linguistic approaches
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María Antonieta ANDIÓN HERRERO ◽  

Heredero de su historia (pos)colonial, el término panhispanismo requiere una compleja interpretación. Su trascendencia glotopolítica supone planteamientos ideológicos y lingüísticos de naturaleza semiótica que abordamos en este artículo. Hacemos un recorrido histórico del movimiento Panhispanismo desde sus orígenes hasta hoy y acotamos su aplicación al ámbito lingüístico otorgándole tres dimensiones, como actitud, variedad y rasgo compartido. En un marco aplicado a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de E-LE/L2, los panhispanismos léxicos son especialmente rentables. Presentamos los datos de su estudio y marcación como resultado del proyecto GEOLEXI en los cinco primeros temas de los inventarios de las Nociones específicas del PCIC. Abstract: Heir to its (post-)colonial history, the term panhispanism requires a complex interpretation. Its glotopolitical significance supposes ideological and linguistic approaches of a semiotic nature that we address in this article. We take a historical tour of the Panhispanism movement from its origins to the present time and narrow down its application to the linguistic field by giving it three dimensions, such as attitude, variety and shared trait. In a framework applied to the teaching-learning of E-LE/L2, lexical panhispanisms are especially profitable. We present the data of its study and marking as a result of the GEOLEXI project in the first five subjects of the inventories of the specific PCIC notions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-202
Wildana Zulfa ◽  
Masruchan Masruchan

Studi ini merupakan kajian interrelasi terhadap kitab tafsir Faidl al-Rahman dan budaya Jawa dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dan pendekatan linguistik. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menelaah keterkaitan antara teks tafsir dengan budaya lokal masyarakat Jawa yang dianggap sebagai kedinamisan pemaknaan dan pemahaman terhadap al-Qur’an. Berdasarkan teorilinguistik struktural Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, tulisan ini mengungkap bahwa relasi kebudayaan Jawa dalam tafsir Faidl al-Rahman merupakan signifikansi makna terhadap realitas masyarakat penerima teks sehingga mampu menjelaskan kontekstualisasi ajaran yang terkandung di dalamnya. Implikasi dari kajian ini adalah terbentuknya peta interrelasi antara interpretasi dan kebudayaan sehingga dapat membuat stagnasi teks menjadi makna dinamis agar dapat berdialog dengan masyarakat dan mudah terinternalisasi dalam kehidupan sosial.   This study is a study of the interrelationship of the book of interpretation of Faidl al-Rahman and Javanese culture. By using library research methods and linguistic approaches, this study tries to examine the relationship between the interpretation text and the local culture of the Javanese people which is allegedly the dynamic meaning and understanding of the Qur'an. Based on the structural linguistic theory of Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, this paper reveals that the relation of Javanese culture in Faidl al-Rahman's interpretation is the significance of meaning to the reality of the people who receive the text so as to be able to explain the contextualization of the teachings contained in it. The implication of this study is the formation of a map of the interrelationships between interpretations and culture so that it can make text stagnation into a dynamic meaning in order to have a dialogue with the community and be easily internalized in social life.

2021 ◽  
Bérengère Galadriel Digard ◽  
Antonella Sorace

Please note this paper has been published ahead of print in Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism: Digard, B. G., & Sorace, A. (2021). Bringing together autism and bilingualism research: Language matters. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. do not cite this preprint. - (Commentary to keynote by Philippe Prevost and Laurice Tuller, “Bilingual language development in autism”)

Алина Алексеевна Лебедева

В статье представлен обзор исследований, посвящённых юридическому дискурсу: обобщены дефиниции и характеристики юридического дискурса, перечислены подходы к его изучению и принципы структурирования The article presents some legal discourse research findings. The overview highlights definitions and characteristics of legal discourse, and lists applied linguistic approaches and structure principles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Sander Münster ◽  
Ronja Utescher ◽  
Selda Ulutas Aydogan

AbstractIn research and policies, the identification of trends as well as emerging topics and topics in decline is an important source of information for both academic and innovation management. Since at present policy analysis mostly employs qualitative research methods, the following article presents and assesses different approaches – trend analysis based on questionnaires, quantitative bibliometric surveys, the use of computer-linguistic approaches and machine learning and qualitative investigations. Against this backdrop, this article examines digital applications in cultural heritage and, in particular, built heritage via various investigative frameworks to identify topics of relevance and trendlines, mainly for European Union (EU)-based research and policies. Furthermore, this article exemplifies and assesses the specific opportunities and limitations of the different methodical approaches against the backdrop of data-driven vs. data-guided analytical frameworks. As its major findings, our study shows that both research and policies related to digital applications for cultural heritage are mainly driven by the availability of new technologies. Since policies focus on meta-topics such as digitisation, openness or automation, the research descriptors are more granular. In general, data-driven approaches are promising for identifying topics and trendlines and even predicting the development of near future trends. Conversely, qualitative approaches are able to answer “why” questions with regard to whether topics are emerging due to disruptive innovations or due to new terminologies or whether topics are becoming obsolete because they are common knowledge, as is the case for the term “internet”.

Sergei Monakhov

AbstractState-sponsored internet trolls repeat themselves in a unique way. They have a small number of messages to convey but they have to do it multiple times. Understandably, they are afraid of being repetitive because that will inevitably lead to their identification as trolls. Hence, their only possible strategy is to keep diluting their target message with ever-changing filler words. That is exactly what makes them so susceptible to automatic detection. One serious challenge to this promising approach is posed by the fact that the same troll-like effect may arise as a result of collaborative repatterning that is not indicative of any malevolent practices in online communication. The current study addresses this issue by analysing more than 180,000 app reviews written in English and Russian and verifying the obtained results in the experimental setting where participants were asked to describe the same picture in two experimental conditions. The main finding of the study is that both observational and experimental samples became less troll-like as the time distance between their elements increased. Their ‘troll coefficient’ calculated as the ratio of the proportion of repeated content words among all content words to the proportion of repeated content word pairs among all content word pairs was found to be a function of time distance between separate individual contributions. These findings definitely render the task of developing efficient linguistic algorithms for internet troll detection more complicated. However, the problem can be alleviated by our ability to predict what the value of the troll coefficient of a certain group of texts would be if it depended solely on these texts’ creation time.

Names ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Dan Zhao

Previous studies of snack names have focused on their psychological impact on consumers in different cultures but have tended to ignore their onomastic features. This study helps to address this gap based on a corpus of 121 snack names extracted from the book Chinese Famous Local Delicious Food and Special Products. This study explores the patterns of syllables, sounds, and name types of snack names compiled in this small-scale corpus. In this investigation, it was found that descriptive names were the dominant type in the corpus and the most frequently described type feature was the food ingredient. Interestingly, metaphorical names in the corpus were in general found to be related to shape similarities. Contrary to previous findings on dish names and drinking brand names in China, the snack names examined in this corpus showed a preference for three-syllable patterns and “light” or “flat” tones. After discussing these and other findings of this research, this paper discusses what insights this study may provide for other name investigations that utilize corpus linguistic approaches.

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