ecosystem development
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Marcus Conlé ◽  
Henning Kroll ◽  
Cornelia Storz ◽  
Tobias ten Brink

AbstractUniversities can contribute to knowledge-based regional development not only in their home region but also in other regions. In a number of countries, universities have established university satellite institutes in additional (host) regions to promote research and technology transfer there. We investigate the role of university satellite institutes in the industrial development of regions, which, albeit not economically marginal, suffer from a weak knowledge infrastructure, limited absorptive capacities for external knowledge in the business sector and hence a low degree of attractiveness for non-local knowledge actors. Despite policy recommendations in favor of establishing satellite institutes, there has only been limited empirical research on this phenomenon, particularly concerning technology transfer ecosystem development. To fill this gap, we provide an exploratory case study of university satellite institutes in the Pearl River Delta of China’s Guangdong province. We show how such institutes can be successful in facilitating the development of their host region’s technology transfer ecosystems and demonstrate why they should be conceptually included in our existing understanding of third mission activities. Our research centers on the interplay of geographical proximity and non-spatial, organized proximity in the development of interregional knowledge bridges and entrepreneurial opportunities. We argue that the university’s geographical proximity is only successful if the satellite institute, by facilitating organized proximity, promotes the geographical proximity of further knowledge actors, hereby propelling ecosystem development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 928 (1) ◽  
pp. 012012
V A Stepanova ◽  
N P Mironycheva-Tokareva

Abstract Lateral and radial geochemical structure of bog catena soils of Western Siberia middle-taiga subzone has been investigated on the base of B, Na, Mg, Al, P, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Mo, Cd, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hf, W, Pb, Th, U and lanthanoides content. Bog catena is characterized with high contrast of radial distribution of most studied elements. Lateral differentiation is significantly lower than radial one and is monotonous for most elements. In bog catena soils of Western Siberia middle-taiga subzone there are investigated correlations between elements content and soils characteristics that are mainly determined by specific peculiarities of ecosystem development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 925 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
A Heriati ◽  
T Solihuddin ◽  
S Husrin ◽  
H L Salim ◽  
E Mustikasari ◽  

Abstract The condition of northern coast of Java is in a high risk due to human activities (fishing, agriculture, industry, settlement, tourism, and transportation). Mangrove ecosystem has an ability to protect the coastal area and it can be used also as a mangrove-based tourism area. The development of ecotourism must be able to truly keep up its principles in maintaining environmental sustainability, providing benefits to community and containing education for the visitors and maintaining local wisdom. However, the development of ecotourism itself still encounters various obstacles in its implementation. The objectives of this study are to analyze the condition and management between 5 different mangrove-based tourism ecotourism locations namely Jembatan Pelangi (Banten), Karangsong and Sumber Mas (Indramayu), Pandansari (Brebes) and Tunggulsari (Pati). Descriptive analysis was conducted based on in-depth interviews with managers, communities and local governments. Several recommendations as a result of this study given to improve some infrastructure and waste management to be more environmentally friendly, a working group supported by local governments should be taken into account for facilitating coordination both local governments and central government so that the ecotourism area can be properly promoted.

2021 ◽  
pp. 97-106
M. A. Rosenkov

The Issus of organizing the strategic planning of the activities of defense enterprises are considered. The methodological study of the research Is. made it possible to defne strategic planning as a dynamic set of interrelated management processes, endowing the category with efciency and the ability to adjust. The organization of a completely new ecosystem confguration of relationships with the establishment of a strategic alliance of the participants is proposed, which is most relevant in the feld of close state interest. Conceptual approaches of value-oriented integration of functional areas of stakeholders have been formed, designed to ensure the coordinated movement of information, knowledge and other flows in real time according to the vector of the strategic direction of the ecosystem development

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 324-335
E. V. Popov ◽  
V. L. Simonova ◽  
I. P. Chelak

Aim. The presented study aims to verify the author’s analytical model for assessing the development of the innovation ecosystem of a large enterprise.Tasks. The author describes the problems of assessing the level of development of innovative ecosystems; considers the relationship between the indicators of ecosystem dynamics (characterizing the stakeholders of the ecosystem) and the growth rate of production of innovative goods; reveals the specific features of ecosystem management, particularly with regard to interaction with ecosystem stakeholders as a factor in the ecosystem’s development.Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of this study includes scientific publications on ecosystem genesis and assessment of the development of socio-economic ecosystems. Regression analysis is used to calculate the degree of connectivity between the previously selected indicators affecting the dynamics of production of innovative goods. The informational basis of the study consists of indicators of financial and economic activity of a large industrial enterprise in the Sverdlovsk region as well as indicators characterizing interaction with its stakeholders.Results. Development indicators of the innovation ecosystem of a large enterprise are calculated for 2013-2019 based on its stakeholder decomposition. Factors that are closely linked to the potential aggregate indicator of innovation ecosystem development are identified, and ways to make their analysis less complicated are outlined.Conclusions. Testing of the analytical model for assessing the development of the innovation ecosystem of a high-tech enterprise has revealed the irreducibility of the integral indicator of innovation ecosystem development to the production of new goods. The importance of developing an ecosystem management technology is substantiated.

2021 ◽  
Antonina Djakona ◽  
Iryna Uninets ◽  

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