community study
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 288
Baskaran Shridharan ◽  
Blesson Mathew ◽  
Sabu Nidhi ◽  
Ravikumar Anusha ◽  
Roy Arun ◽  

Abstract We present a catalog of 3339 hot emission-line stars (ELSs) identified from 451 695 O, B and A type spectra, provided by LAMOST Data Release 5 (DR5). We developed an automated Python routine that identified 5437 spectra having a peak between 6561 and 6568 Å. False detections and bad spectra were removed, leaving 4138 good emission-line spectra of 3339 unique ELSs. We re-estimated the spectral types of 3307 spectra as the LAMOST Stellar Parameter Pipeline (LASP) did not provide accurate spectral types for these emission-line spectra. As Herbig Ae/Be stars exhibit higher excess in near-infrared and mid-infrared wavelengths than classical Ae/Be stars, we relied on 2MASS and WISE photometry to distinguish them. Finally, we report 1089 classical Be, 233 classical Ae and 56 Herbig Ae/Be stars identified from LAMOST DR5. In addition, 928 B[em]/A[em] stars and 240 CAe/CBe potential candidates are identified. From our sample of 3339 hot ELSs, 2716 ELSs identified in this work do not have any record in the SIMBAD database and they can be considered as new detections. Identification of such a large homogeneous set of emission-line spectra will help the community study the emission phenomenon in detail without worrying about the inherent biases when compiling from various sources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (7) ◽  
pp. S27-S28
Akankasha Sen ◽  
Norbert Schmitz ◽  
Anne-Sophie Brazeau ◽  
Sonya Deschenes ◽  
Hugo Ramiro Melgar-Quiñonez

Heliyon ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. e08391
George A. Asare ◽  
Derick S. Sule ◽  
Jared N. Oblitey ◽  
Reese Ntiforo ◽  
Bernice Asiedu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 486-496
Yuni Suprapto ◽  
Melly Agustin ◽  
Wasino .

This research is based on a phenomenon of the Maiyah community in Banyumas, it is Juguran Syafaat who conducts recitation activities of a Sinau Bareng. This community is held 9 years ago so there are many worshipers who joint in these activities and they come from various background. Then the researcher interested in conducting research entitled the relations, structure, values and social norms of the Maiyah Juguran Syafaat community in Banyumas. The purpose of this study to reveal social relations, organizational structure, and social values and norms that exist in the Juguran Syafaat Community. This study uses a qualitative research method with a qualitative descriptive approach. This research is a community study with data using interviews, participatory observation, text review and documentation in the routine activities of Sinau with Juguran Syafaat. The purpose of this research to reveal how the relationships, structures, values and social norms that exist in the jamaah maiyah (Juguran Syafaat). This type of qualitative approach, with data analysis, data reduction and data triangulation. The population of this research is the Juguran Syafaat community (activists, administrators or sedulur from other congregations). The results of the research, are the internal structure of the activist consisting the chairman and activists, while the social structure of the Jamaah Maiyah Juguran Syafaat; includes students, political officials, businessmen, artists, and others. The results of the analysis, there is no structural distinction between the congregation, are not based on their role in work or economic strata, they discussed with "lesehan bareng". Social relations, they make relations with all elements of society they meet, during their sinau activities or, their daily activities. Values and norms have always been instilled by the maiyah community in Juguran Syafaat. Intercession is a religious value of sangkan paraning dumadi. The social value of the juguran intercession community to communicate & socialize with all levels in a society. The norms that are always instilled are the customs and norms that exist in Java and Indonesia, for example, always using courtesy and respecting everyone. Keywords: Relationships, Structure, Values and Norms, Maiyah Community, Juguran Syafaat

Sunitha T. Sreenivasan ◽  
Prasanthi Nattala ◽  
Girish N. Rao ◽  
Meena K. Sridaramurthy

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Carolin M. Doll ◽  
Chantal Michel ◽  
Marlene Rosen ◽  
Naweed Osman ◽  
Benno G. Schimmelmann ◽  

Abstract Background The majority of people with mental illness do not seek help at all or only with significant delay. To reduce help-seeking barriers for people with mental illness, it is therefore important to understand factors predicting help-seeking. Thus, we prospectively examined potential predictors of help-seeking behaviour among people with mental health problems (N = 307) over 3 years. Methods Of the participants of a 3-year follow-up of a larger community study (response rate: 66.4%), data of 307 (56.6%) persons with any mental health problems (age-at-baseline: 16–40 years) entered a structural equation model of the influence of help-seeking, stigma, help-seeking attitudes, functional impairments, age and sex at baseline on subsequent help-seeking for mental health problems. Results Functional impairment at baseline was the strongest predictor of follow-up help-seeking in the model. Help-seeking at baseline was the second-strongest predictor of subsequent help-seeking, which was less likely when help-seeking for mental health problems was assumed to be embarrassing. Personal and perceived stigma, and help-seeking intentions had no direct effect on help-seeking. Conclusions With only 22.5% of persons with mental health problems seeking any help for these, there was a clear treatment gap. Functional deficits were the strongest mediator of help-seeking, indicating that help is only sought when mental health problems have become more severe. Earlier help-seeking seemed to be mostly impeded by anticipated stigma towards help-seeking for mental health problems. Thus, factors or beliefs conveying such anticipated stigma should be studied longitudinally in more detail to be able to establish low-threshold services in future.

2021 ◽  
pp. 54-81
Colin Bell ◽  
Howard Newby

2021 ◽  
Vol 109 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-31
Maxwell Coar ◽  
Amir Sarreshtehdari ◽  
Maria Garlock ◽  
Negar Elhami Khorasani

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