zinc deficiency
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Huanhuan Zhao ◽  
Dan Liu ◽  
Qiumei Yan ◽  
Xiyun Bian ◽  
Jing Yu ◽  

Zinc homeostasis has been known to play a role in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, but the precise molecular mechanisms regulating the expression of ZIP transporters during reperfusion are still unclear. The aim of this study was to determine whether ER Stress/CaMKII/STAT3 pathway plays a role in the regulation of cellular zinc homeostasis. Zinc deficiency increased mRNA and protein expressions of the ER stress relevant markers Chop and Bip, and STAT3 phosphorylation in H9c2 or HL-1 cells, an effect that was abolished by ZnCl2. ER calcium concentration [(Ca2+)ER] was decreased and cytosolic calcium concentration [(Ca2+)I] was increased at the condition of normoxia or ischemia/reperfusion, indicating that zinc deficiency triggers ER stress and Ca2+ leak. Further studies showed that upregulation of STAT3 phosphorylation was reversed by Ca2+ chelator, indicating that intracellular Ca2+ is important for zinc deficiency-induced STAT3 activation. In support, zinc deficiency enhanced ryanodine receptors (RyR), a channel in the ER that mediate Ca2+ release, and Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMKII) phosphorylation, implying that zinc deficiency provoked Ca2+ leak from ER via RyR and p-CaMKII is involved in STAT3 activation. Moreover, inhibition of STAT3 activation blocked zinc deficiency induced ZIP9 expression, and resulted in increased Zn2+ loss in cardiomyocytes, further confirming that STAT3 activation during reperfusion promotes the expression of ZIP9 zinc transporter to correct the imbalance in zinc homeostasis. In addition, suppressed STAT3 activation aggravated reperfusion injury. These data suggest that the ER Stress/CaMKII/STAT3 axis may be an endogenous protective mechanism, which increases the resistance of the heart to I/R.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-298
Liudmyla Deinychenko ◽  
Volodymyr Bakhmach ◽  
Hryhorii Deinychenko ◽  
Tamara Kravchenko

Topicality. In this paper common nutritional status disorders of the present are analysed. Additionally, it is determined that one of the leading places among them is given to the zinc deficiency. The probable causes of zinc deficiency are offered, and the works of scientists dealing with this problem are analysed. It is defined that the development of zinc enriched technologies in desserts production for restaurant industry establishments, as well as semi-finished products for their yielding, is of urgent importance. Aim and methods. The aim of this study is to substantiate and elaborate the technology of the semi-finished dough product “Amygdalaceous” for cheesecakes, which should be characterized by a raised zinc content. To achieve the set aim, empirical, organoleptic, mathematical, statistical and computational research methods are used. Results. Recipes of the semi-finished dough product model compositions are substantiated and created, their physico-chemical parameters and organoleptic characteristics are studied. The technology of the semi-finished dough product “Amygdalaceous” for cheesecakes is elaborated, the technological scheme of its production is offered. The chemical content and energy value of the elaborated semi-finished product are analysed, as well as its integral score is calculated. Conclusions and discussion. It is determined that the model composition is characterised by the best indicators, which provides adding in the recipe the almond flour in amount 14.5 % mass. It is revealed that the elaborated product is characterised by the raised content of proteins, fats, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, and the decreased content of carbohydrates. It is proved that the consumption of the elaborated semi-finished product can provide the daily requirement for zinc by 31,87 %, which corresponds to the mentioned above aim of the study. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the development of technologies elaboration principles for meals, culinary and semi-finished products with a raised zinc content. The practical significance of the obtained results can be seen in the expansion of semi-finished products and desserts assortment for restaurant industry establishments, and in assistance of the Ukrainian nation enhancement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 304-312
Nurfadillah S ◽  
Wardihan Sinrang ◽  
Suryani As'ad ◽  
Muh. Nasrum Massi ◽  
Mardiana Ahmad ◽  

Background: According to 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) data globally, an estimated 17.3% of the population has inadequate zinc intake, with estimates ranging from 5.7% in Oceania to 7.6% in Europe, 9.6% in America and the Caribbean, highest in Africa (23.9%) and Asia (19.6%). Zinc is important for the function of a number of enzymes and growth hormones during pregnancy. In pregnant women, the relative zinc concentration decreases up to 35% due to the influence of hormonal changes and the transport of nutrients from mother to baby. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of giving zinc tablets to pregnant women with zinc deficiency in the third trimester on body weight and length of babies born at the Makassar City Health Center. Methods: This type of research is True Experimental with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The sample in this study was 62 samples of third trimester pregnant women, and the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Measurement of zinc levels in third trimester pregnant women using the Elisa reader kit at the Research Laboratory of the Hasanuddin University Teaching Hospital. The research instruments were in the form of a research explanation sheet, respondent's consent sheet, respondent's checklist sheet, and the mother's zinc tablet consumption control sheet for 14 days. Results: Judging from the average value of newborns in pregnant women who did not have zinc deficiency, the average value of birth weight in pregnant women with zinc deficiency was 15.70 g/dL and 18.95 g/dL. zinc deficiency with a value (p < 0.05), while pregnant women with zinc deficiency have an average birth length of 10.00 g/dL and mothers who do not have a deficiency of 19.87 g/dL with a value (p < 0.05). So, it can be concluded that giving zinc tablets to pregnant women in the third trimester has an effect on Birth Weight (BBL) and Birth Length (PBL). Conclusion: Giving zinc tablets has an effect on increasing zinc levels in third trimester zinc deficiency pregnant women and increasing birth weight and length of the baby.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Natalia KAZNINA ◽  
Natalia REPKINA ◽  
Yulia BATOVA ◽  
Alexandr TITOV

<p class="042abstractstekst">The deficiency or excess of zinc (Zn) cause negative effect on plant metabolism and development. Therefore, plants have established a tightly controlled system, including protein transporters to balance the uptake and utilization of metal ions. In this study, the relative expression of <em>HvIRT1</em> gene, encoding the transmembrane protein IRT1 was analyzed in shoots and roots of barley (<em>Hordeum vulgare </em>‘Nur’) under zinc deficiency at optimal (22 °C) or low (4 °C) temperatures. The Zn deficiency (0 μmol) caused an increase in <em>HvIRT1</em> gene expression under both optimal temperature condition and cold. Although, the difference in mRNA content of <em>HvIRT1</em> gene in roots of barley under optimal and low temperature was not observe. However, the <em>HvIRT1 </em>expression in leaves was higher at optimal temperature compare with cold condition. Moreover, long-term (7 days) of low temperature influence along with zinc deficiency leads to a significant decrease in the amount of <em>HvIRT1</em>transcripts in leaves, that corresponds to a decrease of photosynthesis rate and biomass accumulation. Overall, these findings suggest that <em>HvIRT1 </em>gene play an important role in plant’s response to zinc deficiency under optimal temperatures condition as well as at cold.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Sonja Y. Hess ◽  
Alexander C. McLain ◽  
Haley Lescinsky ◽  
Kenneth H. Brown ◽  
Ashkan Afshin ◽  

Abstract Background: The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study provides estimates of death and disability from 87 risk factors, including some micronutrient deficiencies. Objectives: To review methodological changes that led to large differences in the disease burden estimates for vitamin A and zinc deficiencies between the GBD 2017 and 2019 Studies. Methods: GBD publications were reviewed; additional information was provided by GBD researchers. Results: Vitamin A deficiency prevalence is based on plasma retinol concentration, whereas the estimate for zinc deficiency prevalence uses dietary adequacy as a proxy. The estimated global prevalence of vitamin A deficiency for children aged 1-4 years in the year 2017 decreased from 0.20 (95%CI 0.17-0.24) in GBD 2017 to 0.16 (95%CI 0.15-0.19) in GBD 2019, while the global prevalence of zinc deficiency did not change between the two studies (0.09 (95%CI 0.04-0.17) and 0.09 (95%CI 0.03-0.18)). New to 2019 was that meta-analyses were performed using Meta Regression – Bayesian, Regularized, Trimmed (MR-BRT), a method developed for GBD. Due to this and multiple other methodological changes the estimated number of deaths due to vitamin A deficiency dropped from 233,000 (179,000–294,000) to 24,000 (3,000–50,000) from GBD 2017 to 2019, and for zinc deficiency from 29,000 (1,000–77,000) to 2,800 (700–6,500), respectively. Conclusion: The changes in the estimated disease burdens due to vitamin A and zinc deficiencies in the GBD reports from 2017 to 2019 are due primarily to changes in the analytical methods employed, so may not represent true changes in disease burden. Additional effort is needed to validate these results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 431-456
Shams Tabrez Khan ◽  
Munawwar Ali Khan

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-33
Shams Tabrez Khan ◽  
Abdul Malik

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