magnetic alignment
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Giuseppe Bianco ◽  
Robin Clemens Köhler ◽  
Mihaela Ilieva ◽  
Susanne Åkesson

AbstractSpontaneous magnetic alignment is the simplest known directional response to the geomagnetic field that animals perform. Magnetic alignment is not a goal directed response and its relevance in the context of orientation and navigation has received little attention. Migratory songbirds, long-standing model organisms for studying magnetosensation, have recently been reported to align their body with the geomagnetic field. To explore whether the magnetic alignment behaviour in songbirds is involved in the underlying mechanism for compass calibration, which have been suggested to occur near to sunset, we studied juvenile Eurasian reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) captured at stopover during their first autumn migration. We kept one group of birds in local daylight conditions and an experimental group under a 2 h delayed sunset. We used an ad hoc machine learning algorithm to track the birds’ body alignment over a 2-week period. Our results show that magnetic body alignment occurs prior to sunset, but shifts to a more northeast–southwest alignment afterwards. Our findings support the hypothesis that body alignment could be associated with how directional celestial and magnetic cues are integrated in the compass of migratory birds.

A. Tellez-Mora ◽  
H.N. Fernandez-Escamilla ◽  
R. Ponce-Perez ◽  
Noboru Takeuchi ◽  
J. Guerrero-Sanchez

Small ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 2103822
Saumya Gulati ◽  
Matthew C. Mulvehill ◽  
Sahar Pishgar ◽  
Joshua M. Spurgeon

2021 ◽  
Vol MA2021-02 (43) ◽  
pp. 1311-1311
Joshua M. Spurgeon ◽  
Saumya Gulati ◽  
Matthew Mulvehill

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 102096
Abhishek Sarkar ◽  
M. Parans Paranthaman ◽  
Ikenna C. Nlebedim

2021 ◽  
Tommaso Alberti ◽  
Anna Milillo ◽  
Daniel Heyner ◽  
Lina Z. Hadid

<p>At the beginning of September 2020 ACE and BepiColombo spent several hours in an interesting magnetically connected configuration, while at the end of the same month Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and BepiColombo were radially aligned. Being PSP orbiting near 0.1 AU, BepiColombo near 0.6 AU, and ACE at 1 AU, these geometries are of particular interest for investigating the evolution of solar wind properties at different heliocentric distances by observing the same solar wind plasma parcels.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p>In this contribution we use magnetic field observations from pairs of spacecraft to characterize both the topology of the magnetic field at different heliocentric distances (scalings and high-order statistics) and how it evolves when moving from near-Sun to far-Sun locations. We observe a breakdown of the statistical self-similar nature of the solar wind plasma due to an increase of the intermittency level when moving away from the Sun. These results support previous evidences on the radial dependence of solar wind scaling behavior and can open a novel framework for modeling magnetic field topological changes across the Heliosphere.</p>

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