exceptional elements
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 49-53
Ms. Madhu

This chapter is written to have a look at Chetan Bhagat’s novel One Indian Girl from cerebral angle to acknowledge a deviation in Indian Women’s demeanor and behaviour. Indian women’s mind is full of conflicts and confusion. They have to deal with social stereotypes.  Our society believes that girls can make a successful career either or a successful home. Can’t do both together. What an astonishment! We give wings to our daughters but then she is told that she has to build a nest. So she has to forget to fly. Chetan Bhagat’s novel One Indian Girl offers a female’s anima – her goals and inclination in her thoughts and geared up to flare up and ensue at even the slightest pierce. Radhika Mehta cogitates a maiden who is a sturdy backer of feminist ideology however she has to confront the pre-determined norms of Indian society that have been set below patriarchal society because of which she has to go through numerous sorts of torments and distress. This narrative is generally about Radhika, the proponent, unveiling the exceptional elements of a modern-day Indian woman. Radhika’s social reputation influences society to a great extent that she turns into a vulnerable target of many known and unknown conditions which vexed her unfulfilled objectives of not getting bodily love and appreciation. Radhika’s unfulfilled dreams take her foundation within side the discrimination meted to her in her formative years and youth. It is a first-character narrative through the protagonist whose internal voice (named ‘Mini-me’) constantly expresses her internal feelings and the mental conflicts occurring in her thoughts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
S. Ramesh ◽  
N. Arunkumar ◽  
R. Vijayaraj

This mathematical model forms machine cells, optimises the costs of unassigned machines and components, and designs the shop floor cell layout to have minimal movement of materials. The complete similarity measure algorithm forms machine cells and part families in a refined form. Later, exceptional elements are eliminated in the optimisation model by using machine duplication and sub-contracting of parts. Then the shop floor layout is designed to have optimised material movements between and within cells. An evaluation of the cell formation algorithm’ performance is done on the benchmark problems of various batch sizes to reveal the process’s capability compared with other similar methods. The data of machining times are acquired and tabulated in a part incidence matrix, which is used as input for the algorithm. The results from the linear programming optimisation model are that costs are saved, machines are duplicated, parts are sub-contracted, and there are inter- and intra- cellular movements. Finally, the output of the inbound facility design is the floor layout, which has machine cell clusters within the optimised floor area.

2020 ◽  
Hollie Nyseth Brehm

This policy note outlines core findings from a case study of the experiences of approximately 200 Rwandans as they left prison or community service camp and returned to their communities. Specifically, it relies upon interviews with each of these individuals before, 6 months after, and again 1 year after their release—as well as interviews with over 100 community members. Although reentry and reintegration are multifaceted processes, this policy note focuses on identity, rituals, and narratives with an emphasis on initial reentry, which sets the stage for broader reintegration. In doing so, the note highlights insights that are relevant to reentry and reintegration following not only genocide but also mass violence, war, insurgency, violent extremism, and other forms of political violence. It simultaneously recognizes, however, that the case of Rwanda has exceptional elements and addresses these elements throughout.

2020 ◽  
pp. 204-212
Mark Seymour

Opening with an instruction issued just days after the Fadda trial by Italy’s Minister of Justice about ‘emotional management’ of legal spaces, the book’s conclusion reinforces the notion of courts of law as emergent emotional arenas in Liberal Italy. Although the court is the most concrete of emotional arenas to be explored by this book, the conclusion returns to the ways in which documents brought together by the prosecution’s investigation provided the historiographical means to extend the notion outward to less exceptional elements of life, love, and death in 1870s Italy. These rich sources not only shone light on unfamiliar aspects of Italian social history, they illuminated historical processes of emotional encounter, negotiation, navigation, experiment, management, and evolution, within a range of distinctive social spaces, mostly real, but some imagined or virtual. A brief epilogue summarizes what is known of the fates of the three accused in the trial for Giovanni Fadda’s murder.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-90 ◽  
Sanaa Ali Hamza ◽  
Ammar Jehad

Cell Formation (CF) problem considers as the most important issue in the CellularManufacturing (CM) system particularly the design step. CF deals with the creation ofmachine cells (MCs) and part families (PFs). Numerous methods, algorithms andmathematical models were proposed and used in the literature for solving the CF problem.The current paper used a heuristic method based on the hamming distance to form MCs&PFs, this proposed method calculates the hamming distance for the parts, firstly thenrearranges them based on the results to shape the PFs. Afterward, the hamming distance wascalculated for machines, then the machines rearranged based on the results to form the MCs.Three datasets from the literature were utilized to validate the proposed method. Fiveperformance measures were used for comparison and evaluation, these measures areExceptional Elements EE, Percent of Exceptional elements PE, Voids, Grouping EfficiencyGE and Machine Utilization MU. The results referred to the outperforms of the hammingdistance based method comparing with the best known results in the literature. Among thetotal 20 performance indexes: three are better than, twelve are equal to and five are almostequivalent to the best known results. On the other hand, the proposed hamming distancebased method is effectual particularly in terms of the number of machine cells and PE.

2014 ◽  
Vol 933 ◽  
pp. 97-105
Hassan Mroue ◽  
Thien My Dao

A new algorithm is presented in order to search for the optimal solution of the manufacturing and fractional cell formation problem. In addition, this paper introduces a new toolkit, which is used to search for the various candidate solutions in a periodic and a waving (diversified) manner. The toolkit consists of 15 tools that play a major role in speeding up the obtainment of the final solution as well as in increasing its efficiency. The application of the binary digit grouping algorithm leads to the creation of manufacturing cells according to the concept of group technology. The nonzero entries, which remain outside the manufacturing cells, are called exceptional elements. When a lot of such elements is obtained, an additional cell called fractional (or remainder) cell may be formed; the aim of which is to reduce their number. This algorithm was tested by using illustrative examples taken from the literature and succeeded to give better or at least similar results when compared to those of other well-known algorithms.

R. Sudhakra Pandian ◽  
Pavol Semanco ◽  
Peter Knuth

The cell formation problem has met with a significant amount of attention in recent years by demonstrating great potential for productivity improvements in production environment. Therefore, the researchers have been developing various methods based on similarity coefficient (SC), graph theory approaches, neural networks (NN), and others with aim to automate the whole cell formation process. This chapter focuses on presentation of hybrid algorithm (HA) and genetic algorithm that are helpful in production flow analysis to solve the cell formation problem. The evaluation of hybrid and genetic algorithms are carried out against the K-means algorithm and C-linkage algorithm that are well known from the literature. The comparison uses performance measure and the total number of exceptional elements (EEs) in the block-diagonal structure of machine-part incidence matrix using operational time as an input. The final performance results are presented in the form of graphs.

Saber Ibrahim ◽  
Bassem Jarboui ◽  
Abdelwaheb Rebaï

The aim of this chapter is to propose a new heuristic for Machine Part Cell Formation problem. The Machine Part Cell Formation problem is the important step in the design of a Cellular Manufacturing system. The objective is to identify part families and machine groups and consequently to form manufacturing cells with respect to minimizing the number of exceptional elements and maximizing the grouping efficacy. The proposed algorithm is based on a hybrid algorithm that combines a Variable Neighborhood Search heuristic with the Estimation of Distribution Algorithm. Computational results are presented and show that this approach is competitive and even outperforms existing solution procedures proposed in the literature.

2012 ◽  
pp. 699-725
Saber Ibrahim ◽  
Bassem Jarboui ◽  
Abdelwaheb Rebaï

The aim of this chapter is to propose a new heuristic for Machine Part Cell Formation problem. The Machine Part Cell Formation problem is the important step in the design of a Cellular Manufacturing system. The objective is to identify part families and machine groups and consequently to form manufacturing cells with respect to minimizing the number of exceptional elements and maximizing the grouping efficacy. The proposed algorithm is based on a hybrid algorithm that combines a Variable Neighborhood Search heuristic with the Estimation of Distribution Algorithm. Computational results are presented and show that this approach is competitive and even outperforms existing solution procedures proposed in the literature.

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