theory, based on its original assumptions, fails to adequately explain youth offending, and that the models provide more support for the straight-line theory of assimilation in regards to delinquency. Limitations and recommendations are discussed and proffered, respectively.

2021 ◽  
pp. 153568412098134
Allen Hyde ◽  
Mary J. Fischer

Fueled by increased socioeconomic status (SES), geographic mobility, and access to lending, Latino home buying expanded during the recent housing boom. However, less is known about the types of neighborhoods Latino homebuyers accessed during this time. To address this gap, we explore how SES, mortgage type, and the metropolitan racial and ethnic context affected the racial and ethnic composition of neighborhoods for new white and Latino homeowners. We use data from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act to explore these processes in 317 U.S. metropolitan areas from 2000 to 2010. Overall, we find evidence supporting both spatial assimilation theory and place stratification theory: while increased SES and loan amounts led to more white neighbors for both white and Latino homebuyers, subprime loans and the racial and ethnic context of metropolitan areas continue to constrain neighborhood attainment for Latinos.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 246
AMM Sharif Ullah

Based on Piaget’s genetic epistemology, Ausubel developed the assimilation theory of verbal learning [...]

2020 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 599-616
Jordi Collet-Sabé

This article aims to consider the role of religion in the integration process of children born to immigrants in host societies (second generation) in Spain using the theory of segmented assimilation of Portes and Rumbaut and Portes, Aparicio and Haller. It is based on an exploratory qualitative research project conducted in a medium-sized city in Catalonia that examined the integration of young people of different origins and the role religion played in this process. To do so, we proffer a religious discrimination hypothesis: a scenario in which Islam, but not other religions, can become a significant barrier to positive assimilation. According to the results, this ‘religious stigma’ scenario occurs in the majority of the young Muslims who were interviewed and across many aspects of their lives.

Mardiana Lestary ◽  
Rehia K. Isabella Barus ◽  
Armansyah Matondang

The purpose of this study was to find out interpersonal communication in the assimilation of the Javanese and Tamil Groups in the dead alley, to find out the assimilation of Javanese tribes and Tamil tibes in Sei Serayu Buntu Alley, Medan Sunggal sub-district, North Sumatera, and to find out what factors were the barriers and supporters of the assimilation of Javanese and Tamil tribes. This study uses the assimilation theory. In collecting data, research conducted face to face interviews with four informants, including two Tamil informants, and two Javanese informants. This study uses skinative research with descriptive analysis. The results of this study are that there is a mixed marriage between the Javanese and Tamil tribes as well as a factor of tolerance and cultural similarity between the two tribes.

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