pressure perturbation
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2022 ◽  
Yue Ming ◽  
Deng Zhou ◽  
Jinfang Wang

Abstract The effect of equilibrium poloidal flow and pressure gradient on the m/n = 2/1 (m is the poloidal mode number and n is the toroidal mode number) tearing mode instability for tokamak plasmas is investigated. Based on the condition of ≠0 ( is plasma pressure), the radial part of motion equation is derived and approximately solved for large poloidal mode numbers (m). By solving partial differential equation (Whittaker equation) containing second order singularity, the tearing mode stability index Δ′ is obtained. It is shown that, the effect of equilibrium poloidal flow and pressure gradient has the adverse effect on the tearing mode instability when the pressure gradient is nonzero. The poloidal equilibrium flow with pressure perturbation partially reduces the stability of the classical tearing mode. But the larger pressure gradient in a certain poloidal flow velocity range can abate the adverse influence of equilibrium poloidal flow and pressure gradient. The numerical results do also indicate that the derivative of pressure gradient has a significant influence on the determination of instability region of the poloidal flow with pressure perturbation.

Balasubramanian Harish ◽  
Jinqiu Wang ◽  
Eric J. Hayden ◽  
Bastian Grabe ◽  
Wolf Hiller ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-106

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1173
Judit Somkuti ◽  
Orsolya Réka Molnár ◽  
Anna Grád ◽  
László Smeller

G-quadruplexes are noncanonical structures formed by guanine-rich sequences of the genome. They are found in crucial loci of the human genome, they take part in the regulation of important processes like cell proliferation and cell death. Much less is known about the subjects of this work, the viral G-quadruplexes. We have chosen three potentially G-quadruplex-forming sequences of hepatitis B. We measured the stability and the thermodynamic parameters of these quadruplexes. We also investigated the potential stabilization of these G-quadruplexes by binding a special ligand that was originally developed for cancer therapy. Fluorescence and infrared spectroscopic measurements were performed over wide temperature and pressure ranges. Our experiments indicate the small unfolding volume change of all three oligos. We found a difference between the unfolding of the 2-quartet and the 3-quartet G-quadruplexes. All three G-quadruplexes were stabilized by TMPyP4, which is a cationic porphyrin developed for stabilizing the human telomere.

Solar Physics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 296 (8) ◽  
M. S. Ruderman ◽  
N. S. Petrukhin ◽  
E. Pelinovsky

AbstractIn this article we study the plasma motion in the transitional layer of a coronal loop randomly driven at one of its footpoints in the thin-tube and thin-boundary-layer (TTTB) approximation. We introduce the average of the square of a random function with respect to time. This average can be considered as the square of the oscillation amplitude of this quantity. Then we calculate the oscillation amplitudes of the radial and azimuthal plasma displacement as well as the perturbation of the magnetic pressure. We find that the amplitudes of the plasma radial displacement and the magnetic-pressure perturbation do not change across the transitional layer. The amplitude of the plasma radial displacement is of the same order as the driver amplitude. The amplitude of the magnetic-pressure perturbation is of the order of the driver amplitude times the ratio of the loop radius to the loop length squared. The amplitude of the plasma azimuthal displacement is of the order of the driver amplitude times $\text{Re}^{1/6}$ Re 1 / 6 , where Re is the Reynolds number. It has a peak at the position in the transitional layer where the local Alfvén frequency coincides with the fundamental frequency of the loop kink oscillation. The ratio of the amplitude near this position and far from it is of the order of $\ell$ ℓ , where $\ell$ ℓ is the ratio of thickness of the transitional layer to the loop radius. We calculate the dependence of the plasma azimuthal displacement on the radial distance in the transitional layer in a particular case where the density profile in this layer is linear.

Fan Wu ◽  
Kelly Lombardo

AbstractA mechanism for precipitation enhancement in squall lines moving over mountainous coastal regions is quantified through idealized numerical simulations. Storm intensity and precipitation peak over the sloping terrain as storms descend from an elevated plateau toward the coastline and encounter the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL). Storms are most intense as they encounter the deepest MABLs. As the descending storm outflow collides with a moving MABL (sea breeze), surface and low-level air parcels initially accelerate upward, though their ultimate trajectory is governed by the magnitude of the negative non-hydrostatic inertial pressure perturbation behind the cold pool leading edge. For shallow MABLs, the baroclinic gradient across the gust front generates large horizontal vorticity, a low-level negative pressure perturbation, and thus a downward acceleration of air parcels following their initial ascent. A deep MABL reduces the baroclinically-generated vorticity, leading to a weaker pressure perturbation and minimal downward acceleration, allowing air to accelerate into a storm’s updraft.Once storms move away from the terrain base and over the full depth of the MABLs, storms over the deepest MABLs decay most rapidly, while those over the shallowest MABLs initially intensify. Though elevated ascent exists above all MABLs, the deepest MABLs substantially reduce the depth of the high-θe layer above the MABLs and limit instability. This relationship is insensitive to MABL temperature, even though surface-based ascent is present for the less cold MABLs, the MABL thermal deficit is smaller, and convective available potential energy (CAPE) is higher.

2021 ◽  
Jian-Feng Gu ◽  
Robert Plant ◽  
Christopher Holloway ◽  
Mark Muetzelfeldt

<p>This study takes the first step to bridge the gap between the pressure drag of a shallow cloud ensemble and that of an individual cloud composed of rising thermals. It is found that the pressure drag for a cloud ensemble is primarily controlled by the dynamical component. The dominance of dynamical pressure drag and its increased magnitude with height are independent of cloud lifetime and are common features of individual clouds except that the total drag of a single cloud over life cycle presents vertical oscillations. These oscillations are associated with successive rising thermals but are further complicated by the evaporation-driven downdrafts outside the cloud. The horizontal vorticity associated with the vortical structure is amplified as the thermals rise to higher altitudes due to continuous baroclinic vorticity generation. This leads to the increased magnitude of local minima of dynamical pressure perturbation with height and consequently to increased dynamical pressure drag.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 525-535
Vignesh Ram Petha Sethuraman ◽  
Tae Ho Kim ◽  
Heuy Dong Kim

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