pheromone traps
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Wonsub Yun ◽  
J. Praveen Kumar ◽  
Sangjoon Lee ◽  
Dong-Soo Kim ◽  
Byoung-Kwan Cho

AbstractThe prevention of the loss of agricultural resources caused by pests is an important issue. Advances are being made in technologies, but current farm management methods and equipment have not yet met the level required for precise pest control, and most rely on manual management by professional workers. Hence, a pest detection system based on deep learning was developed for the automatic pest density measurement. In the proposed system, an image capture device for pheromone traps was developed to solve nonuniform shooting distance and the reflection of the outer vinyl of the trap while capturing the images. Since the black pine bast scale pest is small, pheromone traps are captured as several subimages and they are used for training the deep learning model. Finally, they are integrated by an image stitching algorithm to form an entire trap image. These processes are managed with the developed smartphone application. The deep learning model detects the pests in the image. The experimental results indicate that the model achieves an F1 score of 0.90 and mAP of 94.7% and suggest that a deep learning model based on object detection can be used for quick and automatic detection of pests attracted to pheromone traps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 85-92
Simona Hogea

Tuta absoluta – tomato leafminer (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is a major pest of tomato crops in protected areas, which attacks both foliage and fruit, in all phases of plant growth. Its invasion has led to yield and quality decrease, increased costs to control and high dependence on chemical insecticides. With pheromone traps it is possible to monitor and reduce the density of the pest population. The experience was established in 2020, at a farmer in Dobreni village (Giurgiu county). In the first and second crop cycle, the population of the pest Tuta absoluta was monitored, by placing Delta pheromone traps in tomato crops. The Sahmat F1 tomato hybrid was planted in both crop cycles. Pest monitoring was performed weekly, by changing the adhesive plates with pheromones from Delta traps, on the dates: 03.06, 10.06, 17.06, 24.06, 01.07, 08.07, 15.07, 22.07 in the first cycle of crop and on the dates: 29.07, 05.08, 12.08, 19.08, 02.09 , 09.09, 16.09, 23.09 in the second cycle. The appearance and evolution of the attack were recorded in the both crop cycles and its influence on production was established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 98-105
A.A. Chalkin ◽  
S.N. Lyabzina ◽  
E.V. Sinitsyna ◽  
A.Yu. Lobur ◽  

Hereafter, the results on the comparative analysis of Pityogenes chalcographus and Ips typographus monitoring by the use of pheromone traps are represented. The field trial was conducted within four different forest cenosis of the national reserve area «Kivach». The barrier funnel shaped traps with a lure attracting the bark beetle Pityogenes chalcographus and Ips typographus produced by FGBU «VNIIKR» were used for the pest monitoring in the four different cenosis. The results suggest that there is a positive correlation between the caught pest number and the type of a cenosis where the pheromone traps were installed.

2021 ◽  
Vladimir Sleahtici ◽  
Natalia Raileanu ◽  
Vasilisa Odobescu ◽  
Svetlana Jalba ◽  

In this paper is reported the evaluation of biological efficacy of two minor components that was added to the basic sex pheromone component Cydia pomonella L., E8, E10-C12-OH. The use of minor component- C.M.-1 of increasing concentrations in binary mixture compositions with the basic sex phe-romone component of codling moth on pheromone-impregnated rubber septa in delta pheromone traps has shown an increased effectiveness by 56-62% in field trials on apple orchard. At the same time, the number of males caught in delta pheromone traps where were used minor component - C.M.-2 in binary mixture compositions increased by 29-35%. Auxiliary research is still needed.

2021 ◽  
Ivan Boubatrin ◽  
Natalia Raileanu ◽  
Vasilisa Odobescu ◽  
Svetlana Jalba ◽  

The scope of the research was to determine the biological efficiency of the multicomponent blend of Orienthal fruit moth sex pheromone in the apple orchard. The introduction of the minor component M1 in doses of 10% to the basic components on dispensers had led to a increase in number of males caught in sex pheromone traps by 1,7 times. While the male captures on traps where was added 10% of minor component M2 to the basic ones had led to a increase by 1,2 times. The minor component M2 in-crease of doses had led to a proportional decrease of the male caught in traps. Research will be continued.

2021 ◽  
Olesea Gheletiuc ◽  
Iuliana Rusu ◽  
Tudor Nastas ◽  

In this article there are presented the results throughout the vegetation period in sunflower and soybean crops with the help of pheromone traps where the development of three generations of H. armi-gera pest was detected. It was demonstrated that in the sunflower crop were attracted on average about 119.0 males/trap while soybean had an average of about 217 males to a pheromone trap.

2021 ◽  
Alexander Lukin

Abstract The Siberian silkworm (Dendrolimus sibiricus Tschetv.) is a defoliator pest that poses a significant threat to coniferous forest stands. Over the past decades, several large outbreaks of this species have occurred in Siberia (Russia), which has led to changes in forest ecosystems and an increase of expenses involved in reforestation. Adults capture new territories in the process of migration, therefore, a set of measures is needed to register the number and prevent further dispersal of the moth. One of methods of trapping is glue traps with synthetic pheromone. 16 district forestries located in the middle taiga subzone, with a total area of 151 850 hectares, were surveyed as a part of the phytosanitary monitoring of the Siberian silkworm in the Komi Republic (Russia). Analysis of 773 pheromone traps showed 414 males of the target species that were identified by their genitals. The highest indicators of catchability were found in three district forestries. Taking into account the results obtained, it was proposed to continue the monitoring using the pheromone traps, to survey more northern forest districts and to carry out subsequent searches for preimaginal stages of the silkworm in the forest districts of Priluzsky district. The study will be useful for predicting the further spread of the silkworm and for developing optimal containment and control of the pest.

2021 ◽  
pp. 253-259
Н.В. Алейникова ◽  
Я.Э. Радионовская ◽  
Л.В. Диденко ◽  
В.В. Андреев ◽  
В.Э. Глебов ◽  

В практике защиты растений одним из актуальных методов мониторинга насекомых является хеморегуляторный метод, к средствам которого относят феромоны, гормоны, аттрактанты, репелленты и т.д., предназначенные для выявления фитофагов и оценки уровня заселенности ими сельскохозяйственных культур. Цель исследований заключалась в проведении сравнительных испытаний новых и усовершенствованных феромонных ловушек и препаратов для мониторинга доминирующего вредителя винограда - гроздевой листовёртки ( Lobesia botrana Den. et Schiff.) и инвазийного карантинного вида - коричнево-мраморного клопа ( Halyomorpha halys Stаl.) на виноградниках Крыма. Работу проводили в условиях 2020 г. согласно методическим подходам, используемым в отечественной и международной практике энтомологических исследований на промышленных насаждениях основных зон виноградарства Крыма. Установлено, что при средней интенсивности лёта бабочек I генерации гроздевой листовёртки на винограднике сорта Каберне-Совиньон опытные феромонные ловушки типа «Дельта», «Ромб» и «Квадро» производства ФГБУ «ВНИИКР» показали близкие значения уловистости: в среднем 826-1042 экз./ловушку. Наиболее перспективной определена ловушка «Дельта». На фоне средней и низкой интенсивности лёта бабочек I-III генераций гроздевой листовёртки на виноградниках трех зон установлен одинаковый уровень биологической активности четырех феромонных препаратов производства АО «Щелково Агрохим» (разница 0,3-3,1 %) как на фольгапленовых диспенсерах (1,5 мг феромона), так и на трубчатых (0,8-3,0 мг феромона). Показан достаточный уровень эффективности фольгапленовых диспенсеров на протяжении четырех месяцев (снижение биологической активности 4-14 %). На фоне низкой численности коричнево-мраморного клопа на виноградниках установлена более высокая (в 5,2 раза) биологическая активность препарата с феромоном и аттрактантом синтеза АО «Щелково Агрохим» в сравнении с препаратом, содержащем только феромон. Использование этих феромонных препаратов в ловушках барьерного типа позволило впервые выявить новый карантинный вид клопа на участках двух зон виноградарства Крыма. One of the most relevant methods for monitoring insects in the practice of plant protection is the chemoregulatory method, the means of which are pheromones, hormones, attractants, repellents, etc., intended to identify phytophages and assess the level of population density on agricultural crops. The aim of the research was to carry out comparative tests of new and improved pheromone traps and preparations for monitoring the dominant grape pest - European grape moth ( Lobesia botrana Den. Et Schiff.) and the invasive quarantine species - brown marmorated stink bug ( Halyomorpha halys Stаl.) in the vineyards of Crimea. The work was carried out in the conditions of 2020 according to the methodological approaches used in national and international practices of entomological research on industrial plantations of the main viticulture zones of Crimea. It was found that with an average flight intensity of butterflies of European grape moth of the I generation in the vineyard of ‘Cabernet-Sauvignon’ cultivar, experimental pheromone traps of Delta, Romb and Quadro types produced by FSBI VNIIKR showed similar values of catching capacity: at the average rate of 826-1042 nos. / trap. Delta was defined as the most promising trap. Against the background of an average and low flight intensity of European grape moth butterflies of the I-III generations in the vineyards of three zones, similar level of biological activity of four pheromone preparations produced by JSC Shchelkovo Agrokhim (difference - 0.3-3.1%) was established on propylene foil (1, 5 mg of pheromone) and tube dispensers (0.8-3.0 mg of pheromone). A sufficient level of efficiency of propylene foil dispensers was shown during four months (a decrease in biological activity by 4-14%). Against the background of a low number of brown marmorated stink bugs in the vineyards, a higher (5.2 times) biological activity of the preparation with pheromone and attractant of JSC Shchelkovo Agrokhim production in comparison with the preparation containing only pheromone was established. Using of these pheromone preparations in barrier-type traps made it possible to reveal for the first time a new quarantine bug species in the plots of two Crimean viticultural zones.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 733
Lorenzo Furlan ◽  
Barbara Contiero ◽  
Miklós Tóth

The attraction range of YATLORf pheromone traps to adults of four species of Agriotes (A. brevis, A. sordidus, A. litigiosus, and A. ustulatus) was studied to provide additional information about the most harmful Agriotes species in Europe. Male click beetles were marked and released at different distances from a pheromone trap. The recapture rate was calculated and analyzed using analysis of variance. The recapture rate was significantly affected by distance, species, and wind direction. The recapture rate decreased as distance increased. The majority of beetles were caught from short distances (up to 10 m) within the first five days. A. brevis, a mainly crawling species, showed the lowest recapture rate. The wind direction affected the recovery rate, with a significantly lower number of beetles moving downwind from the release points. Maximum sampling ranges and effective sampling areas were calculated. The obtained estimations were low (53 to 86 m and 509 to 2602 m2, respectively) for all the considered Agriotes species, suggesting that they were unsuitable for use as mass trapping instruments to disrupt mating. However, it seems possible to use the traps not only as monitoring tools, but also as attract-and-kill strategies for most beetle populations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 01-03
Sitora Karimova

Consideration of issues of the quantity of potato moths according to the data of pheromone traps, which make it possible to simplify the monitoring system for the development of the pest and make optimal decisions in their extermination. We have considered the regulation of the number of potato moths according to the data of pheromone traps. These data make it possible to simplify the monitoring system for the development of the pest and make optimal decisions in their extermination. The idea of the proposed algorithms is to form a set of preferred features and make diagnostic decisions based on comparing these features.

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