plywood panel
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TAPPI Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
pp. 673-679

Environmental scaling factors estimate a corrugated container’s ability to withstand various conditions it will encounter during the storage and distribution process. In this project, we examined the compressive resistance of unitized loads using differing pallet stacking patterns. To simulate real-world failure scenarios in our laboratory tests, we used two different nominal board grades of single-wall C-flute regular slotted containers loaded with a plywood panel and bagged salt to direct the failure location to the bottom of the stack. Our results showed that the columnar aligned pattern provided the greatest compressive resistance and the interlocked stacking arrangement yielded the lowest of the patterns evaluated. Based on the study results, we calculated box compression retention multipliers for each pattern and compared them to scaling factors published by the Fibre Box Association.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
Elaine Cristina Lengowski ◽  
Eraldo Antonio Bonfatti ◽  
Rafael Dallo ◽  
Silvana Nisgoski ◽  
Jorge Luís Monteiro de Mattos ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 146 (8) ◽  
pp. 04020149
Ian Morrell ◽  
Rajendra Soti ◽  
Byrne Miyamoto ◽  
Arijit Sinha

2020 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-116 ◽  
Rajendra Soti ◽  
Arijit Sinha ◽  
Ian Morrell ◽  
Byrne T. Miyamoto

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
João Fábio Machado ◽  
Éverton Hillig ◽  
Luciano Farinha Watzlawick ◽  
Ezaquel Bednarczuk ◽  
Everton Lorenzett Tavares

ABSTRACT This research objective was to evaluate the technical feasibility of using Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke (Paricá) and Cecropia palmata Willd (Embaúba) timbers for the production of veneers and external plywood using two types of adhesives: phenol-formaldehyde and tannin-formaldehyde, and different veneer compositions. The trees were harvested in a planted forest area from gap enrichment in the municipality of Dom Eliseu, Pará state. The Pinus elliottii timber was used as the reference and was donated by a company located in the municipality of Irati, Paraná state. The panels were produced with pure timber of the three species, and two combinations between the paricá and embaúba species, using a resin weight of 145 g m 2 in single line. The veneers yield for the paricá was 80.03% and that of the embaúba 46.37%; The panels produced with pure embaúba timber, or in combination with paricá timber, and bonded with phenol-formaldehyde, presented satisfactory technological properties for external use and were the compositions that presented better properties. The best adhesive for the panels was phenol-formaldehyde, as the tannin-formaldehyde did not present good performance in the weight used in this study.

2018 ◽  
pp. 32-41
Satriogi Putramulyo ◽  
Rahadi Wirawan ◽  
Siti Alaa ◽  
Nurul Qomariyah

The purposed of this research is to determine the attenuation coefficient and acoustic impedance of ceiling panel like plywood, calsiboard and bamboo woven. The influence thickness, paint coated, air cavity increment of the attenuation coefficient and acoustic impedance of these ceiling panel are also mesured. The impedance chamber method with range of frequency 100 Hz – 5000 Hz are used here. The result shows that the average of attenuation coefficient for plywood panel, calsiboard panel and bamboo woven panel are 0,37 Npmm-1, 0,62 Npmm-1 and 0,28 Npmm-1 respectively. In addition, the acoustic impedance of these panel is 1,33 x 106 kgm-2s-1, 3,74 x 106 kgm-2s-1 and 1,15 x 106 kgm-2s-1. The attenuation coefficient is decreased with the increasing thickness of the panel and the same trend is founded of the acoustic impedance. Meanwhile, the paint coated can increase attenuation coefficient and acoustic impedance. For the air cavity increment ceiling panel, the attenuation coefficient and acoustic impedance are less than the solid panel.

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