biomechanical responses
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-15
André Ivaniski-Mello ◽  
Marcela Zimmermann Casal ◽  
Rochelle Rocha Costa ◽  
Cristine Lima Alberton ◽  
Flávia Gomes Martinez ◽  

iScience ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 103772
Brian Li ◽  
Annie Maslan ◽  
Sean E. Kitayama ◽  
Corinne Pierce ◽  
Aaron M. Streets ◽  

Aravind Sundaramurthy ◽  
Vivek Bhaskar Kote ◽  
Noah Pearson ◽  
Gregory M. Boiczyk ◽  
Elizabeth M. McNeil ◽  

Despite years of research, it is still unknown whether the interaction of explosion-induced blast waves with the head causes injury to the human brain. One way to fill this gap is to use animal models to establish “scaling laws” that project observed brain injuries in animals to humans. This requires laboratory experiments and high-fidelity mathematical models of the animal head to establish correlates between experimentally observed blast-induced brain injuries and model-predicted biomechanical responses. To this end, we performed laboratory experiments on Göttingen minipigs to develop and validate a three-dimensional (3-D) high-fidelity finite-element (FE) model of the minipig head. First, we performed laboratory experiments on Göttingen minipigs to obtain the geometry of the cerebral vasculature network and to characterize brain-tissue and vasculature material properties in response to high strain rates typical of blast exposures. Next, we used the detailed cerebral vasculature information and species-specific brain tissue and vasculature material properties to develop the 3-D high-fidelity FE model of the minipig head. Then, to validate the model predictions, we performed laboratory shock-tube experiments, where we exposed Göttingen minipigs to a blast overpressure of 210 kPa in a laboratory shock tube and compared brain pressures at two locations. We observed a good agreement between the model-predicted pressures and the experimental measurements, with differences in maximum pressure of less than 6%. Finally, to evaluate the influence of the cerebral vascular network on the biomechanical predictions, we performed simulations where we compared results of FE models with and without the vasculature. As expected, incorporation of the vasculature decreased brain strain but did not affect the predictions of brain pressure. However, we observed that inclusion of the cerebral vasculature in the model changed the strain distribution by as much as 100% in regions near the interface between the vasculature and the brain tissue, suggesting that the vasculature does not merely decrease the strain but causes drastic redistributions. This work will help establish correlates between observed brain injuries and predicted biomechanical responses in minipigs and facilitate the creation of scaling laws to infer potential injuries in the human brain due to exposure to blast waves.

Antonio Henrique Leal‐Nascimento ◽  
Edson Soares da Silva ◽  
Ana Paula Janner Zanardi ◽  
André Ivaniski‐Mello ◽  
Elren Passos Monteiro ◽  

Dhananjay Radhakrishnan Subramaniam ◽  
Ginu Unnikrishnan ◽  
Aravind Sundaramurthy ◽  
Jose E. Rubio ◽  
Vivek Bhaskar Kote ◽  

Multiple finite-element (FE) models to predict the biomechanical responses in the human brain resulting from the interaction with blast waves have established the importance of including the brain-surface convolutions, the major cerebral veins, and using non-linear brain-tissue properties to improve model accuracy. We hypothesize that inclusion of a more detailed network of cerebral veins and arteries can further enhance the model-predicted biomechanical responses and help identify correlates of blast-induced brain injury. To more comprehensively capture the biomechanical responses of human brain tissues to blast-wave exposure, we coupled a three-dimensional (3-D) detailed-vasculature human-head FE model, previously validated for blunt impact, with a 3-D shock-tube FE model. Using the coupled model, we computed the biomechanical responses of a human head facing an incoming blast wave for blast overpressures (BOPs) equivalent to 68, 83, and 104 kPa. We validated our FE model, which includes the detailed network of cerebral veins and arteries, the gyri and the sulci, and hyper-viscoelastic brain-tissue properties, by comparing the model-predicted intracranial pressure (ICP) values with previously collected data from shock-tube experiments performed on cadaver heads. In addition, to quantify the influence of including a more comprehensive network of brain vessels, we compared the biomechanical responses of our detailed-vasculature model with those of a reduced-vasculature model and a no-vasculature model for the same blast-loading conditions. For the three BOPs, the predicted ICP values matched well with the experimental results in the frontal lobe, with peak-pressure differences of 4–11% and phase-shift differences of 9–13%. As expected, incorporating the detailed cerebral vasculature did not influence the ICP, however, it redistributed the peak brain-tissue strains by as much as 30% and yielded peak strain differences of up to 7%. When compared to existing reduced-vasculature FE models that only include the major cerebral veins, our high-fidelity model redistributed the brain-tissue strains in most of the brain, highlighting the importance of including a detailed cerebral vessel network in human-head FE models to more comprehensively account for the biomechanical responses induced by blast exposure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 918 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
L Karlinasari ◽  
U Adzkia ◽  
Y Fredisa ◽  
M M Rahman ◽  
N Nugroho ◽  

Abstract Tree growth comprises diverse tree forms and crown shapes that are influenced by the growing space and are related to biomechanical responses. Due to the complex structures of tree forms and crown architecture, more understanding of their functions is necessary. The study aimed to evaluate the morphometrics of two tree species of contrasting tree forms. Each represents excurrent and decurrent crown architectures located in the Dramaga Campus Landscape, Bogor. Morphometric analysis was conducted on those two species, namely excurrent agathis (n=23 trees) and decurrent mangium (n= 15 trees). The morphometric analysis was carried out for several basic growth variables such as diameter at breast height, total height, and crown height. In addition, other variables and parameters were also assessed, namely live crown ratio, slenderness ratio, crown diameter, crown projection area, crown index, and coefficient of space for growth. The results showed that the average diameters of agathis and mangium trees in this study were 0.49 and 0.48 m, respectively, while the average heights were 24.63 m and 18.23 m, respectively. The live crown ratio of both trees was more than 80%. The average slenderness ratio for agathis trees was 50.66 higher than that of mangium trees (40.64). The crown projection areas for agathis and mangium were 37.60 m2 and 69.69 m2, respectively. On the other hand, the crown index of agathis was 3.20, and mangium was 1.84. The coefficient of space for the growth of agathis and mangium was 0.14. and 0.19. The information related to tree morphometry is important for tree management, especially in evaluating healthy and steady tree stands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 128 ◽  
pp. 110715
Naeim Akbari Shahkhosravi ◽  
Maria C. R. Bellenzani ◽  
Helen M. S. Davies ◽  
Amin Komeili

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Trine M. Seeberg ◽  
Jan Kocbach ◽  
Jørgen Danielsen ◽  
Dionne A. Noordhof ◽  
Knut Skovereng ◽  

The purposes of our study were to investigate the physiological and biomechanical responses to low-intensity (LI) and high-intensity (HI) roller ski skating on varying terrain and compare these responses between training intensities. Nine elite male skiers performed treadmill roller skiing consisting of two 21 min sessions (7 × 3 min laps) at LI and HI with the same set inclines and intensity-dependent speeds (LI/HI: distance: 5.8/7.5 km, average speed: 16.7/21.3 km/h). Physiological and biomechanical variables were measured continuously, and each movement cycle and sub-technique employed were detected and classified with a machine learning model. Both the LI and HI sessions induced large terrain-dependent fluctuations (relative to the maximal levels) in heart rate (HR, 17.7 vs. 12.2%-points), oxygen uptake (V.O2, 33.0 vs. 31.7%-points), and muscle oxygen saturation in the triceps brachii (23.9 vs. 33.4%-points) and vastus lateralis (12.6 vs. 24.3%-points). A sub-technique dependency in relative power contribution from poles and skis exhibited a time-dependent shift from Lap 1 to Lap 7 toward gradually more ski power (6.6 vs. 7.8%-points, both p < 0.01). The terrain-dependent fluctuations did not differ between LI and HI for V.O2 (p = 0.50), whereas HR fluctuated less (p < 0.01) and displayed a time-dependent increase from Lap 2 to Lap 7 (7.8%-points, p > 0.01) during HI. Oxygen saturation shifted 2.4% points more for legs than arms from LI to HI (p > 0.05) and regarding sub-technique, 14.7% points more G3 on behalf of G2 was employed on the steepest uphill during HI (p < 0.05). Within all sub-techniques, cycle length increased two to three times more than cycle rate from LI to HI in the same terrains, while the corresponding poling time decreased more than ski contact time (all p > 0.05). In sum, both LI and HI cross-country (XC) skiing on varying terrain induce large terrain-dependent physiological and biomechanical fluctuations, similar to the patterns found during XC skiing competitions. The primary differences between training intensities were the time-dependent increase in HR, reduced relative oxygen saturation in the legs compared to the arms, and greater use of G3 on steep uphill terrain during HI training, whereas sub-technique selection, cycle rate, and pole vs. ski power distribution were similar across intensities on flat and moderately uphill terrain.

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